Changelog for perl-parent-0.234-2.10.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Jun 07 2015 updated to 0.234 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-parent/Changes 0.234 20150527 . Fix the test for PMC loading to work on versions on Perl that don\'t have Config::non_bincompat_options (HAARG). Fixes RT#102626 . 0.233 20150525 ! The diagnostic about inheriting from ourselves was removed. It served no own purpose as Perl already warns if we try to inherit in a circular way.
* Tue Apr 14 2015 updated to 0.232 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-parent/Changes 0.232 20150319 . Change line-endings in parent-pmc.t to unix EOLs so that bleadperl is happy . No code changes, no need to upgrade 0.231 20150309 . Really restore test compatibility where Perl does not provide &Config::non_bincompat_options. This affected Perl versions < 5.14 (RT #102626, patch by Matthew Horsfall) . No code changes, no need to upgrade 0.230 20150309 . Restore test compatibility where Perl does not provide &Config::non_bincompat_options. This affected Perl versions < 5.14 (RT #102626) . No code changes, no need to upgrade 0.229 20150307 . Add link to (Github) repository Thanks to Neil Bowers for the idea . Guard tests against PERL_DISABLE_PMC Contributed by Bulk88 . No code changes, no need to upgrade 0.228 20130917 . Fix RT #88450, install into site/ for 5.12+ Thanks to haarg for the report 0.227 20130901 . Fix RT #88320, restore tests passing for 5.17.5+ Thanks to Zefram for the report and contributing the fix 0.226 20130729 . Fix RT #86890, restore tests passing for 5.18+ Thanks to Petr Pisar for the report
* Thu Jul 14 2011 updated to 0.225 . Applied a docpatch by Robin Barker to fix the documentation about the warning of inheriting from yourself. Fixes RT #66459 . Change assignment AATTISA = (AATTISA, \'new::class\') to use push AATTISA, \'new::class\' This should make class creation faster from 5.10 onwards and reverts a change made in 2.14. If this is critically slow for you and you can\'t upgrade your version of Perl, use the old way.
* Wed Dec 01 2010 switch to perl_requires macro
* Mon Aug 09 2010 initial package 0.223
* created by cpanspec 1.78