Changelog for python2-kid-0.9.6-19.5.noarch.rpm :
Thu Jun 14 14:00:00 2018
- Clean SPEC file

Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017
- singlespec auto-conversion

Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2017
- Fix wrong-script-interpreter rpmlint error.

Wed Feb 1 13:00:00 2012
- (Re-add) a proper description
- Rebase kid-setuptools.patch

Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2012
- Completely replaced crappy spec file
- Run testsuite
- Buildrequire python-distribute

Mon Jan 15 13:00:00 2007
- fix build, only use BuildRequires: python-elementtree on old dists

Thu Jan 11 13:00:00 2007
- use python-xml requirement for python 2.5 only (because that\'s
where elementtree lives since then)

Tue Jan 9 13:00:00 2007
- re-add python-elementtree requirement if built with python < 2.5

Mon Jan 8 13:00:00 2007
- Enhancements

* Error messages
o XML errors from the Expat parser are now shown along with the
corresponding line of the erroneous XML code and the exact position of
the error.
o Kid is now much less picky about py:extends and py:layout expressions
and will output much better error messages if they cause an error.
o Kid will now also check that you dont\' use a Template parameter that
conflicts with the name of a member of the BaseTemplate class. Output
Format Control
o The serialization methods now take an additional attribute format that
must be an instance of the new Format class or a string referring to
one of several predefined output formats. This class gives you more
fine control over how the text content is serialized. You can do
things like removing redundant whitespace, adding indentation, word
wrapping, using named entities and using typographic characters for
quotes etc. You can also plug-in your own text filters here. The
chapter on Formatting in the User\'s Guide lists all available
o The old filter methods of the Serializer class have been replaced by a
more powerful general method incorporating the specified format. HTML
o As discussed on the mailing list, the HTML serializer now produces
tags in lowercase. You can change this behavior with the transpose
attribute or using the output method \'HTML\' instead of \'html\'.
o Additional HTML output methods have been defined corresponding to
Mozilla\'s \"full standards mode\", \"almost standards mode\" and \"quirks
mode.\" XHTML Serializer
o The XHTML Serializer now also injects a meta tag with the content type
at the top of the head section. This had been only done by the
HTMLSerializer before. The content type is not injected if such a meta
tag already exists. This automatism can be controlled with the
inject_type parameter. XML Comments
o The rule when variable substitution is applied to XML comments has
been slightly changed, as explained in the Language Specification.
Additional parameters for parsing templates
o The load_template() function now takes additional parameters
entity_map and exec_module. This lets you choose a different XML
entity map to be used when parsing the template, and gives you more
control over the way in which the compiled template code is executed
in the newly created module. The entity_map parameter can also be
passed to some other functions such as XML() and compile_file(). Full
compatibility with Python 2.5 and Python eggs
o The enable_import mechanism has been completely rewritten to support
both Python 2.5 and Python eggs. The old method based on ihooks is not
used any more since ihooks is not compatible with Python eggs; and the
old method based on path_hooks is not used any more since in Python 2.5,
importers installed via path_hooks do not fall back to the built-in
import mechanism any more, breaking the previous implementation.
o The new implementation allows enabling imports from specified paths as
well as imports from sys.path which is now implemented via meta_path.
o Python versions older than Python 2.3 are not supported by Kid any

* Changes
o Due to optimizations in kid.template_util, Kid 0.9.3 templates need to
be re-compiled in order to run with Kid 0.9.4.
o The \'html\' output method now produces lower-case tags. If you want
upper-case tags, you have to use the \'HTML\' method now.
o The kid.parser and kid.pull modules have been renamed kid.codewriter
and kid.parser respectively (in anticipation of a parsing subsystem).

* Bug Fixes
o A couple of bugs that had been reported as trac tickets have been
o Using layout templates which are extended by another template did not
work properly (as reported on the TurboGears mailing list); this has
been fixed.
o More unit tests have been added. The testing machinery now supports
both py.test and nose, or you can simply use the script.
- removed obsolete Requires: python-elementtree

Tue Nov 21 13:00:00 2006
- requires python-xml