Changelog for libgda-5_0-4-5.2.2-4.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jul 2 14:00:00 2014
- Set getSP arch to ppc64 on ppc64le (IcedTea 2.5 defaults to ppc64

Thu Feb 20 13:00:00 2014
- re-enable firebird for s390/s390x

Mon Dec 23 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 5.2.2:
+ Avoid using setlocale() in libraries.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#720594.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop libgda-new-graphviz.patch: fixed upstream.

Mon Dec 16 13:00:00 2013
- libgda-new-graphviz.patch: Fix detection of new Graphviz API.

Sun Dec 8 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Fixed a Unix compilation issue (bgo#712143).
+ Improved configure script output.
- Changes from version 5.2.0:
+ Vala bindings improvements.
+ Improvements to most database providers (MySQL, PostgreSQL,
SQLite, SqlCipher, JDBC, ...).
+ Use SqlCipher 3.0.0 and Sqlite
+ Switched to GTK+3.
+ Lots of work on the Windows platform.
+ Many bugs fixed.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop libgda-old-graphviz.patch and
libgda-no-return-in-nonvoid.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add itstool BuildRequires: new dependency.
- No longer inject pkgconfig --cflags fbclient into CFLAGS:
firebird.m4 has since been fixed (bgo#684583).

Sat Jul 20 14:00:00 2013
- Do not mark %{_sysconfdir}/libgda-5.0/config as %dir: RPM 4.11
became stricter in ensuring the tags are true.

Sat Mar 16 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 5.1.2:
+ Many small corrections, some uncovered by CoverityScan.
+ Misc code cleanups, avoid using deprecated functions.
+ MySQL improvements.
+ Vala bindings improvements and corrections.
+ Data export improvements
+ Upgraded SQLite to and SqlCipher to 2.1.1.
+ Have blobs work on Windows.
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#691099, bgo#691069, bgo#669801, bgo#687235,
bgo#684895, bgo#684583, bgo#684141, bgo#683162.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop libgda-introspect.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add libgda-old-graphviz.patch: re-add support for older graphviz
versions (< 2.30).
- Add libgda-no-return-in-nonvoid.patch: Fix missing return values
in non-void functions.

Fri Dec 28 13:00:00 2012
- BuildRequires fbclient and fbembed on ppc64 as well

Tue Sep 25 14:00:00 2012
- license update: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
Semicolon is ambiguous

Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 5.1.1:
+ Asynchronous statement execution improvements
+ Added the GDA_STATEMENT_MODEL_OFFLINE flag to specify that
resulting data model must be readable without requiring a
server connection
+ Correctly parse \"NOT LIKE\" and \"NOT ILIKE\" expressions, and
hexadecimal notations
+ PostgreSQL: added the \"CONNECT_TIMEOUT\" option
+ Use Libsecret instead of Libgnome-keyring if available
+ Many other small corrections, code cleanups and deprecated
functions removal
+ Windows: many code & packaging corrections
+ Many code cleanups to switch to GTK3\'s features
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#676239, bgo#669801, bgo#680311, bgo#680820,
+ Updated translations.
- Add libgda-introspect.patch: fix gobject-introspection parsing.
- Drop libgda-brp.patch and libgda-better-javadetection.patch:
fixed upstream.
- Replace pkgconfig(gnome-keyring-1) BuildRequires with
pkgconfig(libsecret-1), following upstream.
- Drop xz BuildRequires as it now comes for free in the build

Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2012
- Generalize arch detection

Wed Aug 22 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 5.1.0:
+ Many Vala bindings improvements
+ Improved Windows packaging scripts
+ GdaBrowser: many small improvements
+ GdaSql: new LDAP commands, better inline help, better visual
rendering, datasets manipulation
+ Many small corrections, optimizations and bug fixes (Libgda
core, UI extension, Reports extension, MySQL, virtual
connections, documentation)
+ Firebird support improvements
+ LDAP: added write support, added connection parameters to
handle SSL certification chain and size and time limits,
improved authentification with Active Directory
+ Set SQLite version to 3.7.9 and SqlCipher to 2.0.3
+ MDB tools: handle version 0.7
+ Removed usage of symbols marked as deprecated for Glib 2.32,
and other code cleanups
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#666356, bgo#667837, bgo#668411, bgo#672874,
bgo#674715, bgo#674618, bgo#674976.
+ Updated translations.
- Pass --enable-gda-gi and --enable-gdaui-gi to configure to ensure
we have gobect introspection enabled.
- Replace firebird-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(fbclient) and
pkgconfig(fbembed): firebird packaging was restructured and we
don\'t want to follow all the changes there. The pkgconfig()-way
makes such things transparent to us.
- split out a new libgda-5_0-firebird package.
- Inject pkgconfig --cflags fbclient into CFLAGS, as firebird.m4
only looks in %{_prefix}/include for ibase.h.
- Add libgda-brp.patch: Fix brp errors.

Tue Aug 21 14:00:00 2012
- fix JNI detection on ARM by extending the --ARCH-- logic in %%build

Sun Jun 17 14:00:00 2012
- Add libgda-better-javadetection.patch: Improve java detection.
- Add libgda-javadetection-biarch.patch: Add capability to also
correctly detectd on i586. The patch only adds a --ARCH-- field,
which is replaced using sed during %build.
- Rebuild getsp.class in %build section, as above patches touch the
source of it. Usually, the .class is shipped in the tarball and
not rebuilt).

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Fixed BDBSql building and running
+ Some MySQL provider corrections
+ Many small corrections and improvements (UI extension,
GdaNumeric, GdaBrowser, GdaSql)
+ GdaSql: improved inline help and better uniform handling of
query favorites with GdaBrowser
+ Report engine can now convert rich text to HTML
+ Handle deprecated symbols for Glib 2.32
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#665917, bgo#668411, bgo#667837.
+ Updated translations.
- Add xz BuildRequires because we can\'t build a package for a
xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See
bnc#697467 for more details.

Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2011
- Split typelib files into their own subpackages:
typelib-1_0-Gda-5_0 and typelib-1_0-Gdaui-5_0.
- Add typelib-1_0-Gda-5_0 and typelib-1_0-Gdaui-5_0 and Requires to
5_0-devel subpackage.

Mon Nov 28 13:00:00 2011
- Do not use firebird-devel BuildRequires on s390, s390x, ppc64.

Sun Nov 20 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Gobject introspection improvements
+ Several small corrections and improvements
+ Better handling of closed connections, allowing some operations
on closed connections and better error reporting on them
+ GdaNumeric sealing
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#663608
+ Updated translations.

Sun Nov 6 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ Fixed Vala bindings generation
+ Several small corrections and improvements
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#662809, bgo#567891, bgo#662922, bgo#597390,
+ Updated translations.

Fri Oct 28 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ GObject Introspection fixes and automatic Vala bindings
+ SQLite provider: allow one to load SQLite extensions using
\"SELECT load_extension (\'xxx\')\"
+ Corrected bug when executing statement with a NULL variable
+ New GdaDataPivot object to perform data summarisation
+ Many small corrections and improvements
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#662279, bgo#658643, bgo#622899, bgo#660563,
bgo#661164, bgo#660344, bgo#661684, bgo#660537.
+ Updated translations.

Thu Oct 6 14:00:00 2011
- Add iso-codes Recommends to libgdaui-5_0-4 since the
iso-codes data is used at runtime (but gtkhtml can survive
without it).

Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 4.99.4:
+ GdaBrowser: improved LDAP support and other general
improvements and corrections
+ Many small corrections and improvements (documentation, UI,
default values handling, use GtkCssProvider, ...)
+ GTK3 deprecations related corrections
+ GObject introspection improvements
+ Better handle parameters valued to NULL in statements
+ Support out of tree UI plugins creation
+ Allow reporting of statement execution\'s delay
+ Web provider (DB access through a web server) improvements
(deployment, documentation and performances)
+ Set embedded SQLite\'s version to
+ Bugs corrected: bgo#654370, bgo#654068
+ Updated translations.

Wed Jul 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 4.99.3:
+ Convert deprecated GTK3 API to new ones
+ Improved compilation system (M4 macros, compiler warnings)
+ PostgreSQL: support the ILIKE operator
+ Misc corrections and improvements
+ Bug fixed: bgo#653082.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop libgda-missing-includes.patch: fixed upstream.

Tue Jun 21 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 4.99.2:
+ GDA_TYPE_NULL is not 0 anymore
+ Improved responsiveness when using GdaThreadWrapper
+ Misc. compilation and installation issues corrected
+ MDBTools: distribute missing files
+ GdaBrowser: UI improvements (better LDAP search filter, image
clipboard copy, text search)
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#651692, bgo#651829, bgo#651922, bgo#652023,
bgo#652024, bgo#631645, bgo#647633
+ Updated translations.
- Drop pacthes that were merged upstream:
+ libgda-no-subdir-in-bindir.patch
+ libgda-sqlcipher.patch
- Add libgda-missing-includes.patch: Fix implicit declaration error
raised by brp check. Reported as bgo#653082.

Thu Jun 16 14:00:00 2011
- Change more pkgconfig() BuildRequires for GNOME 3 port:
gtksourceview-2.0 to gtksourceview-3.0, goocanvas to

Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 4.99.1:
+ Many GTK3 adaptations (GtkApplication instead of libunique,
code cleanups)
+ New LDAP provider (read only for the moment)
+ Improvements and corrections from the 4.2 branch
+ Updated translations.
- Create a new subpackage for the ldap provider.
- Re-enable parallel build and remove FIXME note for it.
- Add libgda-sqlcipher.patch: Fix no return in non-void function
brp error.
- Remove pkgconfig(unique-1.0) BuildRequires after the port to

Mon Jun 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 4.99.0:
+ Adaptations to the GTK3 environment:
- API is preserved but ABI has changed
- Deprecated API has been removed
+ Embedded SQLite version 3.7.5
+ Embedded SQLCipher version is 2.0Beta
- Changes from version 4.2.5:
+ Corrected regression which prevented correct execution of
SELECT statements by virtual connections
+ New NSIS based installer for the GdaBrowser tool under Windows
+ Embedd MDBTools when compiling for Windows
+ Misc other corrections
- Changes from version 4.2.4:
+ SQLite provider:
- Correctly report error messages (for example instead of
\"constraint failed\")
- Correctly report if foreign key constraints are enforced or
+ Added possibility to \"declare foreign key constraints\", which
are declarations in the metadata where databases don\'t actually
use foreign keys
+ GdaMetaStruct: report information about foreign keys
+ GdaBrowser: many small improvements and corrections
+ GdaSql and GdaBrowser: display more information about database
providers and DSN\'s connection parameters, and display
information about foreign key constraints
+ Documentation improvements and corrections
+ Misc small corrections
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#639533, bgo#639897, bgo#639897, bgo#640482,
bgo#642037, bgo#642100 and bgo#642170
- Changes from version 4.2.3:
+ Correction to the expression rendering in SQL
+ SQLite: fixed date and related formats when rendering as SQL
+ MySQL: fixed error code ignored and not available via
+ Move convenience functions to appropriate classes
+ Documentation updates
+ GdaSql and GdaBrowser: better information about configuration
and added possibility to clean data files and truncate data
output to available width
+ Build system fixes
+ Initial support for rich text rendering in reports
+ Misc. improvements
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#636439, bgo#636608, bgo#637010
+ Updated translations.
- Change pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) BuildRequires to pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)
and Supplements in libgdaui-5_0-4 to mention gtk3 instead of
- Change all 4.0 occurences to 5.0 and 4_0 to 5_0 to folow the new

Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2011
- Move to pkgconfig()-style BuildRequires:
+ Old ones: glib2-devel, goocanvas-devel, graphviz-devel,
gtksourceview-devel, iso-codes-devel, json-glib-devel,
libgnome-keyring-devel, libsoup-devel, libunique-devel,
libxslt-devel, sqlite3-devel.
+ New ones: glib-2.0, gnome-keyring-1, goocanvas, gtk+-2.0,
gtksourceview-2.0, iso-codes, json-glib-1.0, libgvc,
libsoup-2.4, libxml-2.0, libxslt, sqlite3, unique-1.0.

Sun Feb 13 13:00:00 2011
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.

Mon Dec 6 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.2.2:
+ GdaBrowser: better take user preferences into account
+ new GdauiRtEditor widget and plugin
+ bug fixes: bgo#635377, bgo#635419 and misc.
+ Updated translations.
- Use --with-libdir-name instead of --with-bdb-libdir-name, since
it will work for all other backends too.

Mon Nov 15 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.2.1:
+ code cleanups and compilation warnings removal
+ more annotations for GObject Introspection
+ removed old database providers\' code
+ build system improvements
+ GdaBrowser improvements: error reporting in data manager
perspective, authentification dialog
+ documentation corrections
+ updated SQLCipher to version 1.1.8
+ optimized virtual tables usage
+ improved GdaDataModel import and export
+ MySQL provider: support for statements where the prepared
statement API does not work
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#630655, bgo#630953, bgo#617550, bgo#633247,
bgo#634737 and other minor ones.
+ Updated translations.
- Pass --with-bdb-libdir-name=%{_lib} to configure: the configure
script was changed and doesn\'t work anymore for 64-bits systems.

Mon Sep 27 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.2.0:
+ Misc corrections.
+ Updated translations.
- Update descriptions of packages.
- Create a libgda-tools subpackage, that contains unversioned
binaries. Pass --enable-default-binary to configure so that we
always get the unversioned binaries.
- Rename the libgda-4_0 suppackage to libgda-4_0-tools, with
appropriate Provides and Obsoletes.
- Split graphical tools out of libgda-4_0-tools in
libgda-ui-4_0-tools. Add a Supplements to install this subpackage
automatically if libgda-4_0-tools and the libgda-ui library are
- Remove Requires for libgda-4_0 in libgda-report-4_0-4: this is
not needed.
- Remove Requires for libgda-4_0 in libgda-4_0-doc: this is not
- Move some files around, so that they get installed with the right
- Remove the sales_test.db database: it\'s just there as a test, and
should not be in the package.

Wed Sep 15 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.1.11:
+ Misc corrections
+ New SQLCipher provider (integrated SQLCipher into Libgda) to
encrypt SQLite databases
+ Updated translations.
- Add a libgda-4_0-sqlcipher subpackage, for the new provider.

Sat Sep 11 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.1.10:
+ GdaBrowser improvements & corrections (better full screen mode
and notifications, improved data manager perspective and more)
+ Misc corrections
+ Updated translations.

Thu Sep 2 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.1.8:
+ Improved core API (GdaSqlBuilder, GdaServerOperation,
GdaThreadWrapper, GdaConnection)
+ Core corrections and optimization, mainly in the SQLite and
MySQL providers, connection (locking and thread safe usage)
+ Use Gnome Keyring if available to store username and passwords
to be used for data sources (DSN)
+ Configuration file monitoring: only use GIO (removed GnomeVFS,
gamin or FAM)
+ Many improvements to the UI extension
+ Many improvements and corrections to the GdaBrowser tool
+ Update version of embedded SQLite to 3.6.22
+ Updated translations.
- Add libgnome-keyring-devel BuildRequires.
- Drop libgda-fix-introspection-build.patch: fixed upstream.

Sat Aug 7 14:00:00 2010
- Add libgda-fix-introspection-build.patch to fix build:
g-ir-compiler isn\'t able to parse a header with virtual methods
that are not explicitly typed.
- Remove gnome-vfs2-devel Requires from devel package.

Fri Aug 6 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.1.7:
+ new provider for Oracle Berkeley DB\'s SQL frontend (which has
the same API as sqlite)
+ added CREATE_USER and DROP_USER server operations (only for
PostgreSQL at the moment)
+ better display invalid values in form and grid widgets
+ Lots of GObject introspection annotations added
+ Better MacOSX support: binary relocation corrections, bundle
making script for the GdaBrowser
+ GdaSqlBuilder API improvements
+ Corrected memory leak in SQLite provider
+ Renamed to
+ Corrections in the Gda-Sql tool regarding username and password
+ Misc. corrections: connection locking issues, honor the
GDA_EASY_CREATE_TABLE_UNIQUE_FLAG flag, some optimizations
+ Documentation corrections, and code cleanups
+ Updated translations
- Changes from version 4.1.6:
+ register GdaStatement as a boxed type
+ GdaSqlBuilder API simplifications and other corrections
+ GdauiLogin widget corrections
+ Updated translations
- Changes from version 4.1.5:
+ support BLOBS in MySQL provider
+ meta data correction for PostgreSQL provider
+ Do not set GErrors without a domain for the PostgreSQL provider
+ honor the request for the last inserted row in the MySQL
+ fetch indexes information for MySQL
+ fixed reading float values in the MySQL provider
+ corrected the MySQL and SQLite boolean handlers
+ API improvements to the GdaSqlBuilder object
+ new Data Manager perspective in the GdaBrowser
+ added help in GdaBrowser
+ initial GObject introspection for the UI extension
+ improved GObject introspection support
+ removed deprecaded GTK+ symbols usage
+ use accessor functions instead direct access (enable GSEAL)
+ new UI extension example
+ doc. corrections & improvements
+ better handle GCJ as the java compiler
+ lots of bug fixes and other improvements
+ Updated translations
- Remove workarounds for mis-installation of gir files and header.
- Disable parallel build as it breaks the build at the moment.
- Move gir files to devel package.

Wed Apr 28 14:00:00 2010
- BuildRequire pkg-config in order to produce useful pkgconfig()

Mon Jan 18 13:00:00 2010
- Manually install libgda.h, which is not installed anymore in
4.1.4 (bgo#607357).

Sat Jan 16 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 4.1.4:
+ API improvements: GdaSqlBuilder, UI extension
+ new Web provider to access databases through a web server
+ WIN32 related corrections
+ GNOME 3.0 and GSeal corrections
+ initial support for GObject Introspection (for libgda only)
+ meta data now include indexes information
+ improved icons
+ JDBC provider: don\'t keep the JVM loaded when not necessary
+ embedd SQLite 3.6.22
+ GdaBrowser improvements and corrections: connections bindings,
loading CSV files, table\'s columns\' preferences
+ misc bug fixes and other improvements
+ Updated translations.
- Rebase libgda-no-subdir-in-bindir.patch to apply without fuzz.
- Create libgda-4_0-web subpackage for the new web provider.
- Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires, and package
introspection files. Add a workaround for misinstallation of gir
file in wrong directory.

Fri Dec 4 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.1.3:
+ GdaBrowser improvement
+ UI extension corrections
+ libgda\'s core improvements: better BLOB handling, better API
for GdaSqlBuilder, GdaDataSelect
+ misc bug fixes
+ Updated translations.
- Add firebird-devel, goocanvas-devel, graphviz-devel,
gtksourceview-devel, iso-codes-devel, libunique-devel,
readline-devel BuildRequires.
- Do not make everything depend on libgda-4_0, and move files where
they really belong. This also implies renaming the lang package
to libgda-4_0-4-lang.
- Create 4_0-bdb and ui-4_0-plugins subpackages.
- Fix self-obsoletion of libgda-devel.

Mon Sep 28 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.1.2:
+ the GdaBrowser application now supports query execution, and is
more polished and stable
+ Lots of bug fixes mainly related to threads usage and the UI
+ Updated translations.
- Drop libgda-4.1.1-brperrors.patch: fixed upstream.
- Drop libgda-browser-icons.patch: fixed upstream.

Fri Sep 4 14:00:00 2009
- Add libgda-no-subdir-in-bindir.patch to not create a subdirectory
in bindir (bgo#594115).
- Add libgda-browser-icons.patch to look for icons in the right

Mon Aug 24 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.1.1:
+ it is now possible to use a system installed SQLite, and now
uses SQLite 3.6.17 if embedded
+ new Oracle driver (provider)
+ improved MySQL and PostgreSQL drivers (providers)
+ console program improvements
+ new UI extension based on GTK+
+ new program to manage data sources graphically
+ new program to \"browse\" a database\'s schema
+ improved documentation
+ better handle SQL identifiers
+ Lots of corrections and small improvements
+ Updated translations.
- Add libgda-4.1.1-brperrors.patch to fix missing includes.
- Drop libgda-4.1-97723be0.patch and libgda-4.1.0-am111.patch.
- Remove gnome-common BuildRequire.
- Split libgda-ui-4_0-4 out.
- Drop the non versioned packaed. For updaters it\'s provided by

Fri Jul 31 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.1.0:
+ API and ABI compatible with 4.0.x versions
+ new API to execute statement asynchronously
statements the easy way
+ new flag to open a connection in a sub thread, to be able to
use a connection from several threads, even if the connection
does not support it
+ the GdaMetaStore object is now thread safe
+ new API to represent data organized as trees
+ new API to execute a single statement several times, each
execution with different parameters\' values
+ documentation and examples improvements
+ bug fixes
+ Updated translations.
- Add libgda-4.1-97723be0.patch, taken from upstream git
- Add libgda-4.1.0-am111.patch, taken as a part from upstream git
commit 0cbad26e1.
- Due to the two patches, BuildRequire gnome-common and call

Sat Jun 13 14:00:00 2009
- Add json-glib-devel BuildRequires.

Sat Mar 28 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.0.1:
+ make sure Libgda\'s GdaMetaStore object behaves correctly even
if the SQLite provider is not installed
+ misc. corrections

Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 4.0.0:
+ Documentation fixes.

Sun Mar 15 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.99.14:
+ misc. corrections
+ use XDG Base Directory Specification to store DSN list
+ bug fixes: bgo#574736, bgo#574738, bgo#574742, bgo#574740

Tue Mar 10 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.99.13:
+ misc. corrections
+ load LibDB only when needed
+ bug fixes: bgo#574021, bgo#574193
- Drop libgda-1.0.3-ncurses.patch: fixed upstream.

Sun Mar 1 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.99.12:
+ misc. corrections
+ MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL providers improvements and
+ documentation and examples improvements
+ SQLite version is now 3.6.11
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#572028, bgo#571879, bgo#572220, bgo#542847,
bgo#572734, bgo#572394
+ Translation updates
- Remove %{release} from all Requires
- Remove BuildRequires; fam-devel, gnome-common, gnome-vfs2-devel,
gtk-doc, libgio-fam, readline-devel, scrollkeeper, sgml-skel,
- Use Requires %{name} = %{version} instead of
%{name} >= %{version}
- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from compiler flags, and subsequently
remove compiler flags all together as $RPM_OPT_FLAGS are default
- Don\'t use autoreconf
- Don\'t use --enable-debug and --enable-gtk-doc with configure