Changelog for funkload-1.17.1-7.8.noarch.rpm :
Fri Jun 5 14:00:00 2015
- replaced source archive location from pypi to github as package contain
documentation which pypi version does not have.
- updated to release 1.17.1

* Add a discover mode to the bench runner, so fl-run-bench can be
invoked without specifying the particular test case. This implementation
attempts to behave like unittest’s ‘discover’ argument, and there is
even a similar –failfast option.

* Support https proxy (http proxy was already supported)

* Add a midCycle hook to execute an action in the middle of a cycle

* Add -L options to fl-record to enable tcpwatch forwarded mode which
is usefull if you have an http_proxy to pass.

* Add –quiet option to fl-build-report to remove warning in rst to html convertion

* GH-71: zeromq-based publisher that will let each node
publish in realtime the tests results

* GH-68: Use lightweight threads (greenlets) if available.

* Added one more RPS chart in Section 5, where the X-axis
represents time(in second) and the Y-axis represents RPS.

* Added support for providing the test configuration file with –config

* Display the description in the URL when rendering the page in Firefox

* GH-41: Allow fl-run-bench to take modules in addition to filenames

* Support for gzip compression

* Experimental comet request support, handle stream request in a separate thread

* Ability to configure multiple benchers per server in distribute mode

* Ability to configure multiple monitors per server (useful if you have
to use ssh tunnels instead of read hostnames).

Wed Apr 8 14:00:00 2015
- Use url for source
- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
- Cleanup dependencies`

Sun Sep 4 14:00:00 2011
- update to 1.16.1:

* fixes distributed code
- changes from 1.16.0:

* extends HTTP methods with HEAD and OPTIONS, enable to send any methods
using the new \"method\" API, adding PROPFIND DAV example

* GH-9: new options for distributed mode: you can specify the Python binary
to use with ``--distribute-python=PYTHON_BIN`` option and additional
packages to install on slaves with the
``--distributed-packages=DISTRIBUTED_PACKAGES`` option

* GH-9: added the ability to monitor hosts from the central host; the
monitoring will also retroactively match up the concurrent users for
graphing purposes

* GH-5: ``fl-record`` now checks for ``tcpwatch`` command in addition to
```` and ``tcpwatch-httpproxy``

* GH-6: filter out .swfs when building funkload tests with ``fl-record``

* GH-10: support of python2.7

* GH-15: exposed the load_auto_links parameter to the get/put/post/method
methods so that the option to not parse the payload is available when
writing a test

* fix org-mode output for Org 7.5, adding missing monitoring section

* GH-14: fix report creation when having error message with non-us characters

* GH-11: handling of deleted cookies

* GH-7: data and demo directory missing
- changes from 1.15.0:

* now supporting emacs Org-mode_ text format as report output; this enables
to edit a report as plain text and to produce professional PDF reports
througth the Org-mode_ LaTeX export

* new `trend report to display evolution of performances over time; just use
the ``--trend`` option of the ``fl-build-report`` command

* the credential server can serve a sequence; using ``xmlrpc_get_seq``
threads can share a sequence

* removing deprecated gdchart support, now relying only on gnuplot; note that
a mathplotlib support is on the TODO list

Wed Feb 16 13:00:00 2011
- initial version (1.14.0)