Changelog for
libspeechd2-0.8.4-2.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Jul 3 14:00:00 2016
- Update to version 0.8.4:
* Updated documentation for required dependencies and where to find them.
* Removed unused code.
* Fixed compiler and GLib warnings.
* Cleanup header definitions and inclusions.
* Enabled silent rules by default
* Fix language identification references.
Sun Jul 19 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 0.8.3:
* Add API methods to get language, rate, pitch, and volume.
* A lot of code cleanup, and compatibility improvements.
* Removed all references to GNOME Speech, since it has long since been
* Fix some inconsistancy in the SSIP API for voice type.
* The SET VOICE SSIP command is now deprecated, and will be removed in 0.9.
* The C library API now provides macro definitions for major, minor, and micro
versions in libspeechd_versions.h.
* The libsndfile library is now a mandetory dependency to improve the user
experience around sound icons.
* Fix a possible crash in the festival driver (drop bnc-831609-festival-crash.patch).
* Add a configuration option to the espeak driver to show voice variants in the
voice list. This will remain until a proper variants retrieval API is added
for compatible synthesizers.
Fri Mar 27 13:00:00 2015
- cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner.
- update to version 0.8.2:
* Add convenience methods to the libspeech API to free module
list and voice data structures.
* Add method to the libspeechd API to get the current output
module, and update the documentation accordingly.
* The API is now licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License v2.1 or later.
* The spdconf configuration utility is now translatable.
* Fixed a bug where speech-dispatcher would fail to start if the
user configuration directory existed but did not contain a
config file.
* Install the spdconf desktop file.
- add rcspeech-dispatcherd symlink for service.
Sat Dec 20 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.8.1
+ User dictionaries support added to the IBMTTS driver
+ Added a pico configuration file for use with the generic driver
+ Better support for multi-arch enabled distros to facilitate the use of the
i386 only IBMTTS driver being easily installable on an amd64 system
+ Bug fixes, and documentation cleanup
- Don\'t remove configuration in /usr/share/speech-dispatcher/config,
because it is used by its configuration program to create user
specific settings, while duplicate of it in /etc is system-wide
Fri May 23 14:00:00 2014
- added necessary macros for systemd files
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- Add bnc-831609-festival-crash.patch -- fix crash when unable to init
festival module.
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013
- Use systemd instead of sysvinit
- Remove %clean section
Sun May 5 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.8:
+ No changes since 0.8beta1.
Fri Apr 19 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8beta1:
+ Python 3 compatibility of the Python bindings.
+ User configuration, logs and runtime files are now stored in
directories according to the XDG specification.
+ Internationalization of spd-say and translations into
Hungarian and Czech languages.
+ Espeak output can now use libsonic for faster speech.
+ Pico output module.
+ Lots of bugfixes, cleanups and fine-tunnings.
- Drop speech-dispatcher_paths+files.patch: fixed upstream.
- Replace python-setuptools with python3-setuptools.
- Add intltool and libtool BuildRequires: new dependencies.
- Rename python-speechd to python3-speechd, as the bindings are
for python 3.
Mon Jul 18 14:00:00 2011
- Add a gnome-speech Obsoletes: in GNOME 3, gnome-speech is
deprecated and obsoleted by the use of speech-dispatcher.
Sun Sep 19 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 0.7.1:
+ Easy configuration of the client communication method using a
single environment variable SPEECHD_ADDRESS.
+ Advanced autospawn -- server is autostarted only when its
communication channel matches the communication channels
requested by the client. Local server is not started when
client attempts to connect to a remote server.
+ Both libspeechd and python library now report a detailed error
information in case of connection failure (why has connect
failed, why was it not possible to autostart the server, what
has the server reported etc.) Clients can directly show this
information to the user and the user doesn\'t have to search
them in logfiles.
+ Improvements in memory usage
+ Cleanup of priorities of messages in logging output
+ Various bugfixes, cleanups and fine-tunnings
- Changes from version 0.7:
+ Speech Dispatcher uses UNIX style sockets as default means of
communication, thus avoiding the necessity to choose a numeric
port and greatly easying session integration
+ Autospawn -- server is started automatically when a client
requests it. It can be forbidden in the appropriate server
configuration file
+ Pulse Audio output reworked and fixed
+ Dispatcher runs as user service (not system service) by default
and doesn\'t require the previous presence of
~/.speech-dispatcher directory
+ All logging is now managed centrally, not by separate options
+ Graceful audio fallback (e.g. if pulse is not working, use
+ Audio output to different soundsystems through the libao
+ Various bugfixes and fine-tunnings
+ Updated documentation
- Drop speech-dispatcher_python-makefile.patch,
speech-dispatcher_extlink.patch, speech-dispatcher_getline.patch,
speech-dispatcher_libspeechd.patch: fixed upstream.
- Update speech-dispatcher_paths+files.patch from Debian.
- Add libao-devel BuildRequires, and pass --with-libao to
Wed Apr 7 14:00:00 2010
- Completely rework the package, based on the Fedora and Debian
- Rename the source package to speech-dispatcher, to follow
upstream name.
Sun Jan 31 13:00:00 2010
- don\'t enable daemon by default
Tue Sep 1 14:00:00 2009
- again: use new python macros
Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2009
- speechd.spec: using py_sitedir instead of python_sitelib
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2009
- added build options for espeak support
- --with-pulse --with-espeak
- buildrequirements espeak-devel and pulseaudio-devel
Sun Aug 9 14:00:00 2009
- use new python macros
Sun Jun 7 14:00:00 2009
- adapt getline definition to glibc
Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009
- remove static libraries and \"la\" files