Changelog for sane-backends-1.0.27-133.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2018
- Replaced the non-working sanedAATT.service with the simpler kind
according to the second template in \"man saned\" of the therein
described \"systemd configuration for saned\" (boo#1074054).

Wed Mar 21 13:00:00 2018
- Drop BuildRequires for libieee1284-devel and libieee1284
which is only needed for some parallel port scanners
but parallel port scanners are no longer supported
so that the backends canon_pp, hpsj5s, and mustek_pp
are no longer provided.
- Fixed installation of systemd unit files sanedAATT.service
and saned.socket that enable socket based saned activation
which replaces xinetd (boo#1074054).

Sun Oct 29 13:00:00 2017
- add a 32bit devel package for use in wine32 bit builds

Fri Jun 16 14:00:00 2017
- Deleted xinetd service in favor of socket based activation
via systemd unit files sanedAATT.service and saned.socket

Wed May 24 14:00:00 2017
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.27:
There is no 1.0.26 release of sane-backends.
That number was skipped so that the SANE upstream
development version numbers would more clearly be
an extension of the prior release.
Changes since 1.0.25:

* Significant enhancements to canon_dr, epjitsu, epsonds,
fujitsu, genesys, hp3500, pixma and xerox-mfp backends.

* Minor updates, bugfixes or scanners added in several backends.

* 30+ new scanner models supported.

* Made libusb-1.0 the default for USB support.

* Switched code from C90 to C99 (Thanks to Volker Diels-Grabsch).

* Updated Linux USB3 workaround:
The Linux USB3 workaround which was added in version 1.0.25
is now disabled by default. If you have difficulty using
a scanner which previously worked, or intermittent scanner
availability, try setting the new environment variable
before starting your frontend.

* Documentation and translation updates.

* Bugfixes (Avahi, threading, USB, ICC/PNG/JPEG, etc).

* Reduced compiler warnings, improved code:
A special thanks goes to Olaf Meeuwissen for picking up
the janitorial duties in sane-backends. He has found and
fixed a large number of long-standing bugs, curated the
SANE upstream bug tracker, improved the build scripts
and docs, and provided user support.
- CVE-2017-6318.patch is no longer needed because
the issue is fixed in the upstream sources.
- dell1600n_net-fix-strncat.patch is no longer needed because
the issue is fixed in the upstream sources.

Tue Feb 28 13:00:00 2017
- CVE-2017-6318.patch fixes CVE-2017-6318 which is about that via
access to saned some opcodes could leak uninitialized memory
back to the requester allowing information disclosure
of memory content in saned (bsc#1027197).
In general regarding \"access to saned\" see

Mon Jan 11 13:00:00 2016
- sane-backends.builttime.patch: reduce build-compare noise

Wed Dec 30 13:00:00 2015
- remove gphoto2 backend, as is usefulness is highly questionable,
but adds many (indirect) build and runtime dependencies

Tue Oct 6 14:00:00 2015
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.25:
Changes since 1.0.24:

* New backends: epsonds (Epson DS, PX and WF series),
pieusb (PIE and Reflecta film/slide scanners).

* Support for JPG and PNG output format in scanimage.

* Significant enhancements to avision, canon_dr, epjitsu,
fujitsu, genesys, kodakaio and pixma backends.

* Minor updates, bugfixes or scanners added in several backends.

* 300 new scanner models supported.

* Workaround for USB3 problems in Linux kernel.

* Added code for IR functionality.

* Documentation and translation updates.

* Bugfixes (threading, networking, udev rules).
A big thanks to Olaf Meeuwissen, for his efforts in bug triage,
patch wrangling and code cleanups.
- fix-buffer-overflow.patch, fix-mustek_pp_ccd300.c.patch,
install-umax_pp-tool.patch, MG5550-works.patch are obsolete
since sane-backends-1.0.24 because it is fixed in the source.
- re-add-SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE.patch should be longer needed
because there should be longer a fontend that references
SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE in its source code.
- Recreated adapt_epkowa.desc_for_yast2-scanner.patch
according to the comment in sane-backends.spec
so that it applies for sane-backends-1.0.25.
- Dropped avision.c.patch and avision.conf.patch
(cf. the entry below dated \"Mon Sep 15 23:23:23 UTC 2013\")
because it does no longer apply to sane-backends-1.0.25 sources.
Issues that are not specific for a particular Linux distribution
must be fixed directly at SANE upstream so that all Linux
distributions get it properly fixed and not via patches
at one particular Linux distribution where it falls apart
each time when SANE upstream changes that sources.
- Added BuildRequires for libpng-devel and libtiff-devel because
scanimage output format supports PNG and TIFF.
- dell1600n_net-fix-strncat.patch fixes the following build error:
Statement might be overflowing a buffer in strncat.
BAD: strncat(buffer,charptr,sizeof(buffer)) is wrong
GOOD: strncat(buffer,charptr,sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1)
The upstream issue report is
- Disabled use of LaTeX to generate documentation because LaTeX
blows up the build system and \"BuildRequires: texlive-latex\"
causes various cycles and the documentation
is not for users but for developers who could get
the \"Programmer\'s Documentation\" from SANE upstream

Wed Jan 14 13:00:00 2015
- MG5550-works.patch: support Canon Pixma MG5500

Tue Dec 3 13:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.24:
Changes since 1.0.23:

* Significant enhancements to pixma, genesys, kodakaio,
fujitsu, canon_dr.

* Minor updates, bugfixes or scanners added in several backends.

* Added new testsuite.

* 51 new scanner models supported.

* USB support improvements.

* Improved build system (mingw64, bug fixes,
default pthread on Linux).

* Documentation updates.

* Bugfixes.
For Details see the ChangeLog file.
- sane-backends-1.0.21-SCX4500W.patch that adds usb id for SCX4500W
is obsolete since sane-backends-1.0.24 because it is fixed
in the source.
- fix-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch that fixes a
\"control reaches end of non-void function\" gcc warning
in kodakaio.c is obsolete since sane-backends-1.0.24
because it is fixed in the source.
- Recreated adapt_epkowa.desc_for_yast2-scanner.patch
according to the comment in sane-backends.spec
so that it applies for sane-backends-1.0.24.

Mon Sep 16 14:00:00 2013
- Workaround for hp scanjet 8200: As described in
when operating on a hp scanjet 8200 the avision driver gets stuck
in a loop trying to detect an ADF, even if none is present.
In order circumvent this issue, following workaround has been
1) create an option \"enforce-no-adf\" in the file avision.conf
2) patch the code in avision.c to make use of this option,
if the conditions that lead to the unsuccessful ADF search
(namely detection of NO ADF but reporting of SOME ADF type)
is given.
Per default the new option is inactive by comment.
Activate at your own risk!
An upstream report was added to
- created patch110 (avision.conf.patch) for avision.conf
- created patch111 (avision.c.patch) for avision.c

Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- fixed /etc/slp.reg.d/ ownership conflict, just have
it as %dir and the files as %config.
(see OBS RQ 162582 decline message)

Wed Mar 6 13:00:00 2013
- update license to new format

Sat Jan 19 13:00:00 2013
- require libv4l-devel to enable v4l backend

Tue Dec 11 13:00:00 2012
- Our own special source file epkowa.desc is dropped because
the package iscan-free is dropped (bnc#788756). Instead
adapt_epkowa.desc_for_yast2-scanner.patch adapts the upstream
epkowa.desc for yast2-scanner which works without additional
adaptions in yast2-scanner so that the sane-backends package
works on released openSUSE systems without a RPM requirement
for a yast2-scanner update (bnc#788756 starting at comment#14).

Tue Oct 16 14:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.23:
New backends:
kvs40xx (Panasonic KV-S40xx), kodakaio (Kodak AiO ESP and Hero).
Significant enhancements to several backends.
30 new scanner models supported.
V4L support improvements.
Improvements for builds on multiple platforms.
Improved udev rules.
Updated software deskew algorithm.
Documentation updates.
This is one more release of the SANE 1.0 series, compare
the below entry dated \"Thu Feb 28 13:56:15 CET 2008\".
- sane-backends-1.0.22-xerox_mfp-fix-usb-devices.patch that
fixes usb device support in xerox_mfp is obsolete since
sane-backends-1.0.23 because it is fixed in the source.
- fix-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch fixes a \"control reaches
end of non-void function\" gcc warning which lets build fail
with \"no-return-in-nonvoid-function\" error in kodakaio.c.

Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2012
- license update: GPL-2.0+ and SUSE-GPL-2.0+-with-sane-exception and
The LICENSE file in the sane-backends packages explains the licensing of
the package. Added SUSE-GPL-2.0+-with-sane-exception to the spreadsheet
linked from as that license is not yet upstream at (hence the SUSE- proprietary extension)

Fri Apr 20 14:00:00 2012
- Configure --enable-libusb_1_0 plus BuildRequires libusb-1_0-devel
to use libusb1 (instead of using libusb0 via libusb-compat),
for the libusb versioning numbering.
- Use traditional bash scriptlets for post/postun with
an explicite \"exit 0\" line at the end to be fail safe
and therefore also \"PreReq: /sbin/ldconfig\" explicitly,
see the \"Shared_libraries\" section in
- BuildIgnore ghostscript-x11 because BuildRequires texlive-latex
is needed for sane.tex -> sane.dvi -> but texlive-latex
requires texlive which requires ghostscript-x11 but the latter
is not needed and blows up the build system.
- Minor cleanups in the spec file.

Tue Mar 20 13:00:00 2012
- added explicit \"BuildRequires libusb-compat-devel\" to
re-add support for USB scanners

Sun Feb 5 13:00:00 2012
- sane-backends-1.0.21-SCX4500W.patch adds usb id for SCX4500W
- sane-backends-1.0.22-xerox_mfp-fix-usb-devices.patch fixes
usb device handling regression in xerox_mfp (bnc#745245)

Sun Nov 20 13:00:00 2011
- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency

Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- Added an entry for \"SCSI processor EPSON Perfection1640\"
to libsane.rules (bnc#681146) see in particular
- Added a wildcard entry for any \"SCSI processor EPSON SCANNER
to libsane.rules see the \"55-libsane.rules\"/\"Device recognition\"
mail thread in June 2011 on

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2011
- Fixed udev rules for SCSI scanners:
For SCSI scanners \"ATTRS\" is mandatory for every sysfs attribute
(in particular ATTRS{type}, ATTRS{vendor}, and ATTRS{model})
so that \"ATTRS\" is replaced by \"ATTR\" only for USB scanners
(see openSUSE/Novell Bugzilla bnc#681146).

Fri Mar 25 13:00:00 2011
- Fixed udev rules for SCSI scanners:
Because of openSUSE/Novell Bugzilla bnc#436085
(see the entry below dated \"Tue Oct 21 13:12:42 CEST 2008\")
\"SYSFS\" and \"ATTRS\" were replaced by \"ATTR\" everywhere in
libsane.rules but for SCSI scanners \"ATTRS{type}\" is mandatory
(see openSUSE/Novell Bugzilla bnc#681146).

Sun Feb 20 13:00:00 2011
- fix dependencies of devel package

Wed Feb 16 13:00:00 2011
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.22:
New backends:
kvs20xx (Panasonic KV-S20xx), magicolor (Konica-Minolta).
Significant enhancements to several backends.
More than 80 new scanner models supported.
Support many more networked scanners.
Added -A option to scanimage.
Improved build system.
Improved USB support.
Improved udev rules.
Documentation updates.
This is one more release of the SANE 1.0 series, compare
the below entry dated \"Thu Feb 28 13:56:15 CET 2008\".
- sane-backends-1.0.21-i18n.patch,
fix-xerox_mfp-color-mode.patch, and
canon-backend-autoprobing.patch are obsolete since
sane-backends-1.0.22 because it is fixed in the source.
- Adapted how we derive our libsane.rules file from the
generated one which uses now \"ATTRS\" (instead of \"SYSFS\"),
see the below entry dated \"Tue Oct 21 13:12:42 CEST 2008\".
- Updated models.dat to the one from the current HPLIP 3.11.1.
- Added only those new models from epkowa.desc in the
sane-backends 1.0.22 sources which \'requires DFSG non-free\'
plugin software to our epkowa.desc source file so that the
supported models in our epkowa.desc source file still match
to what is supported by our iscan-free package but more users
of models which require the proprietary software from Avasys
will be informed via yast2-scanner.

Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010
- fix-xerox_mfp-color-mode.patch adds SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_HALFTONE
in xerox_mfp.c to fix a regression in sane-backends-1.0.21
where the xerox_mfp works only in grayscale mode
(see openSUSE/Novell Bugzilla bnc#658017).
- Updated models.dat to the one from the current hplip-3.10.9.

Wed Sep 22 14:00:00 2010
- Configure with --enable-pthread so that backends can use
POSIX threads to implement asynchronous I/O instead of
the default which uses a pipe and forks a reader process
(see openSUSE/Novell Bugzilla bnc#633780).

Wed Sep 15 14:00:00 2010
- BuildRequires libieee1284-devel.
- Split up devel package.

Tue Jun 22 14:00:00 2010
- Updated models.dat to the one from our current HPLIP version
so that the generated hpaio.desc matches to our HPLIP version.
- Enhanced epkowa.desc only with models which require proprietary
software so that the supported models in epkowa.desc
still match to what is supported by our iscan-free package
but more users of models which require proprietary
software will be informed via yast2-scanner.

Tue May 11 14:00:00 2010
- remove disable-resmgr-support.patch.
It\'s not needed as configure won\'t find resmgr anyways
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#605914).

Fri May 7 14:00:00 2010
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.21:
New backends:
kodak (Kodak i18xx), kvs1025 (Panasonic KV-S10xx),
p5 (Primax PagePartner)
Many backends updated.
224 more scanner models supported.
More consistent option naming.
Scanimage no longer writes image to tty.
Modern translation infrastructure.
Improved saned network daemon.
Internal SCSI, USB, threading, TCP & UDP code updates.
Updated HAL and udev support.
New sanei_magic image processing library.
Documentation updates.
This is one more release of the SANE 1.0 series, compare
the below entry dated \"Thu Feb 28 13:56:15 CET 2008\".
- fix-hp3900_config.c.patch, sane-desc_closedir.patch,
fix-lexmark_low-memory-leak.patch, and
fix-hp3900_sane-string-option-sizes.diff are obsolete since
sane-backends-1.0.21 because it is fixed in the source.
- sane-backends-1.0.20-xerox_mfp.diff backported post 1.0.20
xerox_mfp changes and is therefore removed since
sane-backends-1.0.21 which contains those changes, compare
the below entry dated \"Thu Oct 8 09:35:17 UTC 2009\".
- Slightly adapted disable-resmgr-support.patch and
no-descriptions-external-hpoj.patch to apply to the
sane-backends-1.0.21 sources.
- fix-genesys-create_range-type.patch lets in genesys.c
the create_range function be of type \'SANE_Range
to fix \'assignment makes pointer from integer\' bugs
wherever the create_range function is called.

Wed Apr 28 14:00:00 2010
- HAL is deprecated and does no longer support to grant read/write
device access permissions for scanners to the currently logged
in \"desktop\" user. Therefore all HAL related stuff was removed
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#593946).
- Removed /usr/lib[64]/
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#592143).

Mon Feb 1 13:00:00 2010
- package baselibs.conf

Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2009
- fix udev warnings \'NAME=\"%k\" is superfluous\'

Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2009
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0

Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2009
- backport xerox_mfp changes to support samsung printers

Wed Sep 30 14:00:00 2009
- fix-lexmark_low-memory-leak.patch adds a missing call to free
in sanei_lexmark_low_find_start_line in backend/lexmark_low.c
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#542341).
- fix-hp3900_sane-string-option-sizes.diff fixes option sizes
because otherwise the frontend (e.g. xsane) may crash
(see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#535752).

Fri Sep 18 14:00:00 2009
- Updated models.dat with the one in the HPLIP 3.9.8 sources and
adapted create_hpaio.desc_from_models.dat accordingly so that
it results a hpaio.desc scanner description file for SANE
which matches to the sacnner models which are supported
by our currently provided HPLIP version.

Thu Sep 17 14:00:00 2009
- use find_lang macro
- run ldconfig correctly

Thu Aug 13 14:00:00 2009
- sane-desc_closedir.patch adds a missing call to closedir
to sane-desc.c (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#530313).

Wed Jul 29 14:00:00 2009
- fix-hp3900_config.c.patch fixes a possible for loop overflow
in hp3900_config.c (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#517281).
- fix-mustek_pp_ccd300.c.patch fixes undefined operations
in mustek_pp_ccd300.c (see Novell/Suse Bugzilla bnc#498435).

Fri Jun 12 14:00:00 2009
- re-add-SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE.patch re-adds
SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE to sane.h which was erroneously
removed in sane-backends-1.0.20 so that sane-frontends
and xsane can no longer build,

Wed Jun 10 14:00:00 2009
- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.20:
New backends:
canon_dr (Canon DR-series), coolscan3 (Nikon LS & Coolscan),
rts8891 (Umax & HP 44xx), xerox_mfp (Samsung/Xerox/Dell MFPs)
Many backends updated.
75 more scanner models supported.
New (automake compatible) build system.
Avahi support.
More network scanners supported.
Epson backend deprecated, use epson2.
Coolscan2 backend deprecated, use coolscan3.
Internal SCSI, USB, threading, TCP & UDP code updates.
Updated HAL and udev support.
Improved saned configuration.
Scanimage updates.
Updated translations.
Documentation updates.
This is one more release of the SANE 1.0 series, compare
the below entry dated \"Thu Feb 28 13:56:15 CET 2008\".
- Re-enabled \"autoreconf -fi\" in the build section (it was
disabled because it failed for sane-backends-1.0.19).
- fix-uninitialized-variables.patch and
fix-sanei_scsi_find_devices.patch are obsolete since
sane-backends-1.0.20 because it is fixed in the source.
- Adapted install-umax_pp-tool.patch for the new build system
(now tools/ instead of tools/
- no-descriptions-external-hpoj.patch removes
descriptions-external/hpoj.desc from doc/
because it is intentionally removed from the sources
in the prep section to avoid confusion with its successor
hpaio.desc (since openSUSE 10.3 the package hp-officeJet
which provided the hpoj driver is dropped).