Changelog for librelp0-1.2.14-17.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon May 29 14:00:00 2017
- librelp 1.2.14:

* API extension: add relpSrvSetMaxDataSize()

Thu Feb 23 13:00:00 2017
- librelp 1.2.13:

* bugfix: duplicated lines after server reconnect

Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2017
- This updated library is needed for latest rsyslog(fate#320546)

Sun Jul 10 14:00:00 2016
- librelp 1.2.12:

* API enhancement: permit to set connection timeout

* cleanup: replace deprecated GnuTLS data types by current ones

Tue Jun 28 14:00:00 2016
- librelp 1.2.11:

* do not accept more than one \"open\" verb on a connection

* fix potential segfault when high-numbered fd is used in sender

* make librelp not run in thight loop when out of sockets

* flush the current recv frame if it exists if the client session
is restarting

* API enhancement: add configurable connection timeout

Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2016
- librelp 1.2.10:

* fix a problem with sending large buffers

* improve sender/receiver code

* enable compatibility with older versions of GnuTLS

Mon Feb 8 13:00:00 2016
- Make building more verbose

Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2016
- fix build on sle11. the sles_version conditional is just broken

Sat Jan 2 13:00:00 2016
- librelp 1.2.9:

* Ignoring return status when handling syslog frames now.
Otherwise valid messages in the frame buffer will get lost when
the remote connection is closed during meantime.

Tue Sep 8 14:00:00 2015
- librelp 1.2.8:

* fix segfault if KEEPALIVE is used

Tue Apr 29 14:00:00 2014
- update to 1.2.7
- bugfix: librelp was incompatible with C++ without a real reason
- bugfix: potential misadressing in wildcard match
- bugfix: always last wildcard match was reported, not first
- contains changes from 1.2.6
- report error when preparing for non-anon TLS and this is

Thu Mar 20 13:00:00 2014
- update to 1.2.5:
- permit to use anonymous TLS on platforms where GnuTLS lacks
certificate verification function

Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2014
- update to 1.2.4:
- correct API/ABI change in 1.2.3
- revert back to previous state (return void)

* relpSrvEnableTLS();

* relpSrvEnableTLSZip();
These functions are now deprecated.
- introduce new functions that return a state

* relpSrvEnableTLS2();

* relpSrvEnableTLSZip2();

Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2014
- update to 1.2.3:
- add ability to build librelp without TLS
- API change: two functions that used to return void now return

* relpSrvEnableTLS();

* relpSrvEnableTLSZip();

Tue Jan 14 13:00:00 2014
- update to 1.2.2:
- add capability to enable tcp KEEPALIVE
- introduced new API relpSrvSetKeepAlive() to support KEEPALIVE
- errors binding listener port are now reported via error message

Tue Jul 16 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.2.0:
- support for epoll() added
- API extension: relpEngineSetOnGenericErr

Thu Jul 11 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.1.5:
This is a bug-fixing release that takes care of a memory leak on
connection close as well as potential misadressing on session
- bugfix: memory leak on connection close
- bugfix: potential misadressing on session close

Thu Jul 11 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.1.4:
This version of the library provides certificate wildcard name
checks. It also supports enhanced performance options (burst
support, requires support from the caller). It also contains
some bug fixes, especially for BSD.
- fix build problems on BSD
- add ability to specify a non-standard RELP Window size
- add burst support to the client API
- wildcards are now supported in TLS name peer authentication
- new APIs: relpCltHintBurstBegin, relpCltHintBurstEnd,

Sun Jun 30 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.1.3:
- increased performance of RELP connection
- bugfix: potential segfault if no GnuTLS priority string was set
- includes changes from 1.1.2:
- add capability to specify the GnuTLS priority string
This gives callers complete control over crypto parameters, like
ciphers to use.
- add certificate-based authentication
- add capability to specify number of Diffie-Hellman bits to use
- API extension: relpSrvSetDHBits, relpSrvSetGnuTLSPriString,
relpSrvSetGnuTLSPriString, relpCltSetGnuTLSPriString
relpEngineSetOnAuthErr, relpCltSetUsrPtr,
relpSrvSetAuthMode, relpCltSetAuthMode
- includes changes from 1.1.1:
- added compression support for TLS
- API extension: relpCltEnableTLSZip, relpSrvEnableTLSZip
- includes changes from 1.1.0
- add TLS support
- new api for creating listners:
... which permits us to set various properties before the listener
is actually started. New callers should use it. Sequence is:

* relpEngineListnerConstruct()

* ... set properties ... (via relpSrv...() family)

* relgEngineListnerConstructFinalize()
This new style permits us to add/set additional listner options
without the need to introduce ever-new listner create functions.
Actually, their number would grow exponentionally, so this were
a dead end.
The old-style APIs relpEngineAddListner() and
relpEngineAddListner2() are still fully supported (and supposed
to be for a long time), but flagged as deprecated.
- includes changes from 1.0.7:
- ABI change: removed relpCltConnect2() API which was against
librelp API philosophy
This was only introduced in 1.0.6 and been in the code for a very
short time. So we decided that the best thing to do is actually
remove it (there is NO known released user, this changes was for
yet unreleased rsyslog 7.5.0).
- includes changes from 1.0.6:
- enhanced API to permit binding a client to a specific IP address
- includes changes from 1.0.5:
- bugfix: compile problem on Solaris
- includes changes from 1.0.4:
- bugfix: busy loop on syslog sending as a client when server did not
accept data; this was broken out only when the remote peer
indicated that the connection as whole was broken. Now we properly
- make -devel package require gnutls-devel to be useful

Tue Apr 23 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.0.3:
- added relpCltSetTimeout() interface function
- improved timeout handling
- provide support for user-settable shutdown indicator
- includes changes from 1.0.2:
- added capability to support only IPv4/v6 instead of both

Mon Sep 24 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream 1.0.1:
- added capability to stop server without canceling its thread
- bugfix: interrupt of select() was not properly handled
- add pkgconfig support

Mon May 14 14:00:00 2012
- license update: GPL-3.0+
No indication of GPL-3.0 ^only^ files in package. Fedora also using

Fri May 11 14:00:00 2012
- Remove redundant sections and tags from specfile
- Enable parallel build

Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- patch license to follow standard

Wed Apr 14 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 1.0.0
This version of librelp matured in practice and it is now time
for a 1.0 release. Besides that, it includes a small number of
- bugfix: user callback never received remote IP address
- bugfix: offers builder did use a fixed size string without
bounds checking. I don\'t think this was a real issue as it was
not exposed to the outside world, but now the buffer
dynamically grows (which is the right thing to do). Thank to
mterry for alerting me.
- additional changes from version 0.1.3
- the callback on message reception did not contain a way to pass
on a caller cookie (e.g. for an instance pointer). An
additional interface has been added to support that.
- cleaned up FDL license specifics
- added libtool versioning
- made librelp compile out of the box on FreeBSD - thanks to
Michael Biebl for the patch
- additional changes from version 0.1.2
- forward compatibility changes in support of our plans to use
the rsyslog runtime in the future