Changelog for
python3-nose-1.3.7-3.6.noarch.rpm :
Mon Jun 13 14:00:00 2016
- Comment out unused test requirements.
Sun May 8 14:00:00 2016
- specfile:
* changed to https for source url
* updated source url to
Fri Jun 5 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 1.3.7:
* Fix loading packages from capitalised package on Windows
Patch by Thomas Kluyver
Tue Apr 7 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 1.3.6:
* Re-release of 1.3.5 with wheels fixed.
- changes from version 1.3.5:
* Fix #875: nose doesn\'t collect tests when subpackage is given as
* Fix #809: tests not discovered for namespace packages on Windows
* Fix #815: \"ValueError: unsupported pickle protocol\" with --with-id
* Wrap the working dir path name in quotes when reporting an error.
Patch by Őry Máté.
* Fix #887: Fix a discrepancy in test names between Python 2 and
Python 3
* Fix #131: Use os.stat() to check if file is executable Patch by
Arnon Yaari.
* Fix #820 and #719: Fix coverage plugin with multiprocess Patch by
Nicolas Grasset.
Thu Jan 1 13:00:00 2015
- specfile: update copyright year
- update to version 1.3.4:
* Recognize doctest options defined in other plugins Patch by Daniel Lepage
* Another fix for Python 3.4: Call super in LazySuite to access _removed_tests variable Patch by Robert Kuska
* Fix for try_run when using bound methods Patch by Christian Lyder Jacobsen
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- update to 1.3.3:
- 1.3.3 fixes a simple issue with the reported version number.
- update to 1.3.2:
- Fixed an issue where build_ext was not working under nosetest
- Fixed #786: generator method fails with callable instance
- Fixed a traceback when using string exceptions
- Fixed #792: \"Not a directory\" error when using python nosetests
- Fixed #779: xunit report file is written in --where directory
- Fixed #782: Test failures with Python >= 3.3
- Fixed #780: Fix a regression with Python 3
- Fixed #783: try_run is broken with Python 3.4
Thu Apr 17 14:00:00 2014
- update to 1.3.1:
* very long list of bugfixes, see included CHANGELOG for details
Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2014
- Fix update-alternatives usage
Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Use setuptools instead of distribute
- Fix imports for 12.2
Mon Jul 1 14:00:00 2013
- Drop functional_tests/test_multiprocessing/,
it randomly fails (due to timing checks)
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- Don\'t damage entry points
Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- Fix update-alternatives and support upgrade from previous versions
Fri May 3 14:00:00 2013
- Apply update-alternatives for binaries and man-pages
Mon Apr 22 14:00:00 2013
- update to 1.3.0:
* very long list of bugfixes, see included CHANGELOG for details
Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- Add nose-1.2.1-plugin-failuredetail-no-tb.patch: Don\'t fail if
traceback is missing
Tue Nov 20 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.2.1:
+ Correct nose.__version__ (#549). Thanks to Chris Withers for the bug report.
- Changes from version 1.2.0:
+ Fixed issue where plugins included with `addplugins` keyword could
be overridden by built-in plugins (or third-party plugins registered
with setuptools) of the same name (#466).
+ Adds :option:`--cover-xml` and :option:`--cover-xml-file` (#311).
+ Adds support for :option:`--cover-branches` (related to #370).
+ Fixed Unicode issue on Python 3.1 with coverage (#442)
+ fixed class level fixture handling in multiprocessing plugin
+ Clue in the ``unittest`` module so it no longer prints traceback frames for
our clones of their simple assertion helpers (#453). Patch by Erik Rose.
+ Stop using the ``assert`` statement in ``ok_`` and ``eq_`` so they work under
``python -O`` (#504). Patch by Erik Rose.
+ Add loglevel option to logcapture plugin (#493).
+ Add doctest options flag (#7 from google code tracker).
+ Add support for using 2to3 with the nosetests setuptools command.
+ Add --cover-min-percentage flag to force test runs without sufficient
coverage to fail (#540). Patch by Domen Kožar.
+ Add travis-ci configuraion (#545).
+ Call reactor.stop from twisted thread (#301).
- Changes from version 1.1.2:
+ Fixed regression where the .coverage file was not saved (#439).
- Testsuite seems to work on SLE_11_SP2, reenable
- Symlink nosetests.1 manpage to nosetests-%{py_ver}.1
Fri May 25 14:00:00 2012
- Added python 3 documentation package
Fri Apr 27 14:00:00 2012
- Fix building python 3 package on openSUSE 11.4
Thu Apr 26 14:00:00 2012
- Add python 3 packages
Tue Apr 24 14:00:00 2012
- Disable testsuite on openSUSE-11.4 and less to fix build
Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2012
- Move doc package into seperate spec to break build cycle between
python-nose and python-Pygments (pulled in by python-Sphinx)
Sat Mar 10 13:00:00 2012
- Simply macro usage
- Run testsuite
Wed Sep 21 14:00:00 2011
- Needs python-distribute at runtime
Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011
- Upper-case %description
Thu Sep 8 14:00:00 2011
- Disabled testsuite to fix build
Thu Sep 8 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.1.2:
* Fixed regression where the .coverage file was not saved (#439).
* Fixed missing nose.sphinx module in source distribution (#436).
- Spec file changes:
* Depend on python-distribute instead of python-setuptools
* Changed license to LGPL-2.0+ (SPDX style)
* Properly build and install HTML documentation
* Requires python-xml at runtime
Mon Feb 7 13:00:00 2011
- update to 1.0.0:
+ Made nose compatible with python 3.
* thanks to Alex \"foogod\" Stewart!
Tue Sep 14 14:00:00 2010
- update to 0.11.4
- Made nose compatible with Python 2.7.
- Fixed default plugin manager\'s use of plugin overriding. Thanks to
rob.daylife for the bug report and patch. (#323).
- Changed plugin loading so that external plugins loaded via extension
points can override builtin plugins with the same name.
... for more see CHANGELOG
Wed Jul 22 14:00:00 2009
- update to 0.11.1
+ Fixed bug in xunit plugin xml escaping.
+ Fixed bug in xunit plugin that could cause test run to crash
after certain types of errors or actions by other plugins.
+ Fixed bug in testid plugin that could cause test run to crash
after certain types of errors or actions by other plugins.
+ Fixed bug in collect only plugin that caused it to fail when
collecting from test generators.
+ Fixed some broken html in docs.
- update to 0.11.1 contains changes from 0.11:
+ Added multiprocess plugin that allows tests to be run in parallel
across multiple processes.
+ Added logcapture plugin that captures logging messages and prints
them with failing tests.
+ Added optional HTML coverage reports to coverage plugin.
+ Added plugin that enables collection of tests in all modules.
+ Added --failed option to testid plugin. When this option is in
effect, if any tests failed in the previous test run (so long as
testid was active for that test run) only the failed tests will run.
+ Made it possible to \'yield test\' in addition to \'yield test,\' from
test generators.
+ Fixed bug that caused traceback inspector to fail when source code
file could not be found.
+ Fixed some issues limiting compatibility with IronPython.
+ Added support for module and test case fixtures in doctest files.
+ Added --traverse-namespace commandline option that restores old
default behavior of following all package __path__ entries when
loading tests from packages.
+ Added --first-package-wins commandline option to better support
testing parts of namespace packages.
+ Added versioned nosetests scripts (#123).
+ Fixed bug that would cause context teardown to fail to run in some
+ Enabled doctest plugin to use variable other than \"_\" as the default
result variable.
+ Fixed bug that would cause unicode output to crash output capture.
+ Added setUp and tearDown as valid names for module-level fixtures.
+ Fixed bug in list of valid names for package-level fixtures.
+ Updated man page generation using hacked up manpage writer from
docutils sandbox.
- fix some rpmlint warnings
Tue Dec 2 13:00:00 2008
- Update to 0.10.4
- nose is now compatible with python 2.6.
- 0.10.3
- Fixed bug in nosetests setup command that caused an exception to be raised
if run with options. Thanks to Philip Jenvey for the bug report (#191).
- Raised score of coverage plugin to 200, so that it will execute before
default-score plugins, and so be able to catch more import-time code. Thanks
to Ned Batchelder for the bug report and patch (#190).
- 0.10.2
- nose now runs under jython (jython svn trunk only at this time). Thanks to
Philip Jenvey, Pam Zerbinos and the other pycon sprinters (#160).
- Fixed bugs in loader, default plugin manager, and other modules that
caused plugin exceptions to be swallowed (#152, #155). Thanks to John J
Lee for the bug report and patch.
- Added script, used to test a non-installed distribution of
nose (#49). Thanks to Antoine Pitrou and John J Lee for the bug report and
- Fixed bug in nose.importer that caused errors with namespace
packages. Thanks to Philip Jenvey for the bug report and patch (#164).
- Fixed bug in that prevented use of multiple
AATTwith_setup decorators. Thanks to tlesher for the bug report (#151).
- Fixed bugs in handling of context fixtures for tests imported into a
package. Thanks to Gary Bernhardt for the bug report (#145).
- Fixed bugs in handling of config files and config file options for plugins
excluded by a RestrictedPluginManager. Thanks to John J Lee and Philip
Jenvey for the bug reports and patches (#158, #166).
- Updated ErrorClass exception reporting to be shorter and more clear. Thanks
to John J Lee for the patch (#142).
- Allowed plugins to load tests from modules starting with \'_\'. Thanks to John
J Lee for the patch (#82).
- Updated documentation about building as rpm (#127).
- Updated config to make including executable files the default on
IronPython as well as on Windows. Thanks to sanxiyn for the bug
report and patch (#183).
- Fixed a python 2.3 incompatibility in errorclass_failure.rst
(#173). Thanks to Philip Jenvey for the bug report and patch.
- Classes with metaclasses can now be collected as tests (#153).
- Made sure the document tree in the selector plugin test is accurate
and tested (#144). Thanks to John J Lee for the bug report and
- Fixed stack level used when dropping into pdb in a doctest
(#154). Thanks to John J Lee for the bug report and patch.
- Fixed bug in ErrorClassPlugin that made some missing keyword
argument errors obscure (#159). Thanks to Philip Jenvey for the bug
report and patch.
Mon Nov 10 13:00:00 2008
- try building with --record-rpm instead of --record as per bnc#441794
Wed Jul 9 14:00:00 2008
- fix build, the man page wasn\'t found.
Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2008
- Update to 0.10.1:
- Fixed bug in capture plugin that caused it to record captured output on the
test in the wrong attribute (#113)
- Fixed bug in result proxy that caused tests to fail if they accessed
certain result attibutes directly (#114). Thanks to Neilen Marais for the
bug report
- Fixed bug in capture plugin that caused other error formatters changes to
be lost if no output was captured (#124). Thanks to someone at
for the bug report
- Fixed several bugs in the nosetests setup command that made some options
unusable and the command itself unusable when no options were set (#125,
[#126], #128). Thanks to Alain Poirier for the bug reports
- Fixed bug in handling of string errors (#130). Thanks to schl... at for the bug report
- Fixed bug in coverage plugin option handling that prevented
- -cover-package=mod1,mod2 from working (#117). Thanks to Allen Bierbaum for
the patch
- Fixed bug in profiler plugin that prevented output from being produced when
output capture was enabled on python 2.5 (#129). Thanks to James Casbon for
the patch
- Fixed bug in adapting 0.9 plugins to 0.10 (#119 part one). Thanks to John J
Lee for the bug report and tests
- Fixed bug in handling of argv in config and plugin test utilities (#119
part two). Thanks to John J Lee for the bug report and patch
- Fixed bug where Failure cases due to invalid test name specifications were
passed to plugins makeTest (#120). Thanks to John J Lee for the bug report
and patch
- Fixed bugs in doc css that mangled display in small windows. Thanks to Ben
Hoyt for the bug report and Michal Kwiatkowski for the fix
- Made it possible to pass a list or comma-separated string as defaultTest to
main(). Thanks to Allen Bierbaum for the suggestion and patch
- Fixed a bug in nose.selector and nose.util.getpackage that caused
directories with names that are not legal python identifiers to be
collected as packages (#143). Thanks to John J Lee for the bug report
Mon Jul 3 14:00:00 2006
- update
Mon Jul 3 14:00:00 2006
- Initial release