Changelog for squidanalyzer-6.6-2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Mar 08 2018 update to 6.6: This is a maintenance release that fix one year of issues reported by users. There is also some additional features, configuration directives all listed below: + Add TopStorage configuration directive to limit the storage of url to a certain quantity in data file and sorted by OrderUrl. On huge access log it will improve a lot the performances but you will have less precision in the top url. Default to 0, all url will be stored. + Add a cache to network and user aliases for speed improvement. Thanks to Louis-Berthier Soulliere for the report. + Add TimeStart and TimeStop configuration directives to allow to specify a start and stop time. Log line out of this time range will not be parsed. The format of the value is HH:MM. These directives can be overridden with the -s | --start and -S | --stop command line options. Thanks to Louis-Berthier Soulliere for the feature request. + Add UpdateAlias configuration directive to apply immediately the changes made in aliases files to avoid duplicates. You still have to use --rebuild to recreate previous reports with new aliases. Enabling this will imply a lost of performances with huge log files. + Add UseUrlPort configuration directive to be able to include port number into Url statistics. Default is to remove the port information from the Url. Thanks to Tobias Wigand for the feature request. + Add report of top denied url on user statistic page. Thanks to delumerlino and Pavel Podkorytov for the feature request. + Add last visited timestamp on urls reports and show last ten visit on user url report. The last visit are counted after 5 minutes in hour view, after 30 minutes in day views and per day in month view. Thanks to Ringa Mari Sundberg for the feature request. + Add support to ipv6 address dns resolving, you need perl > 5.014. Thanks to Brian J. Murrell for the report.
* Sun Jan 24 2016 update to 6.5: - Fix height of bytes graphs that was overlaping on third graph. - Update russian translation. - Update copyright year.
* Sat Dec 26 2015 update to 6.4: + This release adds throughput statistics to all reports. It also allow to add a ufdbGuard log to the list of log files and to report blocked URLs into the Denied reports. It also adds support to xz compressed files. + There\'s also a new configuration directive and command line option: ++ Add -t | --timezone and TimeZone directive to change the timezone. When set, SquidAnalyzer will read time from log file as UTC time and will add the hours specified in the timezone option. This is useful if the log file is not parsed on a computer with the same timezone than the squid server. + It also included several bug fixes since last release: - Fix graphic overlaps that with one of the graphics. Thanks to Daniel Bareiro for the report. - Add throughput calculation (ratio between bytes and duration) to all reports. - Fix missing largest URL in networks detailed report. Thanks to Juan Martin for the report. - Fix use of network-aliases together with a network include entry that make networks disappears from the report. Thanks to Juan Martin for the report. - Add -t | --timezone and TimeZone directive to change the timezone. When set, SquidAnalyzer will read time from log file as UTC time and will add the hours specified in the timezone option. Thanks to Anderson - BR Suporte for the feature request. - Add support to ufdbGuard log file. squidGuard and ufdbGuard files can be given together with squid log file as a list into LogFile configuration file or as arguments of command line. Thanks to Martin Hoffmann for the feature request. - Fix some division by zero. Thanks to cueda for the report. - Fix some potential illegal division by zero. - Fix negative duration with http like log file when duration is not set (-). Thanks to cedua for the report. - Add new throughput (Bytes/sec) column in all reports and a throughput graph. Thanks to Mike Lerley for the feature request. - Allow parsing of xz compressed files. Thanks to Markus Maikis for the patch. - Fix bug with include/exclude networks or clients preventing users reports to be built. Thanks to Juan Martin for the report. - Fix SquidAnalyzer fails to update statistics after cleanup of access.log. Thanks to mkhallaf for the report. - Limit parsing of ufdbGuard logs to BLOCK line. - Replace SquidGuard label by Blocklist as we use more blocklist tools. - Update Italian translation file. Thanks to Stefano Cailotto for the update.
* Mon Oct 12 2015 update to 6.3-1 (translated to RPM version 6.3.1): This release adds a new report to show statistics about Denied URLs. It also allow to add a SquidGuard log to the list of log files and to report blocked URLs into the Denied reports. It ialso adds a pie chart on SquidGuard ACLs use. There\'s also four new configuration directives: - UserReport to be able to remove any user related reports but statistics about URL and domains will remain. - ExcludedCodes to be able to exclude some log entries following the TCP code returned. - UrlHitsOnly to be able to enable the generation of additional HTML tables with top Url per byte and per duration in Top Urls and Domains report. - MaxFormatError to not exit immediatly when a bad format error is encountered. SquidAnalyzer will wait MaxFormatError before exiting. Note that this last directive is disable by default, so if you still want the three tables in the reports, you must set UrlHitsOnly to 1. A Catalan translation file has been added to the lang directory. It also included several bug fixes since last release.- re-packages original tarball to follow new version numbering and use bzip2
* Sun Mar 08 2015 update to 6.2-1 This release adds support to common or combined squid log format and a new Italian translation file. There\'s also a new configuration directive UserReport to be able to remove any user related reports, statistics about URL and domains will remain. The second new directive is ExcludedCodes to be able to exclude some log entries following the TCP code returned. - Update year in copyright - Add documentation about log format. - Allow mime type report for common or combined log format. This require the use of %mt at end of the log format. - Add support to common and combined (http like) log format. - Fix hidden control character in configuration file. - Add UserReport configuration directive to not produce any report about users. Thanks to Razerlikes for the feature request. - Fix several issues with non default installation path. Thanks to Yuri Voinov for the report. - Force squid-analyzer to find perl executable from env. Thanks to Yuri Voinov for the report. - Fix russian translation. Thanks to Yuri Voinov for the patch. - Fix install on Solaris. Thanks to Yuri Voinov for the report. - Fix error message when --rebuild is used and configuration directive LogFile is empty. Thanks to Michael Gauthier for the report. - Remove any access.log file from the parser list when --rebuild is used to avoid double entry. Thanks to Michael Gauthier for the report. - Fix user anonymization with --rebuild option. - Fix issues in week reports when the week overlaps two years. Thanks to Michael Gauthier for the report. - SquidAnalyzer will look for include/exclude users using format: user, userAATTdomain.tld and domain\\user. Thanks to Jacques Serfontein for the feature request. - Fix case where file was not parsed in incremental mode when log file size was lower than history offset. Thanks to Amir Mottaghian for the report. - Add Italian translation file. Thanks to Stefano Cailotto for the patch - Add ExcludedCodes configuration directive to be able to remove some log entries from statistics based on the TCP code. Thanks to Peter C. Ndikuwera for the feature request. For example: TCP_DENIED/403, which are generated when a user accesses a page the first time without authentication.- fix apache access problems in squidguardmgr.http/.conf- fix apache startup errro by options
* Fri Dec 19 2014 update to 6.1 This release fix severals major issues and adds a new feature to disable weekly reports with a new command line option --no-week-stat. - Fix top domains report where url with port was reported in unknown domains. Thanks to Michael Gauthier for the report. - Add --no-week-stat to disable weekly reports generation. Thanks to Mang0uste for the feature request. - Fix and update Ukrainian translation file. Thanks to Oleg A. Deordiev for the patch. - Save the last line parsed line when squid-analyzer is interrupted to avoid loading twice the same data after restarting. Thanks to Michael Gauthier for the report. - Fix missing calendar menu on daily report. Thanks to Cesar Vazquez for the report. - Fix problem with links to weekly summaries in Thanks to David Murrel for the patch. - Add IO::Handle and FileHandle in Perl modules that should be loaded. Thanks to Jeetendra Poojari for the report.
* Tue Sep 23 2014 update to 6.0 This major release adds several new features, lot of speed improvement and some major bug fixes:
* Multiple access.log files can be processed at the same time.
* Multiprocess mode can be activated using the -j N command line option.
* New ExcludedMimes configuration directive to exclude from statistics a comma separated list of mime-type or using regex like text/.
* New ExcludedMethods configuration directive to exclude from statistics a comma separated list of HTTP methods (GET,POST,CONNECT,...).
* New translation available: pl_PL On UPDATE: you must override all your installation, Perl scripts, configuration file, CSS and Javascript files. Backward compatibility with 5.x data files is preserved.- added squidanalyzer-rpmlintrc
* Sun May 04 2014 update to 5.4: + This release fixes several bugs and adds more translation files (Ukrainian, Czech, Spanidh and Russian). + It also allow a custom definition of the logo and title. + Add new weekly statistics and reports as well as TCP DENIED report in cache statistics.
* Fri Apr 25 2014 updated to work on centos system
* Wed Dec 25 2013 update to 5.3: + added two new pie charts about the most use top second level domains + It is also possible to do DNS lookup of Ip addresses inside SquidAnalyzer, see UseClientDNSName new configuration directive (see DNSLookupTimeout configuration directive to avoid performance issues) + fixed a lot of minor bugs + added support to CIDR notation in network-alias and exclude files + some code rewriting and options to improve speed + New feature: show the top N users that look at an url or a domain + New configuration directive, TopUrlUser, to control the number of users to show in reports for full changelog, please refer to /usr/share/doc/packages/squidanalyser/ChangeLog
* Sat Mar 23 2013 Packaging reset Obsoletes: SquidAnalyzer < 4.4 line
* Sun Mar 17 2013 Upgrade to 5.1 upstream bugfixes release UPGRADE: You must reinstall all. Backward compatibility is preserved on data files, but the HTML reports have changed, so after re-installing SquidAnalyzer you may want to run manually squid-analyzer with the --rebuild command line option to regenerate those files. So run the following commands: /usr/bin/squid-analyzer --rebuild should be the normal procedure to upgrade. Change the path to the HTML output dir if required. We don\'t do it with post-update rpm macro, cause we don\'t know how large are your data. v5.1 - Wed Jan 30 00:11:57 CET 2013 This release adds more graphs, fixes several major issues and allow automatic removing of obsolete statistics. The Javascript library sorttable.js have been updated. - Add squid-analyzer usage information into documentation. - Update INSTALL file about FreeBSD issue. - Add -v | --version and -d | --debug command line options. - Add support to automatic deletion of obsolete statistics and data. - Add -p | --preserve option to allow automatic removing of obsolete statistic. Thanks to ammdispose for the feature request. - Fix documentation about OrderUrl that is limited to User detailed Urls reports, not Top Url and Top domain. - Set default sorttable sort in descending order first. - Fix default order in Mime, Network, User and User details views. Thanks to Wesley Bresson for the report. - Update sorttable.js to allow sort on page load using the new function sorttable.innerSortFunction(). - Add documentation about FreeBSD install to avoid issue with error: FreeBSD: Cannot determine short module description Thanks to hackson99 for the report. - Fix first and last visit time in the user detail view that was not displayed at all. - Fix parser issue when squid logformat has additional field at end. Thanks to nuxsmin for the patch. - Add pie chart on Mime type statistics. - Add MinPie configuration directive to set the percentage of pie graph data which under item will be stored in others label. - Force left alignment on largest Url column. - Add Locale configuration directive to set the locale when retrieving date from system. Thanks to Klaus Tachtler for the suggestion. - Fix missing Up link translation and some German translation. Thanks to Klaus Tachtler for the patch. - Fix HTML code in user and url reports. Thanks to Nathanael Bonin for the patch. - Fix typo in fr_FR.txt lang file. Thanks to Nathanael Bonin for the patch. - Replace .orig extension on configuration files by .sample. Thanks to David Walser for the report. - Update squidanalyzer.spec for RPM build. Thanks to David Walser for the patch. - Modify sorttable.js to be able to sort column with both value and percentage as numeric. - Remove percentage column and store the percent information directly in the column between parenthesis. Thanks for Nathanael Bonin for the patch. - Add missing class CSS style to user graphs table. Thanks to Nathanael Bonin for the report.
* Thu Dec 13 2012 update to 5.0: + introduce a completely new design thanks to the great work of Nathanael Bonin based on CSS + Add TransfertUnit configuration directive to allow changing default Bytes transfert unit. Possible values are BYTES, KB, MB and GB. + Fix date encoding with call to date+iconv or fallback to strftime(). + Fix sorttable with missing tbody tag. Thanks to Nathanael Bonin for the patch. + Fix accent within report, now SquidAnalyzer will use the CharSet translation directive to set the charset following the language. Default to utf-8, french, german and portuges will use iso-8859-15. + Fix issue where per user/ip network stats was wrong and very high. Thanks to Ben Tullis for the report. + Fix several design issues, moved png images in a dedicated directory. Thanks to Nathanael Bonin for the patches. + Reorder source tree and apply tree change on Perl install. + Removed FooterFile that like HeaderFile is no more used. + Remove code for graphs generated using GD::Graph libraries, replaced by the Javascript library Flotr2. + Fix extra .0 in networks report. + Add the use %M to replace month by its 3 letters abbreviation into DateFormat configuration directive. Thanks to pk-its for the feature request. + Add missing german translation. Thanks to pk-its for the patch. + Remove space in user alias to prevent corruption of data files. Thanks to Robert Becskei for the report. + Fix stat_user.dat format error when username have a space in its login name. Thanks to Moise Michel for the report. + Force date/time used in report generation date to used 24h notation. Thanks to Klaus Tachtler for the report- remove perl(GD) dependency
* Wed Aug 22 2012 update to 4.4: + Add support to bzip2 compressed log file. + Allow exclusion of URL from the report, the format of the exclude file has changed, see header of the excluded file. + Add german translation file. + Fix translation file path into squidanalyzer.conf.- renamed the package to squidanalyzer following upstreams suggestions
* Thu Dec 29 2011 initial version 4.0
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