Changelog for
R_base-ohpc-3.2.3-1.7.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2015
- Upstream release 3.1.3
- Most important
* The internal method of download.file() can now handle files
larger than 2GB on 32-bit builds which support such files (tested
on 32-bit R running on 64-bit Windows).
* kruskal.test() warns on more types of suspicious input.
* The as.dendrogram() method for \"hclust\" objects gains a check
argument protecting against memory explosion for invalid inputs.
* capabilities() has a new item long.double which indicates if the
build uses a long double type which is longer than double.
* nlm() no longer modifies the callback argument in place (a new
vector is allocated for each invocation, which mimics the
implicit duplication that occurred in R < 3.1.0); note that this
is a change from the previously documented behavior. (PR#15958)
* icuSetCollate() now accepts locale = \"ASCII\" which uses the basic
C function strcmp and so collates strings byte-by-byte in
numerical order.
* sessionInfo() tries to report the OS version in use (not just
that compiled under, and including details of Linux
* model.frame() (used by lm() and many other modelling functions)
now warns when it drops contrasts from factors. (Wish of
* install.packages() and friends now accept the value type =
\"binary\" as a synonym for the native binary type on the platform
(if it has one).
* Single source or binary files can be supplied for
install.packages(type = \"both\") and the appropriate type and
repos = NULL will be inferred.
* New function pcre_config() to report on some of the configuration
options of the version of PCRE in use. In particular, this
reports if regular expressions using \\p{xx} are supported.
* (Windows.) download.file(cacheOK = FALSE) is now supported when
internet2.dll is used.
* browseURL() has been updated to work with Firefox 36.0 which has
dropped support for the -remote interface.
* The included version of PCRE has been updated to 8.36.
* configure accepts MAKEINFO=texi2any as another way to ensure
texinfo 5.x is used when both 5.x and 4.x are installed.
* R CMD check now checks the packages used in \\donttest sections of
the examples are specified in the DESCRIPTION file. (These are
needed to run the examples interactively.)
* R CMD check checks for the undeclared use of GNU extensions in
Makefiles, and for Makefiles with a missing final linefeed.
R CMD build will correct line endings in all Makefiles, not just
those in the src directory.
* R CMD check notes uses of library() and require() in package
code: see the section \'Suggested packages\' of \'Writing R
Extensions\' for good practice.
* The configure option --with-valgrind-instrumentation=3 is
deprecated and will be removed in R 3.2.0.
* (Windows.) Rscript.exe was missing a manifest specifying the
modern style for common controls (e.g., the download progress
* If a package had extra documentation files but no vignette, the
HTML help system produced an empty index page.
* The parser now gives an error if a null character is included in
a string using Unicode escapes. (PR#16046)
* qr.Q() failed on complex arguments due to pre-3.0(!) typo.
* abs() failed with named arguments when the argument was complex.
* \"noquote\" objects may now be used as columns in dataframes.
* Some values with extremely long names were printed incorrectly.
* Extremely large exponents on zero expressed in scientific
notation (e.g. 0.0e50000) could give NaN. (PR#15976)
* download.file() reported downloaded sizes as 0KB if less than
1MB, only for R 3.1.2 and only on big-endian platforms.
* prompt() did not escape percent signs in the automatically
generated usage section of help files.
* drop.terms() dropped some of the attributes of the object it was
working with. (PR#16029)
* (Windows.) The command completion in Rgui.exe messed up the
console. (PR#15791)
* (Windows.) The choose.files() command returned a blank string
when the user asked for a single file but cancelled the request.
* Math2 S4 group generics failed to correctly dispatch \"structure\"-
and \"nonStructure\"-derived classes.
* loadNamespace() imposed undocumented restrictions on the
versionCheck parameter. (Reported by Geoff Lee.)
* Rare over-runs detected by AddressSanitizer in substr() and its
replacement version have been avoided.
_Inter alia_ that fix gives the documented behaviour for
substr(x, 1, 2) <- \"\" (subsequently reported as PR#16214).
* Loading packages incorrectly defining an S4 generic followed by a
function of the same name caused an erroneous cyclic namespace
dependency error.
* Declared vignette encodings are now always passed to the vignette
* Port Tomas Kalibera\'s fix from R-devel that restores the
loadMethod() fast path, effectively doubling the speed of S4
* power.t.test() and power.prop.test() now make use of the
extendInt option of uniroot() and hence work in more extreme
cases. (PR#15792)
* If a package was updated and attached when its namespace was
already loaded, it could end up with parts from one version and
parts from the other. (PR#16120)
* tools:::.Rdconv() didn\'t accept --encoding= due to a typo.
* Unix-alike builds without a suitable makeinfo were documented to
link the missing HTML manuals to CRAN, but did not.
* save(
*, ascii=TRUE) and load() now correctly deal with NaN\'s.
* split.Date() retains fractional representations while avoiding
incomplete class propagation.
* R_ext/Lapack.h had not been updated for changes made by LAPACK to
the argument lists of its (largely internal) functions dlaed2 and
dlaed3. (PR#16157)
* RShowDoc(\"NEWS\", \"txt\") had not been updated for the layout
changes of R 3.1.0.
* The xtfrm() method for class \"Surv\" has been corrected and its
description expanded.
* mode(x) <- y would incorrectly evaluate x before changing its
mode. (PR#16215)
* besselJ(1, 2^64) and besselY(..) now signal a warning, returning
NaN instead of typically segfaulting. (Issue 3 of PR#15554)
* HTML conversion of \\href markup in .Rd files did not remove the
backslash from \\% and so gave an invalid URL. In a related
change, the \\ escape is now required in such URLs.
Fri Dec 12 13:00:00 2014
- Remove tex(inconsolata.sty) BuildRequires for SLE_12 builds (like
older SLE releases).
Fri Oct 31 13:00:00 2014
- Upstream release 3.1.2
- Most important
* embedFonts() now defaults to format = \"ps2write\" for .ps and .eps
files. This is available in Ghostscript 9.x (since 2010) whereas
the previous default, format = \"pswrite\", was removed in
Ghostscript 9.10.
* For consistency with [dpqr]norm(), [dp]lnorm(sdlog = 0) model a
point mass at exp(mulog) rather than return NaN (for an error).
* capabilities() now reports if ICU is compiled in for use for
collation (it is only actually used if a suitable locale is set
for collation, and never for a C locale).
* (OS X only.) Package tcltk checks when loaded if it is linked
against the CRAN X11-based Tcl/Tk and if so that the Tcl/Tk
component and the X11 libraries are installed. This allows more
informative error messages to be given advising the installation
of the missing component or of XQuartz.
The X11() device and X11-based versions of the data editor and
viewer (invoked by edit() and View() for data frames and matrices
from command-line R) check that the X11 libraries are installed
and if not advises installing XQuartz.
* icuSetCollate() allows locale = \"default\", and locale = \"none\" to
use OS services rather than ICU for collation.
Environment variable R_ICU_LOCALE can be used to set the default
ICU locale, in case the one derived from the OS locale is
inappropriate (this is currently necessary on Windows).
* New function icuGetCollate() to report on the ICU collation
locale in use (if any).
* utils::URLencode() was updated to use unreserved and reserved
characters from RFC 3986,>, instead of RFC 1738.
* unique(warnings()) and c(warnings()) are now supported.
* The Bioconductor \'version\' used by setRepositories() now defaults
to 3.0. (It can be set at runtime _via_ environment variable
* The configure script reports on the more important
capabilities/options which will not be compiled in.
More types of external BLAS are recognized by name in that
* When building R as a shared library, the -L${R_HOME}/lib${R_ARCH}
flag is placed earlier in the link commands used during
installation and when packages are installed: this helps ensure
that the current build has priority if an R shared library has
already been installed by e.g. install-libR in a library
mentioned in LDFLAGS (and not in \'your system\'s library
directory\' as documented). (Wish of PR#15790.)
* LaTeX package upquote is no longer required for R\'s use of
* (Windows only) If both 32 and 64 bit versions of R are installed,
the bin/R.exe and bin/Rscript.exe executables now run 64 bit R.
(To run 32 bit R, overwrite these files with copies of
* Running R CMD check with _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_ true now makes
the VignetteBuilder packages available even if they are listed in
Suggests, since they are needed to recognise and process
non-Sweave vignettes.
* R CMD check now reports empty importFrom declarations in a
NAMESPACE file, as these are common errors (writing
importFrom(Pkg) where import(Pkg) was intended).
* R CMD check now by default checks code usage directly on the
package namespace without loading and attaching the package and
its suggests and enhances. For good practice with packages in
the Suggests field, see SS1.1.3.1 of \'Writing R Extensions\'. For
use of lazy-data objects in the package\'s own code, see ?data.
* dmultinom() did not handle non-finite probabilities correctly.
* prettyNum(x, zero.print=
*) now also works when x contains NAs.
* A longstanding bug exhibited by nlminb() on Windows was traced to
a compiler bug in gcc 4.6.3; a workaround has been put in place.
(PR#15244 and PR#15914).
* Rendering of \\command in HTML versions of help pages has been
improved: this is particularly evident on the help page for
* as.hexmode(x) and as.octmode(x) now behave correctly for some
numeric x, e.g., c(NA, 1) or c(1, pi).
* drop1() failed if the scope argument had no variables to drop.
* edit() (and hence fix()) failed if an object had a non-character
attribute named \"source\" (an attribute that had been used in R
prior to version 2.14.0).
* callGeneric() could fail if the generic had ... as a formal
argument. (PR#15937).
* Forking in package parallel called C entry point exit in the
child. This was unsafe (_exit should have been called), and
could flush stdin of the main R process (seen most often on
As good practice, stdout is now flushed before forking a child.
* R objects such as list(`a\\b` = 1) now print correctly.
* getAnywhere(\"C_pbinom\") now returns correctly a single object
(rather than unlisting it).
* The confint() method for nls() fits failed it these has specified
parameter limits despite using an algorithm other than \"port\".
* Subclassing an S4 class failed if the class required arguments to
the generator, through its initialize() method.
* removeSource() did not properly handle expressions containing
arguments that were supplied as missing, e.g. x[i,]. (PR#15957)
* as.environment(list()) now works, and as.list() of such an
environment is now the same as list().
* Several tcltk functions failed when run in unusual environments.
* options(list()) now works (trivially). (PR#15979)
* merge(, ..) now works correctly for two `independent\'
dendrograms (PR#15648), and still compatibly via adjust = \"auto\"
e.g. for two branches of an existing dendrogram.
* The plot method for \"hclust\" objects gets an optional argument
check; When that is true (the default) it checks more carefully
for valid input.
* (Windows only) If a user chose to install 64 bit R but not 32 bit
R, the bin/R and bin/Rscript executables failed to run.
* Various possible buffer overruns have been prevented, and missed
memory protection added. (PR#15990)
* Rscript no longer passes --args to R when there are no extra
(\"user\") arguments.
* objects like getClass(\"refClass\")AATTprototype now print() and str()
without error.
* identical() now also looks at the S4 bit.
* hist(x, breaks) is more robust in adding a small fuzz to few
breaks when some are very large. (PR#15988)
* sub() and gsub() did not handle regular expressions like \"\\s{2,}\"
properly if the text contained NA or non-ascii elements in a
UTF-8 locale. Part of this was due to a bug in the TRE library.
* RShowDoc(\"NEWS\") now displays the PDF version.
* Matrices and arrays with last dimension zero did not print at all
or incompletely. (PR#16012)
* plot.histogram() and hence hist() now respect the xaxs, yaxs and
lab graphics parameters. (PR#16021)
* bw.SJ(x) and other bw.
*() no longer segfault when x contains
non-finite values. (PR#16024)
* R CMD Rd2pdf unintentionally ignored its --os option.
* The internal method of download.file() was not reporting file
sizes and progress correctly on files larger than 2GB (inherited
from libxml2). This is corrected for 64-bit builds (32-bit
platforms may not support such files, but where possible will be
supported in future versions of R).
* Work around a bug in OS X Yosemite where key environment
variables may be duplicated causing issues in subprocesses. The
duplicates are now removed on R startup (via Rprofile).
* Adjust X11 auto-launch detection in DISPLAY on OS X to recognize
latest XQuartz.
Thu Jul 10 14:00:00 2014
- Added Provides: R-parallel
- Upstream release 3.1.1
- Most impotant
* When attach() reports conflicts, it does so compatibly with
library() by using message().
* R CMD Sweave no longer cleans any files by default, compatibly
with versions of R prior to 3.1.0. There are new options
- -clean, --clean=default and --clean=keepOuts.
* tools::buildVignette() and tools::buildVignettes() with clean =
FALSE no longer remove any created files. buildvignette() gains
a keep argument for more cleaning customization.
* The Bioconductor \'version\' used by setRepositories() can now be
set by environment variable R_BIOC_VERSION at runtime, not just
when R is installed. (It has been stated that Bioconductor will
switch from \'version\' 2.14 to \'version\' 3.0 during the lifetime
of the R 3.1 series.)
* Error messages from bugs in embedded Sexpr code in Sweave
documents now report the source location.
* type.convert(), read.table() and similar read.
*() functions get a
new numerals argument, specifying how numeric input is converted
when its conversion to double precision loses accuracy. The
default value, \"allow.loss\" allows accuracy loss, as in R
versions before 3.1.0.
* For some compilers, integer addition could overflow without a
warning. R\'s internal code for both integer addition and
subtraction is more robust now. (PR#15774)
* The function determining the default number of knots for
smooth.spline() is now exported, as .nknots.smspl().
* dbeta(, a,b), pbeta(), qbeta() and rbeta() are now defined also
for a = 0, b = 0, or infinite a and b (where they typically
returned NaN before).
* Many package authors report that the RStudio graphics device does
not work correctly with their package\'s use of The
new option = TRUE) replaces the RStudio
override by the default device as selected by R itself, still
respecting environment variables R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE and
* readRDS() now returns visibly.
* Modifying internal logical scalar constants now results in an
error instead of a warning.
* install.packages(repos = NULL) now accepts http:// or ftp:// URLs
of package archives as well as file paths, and will download as
required. In most cases repos = NULL can be deduced from the
extension of the URL.
* The warning when using partial matching with the $ operator on
data frames is now only given when
options(\"warnPartialMatchDollar\") is TRUE.
* Package help requests like package?foo now try the package foo
whether loaded or not.
* General help requests now default to trying all loaded packages,
not just those on the search path.
* Added a new function promptImport(), to generate a help page for
a function that was imported from another package (and presumably
re-exported, or help would not be needed).
* configure option --with-internal-tzcode can now be used with
variable rsharedir.
* The included version of PCRE has been updated to 8.35.
* There is a new target make uninstall-libR to remove an installed
shared/static libR.
make install-libR now works if a sub-architecture is used,
although the user will need to specify libdir differently for
different sub-architectures.
* There is more extensive advice on which LaTeX packages are
required to install R or to make package manuals (as done by R
CMD check) in the \'Writing R Extensions\' manual.
* Compilers/linkers were handling the visibility controls in
src/extra/xz inconsistently (and apparently in some cases
incorrectly), so it has been simplified. (PR#15327)
* (Windows) There is updated support for the use of ICU for
collation: see the \'R Installation and Administration Manual\'.
* dbinom(x, n), pbinom(), dpois(), etc, are slightly less
restrictive in checking if n is integer-valued. (Wish of
* pchisq(x, df, ncp, log.p = TRUE) is more accurate and no longer
underflows for small x and ncp < 80, e.g, for pchisq(1e-5, df =
100, ncp = 1, log = TRUE). (Based on PR#15635 and a suggestion
by Roby Joehanes.)
* The s (\"step into\") command in the debugger would cause R to step
into expressions evaluated there, not just into functions being
debugged. (PR#15770)
* The C code used by strptime() rejected time-zone offsets of more
than +1200 (+1245, +1300 and +1400 can occur). (PR#15768)
* (Windows only.) png(type = \"cairo\", antialias = \"gray\") was not
accepted. (PR#15760)
* Use of save(..., envir=) with named objects could fail.
* Sweave() mis-parsed Sexpr expressions that contained backslashes.
* The return value from options(foo = NULL) was not the previous
value of the option. (PR#15781)
* enc2utf8() and enc2native() did not always mark the encoding of
the return values when it was known.
* dnbinom(x, size = , mu, log = TRUE) no longer underflows
to -Inf for large mu, thanks to a suggestion from Alessandro
Mammana (MPI MolGen, Berlin).
* pbeta(x, a, b, log = TRUE) no longer behaves discontinuously (in
a small x-region) because of denormalized numbers. Also,
pbeta(1-1e-12, 1e30, 1.001, log=TRUE) now terminates \"in real
* The \"CRAN\" filter (see available.packages()) no longer removes
duplicates other than of packages on CRAN, and does not fail if
there is no CRAN repository in getOption(\"repos\").
* The device listing from dev2bitmap() and bitmap() was truncated
to 1000 characters: modern versions of GhostScript on most
platforms have many more devices.
* (Windows.) Commands such as Sys.which() and pipe() which needed
to find the full path to a command could segfault if the \'long\'
path name was much longer than the \'short\' path name (which
Sys.which() returns), as the behaviour of the Windows API call
had changed.
* R CMD build will fail with an error if one of the packages
specified in the VignetteBuilder field is not installed.
(Without loading those packages it cannot be ascertained which
files are intended to be vignettes. This means that the
VignetteBuilder packages have to be installed for package
checking too.) (Wish of PR#15775.)
* Misguided attempts to use chull() with non-finite points now give
an error (related to PR#15777).
* For a formula with exactly 32 variables the 32nd variable was
aliased to the intercept in some C-level computations of terms,
so that for example attempting to remove it would remove the
intercept instead (and leave a corrupt internal structure).
* anyDuplicated() silently returned wrong values when the first
duplicate was at an index which was too large to be stored in an
integer vector (although a lot of RAM and patience would have
been needed to encounter this).
* tools::Rd2ex(commentDontrun = FALSE) failed if the block had only
one line.
* Hexadecimal constants such as 0x110p-5L which were incorrectly
qualified by L were parsed incorrectly since R 3.0.0, with a
slightly garbled warning. (PR#15753)
* system() returned success on some platforms even if the system
was unable to launch a process. (PR#15796)
* (Windows Rgui console.) Unbuffered output was sometimes not
output immediately if the prompt was not on the last line of the
* The built-in help server did not declare the encoding for the
DESCRIPTION or other text files to be the package encoding, so
non-ASCII characters could be displayed incorrectly.
* R is now trying harder to not cleanup child processes that were
not spawned by mcparallel() on platforms that provide information
about the source process of the SIGCHLD signal. This allows 3rd
party libraries to manage the exit status of children that they
spawn without R interfering.
* mcmapply() was only parallelizing if the number of jobs was
bigger than the number of cores. It now parallelizes if the
number of jobs is more than one.
* Auto-printing would re-evaluate its argument when trying to
dispatch to a print method. This is now avoided when possible.
* Unserializing (including load() and readRDS()) could silently
return incorrect numeric values from ASCII saves if there was a
read error.
* getParseData() could return incorrect values for the parents of
some elements. (Reported by Andrew Redd.)
* Attempting to use data frames of 2^31 or more rows with merge()
or to create a merged data frame of that size now gives a clearer
error message.
* parse() did not check its file argument was a connection if it
was not a character string, so e.g. parse(FALSE) attempted to
read from stdin.
Nor did dump() and dput().
* The \"help.try.all.packages\" option was ignored when the shortcut
syntax for help was used, e.g. ?foo.
* A potential segfault in string allocation has been fixed. (Found
by Radford Neal.)
* Potential memory protection errors in sort() and D() have been
fixed. (Found by Radford Neal.)
* Fixed a lack of error checking in graphics event functions.
(Found by Radford Neal; a different patch used here than the one
in pqR.)
* numericDeriv() sometimes miscalculated the gradient. (PR#15849,
reported originally by Radford Neal)
Fri Jun 20 14:00:00 2014
- added parallel provides
Fri May 9 14:00:00 2014
- Removed / commented out symlink to %{_bindir}/r
new package \'littler\' should be used instead for packages
that need /usr/bin/r
Thu May 1 14:00:00 2014
- Add make dependency for Rcmd
Tue Apr 29 14:00:00 2014
- Created symlink to %{_bindir}/r
Many CRAN packages ship with scripts which call %{_bindir}/r,
which creates a dependency on it, this fixes that.
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014
- Upstream release 3.1.0
- Most impotant
* type.convert() (and hence by default read.table()) returns a
character vector or factor when representing a numeric input as a
double would lose accuracy. Similarly for complex inputs.
If a file contains numeric data with unrepresentable numbers of
decimal places that are intended to be read as numeric, specify
colClasses in read.table() to be \"numeric\".
* tools::Rdiff(useDiff = FALSE) is closer to the POSIX definition
of diff -b (as distinct from the description in the man pages of
most systems).
* New function anyNA(), a version of any( which is fast
for atomic vectors, based on a proposal by Tim Hesterberg. (Wish
of PR#15239.)
* arrayInd(
*, useNames = TRUE) and, analogously, which(
*, arr.ind =
TRUE) now make use of names(.dimnames) when available.
* is.unsorted() now also works for raw vectors.
* The \"table\" method for (also useful as now passes sep and base arguments to
* uniroot() gets new optional arguments, notably extendInt,
allowing to auto-extend the search interval when needed. The
return value has an extra component,
* switch(f, ...) now warns when f is a factor, as this typically
happens accidentally where the useR meant to pass a character
string, but f is treated as integer (as always documented).
* The parser has been modified to use less memory.
* The way the unary operators (+ - !) handle attributes is now more
consistent. If there is no coercion, all attributes (including
class) are copied from the input to the result: otherwise only
names, dims and dimnames are.
* colorRamp() and colorRampPalette() now allow non-opaque colours
and a ramp in opacity via the new argument alpha = TRUE.
(Suggested by Alberto Krone-Martins, but optionally as there are
existing uses which expect only RGB values.)
* and get an optional vp.ex
* There is a new function find_gs_cmd() in the tools package to
locate a GhostScript executable. (This is an enhanced version of
a previously internal function there.)
* object.size() gains a format() method.
* There is a new family, \"ArialMT\", for the pdf() and postscript()
devices. This will only be rendered correctly on viewers which
have access to Monotype TrueType fonts (which are sometimes
requested by journals).
* The text and PDF news files, including NEWS and NEWS.2, have been
moved to the doc directory.
* combn(x, simplify = TRUE) now gives a factor result for factor
input x (previously user error). (Related to PR#15442.)
* Added utils::fileSnapshot() and utils::changedFiles() functions
to allow snapshots and comparison of directories of files.
* make.names(names, unique=TRUE) now tries to preserve existing
names. (Suggestion of PR#15452.)
* New functions cospi(x), sinpi(x), and tanpi(x), for more accurate
computation of cos(pi
*x), etc, both in R and the C API. Using
these gains accuracy in some cases, e.g., inside lgamma() or
besselI(). (Suggested by Morten Welinder in PR#15529.)
* print.table(x, zero.print = \".\") now also has an effect when x is
not integer-valued.
* There is more support to explore the system\'s idea of time-zone
names. Sys.timezone() tries to give the current system setting
by name (and succeeds at least on Linux, OS X, Solaris and
Windows), and OlsonNames() lists the names in the system\'s Olson
database. Sys.timezone(location = FALSE) gives the previous
* Platforms with a 64-bit time_t type are allowed to handle
conversions between the \"POSIXct\" and \"POSIXlt\" classes for
date-times outside the 32-bit range (before 1902 or after 2037):
the existing workarounds are used on other platforms. (Note that
time-zone information for post-2037 is speculative at best, and
the OS services are tested for known errors and so not used on OS
Currently time_t is usually long and hence 64-bit on Unix-alike
64-bit platforms: however it several cases the time-zone database
is 32-bit. On R for Windows it is 64-bit (for both architectures
as from this version).
* The \"save.defaults\" option can include a value for
compression_level. (Wish of PR#15579.)
* colSums() and friends now have support for arrays and data-frame
columns with 2^31 or more elements.
* as.factor() is faster when f is an unclassed integer vector (for
example, when called from tapply()).
* fft() now works with longer inputs, from the 12 million
previously supported up to 2 billion. (PR#15593)
* Complex svd() now uses LAPACK subroutine ZGESDD, the complex
analogue of the routine used for the real case.
* Sweave now outputs .tex files in UTF-8 if the input encoding is
declared to be UTF-8, regardless of the local encoding. The
UTF-8 encoding may now be declared using a LaTeX comment
containing the string %\\SweaveUTF8 on a line by itself.
* file.copy() gains a argument.
* Printing of date-times will make use of the time-zone
abbreviation in use at the time, if known. For example, for
Paris pre-1940 this could be LMT, PMT, WET or WEST. To enable
this, the \"POSIXlt\" class has an optional component \"zone\"
recording the abbreviation for each element.
For platforms which support it, there is also a component
\"gmtoff\" recording the offset from GMT where known.
* (On Windows, by default on OS X and optionally elsewhere.) The
system C function strftime has been replaced by a more
comprehensive version with closer conformance to the POSIX 2008
* dnorm(x, log = FALSE) is more accurate (but somewhat slower) for
|x| > 5; as suggested in PR#15620.
* Some versions of the tiff() device have further compression
* read.table(), readLines() and scan() have a new argument to
influence the treatment of embedded nuls.
* Avoid duplicating the right hand side values in complex
assignments when possible. This reduces copying of replacement
values in expressions such as Z$a <- a0 and ans[[i]] <- tmp: some
package code has relied on there being copies.
Also, a number of other changes to reduce copying of objects; all
contributed by or based on suggestions by Michael Lawrence.
* The fast argument of KalmanLike(), KalmanRun() and
KalmanForecast() has been replaced by update, which instead of
updating mod in place, optionally returns the updated model in an
attribute \"mod\" of the return value.
* arima() and makeARIMA() get a new optional argument SSinit,
allowing the choice of a different
*pace initialization
which has been observed to be more reliable close to
non-stationarity: see PR#14682.
* warning() has a new argument noBreaks., to simplify
post-processing of output with options(warn = 1).
* pushBack() gains an argument encoding, to support reading of
UTF-8 characters using scan(), read.table() and related functions
in a non-UTF-8 locale.
* all.equal.list() gets a new argument use.names which by default
labels differing components by names (if they match) rather than
by integer index. Saved R output in packages may need to be
* The methods for all.equal() and attr.all.equal() now have
argument check.attributes after ... so it cannot be partially nor
positionally matched (as it has been, unintentionally).
A side effect is that some previously undetected errors of
passing empty arguments (no object between commas) to all.equal()
are detected and reported.
There are explicit checks that check.attributes is logical,
tolerance is numeric and scale is NULL or numeric. This catches
some unintended positional matching.
The message for all.equal.numeric() reports a \"scaled difference\"
only for scale != 1.
* all.equal() now has a \"POSIXt\" method replacing the \"POSIXct\"
* The \"Date\" and \"POSIXt\" methods of seq() allows by = \"quarter\"
for completeness (by = \"3 months\" always worked).
* file.path() removes any trailing separator on Windows, where they
are invalid (although sometimes accepted). This is intended to
enhance the portability of code written by those using POSIX file
systems (where a trailing / can be used to confine path matching
to directories).
* New function agrepl() which like grepl() returns a logical
* fifo() is now supported on Windows. (PR#15600)
* sort.list(method = \"radix\") now allows negative integers (wish of
* Some functionality of print.ts() is now available in
.preformat.ts() for more modularity.
* mcparallel() gains an option detach = TRUE which allows execution
of code independently of the current session. It is based on a
new estranged = TRUE argument to mcfork() which forks child
processes such that they become independent of the parent
* The pdf() device omits circles and text at extremely small sizes,
since some viewers were failing on such files.
* The rightmost break for the \"months\", \"quarters\" and \"years\"
cases of hist.POSIXlt() has been increased by a day. (Inter
alia, fixes PR#15717.)
* The handling of DF[i,] <- a where i is of length 0 is improved.
(Inter alia, fixes PR#15718.)
* hclust() gains a new method \"ward.D2\" which implements Ward\'s
method correctly. The previous \"ward\" method is \"ward.D\" now,
with the old name still working. Thanks to research and
proposals by Pierre Legendre.
* The sunspot.month dataset has been amended and updated from the
official source, whereas the sunspots and sunspot.year datasets
will remain immutable. The documentation and source links have
been updated correspondingly.
* The summary() method for \"lm\" fits warns if the fit is
essentially perfect, as most of the summary may be computed
inaccurately (and with platform-dependent values).
Programmers who use summary() in order to extract just a
component which will be reliable (e.g. $cov.unscaled) should wrap
their calls in suppressWarnings().
* The included version of LAPACK has been updated to 3.5.0.
* There is some support for parallel testing of an installation, by
setting TEST_MC_CORES to an integer greater than one to indicate
the maximum number of cores to be used in parallel. (It is worth
specifying at least 8 cores if available.) Most of these require
a make program (such as GNU make and dmake) which supports the
$MAKE -j nproc syntax.
Except on Windows: the tests of standard package examples in make
check are done in parallel. This also applies to running
The more time-consuming regression tests are done in parallel.
The package checks in make check-devel and make check-recommended
are done in parallel.
* More of make check will work if recommended packages are not
installed: but recommended packages remain needed for thorough
checking of an R build.
* The version of tzcode included in src/extra/tzone has been
updated. (Formerly used only on Windows.)
* The included (64-bit) time-zone conversion code and Olson
time-zone database can be used instead of the system version: use
configure option --with-internal-tzcode. This is the default on
Windows and OS X. (Note that this does not currently work if a
non-default rsharedir configure variable is used.)
(It might be necessary to set environment variable TZ on OSes
where this is not already set, although the system timezone is
deduced correctly on at least Linux, OS X and Windows.)
This option also switches to the version of strftime included in
directory src/extra/tzone.
* configure now tests for a C++11-compliant compiler by testing
some basic features. This by default tries flags for the
compiler specified by CXX, but an alternative compiler, options
and standard can be specified by variables CXX1X, CXX1XFLAGS and
CXX1XSTD (e.g. -std=gnu++11).
* R can now optionally be compiled to use reference counting
instead of the NAMED mechanism by defining SWITCH_TO_REFCNT in
Rinternals.h. This may become the default in the future.
* There is a new option --use-system-tre to use a suitable system
tre library: at present this means a version from their git
repository, after corrections. (Wish of PR#15660.)
Thu Mar 6 13:00:00 2014
- Upstream release 3.0.3
- Most important
* On Windows there is support for making .texi manuals using
texinfo 5.0 or later: the setting is in file
A packaging of the Perl script and modules for texinfo 5.2 has
been made available at>.
* write.table() now handles matrices of 2^31 or more elements, for
those with large amounts of patience and disc space.
* There is a new function, La_version(), to report the version of
LAPACK in use.
* The HTML version of \'An Introduction to R\' now has links to PNG
versions of the figures.
* There is some support to produce manuals in ebook formats. (See
doc/manual/Makefile. Suggested by Mauro Cavalcanti.)
* On a Unix-alike Sys.timezone() returns NA if the environment
variable TZ is unset, to distinguish it from an empty string
which on some OSes means the UTC time zone.
* The backtick may now be escaped in strings, to allow names
containing them to be constructed, e.g. `\\``. (PR#15621)
* read.table(), readLines() and scan() now warn when an embedded
nul is found in the input. (Related to PR#15625 which was
puzzled by the behaviour in this unsupported case.)
* (Windows only.) file.symlink() works around the undocumented
restriction of the Windows system call to backslashes. (Wish of
* KalmanForecast(fast = FALSE) is now the default, and the help
contains an example of how fast = TRUE can be used in this
version. (The usage will change in 3.1.0.)
* strptime() now checks the locale only when locale-specific
formats are used and caches the locale in use: this can halve the
time taken on OSes with slow system functions (e.g. OS X).
* strptime() and the format() methods for classes \"POSIXct\",
\"POSIXlt\" and \"Date\" recognize strings with marked encodings:
this allows, for example, UTF-8 French month names to be read on
(French) Windows.
* iconv(to = \"utf8\") is now accepted on all platforms (some
implementations did already, but GNU libiconv did not: however
converted strings were not marked as being in UTF-8). The
official name, \"UTF-8\" is still preferred.
* available.packages() is better protected against corrupt metadata
files. (A recurring problem with Debian package shogun-r:
* Finalizers are marked to be run at garbage collection, but run
only at a somewhat safer later time (when interrupts are
checked). This circumvents some problems with finalizers running
arbitrary code during garbage collection (the known instances
being running options() and (C-level) path.expand()
Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- Removed outdated source file
Wed Sep 25 14:00:00 2013
- Upstream release 3.0.2
- Most important
* The NEWS files have been re-organized.
This file contains news for R >= 3.0.0: news for the 0.x.y, 1.x.y
and 2.x.y releases is in files NEWS.0, NEWS.1 and NEWS.2. The
latter files are now installed when R is installed. An HTML
version of news from 2.10.0 to 2.15.3 is available as
* sum() for integer arguments now uses an integer accumulator of at
least 64 bits and so will be more accurate in the very rare case
that a cumulative sum exceeds 2^53 (necessarily summing more than
4 million elements).
* The example() and tools::Rd2ex() functions now have parameters to
allow them to ignore \\dontrun markup in examples. (Suggested by
Peter Solymos.)
* str(x) is considerably faster for very large lists, or factors
with 100,000 levels, the latter as in PR#15337.
* col2rgb() now converts factors to character strings not integer
codes (suggested by Bryan Hanson).
* tail(warnings()) now works, via the new `[` method.
* There is now support for the LaTeX style file zi4.sty which has
in some distributions replaced inconsolata.sty.
* unlist(x) now typically returns all non-list xs unchanged, not
just the \"vector\" ones. Consequently, format(lst) now also works
when the list lst has non-vector elements.
* The tools::getVignetteInfo() function has been added to give
information about installed vignettes.
* New assertCondition(), etc. utilities in tools, useful for
* Profiling now records non-inlined calls from byte-compiled code
to BUILTIN functions.
* Various functions in stats and elsewhere that use non-standard
evaluation are now more careful to follow the namespace scoping
rules. E.g. stats::lm() can now find stats::model.frame() even
if stats is not on the search path or if some package defines a
function of that name.
* If an invalid/corrupt .Random.seed object is encountered in the
workspace it is ignored with a warning rather than giving an
error. (This allows R itself to rely on a working RNG, e.g. to
choose a random port.)
* seq() and give more explicit error messages if called
with invalid (e.g. NaN) inputs.
* When parse() finds a syntax error, it now makes partial parse
information available up to the location of the error. (Request
of Reijo Sund.)
* Methods invoked by NextMethod() had a different dynamic parent to
the generic. This was causing trouble where S3 methods invoked
via lazy evaluation could lose track of their generic.
* Code for the negative binomial distribution now treats the case
size == 0 as a one-point distribution at zero.
* abbreviate() handles without warning non-ASCII input strings
which require no abbreviation.
* read.dcf() no longer has a limit of 8191 bytes per line. (Wish of
* formatC(x) no longer copies the class of x to the result, to
avoid misuse creating invalid objects as in PR#15303. A warning
is given if a class is discarded.
* Dataset npk has been copied from MASS to allow more tests to be
run without recommended packages being installed.
* The initialization of the regression coefficients for
non-degenerate differenced models in arima() has been changed and
in some examples avoids a local maximum. (PR#15396)
* termplot() now has an argument transform.x to control the display
of individual terms in the plot. (PR#15329)
* format() now supports digits = 0, to display nsmall decimal
* There is a new read-only par() parameter called \"page\", which
returns a logical value indicating whether the next
call will start a new page.
* Processing Sweave and Rd documents to PDF now renders backticks
and single quotes better in several instances, including in \\code
and \\samp expressions.
* utils::modifyList() gets a new argument keep.null allowing NULL
components in the replacement to be retained, instead of causing
corresponding components to be deleted.
* tools::pkgVignettes() gains argument check; if set to TRUE, it
will warn when it appears a vignette requests a non-existent
vignette engine.
Mon Aug 26 14:00:00 2013
- tre.patch: Fix tre library for aarch64 where wchar_t is unsigned int
Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- Improved spec file: R-base-devel requires R-base
Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- Upstream release 3.0.1
- Most important
o chooseCRANmirror() and chooseBioCmirror() gain an ind argument
(like setRepositories()).
o mcparallel has a new argument mc.interactive which can modify the
interactive flag in the child process. The new default is FALSE
which makes child processes non-interactive by default (this
prevents lock-ups due to children waiting for interactive input).
o scan() now warns when end-of-file occurs within a quoted string.
o count.fields() is now consistent with scan() in its handling of
newlines in quoted strings. Instead of triggering an error, this
results in the current line receiving NA as the field count, with
the next line getting the total count of the two lines.
o The default method of image() will plot axes of the class of xlim
and ylim (and hence of x and y if there is a suitable range()
method). Based on a suggestion of Michael Sumner.
o load() now has a verbose argument for debugging support, to print
the names of objects just before loading them.
o When loading a serialized object encounters a reference to a
namespace which cannot be loaded, this is replaced by a reference
to the global environment, with a warning.
o pairs() gains a line.main option for title placement.
o The remaining instances in which serialization to a raw vector
was limited to 2GB have been unlimited on a 64-bit platform, and
in most cases serialization to a vector of more than 1GB will be
substantially faster.
- Improved spec file. Lots of commented out lines finally removed
Wed Apr 10 14:00:00 2013
- R-base.spec improved: now uses R-%{version}.tar.bz2 explicitly.
Mistake when version bumping to 3.0.0 corrected
Wed Apr 3 14:00:00 2013
- Upstream release 3.0.0
- News for package: some new translation files
- News upstream: /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html
- Most important
o Packages need to be (re-)installed under this version (3.0.0) of
o There is a subtle change in behaviour for numeric index values
2^31 and larger. These never used to be legitimate and so were
treated as NA, sometimes with a warning. They are now legal for
long vectors so there is no longer a warning, and x[2^31] <- y
will now extend the vector on a 64-bit platform and give an error
on a 32-bit one.
o It is now possible for 64-bit builds to allocate amounts of
memory limited only by the OS. It may be wise to use OS
facilities (e.g. ulimit in a bash shell, limit in csh), to set
limits on overall memory consumption of an R process,
particularly in a multi-user environment. A number of packages
need a limit of at least 4GB of virtual memory to load.
64-bit Windows builds of R are by default limited in memory usage
to the amount of RAM installed: this limit can be changed by
command-line option --max-mem-size or setting environment
variable R_MAX_MEM_SIZE.
o Negative numbers for colours are consistently an error:
previously they were sometimes taken as transparent, sometimes
mapped into the current palette and sometimes an error.
Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- Override LIBnn from %{_lib}
Fri Mar 1 13:00:00 2013
- There were a few new files in foreign and rpart.
Fixed now. Builds fine.
Fri Mar 1 13:00:00 2013
- Upstream release 2.15.3
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html
- This is mostly a bugfix release and the final release for the
R-2.x.y series.
- Most important additions:
o lgamma(x) for very small x (in the denormalized range) is no
longer Inf with a warning.
o image() now sorts an unsorted breaks vector, with a warning.
o The internal methods for tar() and untar() do a slightly more
general job for \'ustar\'-style handling of paths of more than 100
o Packages compiler and parallel have been added to the reference
index (refman.pdf).
o untar(tar = \"internal\") has some support for pax headers as
produced by e.g. gnutar --posix (which seems prevalent on
OpenSUSE 12.2) or bsdtar --format pax, including long path and
link names.
o sQuote() and dQuote() now handle 0-length inputs. (Suggestion of
Ben Bolker.)
o summaryRprof() returns zero-row data frames rather than throw an
error if no events are recorded, for consistency.
o The included version of PCRE has been updated to 8.32.
o The tcltk namespace can now be re-loaded after unloading.
The Tcl/Tk event loop is inhibited in a forked child from package
parallel (as in e.g. mclapply()).
o parallel::makeCluster() recognizes the value random for the
environment variable R_PARALLEL_PORT: this chooses a random value
for the port and reduces the chance of conflicts when multiple
users start a cluster at the same time.
Fri Oct 26 14:00:00 2012
- Upstream release 2.15.2
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html
- most relevant change for rpm are some added translation files
Tue Jul 10 14:00:00 2012
- Make it build with latest TeXLive 2012 with new package layout
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- Fixed: R-base-2.15.1-48.1.x86_64.rpm: directories not owned by a package:
- /usr/lib64/R/share/locale/pl
- /usr/lib64/R/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- one more forgotten file in polish translation ...
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- spec file update to incorporate new polish translation
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- Upstream bugfix only release 2.15.1
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html
Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2012
- make R-base-devel require R-base as some packages think this
dependancy is already there (i.e. some KDE packages).
Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2012
- Upstream updated to 2.15.0
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html
Wed Feb 29 13:00:00 2012
- upstream minor version increase to 2.14.2
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html for details.
Fri Feb 17 13:00:00 2012
- Minor cleanup for easier automativ building of R-patched.spec
Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2012
- changed licence string to \"GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0\"
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- uninstall rule for R.conf more than useless ... reverted.
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- Applications like KDE\'s Cantor search for the R standard library
- using the library search path. However, in openSUSE\'s package,
- libraries are installed to %{_libdir}/R/lib, hence attempts to
- load them from these applications will fail.
- This revision adds a R.conf file to to enable
- searching for libraries where R is installed. Once this change
- is in, applications are able to use
- Thx to for spotting this.
- Thought had done this for release of 2.14.0.
Thu Dec 22 13:00:00 2011
- Upstream updated to 2.14.1
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html for details.
- Only minor bug fixes + workaround for missing inconsolata.sty
- on older systems.
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- merged change infor Oct 5th into working copy
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- corrected subpackge version number in R-base-devel
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- Upstream updated to 2.14.0
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html for details.
- On system side most important, that /etc/
- was added to help third party programs, i.e. rpy2, tp link against
- R-base
Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011
- corrected version string for Matrix subpackage
Tue Oct 4 14:00:00 2011
- removed 4 warnings about unescaped macros in comments
Tue Oct 4 14:00:00 2011
- explicitly added some locale directories. Worked before implicitly.
Tue Oct 4 14:00:00 2011
- update to upstream version 2.13.2
- see, as usual, /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html for details.
Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2011
- resolved some conflicts for R-base.spec after osc up -e && osc pull
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2011
- corrected version string in R-base.spec
Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2011
- Upstream updated to 2.13.1. Licence change from GPLv2 to GPLv2 || GPLv3.
Packages rpart and survival now GPLed, too.
Various minor bugfixes.
See /usr/lib/R/doc/NEWS.html for details.
Thu May 12 14:00:00 2011
- Removed possible dangerous links of libraries. R`s internal
libraries now are only available in $lib/R/lib .
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- Changed Licence string to GPLv2, taken from opensuse`s list aof allowed
licences, as requested from coolo
Wed Apr 13 14:00:00 2011
- Upstream update to 2.13.0; new package \'compiler\'; some new language files
Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2011
- update to 2.12.2
minor bugfixes
see /usr/lib/R/doc/html/NEWS.html for details
Mon Jan 10 13:00:00 2011
- removed -n parameter from %build/%install
- removed %doc from man/info pages in files section
Fri Dec 17 13:00:00 2010
reverting mandir/infodir directiven, didn\'t build in some releases-
Fri Dec 17 13:00:00 2010
sorted out list of problems shown bei mrueckert-
Mon Nov 29 13:00:00 2010
Version, to be submitted to factory-