Changelog for
libjq-devel-1.5-6.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.5
* Regexp support
* A proper module system
* Destructuring syntax
* Math functions
* An online streaming parser
* Minimal I/O builtins (inputs, debug)
* try/catch for catching and handling errors
* Tail call optimization
* Datetime functions
* Performance enhancements
- Add oniguruma-devel BuildRequires for regexp support
Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2014
- Don\'t package static libs
- Fix rpath on the main binary
Sun Jun 15 14:00:00 2014
- Updated to 1.4
+ New command line arguments
* jq --arg-file variable file
* jq --unbuffered
* jq -e / --exit-status (set exit status based on outputs)
* jq -S / --sort-keys (now jq no longer sorts object keys by
+ Syntax changes
* .. -> like // in XPath (recursive traversal)
* question mark (e.g., .a?) to suppress errors
* .\"foo\" syntax (equivalent to .[\"foo\"])
* better error handling for .foo
* added % operator (modulo)
* allow negation without requiring extra parenthesis
* more function arguments (up to six)
+ New filters
* any, all
* iterables, arrays, objects, scalars, nulls, booleans,
numbers, strings, values
+ New string built-ins
* split
* join (join an array of strings with a given separator string)
* ltrimstr, rtrimstr
* startswith, endswith
* explode, implode
* fromjson, tojson
* index, rindex, indices
+ New math functions
* floor, sqrt, cbrt, etc.
+ Addition of libjq, a C API interface to jq\'s JSON representation
and for running jq programs from C applications.
Thu Oct 17 14:00:00 2013
- license update: MIT and CC-BY-3.0
documentation is licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Tue Oct 1 14:00:00 2013
- Initial packaging of version 1.3