Changelog for
libgladeui-1-11-3.8.4-2.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Sep 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 3.8.4:
+ RadioButton information lost on cut+paste, add/remove parent,
etc (bgo#625867).
+ Fixed glade_gtk_image_get_property() chainup.
+ Fixed bug that prevented the runtime object to show the right
pixbuf when copying a GtkImage.
+ Improved pango text integer attributes editors (bgo#679006).
+ \"The \"size\" attribute for labels only accepts integer values.
+ Freeze when changing toolbutton type after renaming it
+ Saving as an existing file name except the extension
overwrites without confirmation (bgo#584381).
+ SIGSEGV in glade_widget_adaptor_object_construct_object loading
ui file (bgo#646259).
+ Glade loses widget\'s tooltips on Cut/Paste (bgo#694081).
+ SEGV when creating a new GtkDialog (GLib 2.37.x) (bgo#702886).
+ Made a few ui fixes, like removing unnecessary shadows in the
workspace and property editor.
+ Replaced old atk icon with new one.
Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.8.3:
+ Backported fix \"Use Action Appearance not supported for GTK
2.12 but added to widgets in Glade 3.8.2\" (bgo#679589).
+ Backported build/mingw-w64 directory with script to cross
compile and create windows installer using nsis.
Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 3.8.2:
+ Improved performance of modifying GtkTable contents (bgo#663516).
+ Make size groups widget selection work (bgo#647984).
+ Build fixes (including bgo#646997, bgo#665784).
- Drop glade3-explicit-gmodule.patch: fixed upstream.
- Stop passing --enable-gtk-doc to configure: it\'s not needed (the
doc is already built in the tarball) and it breaks the build.
Also remove gtk-doc BuildRequires.
Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2011
- Add glade3-explicit-gmodule.patch: explicitly link to
gmodule-2.0, to fix build with latest glib.
Tue Oct 11 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.8.1:
+ Correctly detect the required devhelp version.
+ Sort objects in output by property reference, ensures a
GtkTreeModelFilter gets serialized after its \'child-model\'
+ Fixed crashers when performing \"Remove Parent\" (bgo#657338).
+ Ensure \'use-action-appearance\' is serialized before
\'related-action\' (bgo#658497).
+ Properly escape special characters while serializing property
values (bgo#654609).
+ Fix GladeProject to notify \"row-has-child-toggled\"
Tue May 3 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 3.8.0:
+ Added support for GtkToolPalette and GtkToolItemGroup
+ Removed User Manual link from Glade frontend (since the user
manual is still empty and not online anywhere).
+ Backed out preview feature from 3.8.
+ Include new icons
+ Fixed bgo#633943, bgo#503621, bgo#629900, bgo#597045,
- Changes from version 3.7.3:
+ Added support for deprecated GtkOptionMenu.
+ Restore proper order of glade file at save time.
+ Hide editor properties when the property is not available on
the widget (bgo#585299)
+ Fixed mixups of properties/packing properties (bgo#637475)
+ Fixed class header of GladeEditor to update when widgets unload
+ Fixed nasty crasher with column types (bgo#637563)
+ Added progress bar to notebook tabs while loading projects.
+ Added custom editor for editing GtkActionGroup and its child
+ Use locale-independent strtod & dtostr (bgo#616787)
+ Fixed loaded state of use-action-appearance so that it always
loads as FALSE if there is no \"related-action\" at load
time (bgo#582882)
+ Fixed other misc bugs (including bgo#521713, bgo#633957,
- Changes from version 3.7.2:
+ Fixed user/developer url locations
+ Fixed ComboBox and IconView to include basic actions in the
popup menu
+ Revived the \"misc\" column on the project data model (now the
inspector shows whether a widget is an internal child or a
frame\'s label or such, again).
+ Expose GtkAssistant:complete packing property (bgo#529595)
+ Implemented Preview feature, Glade now includes a project
previewing program that is accessible in the UI and runs as a
child process
+ Ignore \"resize-mode\" property incase of crashes (bgo#622996)
+ Fixed errors when undoing the addition of notebook pages.
+ Default adjustment page size -> 0 (bgo#585085)
+ Removing frame shadow (and label) from project preferences
+ Setting dialog type-hint default to Dialog (bgo#459917)
+ Fixed floating project menus when context menu is fired
+ Removed notion of project \"instance_count\" (which is by now
+ Avoid clearing the project selection from the inspector
+ Set added treeviewcolumns to fixed sizing mode if the treeview
is set to use fixed height mode (bgo#596480)
+ Fixed GtkComboBox to handle cell-layout children as well as the
possible internal entry (bgo#581580)
+ Notify GtkTreeIter changes when the widget name changes (now
the inspector updates when a widget name is changed
+ Fixed various crashes, (including bgo#365462, bgo#609748,
bgo#622528, bgo#628233)
+ Various code improvements.
- Changes from version 3.7.1:
+ Changed \"Close without saving\" acelerator key from \'c\' to \'w\',
+ Save Glade files with UTF-8 encoding (bgo#596205)
+ Save maximized window state of all windows in session data
+ Fixed signal name serialization in GtkBuilder format to use \'-\'
instead of \'_\' (bgo#600031)
+ Disable orientation properties completely and disregard them
wherever they cause breakage (bgo#594231)
+ Now print a summery of all missing icons at startup instead of
a warning for each missing icon
+ Integrated GtkToolPalette as the internal implementation of
Glade\'s palette (bgo#613956)
+ Added tooltip to palette (bgo#558983)
+ Revamped internal treeview support, less warnings and better
refresh of workspace when editing cell renderer attributes and
+ Glade now loads/saves the \"swapped\"
+ Signal editor revamped to now:
- show documentation links
- show warning icons for version mismatches
- edit \"swapped\" attribute
- edit the user-data object using an object selection dialog.
- now the signal editor is a proper widget-class (bgo#618020)
+ Disallow adding of non-scrollable widgets to scrolled windows
(now an informative popup comes up instead).
+ Fixed hangs in menu/treeview editors (bgo#609612)
+ Added support to add GtkActions to GtkActionGroups
+ Added support to edit the for an action when in a
+ Added notebook tabs to the Glade frontend with informative
labels (per open project).
+ Stop showing preferences dialog at startup time (bgo#574095)
+ GladeProject now implements GtkTreeModel and GladeInspector
view saves lots of code
+ Allow destruction of GladeApp object (bgo#618468).
+ Fixed various crashes.
+ Code improvements (including bgo#581255)
- Rename libgladeui-1-9 to libgladeui-1-11 after soname change.
- Rename libgladeui-1_0-devel to libgladeui-1-devel: this matches
the name of the library (instead of trying to match the name of
the pkgconfig file, wrongly). Add appropriate Provides/Obsoletes.
- Change Obsoletes of libgladeui-1_0-doc to be < instead of <= to
fix rpmlint warning: it is safe since we have a new version.
- Remove explicit Requires for gtk2-devel and libxml2-devel in
devel subpackage: they will automatically be added the
pkgconfig() way.
- Change summaries to mention that this version of glade is for
GTK+ 2.
- Improve descriptions of packages: they were still mentioning some
old information about libglade, and we should not encourage
people to use this deprecated library.
- Do not pass --disable-static twice to configure.
Mon Feb 14 13:00:00 2011
- Make libgladeui-1-9 own directories where third-party apps
install catalogs.
Sun Feb 13 13:00:00 2011
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.
Sat Aug 7 14:00:00 2010
- Add Provides/Obsoletes for glade, which is getting removed for
openSUSE 11.4.
Sat Apr 24 14:00:00 2010
- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides
Tue Mar 23 13:00:00 2010
- Remove enAATTshaw locale on openSUSE <= 11.2.
Thu Mar 11 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 3.7.0:
+ bgo#566928: Fixed loading state of assigned GtkTreeModels of
GtkCellRendererCombo objects
+ bgo#595156: Fixed crasher while copying internal widgets
+ Support silent build when using automake >= 1.11
+ bgo#578484: Proper ordering of GtkAdjustment properties in
glade files
+ Refactoring work for GSEAL
+ Avoid collapsing commands when a project is freshly saved (this
fixes a false \"unmodified\" state after changing the same
property before and after project save)
+ bgo#597059: Allow litteral strings as column type definitions
in GtkTreeStores
+ Updated Glade GTK+ catalog info to include deprecations, new
properties and signals since 2.18 and 2.20 and some
translatable strings, some new objects this consequently adds:
- GtkEntryBuffer
- GtkSpinner
- GtkCellRendererSpinner
+ bgo#608011: Fixed crasher editing some data types in the
liststore data editor
+ Enhanced the GtkEntry editor to allow the user to chose between
the \"text\" and the \"buffer\" exclusively.
Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2009
- fix Name field of .desktop file
Mon Jul 20 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.7:
+ Sync up remaining properties at load time (fixes
use-action-appearance property and any other unmentioned
property states at load time, also unvails broken orientation
default value in GTK+, bgo#587256).
+ Fixed glitches with use-action-appearance at save time.
+ Make stock button labels save as non-translatable automatically
+ Fixed crashes when handling GtkTextView in GtkBuilder format.
+ Fixed crashes with editable treeview column types (bgo#586715).
+ Detect correct modifiers and buttons to spawn a context menu in
a platform independant way (bgo#587128).
+ Added --enable-mac-bundle configure argument to resolve paths
correctly when building bundles on osx.
Sat Jun 27 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.6:
+ Fixed missing image dialogs for packing properties
+ Make assistant page-titles translatable (bgo#503146)
+ Make GtkMessageDialog texts translatable (bgo586063)
+ Fixed obscure crash at project load time (bgo#585860)
+ Migrated to use non-deprecated symbols from glib/GTK+
+ Introspect lowest GTK+ project dependancy when loading files
with missing versioning info (bgo#586046)
+ Fixed runtime path resolutions on osx
Sat Jun 13 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.5:
+ Quartz build support and use ige-mac-integration to setup the
menubar as an optional build dependancy.
+ Fixed dissapearing dialogs on ESC (bgo#582559)
+ Really fixing widget naming policies again, this time I hope it
sticks (bgo#580745)
+ Fixed relocated link problems with python plugin build
Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.4:
+ Check project naming policy at add_object() time (bgo#580745).
+ Fixed bug loading and saving icon sources.
+ Fixed sizes of fixed/layout children at load time (bgo#584334).
Wed Apr 22 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.3:
+ Maintain current widget selection during commits of
related-action (was causing crashes when the selection changed
as a result of a commit, bgo#578869)
+ GtkButton only accepts real stock
* and not icons (to use
an icon, use a GtkImage with an unrestricted stock icon)
+ Added documentation on integrating Python widgets
+ Fixed output format for GtkLabel attributes (bgo#579793)
+ Removed hard coded size request to palette (bgo#579624)
+ Made Atk proxy objects always have unique names (bgo#579565)
+ Removed buggy query dialog from notebook creation (bgo#578727)
Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.2:
+ Fixed missing properties/attributes when serializing GtkWindows
+ Fixed loading state of cellrenderer attributes (whether to use
attribute or property directly, bgo#566928).
+ Updated translations.
Tue Apr 7 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.1:
+ Fixed win32 crasher (bgo#575206)
+ Fixed crasher on internal widget selection
+ Fixed libglade regression (libglade needs specific ordering of
properties, atk props, signals and accelerators)
+ Fixed MSYS/MinGW build (bgo#576851)
+ Disable loading and displaying of \'data\' property on
GtkTreeStore (only GtkListStore understands the \'data\'
+ Properly initialize a GValue on stack (bgo#577822)
+ Updated translations.
Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 3.6.0:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#574260, bgo#573513, bgo#573453, bgo#574706,
+ Translation updates
- Don\'t package omf files twice (they are in the lang package too).
- Move gtk-doc to -devel (obsoleting -doc)
- Remove custom CFLAGS