Changelog for python2-invoke-1.1.1-16.96.noarch.rpm :
Sat Aug 11 14:00:00 2018
- Add patch to not use vendored libs:

* 0001-Make-test-fallback-to-system-modules-when-vendorized.patch
- Remove unneeded deps
- Remove the multibuild again as we no longer cycle

Sat Aug 11 14:00:00 2018
- Update to 1.1.1:

* Various tweaks for pytest and new py releases support
- Switch to multibuild to run tests

Sat Apr 28 14:00:00 2018
- Update to version 0.22.1:

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#488: Account for additional I/O related
OSError error strings when attempting to capture only this
specific subtype of error.

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#437: When merging configuration levels
together (which uses copy.copy by default), pass file objects
by reference so they don’t get closed.

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#342: Accidentally hardcoded Collection
instead of cls in Collection.from_module (an alternate
constructor and therefore a classmethod.) This made it rather
hard to properly subclass Collection.

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#469: Fix up the doc/example re: subclassing

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#433: Add -dev and -nightly style Python
versions to our Travis builds.
- Changes from version 0.22.0:

* Iterable-type CLI args were actually still somewhat broken &
were ‘eating’ values after themselves in the parser stream
(thus e.g. preventing parsing of subsequent tasks or flags.)

* gh#pyinvoke/invoke#364: Drop Python 2.6 and Python 3.3
support, as these versions now account for only very low
percentages of the userbase and are unsupported (or about to
be unsupported) by the rest of the ecosystem, including pip.
- Update URL to upstream recommended.

Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2017
- Update to 0.21.0

* No changelog

Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017
- singlespec auto-conversion

Sat Dec 10 13:00:00 2016
- Declare use of bashisms

Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2014
- Implement update-alternatives

Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.9.0 2014-08-26

* [Bug]: Fixed a sub-case of the already-mostly-fixed #149 so the error
message works usefully even with no explicit collection name given.

* [Support] #169: Overhaul the Sphinx docs into two trees, one for main
project info and one for versioned API docs.

* [Bug] #162: Adjust platform-sensitive imports so Windows users don’t
encounter import-time exceptions. Thanks to Paul Moore for the patch.

* [Feature] #136: Added the autoprint flag to invoke.tasks.Task/AATTtask,
allowing users to set up tasks which act as both subroutines &
“print a result” CLI tasks. Thanks to Matthias Lehmann for the original

* [Bug] #119: (also #162, #113) Better handle platform-sensitive operations
such as pty size detection or use, either replacing with platform-specific
implementations or raising useful exceptions. Thanks to Gabi Davar and
(especially) Paul Moore, for feedback & original versions of the final

* [Bug] #167: Running the same task multiple times in one CLI session was
horribly broken; it works now. Thanks to Erich Heine for the report.

* [Bug] #165: Running inv[oke] with no task names on a collection containing
a default task should (intuitively) have run that default task, but instead
did nothing. This has been fixed.
- Update to 0.8.2 2014-06-15

* [Bug] #142: The refactored Loader class failed to account for the behavior
of imp.find_module when run against packages (vs modules) and was exploding
at load time. This has been fixed. Thanks to David Baumgold for catch & patch.

* [Bug] #145: Ensure a useful message is displayed (instead of a confusing
exception) when listing empty task collections.

* [Bug] #149: Print a useful message to stderr when Invoke can’t find the
requested collection/tasks file, instead of displaying a traceback.
- Update to 0.8.1 2014-06-09

* [Bug] #140: Revert incorrect changes to our regarding detection of
sub-packages such as the vendor tree & the parser. Also add additional
scripting to our Travis-CI config to catch this class of error in future.
Thanks to Steven Loria and James Cox for the reports.
- Update to 0.8.0 2014-06-08

* [Feature] #125: Improve output of Failure exceptions when printed.

* [Feature] #124: Add a --debug flag to the core parser to enable easier
debugging (on top of existing INVOKE_DEBUG env var.)

* [Bug] #127: Fill in tasks’ exposed name attribute with body name if
explicit name not given.

* [Bug] #116: Ensure nested config overrides play nicely with default tasks
and pre-tasks.

* [Bug] #131: Make sure one’s local tasks module is always first in sys.path,
even if its parent directory was already somewhere else in sys.path. This
ensures that local tasks modules never become hidden by third-party ones.
Thanks to AATTcrccheck for the early report and to Dorian Puła for assistance

* [Support]: Refactor the invoke.runner.Runner module to differentiate what
it means to run a command in the abstract, from execution specifics. Top
level API is unaffected.

* [Feature] #87: (also #92) Rework the loader module such that recursive
filesystem searching is implemented, and is used instead of searching
This adds the behavior most users expect or are familiar with from Fabric 1
or similar tools; and it avoids nasty surprise collisions with other
installed packages containing files named
Thanks to Michael Hahn for the original report & PR, and to Matt Iversen
for providing the discovery algorithm used in the final version of this
This is technically a backwards incompatible change (reminder: we’re not at
1.0 yet!). You’ll only notice if you were relying on adding your tasks
module to sys.path and then calling Invoke elsewhere on the filesystem.

* [Support] #117: Tidy up a bit, including axing the (broken)
distutils support. Thanks to Matt Iversen for the original PR & followup

* [Feature] #110: Add task docstrings’ 1st lines to --list output. Thanks to
Hiroki Kiyohara for the original PR (with assists from Robert Read and
James Thigpen.)

* [Feature] #115: Make it easier to reuse Invoke’s primary CLI machinery in
other (non-Invoke-distributed) bin-scripts. Thanks to Noah Kantrowitz.

* [Support] #118: Update the bundled six plus other minor tweaks to support
files. Thanks to Matt Iversen.

* [Bug] #121: Add missing help output denoting inverse Boolean options (i.e.
- -[no-]foo for a --foo flag whose value defaults to true.) Thanks to Andrew
Roberts for catch & patch.

* [Bug] #128: Positional arguments containing underscores were not exporting
to the parser correctly; this has been fixed. Thanks to J. Javier Maestro
for catch & patch.

* [Support] #25: Trim a bunch of time off the test suite by using mocking and
other tools instead of dogfooding a bunch of subprocess spawns.

* [Feature] #135: (also bugs #120, #123) Implement post-tasks to match
pre-tasks, and allow control over the arguments passed to both (via For details, see Pre- and post-tasks.
Pre-tasks were overhauled a moderate amount to implement this feature; they
now require references to task objects instead of task names. This is a
backwards incompatible change.
- Update to 0.7.0 2014.01.28

* [Feature] #107: Update configuration merging behavior for more flexible
reuse of imported task modules, such as parameterizing multiple copies of a
module within a task tree.

* [Feature] #108: Update invoke.collection.Collection.from_module to accept
useful shorthand arguments for tweaking the invoke.collection.Collection
objects it creates (e.g. name, configuration.)

* [Feature] #109: Add a default kwarg to
invoke.collection.Collection.add_task allowing per-collection control over
default tasks.

Sun Jan 12 13:00:00 2014
- Initial version 0.6.1