Changelog for php7-pear-phpexcel-1.8.1-lp150.2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Aug 29 2016 Updated to version 1.8.1 from new Github repository- version v1.8.1:
* Bugfix: (goncons) Work Item GH-397 - Fix for Writing an Open Document cell with non-numeric formula
* Bugfix: (sarciszewski) Work Item GH-329 - Avoid potential divide by zero in basedrawing
* Bugfix: (ymaerschalck) Work Item GH-405 - XML External Entity (XXE) Processing, different behaviour between simplexml_load_string() and simplexml_load_file().
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix to ensure that current cell is maintained when executing formula calculations
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-350 - Keep/set the value on Reader _loadSheetsOnly as NULL, courtesy of Restless-ET
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item CP18105 - Loading an Excel 2007 spreadsheet throws an \"Autofilter must be set on a range of cells\" exception
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-388 - Fix to autoloader registration for backward compatibility with PHP 5.2.0 not accepting the prepend flag
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-384 - DOM loadHTMLFile() failing with options flags when using PHP < 5.4.0
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix for percentage operator in formulae for BIFF Writer
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Fix to getStyle() call for cell object
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Discard Autofilters in Excel2007 Reader when filter range isn\'t a valid range
* Bugfix: (frozenstupidity) Work Item GH-423 - Fix invalid NA return in VLOOKUP
* Bugfix: (wiseloren) Work Item CP21454 - \"No Impact\" conditional formatting fix for NumberFormat
* Bugfix: (bobwitlox) Work Item GH-467 - Bug in Excel2003XML reader, parsing merged cells
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-302 - Fix for CEIL() and FLOOR() when number argument is zero
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Remove cells cleanly when calling RemoveRow() or RemoveColumn()
* General: (MBaker) - Small performance improvement for autosize columns
* General: (frost-nzcr4) Work Item GH-379 - Change the getter/setter for zeroHeight to camel case
* General: (MBaker) Work Item GH-394 - DefaultValueBinder is too much aggressive when converting string to numeric
* General: (MBaker) - Default precalculate formulas to false for writers
* General: (MBaker) - Set default Cyclic Reference behaviour to 1 to eliminate exception when using a single cyclic iteration in formulae
* General: (MBaker) Work Item GH-396 - Some Excel writer libraries erroneously use Codepage 21010 for UTF-16LE
* Feature: (WiktrzGE) Work Item GH-404 - Methods to manage most of the existing options for Chart Axis, Major Grid-lines and Minor Grid-lines
* Feature: (frost-nzcr4) Work Item GH-403 - ODS read/write comments in the cell
* Feature: (CQD) Work Item GH-389 - Additional Mac CJK codepage definitions
* Feature: (bolovincev) Work Item GH-269 - Update Worksheet.php getStyleByColumnAndRow() to allow a range of cells rather than just a single cell
* Feature: (MBaker) - New methods added for testing cell status within merge groups
* Feature: (cifren/MBaker) Work Item GH-205 - Handling merge cells in HTML Reader
* Feature: (MBaker) - Helper to convert basic HTML markup to a Rich Text object
* Feature: (MBaker) - Improved Iterators New Column Iterator Support for row and column ranges Improved handling for next/prev
* Security: (MBaker) - XML filescan in XML-based Readers to prevent XML Entity Expansion (XEE) (see for an explanation of XEE injection) attacks Reference CVE-2015-3542 - Identification of problem courtesy of Dawid Golunski (Pentest Ltd.) version: v1.8.0:
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP19830 - Undefined variable: fileHandle in CSV Reader
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP19968 - Out of memory in style/supervisor.php
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Style error with merged cells in PDF Writer
* Bugfix: (MBaker) - Problem with cloning worksheets
* Bugfix: (tavoarcila) Work Item GH-259 - Bug fix reading Open Office files
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP20397 - Serious bug in absolute cell reference used in shared formula Would also have affected insert/delete column/row
* Bugfix: (RomanSyroeshko) Work Item GH-267 - CHOOSE() returns \"#VALUE!\" if the 1st entry is chosen
* Bugfix: (Gemorroj) Work Item GH-268 - When duplicating styles, styles shifted by one column to the right Fix also applied to duplicating conditional styles
* Bugfix: (IndrekHaav) Work Item GH-212 - Fix for formulae that reference a sheet whose name begins with a digit: these were erroneously identified as numeric values, causing the parser to throw an undefined variable error.
* Bugfix: (IndrekHaav) Work Item CP16208 - Fixed undefined variable error due to $styleArray being used before it\'s initialised
* Bugfix: (PowerKiKi) Work Item GH-273 - ISTEXT() return wrong result if referencing an empty but formatted cell
* Bugfix: (PowerKiKi) Work Item GH-270/GH-31 - Binary comparison of strings are case insensitive
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-275 - Insert New Row/Column Before is not correctly updating formula references
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-257 - Passing an array of cells to _generateRow() in the HTML/PDF Writer causes caching problems with last cell in the range
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-193 - Fix to empty worksheet garbage collection when using cell caching
* Bugfix: (Jazzo) Work Item GH-248 - Excel2007 does not correctly mark rows as hidden
* Bugfix: (Roy Shahbazian) Work Item GH-299 - Fixed typo in Chart/Layout set/getYMode()
* Bugfix: (EliuFlorez) Work item GH-279 - Fatal error: Call to a member function cellExists() line: 3327 in calculation.php if referenced worksheet doesn\'t exist
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item GH-290 - AdvancedValueBinder \"Division by zero\"-error
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work Item CP20604 - Adding Sheet to Workbook Bug
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP20703 - Calculation engine incorrectly evaluates empty cells as #VALUE
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item CP20760 - Formula references to cell on another sheet in ODS files
* Bugfix: (MBaker) Work item GH321,GH158,CP17824 - LibreOffice created XLSX files results in an empty file.
* Feature: (amerov) - Implementation of the Excel HLOOKUP() function
* Feature: (MBaker) - Added \"Quote Prefix\" to style settings (Excel2007 Reader and Writer only)
* Feature: (MBaker) - Added Horizontal FILL alignment for Excel5 and Excel2007 Readers/Writers, and Horizontal DISTRIBUTED alignment for Excel2007 Reader/Writer
* Feature: (trvrnrth) Work Item GH-261 - Add support for reading protected (RC4 encrypted) .xls files
* Feature: (LWol) Work Item GH-252 - Adding support for macros, Ribbon in Excel 2007
* General: (cdhutch) Work item CP20055 - Remove array_shift in ReferenceHelper::insertNewBefore improves column or row delete speed
* General: (MBaker) - Improve stock chart handling and rendering, with help from Swashata Ghosh
* General: (MBaker) - Fix to calculation properties for Excel2007 so that the opening application will only recalculate on load if it\'s actually required
* General: (MBaker) - Modified Excel2007 Writer to default preCalculateFormulas to false Note that autosize columns will still recalculate affected formulae internally
* General: (dresenhista) Work Item GH-242 - Functionality to getHighestRow() for a specified column, and getHighestColumn() for a specified row
* General: (adamriyadi) Work Item GH-247 - Modify PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007 to use zipClass from PHPExcel_Settings::getZipClass() This allows the use of PCLZip when reading for people that don\'t have access to ZipArchive
* General: (infojunkie) Work Item GH-276 - Convert properties to string in OOCalc reader
* Security: (maartenba) Work Item GH-322 - Disable libxml external entity loading by default. This is to prevent XML External Entity Processing (XXE) injection attacks (see for an explanation of XXE injection). Reference CVE-2014-2054
* Thu Oct 17 2013 Version 1.7.9
* Feature Include charts option for HTML Writer
* Feature Added composer file
* Feature Added getStyle() method to Cell object
* Bugfix #18777 - Error in PHPEXCEL/Calculation.php script on line 2976 (stack pop check)
* Bugfix #18794 - CSV files without a file extension being identified as HTML
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#66 - Wrong check for maximum number of rows in Excel5 Writer
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#67 - Cache directory for DiscISAM cache storage cannot be set
* Bugfix #17976 - Fix to Excel2007 Reader for hyperlinks with an anchor fragment (following a #), otherwise they were treated as sheet references
* Bugfix #18963 - getSheetNames() fails on numeric (floating point style) names with trailing zeroes
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#130 - Single cell print area
* General gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#69 - Improved AdvancedValueBinder for currency
* General #17936 and 17840 - Fix for environments where there is no access to /tmp but to upload_tmp_dir: Provided an option to set the sys_get_temp_dir() call to use the upload_tmp_dir; though by default the standard temp directory will still be used
* General gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#84 - Search style by identity in
* PHPExcel_Worksheet
* General gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#85 - Fill SheetView IO in Excel5
* General #18958 - Memory and Speed improvements in PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5
* General gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#78 - Modify listWorksheetNames() and listWorksheetInfo to use XMLReader with streamed XML rather than SimpleXML
* General Restructuring of PHPExcel Exceptions
* General #16926 and 15145 - Refactor Calculation Engine from singleton to a Multiton Ensures that calculation cache is maintained independently for different workbooks
* General Modify cell\'s getCalculatedValue() method to return the content of RichText objects rather than the RichText object itself
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#70 - Fixed formula/formatting bug when removing rows
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#63 - Fix to cellExists for non-existent namedRanges
* Bugfix #18844 - cache_in_memory_gzip \"eats\" last worksheet line, cache_in_memory doesn\'t
* Feature gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#22 - Sheet View in Excel5 Writer
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#82 - PHPExcel_Worksheet may not return last cached cell
* Bugfix #18551 - Rich Text containing UTF-8 characters creating unreadable content with Excel5 Writer
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#104 - echo statements in HTML.php
* Feature gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#8/CP11704 : Conditional formatting in Excel 5 Writer
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#113 - canRead() Error for GoogleDocs ODS files: in ODS files from Google Docs there is no mimetype file
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#80 - \"Sheet index is out of bounds.\" Exception
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#105 - Fixed number format fatal error
* Bugfix - Add DROP TABLE in destructor for SQLite and SQLite3 cache controllers
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#154 - Fix merged-cell borders on HTML/PDF output
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#161 - Fix: Hyperlinks break when removing rows
* Bugfix gh:PHPOffice/PHPExcel#166 - Fix Extra Table Row From Images and Charts- BREAKING CHANGE! As part of the planned changes for handling array formulae in workbooks, there are some changes that will affect the PHPExcel_Cell object methods.
* The following methods are now deprecated, and will be removed in or after version 1.8.0: - getCalculatedValue() The getValue() method will return calculated values for cells containing formulae instead. - setCalculatedValue() The cell value will always contain the result of a any formula calculation. - setFormulaAttributes() Will now be determined by the arguments to the - setFormula() method. - getFormulaAttributes() This will be replaced by the getArrayFormulaRange() method.
* The following methods will be added in version 1.8.0 - getFormula() Use to retrieve a cell formula, will return the cell value if the cell doesn\'t contain a formula, or is not part of an array formula range. - setFormula() Use to set a cell formula. It will still be possible to set formulae using the setValue() and - setValueExplicit() methods. calculate() Use to execute a formula calculation to update the cell value. - isFormula() Use to determine if a cell contains a formula, or is part of an array formula range or not. - isArrayFormula() Use to determine if a cell contains an array formula, or is part of an array formula range or not. - getArrayFormulaRange() Use to retrieve an array formula range.
* The following methods will be changed in version 1.8.0 - setValue() The logic behind this will be modified to store formula values in the new cell property structure, but it will still perform the same function. - setValueExplicit() The logic behind this will be modified to store formula values in the new cell property structure, but it will still perform the same function. - getValue() Will no longer return a formula if the cell contains a formula, but will return the calculated value instead. For cells that don\'t contain a formula, it will still return the stored value. - getDataType() Will return the datatype of the calculated value for cells that contain formulae. - setDataType() Error handling will be added to prevent setting a cell datatype to an inappropriate value.
* Thu Feb 21 2013 Version 1.7.8- BREAKING CHANGE! As part of the planned changes for handling array formulae in workbooks, there are some changes that will affect the PHPExcel_Cell object methods.- More changes
* Phar builder script to add phar file as a distribution option
* Refactor PDF Writer to allow use with a choice of PDF Rendering library - rather than restricting to tcPDF - Current options are tcPDF, mPDF, DomPDF - tcPDF Library has now been removed from the deployment bundle
* Initial version of HTML Reader
* Implement support for AutoFilter in PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5
* Modified ERF and ERFC Engineering functions to accept Excel 2010\'s modified acceptance of negative arguments
* Support SheetView `view` attribute (Excel2007)
* Excel compatibility option added for writing CSV files - While Excel 2010 can read CSV files with a simple UTF-8 BOM, Excel2007 and earlier require UTF-16LE encoded tab-separated files.
* option for the CSV Writer will generate files with this formatting for easy import into Excel2007 and below.
* Language implementations for Turkish (tr)
* Added fraction tests to advanced value binder
* Allow call to font setUnderline() for underline format to specify a simple
* Add Currency detection to the Advanced Value Binder
* setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow() do not return PHPExcel_Worksheet
* Reader factory doesn\'t read anymore XLTX and XLT files
* Magic __toString() method added to Cell object to return raw data value as a string
* Add cell indent to html rendering
* ZeroHeight for rows in sheet format
* OOCalc cells containing inside the tag
* Fix to listWorksheetInfo() method for OOCalc Reader
* Support for \"e\" (epoch) date format mask - Rendered as a 4-digit CE year in non-Excel outputs
* Background color cell is always black when editing cell
* Allow \"no impact\" to formats on Conditional Formatting
* OOCalc Reader fix for NULL cells
* Fix to excel2007 Chart Writer when a $plotSeriesValues is empty
* Various fixes to Chart handling
* Error loading xlsx file with column breaks
* OOCalc Reader now handles percentage and currency data types
* mb_stripos empty delimiter
* getNestingLevel() Error on Excel5 Read
* Fix to Excel5 Reader when cell annotations are defined before their referenced text objects
* OOCalc Reader modified to process number-rows-repeated
* Chart Title compatibility on Excel 2007
* Chart Refresh returning cell reference rather than values
* Autoshape being identified in twoCellAnchor when includeCharts is TRUE triggering load error
* v-type texts for series labels now recognised and parsed correctly
* load file failed if the file has no extensionType
* Pattern fill colours in Excel2007 Style Writer
* Excel2007 Writer order of font style elements to conform with Excel2003 using compatibility pack
* Problems with $_activeSheetIndex when decreased below 0.
* PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorage_SQLite3::cacheMethodIsAvailable() uses class_exists - autoloader throws error
* Cannot access private property
* PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::$_cacheStorageMethod
* Data titles for charts - PHPExcel_Chart_Layout now has methods for getting/setting switches for displaying/hiding chart data labels
* Discard single cell merge ranges when reading (stupid that Excel allows them in the first place)
* Discard hidden autoFilter named ranges- Version 1.7.7
* Support for Rich-Text in PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5
* OOCalc cells contain same data bug?
* listWorksheetInfo() method added to Readers... courtesy of Christopher Mullins
* Options for cell caching using Igbinary and SQLite/SQlite3.
* Additional row iterator options: allow a start row to be defined in the constructor; seek(), and prev() methods added.
* Implement document properties in Excel5 writer
* Implement chart functionality (EXPERIMENTAL) - Initial definition of chart objects. - Reading Chart definitions through the Excel2007 Reader - Facility to render charts to images using the 3rd-party jpgraph library - Writing Charts using the Excel2007 Writer
* Fix to build to ensure that Examples are included with the documentation
* Reduce cell caching overhead using dirty flag to ensure that cells are only rewritten to the cache if they have actually been changed
* Improved memory usage in CSV Writer
* Improved speed and memory usage in Excel5 Writer
* Experimental - getHighestDataRow(), getHighestRowAndColumn() and calculateWorksheetDataDimension() methods for the worksheet that return the highest row and column that have cell records
* Change iterators to implement Iterator rather than extend CachingIterator, as a fix for PHP 5.4. changes in SPL
* Invalid cell coordinate in Autofilter for Excel2007 Writer
* PCLZip library issue
* Excel2007 Reader canRead function bug Support for Excel functions whose return can be used as either a value or as a cell reference depending on its context within a formula
* ini_set() call in Calculation class destructor
* RangeToArray strange array keys
* INDIRECT() function doesn\'t work with named ranges
* Locale-specific fix to text functions when passing a boolean argument instead of a string
* reader/CSV fails on this file auto_detect_line_endings now set in CSV reader
* $arguments improperly used in CachedObjectStorage/PHPTemp.php Bug In Cache System (cell reference when throwing caching errors)
* PHP Invalid index notice on writing excel file when active sheet has been deleted
* External links in Excel2010 files cause Fatal error
* Previous calculation engine error conditions trigger cyclic reference errors
* PHPExcel_Style::applyFromArray() returns null rather than style object in advanced mode
* Cell::getFormattedValue returns RichText object instead of string Indexed colors do not refer to Excel\'s indexed colors?
* Indexed colors should be consistent with Excel and start from 1 (current index starts at 0)
* Named Range definition in .xls when sheet reeference is quote wrapped
* duplicateStyle() method doesn\'t duplicate conditional formats
* method for duplicating conditional styles
* =sumproduct(A,B) <> =sumproduct(B,A) in xlsx
* Support for Rich-Text in PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5
* Two easy to fix Issues concerning PHPExcel_Token_Stack (l10n/UC)
* Locale file paths not fit for windows
* Add file directory as a cache option for cache_to_discISAM
* Datatype.php & constant TYPE_NULL
* Ensure use of system temp directory for all temporary work files, unless explicitly specified
* [Patch] faster stringFromColumnIndex()
* Fix for projects that still use old autoloaders
* Unknown codepage: 10007 Additional Mac codepages
* Sat Apr 14 2012 Fix requirements for non-suse based distributions
* Sat Apr 14 2012 Fix for environments where there is no access to /tmp but to upload_tmp_dir See:
* Mon Dec 05 2011 Improved Provide/Obsoletes section
* Fri May 20 2011 package version 1.7.6- Fixed Fedora-based Require issue- Fixed some dependency issues