Changelog for cardpeek-0.8.4-37.180.i586.rpm :

* Fri Sep 04 2015 fix build error for factory- change source to github
* Thu Jul 09 2015 update to 0.8.4 - Works with Homebrew on OS X out of the box on Yosemite. - Has now a \'console\' mode, as an alternative to the GTK+ GUI. - New and improved mifare classic 1k/4k script. - EMV script enhancements (thanks to A. Kozlik) and some minor bug fixes. - Improvements in GSM script. - Enable minimal \"app bundling\" on Mac OSX. - Many bug fixes and improvements.
* Sun Sep 07 2014 update to 0.8.3 - Added initial OpenPGP card support (thanks to A. Heiduk) - Added clipboard copy in text format (with ctrl-c) - Added compatibility with FreeBSD - Added optional block signature computation to tachogrpah cards - Added Gironde/Grenoble Calypso French network data (thanks to \'kalon33\') - Introduce experimental online secure script update, with RSA signature - Updated documentation - Minor change in XML cardpeek format - Many bugfixes and improvements
* Tue Mar 11 2014 update to 0.8.2 - Added contributed VIVA Lisbon Transport Calypso card support - Added driver tachograph card support - Added iconv support - Increased the number of files scanned by Calypso script. - Minor bugfixes and enhancements
* Wed Nov 27 2013 update to 0.8.1 - This is a bugfix release. - Corrected GPO bug in the EMV script (thanks to P. Gueulle, - Corrected Mifare script regression after API change in 0.8 (thanks to N. Salguero) - Added features to GSM script and corrected a bug in SMS decoding (thanks to S. Brabec) - Minor bug correction in image rendering mechanism.
* Fri Sep 13 2013 update to 0.8 - Added Belgian eID card support - Added RavKav calypso card support (A. Berkow) - Updated Moneo script with more detailed parsing. - Added ability to display pictures (e-passports && eID cards). - A new simplified and more efficient card view API with the \'nodes\' library. - Improved compatibility: now compiles on ARM Raspberry PI and Intel Mac OS X. - Attempts to recognize cards from ATR with smartcard_list.txt database. - Uses libcurl for online automatic update of ATR database smartcard_list.txt. - A few minor changes to the \'bytes\' API. - Updgraded libraries to GTK 3.0 and LUA 5.2. - Many bugfixes and minor enhancements.
* Tue Mar 19 2013 initial version 0.7.2 - This is a bugfix release. No new features / scripts were added. - Fixed many compiler, and C coding standards compliance issues (many thanks to Ludovic Rousseau). - Produce a windows version that seems to work both for 32 and 64 bit platforms - Added proper compile flag detection for GLIB. - Added source of PDF documentation in doc/ directory. - Some other minor correction