Changelog for icingaweb2-vendor-lessphp-0.4.0-29.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat May 27 14:00:00 2017
- fix build error for Tumbleweed

Wed Feb 22 13:00:00 2017
- rename package icingacli to icingaweb-icingacli
and make icingacli as Recommends

Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2017
- update to 2.4.1
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 2651: [ #13607] Displayed times messed up in Icinga Web 2.4.0 w/ PostgreSQL

* Bug 2654: [ #13615] Setup wizard: Not possible to setup Icinga Web 2 with an external database

* Bug 2663: [ #13691] Hook::all() is broken on CLI

* Bug 2669: [ #13735] Setup wizard: Progress bar isn\'t shown correctly, if setup is at finish step

* Bug 2681: [ #13957] Support failover API command transport configuration

* Bug 2686: Granular module permissions do not work for hooks

* Bug 2687: Update URLs to, remove wiki & update to GitHub

Wed Dec 14 13:00:00 2016
- update to 2.4.0-2
+ Bugfixes

* RPM: Fix specfile

* RPM: Update revision

* CSS: Reset line-height in the button mixin
- update to 2.4.0
+ Feature

* Feature 12598 (Authentication & Authorization): Support nested AD groups for Roles and not just login

* Feature 11809 (Authentication & Authorization): Test and document multiple LDAP-URIs separated by space in LDAP ressources

* Feature 10616 (Authentication & Authorization): Users w/o administrative permissions should be allowed to change their password

* Feature 13381 (CLI): Allow to configure the default listen address for the CLI command web serve

* Feature 11820 (Configuration): Check whether chosen locale is available

* Feature 11214 (Configuration): Logger: Allow to configure the Syslog Facility

* Feature 13117 (Framework): Add charset UTF-8 to default content type

* Feature 12634 (Framework): Possibitlity to fold and unfold filter by click

* Feature 11198 (Framework): Announce banner

* Feature 11115 (Framework): Add SSL support to MySQL database resources

* Feature 8270 (Installation): Add SELinux policy for Icinga Web 2

* Feature 13187 (Monitoring): Command toolbar in the host and service detail views

* Feature 12873 (Monitoring): Change default for sticky option of acknowledgements from true to false

* Feature 12820 (Monitoring): Export detail views to JSON

* Feature 12766 (Monitoring): Show flapping events in the host and service history views

* Feature 12764 (Monitoring): Display downtime end even if it hasn\'t been started yet

* Feature 12125 (Monitoring): Allow th in plugin output

* Feature 11952 (Monitoring): Allow changing default of \'sticky\' in acknowledgement and other command options

* Feature 11398 (Monitoring): Send commands over Icinga 2\'s API

* Feature 11835 (UI): Add clear button to search field

* Feature 11792 (UI): Show hint if notifications are disabled globally

* Feature 11664 (UI): Show git HEAD for modules if available

* Feature 13461 (Vendor Libraries): Use Icinga\'s fork of Zend Framework 1 icingaweb2-vendor-zf1
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 12396 (Authentication & Authorization): Hooks don\'t respect module permissions

* Bug 12164 (Authentication & Authorization): REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER not evaluated during external auth

* Bug 12108 (Authentication & Authorization): assertPermission allows everything for unauthenticated requests

* Bug 13357 (Configuration): Persistent database resources cannot be made non-persistent

* Bug 12848 (Configuration): Empty \"Protected Custom Variables\" falls back to defaults

* Bug 12655 (Configuration): Permission application/log is not configurable

* Bug 12170 (Configuration): Adding a DB resource via webinterface requires one to enter a password

* Bug 10401 (Configuration): LdapUserGroupBackendForm: user_
* settings not purged

* Bug 9804 (Configuration): Renaming the resource used for the config backend does not update the global configuration

* Bug 11920 (Dashboard): Add to dashboard: wrong url makes whole dashboard unusable

* Bug 13387 (Documentation): Can\'t display documentation of disabled modules

* Bug 12923 (Framework): Navigation Item name must be of type string or NavigationItem

* Bug 12852 (Framework): Hosts without any services are hidden from roles with monitoring/filter/objects set

* Bug 12760 (Framework): Do not log exceptions other than those resulting in a HTTP 500 status-code

* Bug 12583 (Framework): Unhandled exceptions while handling REST requests will silently drop the http response code

* Bug 12580 (Framework): REST requests cannot be anonymous

* Bug 12557 (Framework): Module description cannot be on a single line

* Bug 12299 (Framework): FilterExpression renders a&!b as a=1&b!=1

* Bug 12161 (Framework): Icinga Web 2 doesn\'t set Content-Type

* Bug 12065 (Framework): IniRepository: update/delete not possible with iterator

* Bug 11743 (Framework): INI writer must not persist section keys with a null value

* Bug 11185 (Framework): SummaryNavigationItemRenderer should show worst state

* Bug 10361 (Framework): Handle E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR

* Bug 13459 (Installation): Setup: Can\'t view monitoring config summary with Icinga 2 API as command transport

* Bug 13467 (JavaScript): renderLayout has side-effects

* Bug 13115 (JavaScript): actiontable should not clear active row in case there is no newer one

* Bug 12541 (JavaScript): Menu not reloaded in case no search is available

* Bug 12328 (JavaScript): Separate vendor JavaScript libraries w/ semicolons and newlines on import

* Bug 10704 (JavaScript): JS: Always use the jQuery find method w/ node context when selecting elements

* Bug 10703 (JavaScript): JS: Don\'t use var self = this, but var _this = this

* Bug 11431 (Modules): Modules can\'t require permission on menu items

* Bug 10870 (Modules): Refuse erroneous module folder names when enabling the module

* Bug 13243 (Monitoring): Inconsistent host and service flags

* Bug 12889 (Monitoring): Timeline broken

* Bug 12810 (Monitoring): Scheduling a downtime for all services of a host does not work w/ the Icinga 2 API as command transport

* Bug 12313 (Monitoring): Multi-line strings within host.notes are being displayed as single line

* Bug 12223 (Monitoring): State not highlighted in plugin output if it contains HTML

* Bug 12019 (Monitoring): Contact view shows service filters with \'Downtime\' even if not set

* Bug 11915 (Monitoring): Performance data: negative values not handled

* Bug 11859 (Monitoring): Can\'t separate between SOFT and HARD states in the history views

* Bug 11766 (Monitoring): Performance data: Fit label column to show as much text as possible

* Bug 11744 (Monitoring): Empty user groups are not displayed

* Bug 10774 (Monitoring): Scheduling downtimes for child hosts doesn\'t work w/ Icinga 2.x (waiting for Icinga 2)

* Bug 10537 (Monitoring): Filtering with not-equal on custom variable doesn\'t show hosts without this cv

* Bug 7755 (Monitoring): Remove autosubmit in eventgrid

* Bug 12133 (Navigation): Username and password not being passed in navigation item URLs

* Bug 12776 (Print & Export): dompdf fails when border-style is set to auto

* Bug 12723 (Print & Export): Allowed memory size exhausted when exporting the history view to CSV

* Bug 12660 (QA): Choosing the Icinga theme floods the log with error messages

* Bug 12774 (UI): Lot\'s of in Output

* Bug 12134 (UI): Copy and paste: Plugin output contains unicode zero-width space characters

* Bug 10691 (UI): Closing the detail area does not update the rows selected counter

* Bug 13095 (Vagrant VM): TicketSalt constant missing

* Bug 12717 (Vagrant VM): PluginContribDir constant removed during vagrant provisioning

Fri Jul 15 14:00:00 2016
- add minimum version 1.12.18 to ZendFramwork,
because of Bug #655: ZF2015-08 breaks binary data

Sat Jun 25 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.3.4
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 11267: Links in plugin output don\'t behave as expected

* Bug 11348: Host aliases are not shown in detail area

* Bug 11728: First non whitespace character after comma stripped from plugin output

* Bug 11729: Sort by severity depends on state type

* Bug 11737: Zero width space characters destroy state highlighting in plugin output

* Bug 11796: Zero width space characters may destroy links in plugin output

* Bug 11831: parsing fails in case it contains newlines that are not part of the module\'s description

* Bug 11850: \"Add to menu\" tab unnecessarily appears in command forms

* Bug 11871: Colors used in the timeline are not accessible

* Bug 11883: Delete action on comments and downtimes in list views not accessible because they lack context

* Bug 11885: Database: Asterisk filters ignored when combined w/ other filters

* Bug 11910: Web 2 lacks mobile meta tags

* Fix remote code execution via remote command transport

Mon May 30 14:00:00 2016
- Changed spec file to work with SLES 11

Tue May 10 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.3.2
+ Feature

* Feature 11629: Simplified event-history date and time representation
+ Bugfixes

* Fix a privilege escalation issue in the monitoring module for authenticated users

* Bug 10486: Menu rendering fails when no monitoring backend was configured

* Bug 10847: Warn about illogical dates

* Bug 10848: Can\'t change items per page if filter is in modify state

* Bug 11392: Can\'t configure monitoring backend via the web interface when no monitoring backend was configured

Mon Apr 18 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.3.1
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 11598: Invalid SQL queries for PostgreSQL
- changes from 2.3.0
+ Features

* Feature 10887: lib: Provide User::getRoles()

* Feature 10965: Roles: Restrict visibility of custom variables

* Feature 11404: Add is_reachable filter column to host and service data views

* Feature 11485: lib/LDAP: Support scopes base and one

* Feature 11495: Support data URIs in href

* Feature 11529: Don\'t offer command disable notifications /w expire time if backend is Icinga 2
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 9386: Improve order of documentation chapters

* Bug 10820: Style problems with long plugin output lines

* Bug 11078: Can\'t remove default dashboards

* Bug 11099: Mobile menu icon is mispositioned

* Bug 11128: Menu stops refreshing when there is text in the search field

* Bug 11145: Pagination compontents should not float around

* Bug 11171: Icinga Web 2 tries to load an ifont which results in 404

* Bug 11245: icingacli monitoring list --problems throws an exception

* Bug 11264: Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active

* Bug 11277: external auth with PHP internal webserver still buggy

* Bug 11279: Restrict access to Applicationlog

* Bug 11299: Icon images no longer prepend img/icons

* Bug 11391: External auth reads REMOTE_USER from process environment instead of request

* Bug 11414: Doc module does not render images with relative path

* Bug 11465: Stylesheet remains unchanged when module CSS/LESS files have been changed

* Bug 11489: lib/LDAP: ordering does explicitly set fields

* Bug 11490: lib/LDAP: LdapUtils::explodeDN replace deprecated use of eval in preg_replace

* Bug 11516: Accessibility: Focus in Tactical Overview barely visible

* Bug 11558: Missing ) in the documentation

* Bug 11568: Docs: Global permissions table is broken

Tue Apr 5 14:00:00 2016
- update to 2.2.0
+ Features

* Feature 8487: Number headings in the documentation module

* Feature 8963: Feature commands in the multi select views

* Feature 10654: Render links in acknowledgements, comments and downtimes

* Feature 11062: Allow style classes in plugin output

* Feature 11238: Puppet/Vagrant: Install mod_ssl and forward port 443
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 7350: Tabs are missing if JS is disabled

* Bug 9800: Debian packaging: Ship translation module w/ the icingaweb2 package and install its config.ini

* Bug 10173: Failed commands give no useful error any more

* Bug 10251: Icinga Web 2 fails to run with PHP7

* Bug 10277: Special characters are incorrectly escaped for tooltips in the service grid

* Bug 10289: Doc module: Headers are cut off when clicking on TOC links

* Bug 10309: Move auth backend configuration to app config

* Bug 10310: Monitoring details: information/action ordering

* Bug 10362: Debian packaging: Separate package for CLI missing

* Bug 10366: Text plugin output treated as HTML in too many occasions

* Bug 10369: Accessibility: Focus not visible and lost after refresh

* Bug 10397: Users with no permissions can check multiple services

* Bug 10442: Edit user control should be more prominent

* Bug 10469: \"Remove Acknowledgement\" text missing in multi-select views

* Bug 10506: HTTP basic auth request is sent when using Kerberos authentication with Apache2 and mod_php

* Bug 10625: Return local date and time when lost connection to the web server

* Bug 10640: Respect protected_variables in nested custom variables too

* Bug 10778: Filters in the host group and service group overview not applied to state links

* Bug 10786: Whitespace characters are ignored in the plugin output in list views

* Bug 10805: Setup Wizard: Obsolete PHP sockets requirement

* Bug 10856: Benchmark is not rendered on many pages

* Bug 10871: Get rid of padding in controls

* Bug 10878: Dashboards different depending on username casing

* Bug 10881: Move iframe from modules to framework

* Bug 10917: Event grid tiles: The filter column \"from\" is not allowed here

* Bug 10918: Error on logout when using external authentication

* Bug 10921: icingacli monitoring list --format=csv throws error

* Bug 11000: Change license header to only reflect a file\'s year of creation/initial commit

* Bug 11008: Wobbling spinners

* Bug 11021: Global default theme is not applied while not authenticated

* Bug 11032: Fix icon_image size and provide a CSS class for theming

* Bug 11039: Misleading tooltip in Tactical Overview

* Bug 11051: Preferences and navigation items stored in INI files rely on case sensitive usernames

* Bug 11073: Active row is flickering on refresh

* Bug 11091: Custom navigation items: URL is not escaped/encoded

* Bug 11100: Comments are always persistent

* Bug 11114: Validate that a proper root DN is set for LDAP resources

* Bug 11117: Vendor: Update dompdf to version 0.6.2

* Bug 11119: icingacli shows ugly exception when unable to access the config directory

* Bug 11120: icingacli: command and action shortcuts have been broken

* Bug 11126: Invalid cookie value in cookie icingaweb2-tzo

* Bug 11142: LDAP User Groups backend group_filter

* Bug 11143: Layout: Tabs should be left-aligned

* Bug 11151: Having basic authentication on the webserver but not in Icinga Web 2 causes Web 2 to require basic auth

* Bug 11168: Debian packaging: Don\'t patch HTMLPurifier loading and install HTMLPurifier
*.php files from the library/vendor root

* Bug 11187: Session cookie: Path too broad and unset secure flag on HTTPS

* Bug 11197: Menu items without url should ignore the target configuration

* Bug 11260: Scheduling downtimes through the API not working
- changes from 2.1.1
+ Features

* Feature 10488: Use _ENV variables with built-in PHP webserver

* Feature 10705: Theming

* Feature 10898: Winter theme
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 9685: Deprecate Module::registerHook() in favor of Hook::provideHook()

* Bug 9957: Sort hosts and services by last state change

* Bug 10123: CSS loading may fail w/ mkdir(): File exists in FileCache.php

* Bug 10126: setup config directory --config should use mkdir -p instead of mkdir()

* Bug 10166: library/vendor/HTMLPurifier tree is incorrectly unpacked

* Bug 10170: Link to service downtimes from multiple selected services includes host downtimes aswell

* Bug 10338: Debian: Failed to open stream HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier.php

* Bug 10603: Line breaks are not respected in acknowledgements, comments and downtimes

* Bug 10658: SUSE packages have the wrong dependencies

* Bug 10659: LDAP group members are shown with their DN and membership registration does not work

* Bug 10670: State not highlighted in plugin output

* Bug 10671: Auto-focus the username field on the login page

* Bug 10683: lib/CLI command web serve: rename variable basedir to something meaningful

* Bug 10702: Host- and Service-Actions configured in Web 2 do not resolve any macros

* Bug 10749: XHR application-state requests pollute the URL if not authenticated

* Bug 10771: Login shows \"Anmelden........\" upon login with the german locale

* Bug 10781: LoggingConfigForm.php complains about whitespace but checks with /^[^\\W]+$/

* Bug 10790: \"Problems - Service Grid\" does not work with host names that contain only digits

* Bug 10884: Tabs MUST throw an exception when activating an inexistant tab

* Bug 10886: \"impacted\" container is no longer fading out

* Bug 10892: Wrong mask for FileCache\'s temp directory
- changes from 2.1.0
+ Features

* Feature 10613: Extend and simplify Hook api
+ Bugfixes

* Bug 8713: Invalid filter \"host_name=
*\", unexpected ) at pos 17

* Bug 8999: Navigation and search bar is not available using a small width

* Bug 10229: Dashboard requests do not refresh the session

* Bug 10268: Unhandled services in the hosts overview list don\'t stand out

* Bug 10287: Redirect after login no longer working

* Bug 10288: The order for the limit links is incorrect

* Bug 10292: Hovered links in hover menu are unreadable

* Bug 10293: Hover menu is missing it\'s arrow for menu entries providing badges

* Bug 10295: Reset static line-height on body

* Bug 10296: Scrolling to the bottom of the page does not load more events

* Bug 10299: Badges are overridden by menu text

* Bug 10301: Format helpers like timeSince are polluted with text-small

* Bug 10303: Zooming in, or having another layout destroys the hover menu

* Bug 10304: Cannot access a host\'s customvars for service actions

* Bug 10305: Hover menu arrow color no longer fits background color

* Bug 10316: Not all Servicegroups / Hostgroups are shown

* Bug 10317: Event history style broken

* Bug 10319: Recursive sharing navigation items doesn\'t work.

* Bug 10321: Module iframe doesn\'t show website with parameters as a single column

* Bug 10328: ZendFramework packages missing for SLES12

* Bug 10359: Charset option not passed thru PDO adapter

* Bug 10364: PostgreSQL queries apply LOWER() on selected columns

* Bug 10367: Broken user- and group-management

* Bug 10389: Host overview: vsprintf(): Too few arguments

* Bug 10402: LdapUserGroupBackend: user_base_dn not used from UserBackend

* Bug 10419: Swapped icon image order in service header

* Bug 10490: Unhandled service counter in the hosts overview shows incorrect values

* Bug 10533: Form notifications of type information are green

* Bug 10567: Member user name used for basedn when querying usergroup members

* Bug 10597: Empty PDO charset option is invalid

* Bug 10614: Class loader: hardcode module and Zend prefixes

* Bug 10623: Acknowledging multiple selected objects erroneous
- add set_permission and verify_permissions in spec
- add permissions to /etc/permissions.d
- fix some rpmlint-warnings
- add rpmlintrc
- remove if statements for deprecated suseversion
- comment out requires for not existing packages zend-db-adapter-pdo-mysql,

Sat Oct 31 13:00:00 2015
- enable env, php5 and rewrite in apache on new installations

Thu Oct 15 14:00:00 2015
- initial version 2.0.0, based on upstream spec file