Changelog for ordbanken-kde-gui-2018.07.05-2.1.noarch.rpm :
Thu Jul 5 14:00:00 2018 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2018.07.05
- Updated to version 2018-07-05:

* Full form lexicons updated to 2018-06-28 release
(with license change to CC-BY 4.0)

* Now requires “gawk”, not just any “awk”

* Plasma widget now handles more than one search filter

* When starting the Plasma widget, the text input
field is automatically focused

* Scrolling now works again in the Plasma widget

* Links to the online dictionaries (moved from
UiO Web site to the UiB web site) have been updated

* Internal unit tests, for catching bugs/regressions

* Improved AppData metadata

* Other minor bug and compatibility fixes

Sat May 26 14:00:00 2018 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2018.05.26
- Updated to version 2018-05-26:

* Full form lexicons updated to 2016-05-04 release
(latest upstream release)

* Minor improvements in AppData file

Wed Mar 30 14:00:00 2016 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2016.03.20
- Updated requirements for GUI package to remove dependencies
on KDE 4 and Python, and to add dependencies on Plasma 5

Sun Mar 20 13:00:00 2016 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2016.03.20
- Updated to version 2016-03-20:

* Full form lexicons updated to 2014-11-04 release
(latest upstream release)

* Completely rewritten and improved GUI, which now
works with KDE/Plasma 5

* Internal use of the ‘look’ command for fast dictionary
has been fixed to work on BSD/Debian/Ubuntu

* Links to the online editions of Nynorskordboka and
Bokmålsordboka again works properly for words with
non-ASCII characters

* Added AppData file and screenshot

* Minor technical improvements, including support
for translating application metadata using standard
gettext PO files

Sun Feb 17 13:00:00 2013 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2013.02.17
- Updated to version 2013-02-17
- Added KDE GUI (plasmoid) subpackage (ordbanken-kde-gui)

Sat Sep 1 14:00:00 2012 Karl Ove Hufthammer - 2012.09.01
- Initial version of the package