Changelog for
libQt5Test-devel-5.9.2-39.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Oct 27 2017 Update 0001-QSslSocket-OpenSSL-1.1-backend.patch from git
* Sun Oct 08 2017 Update to 5.9.2
* For more details please see: Drop patches, now upstream:
* 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch
* de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch
* 0001-Fix-at-spi2-build.patch
* 0001-Fix-Qt5DBusMacros.cmake-for-CMake-3.9.patch
* dont-abort-missing-display.patch
* Fri Sep 29 2017 Update package descriptions and grouping.- Use find -exec\'s \"+\" strategy
* Wed Sep 13 2017 Add patch to fix crash with XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS set:
* qglxconvenience-avoid-null-pointer-deref.patch (boo#1057971, kde#384540)
* Thu Aug 31 2017 Add 0001-Fix-Qt5DBusMacros.cmake-for-CMake-3.9.patch. Fixes a race condition when building KMail due to the DBus interface files being used in several places.
* Tue Aug 29 2017 Add patch to fix runtime changes to the palette:
* qapplication-emit-palettechanged.patch
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Backport patch from dev to 5.9 what implements a new QSslSocket backend based on OpenSSL 1.1. (bsc#1042658)
* 0001-QSslSocket-OpenSSL-1.1-backend.patch
* Wed Aug 09 2017 Don\'t special case sse2 libs on i586 for SLE-15, it supports only SSE2 capable CPUs.
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Remove openSUSE specific %ifs (bsc#1051900)
* Tue Jul 25 2017 Add patch to not abort if no $DISPLAY is available (boo#1050046)
* dont-abort-missing-display.patch
* Mon Jul 24 2017 Add patch to fix include path for private headers of modules built in a shadow directory (QTBUG-37417)
* force-cmake-private-headers.patch
* Wed Jul 05 2017 Recommend libqt5-qttranslations in libQt5Core5 (boo#1027925)
* Sun Jul 02 2017 Fix typo in description (boo#1043338)
* Sat Jul 01 2017 Update to 5.9.1
* For more details please see: Drop upstreamed patches: - fix-cmake-module-version.patch - dont-destroy-foreign-windows.patch - native-children-hidpi-offset.patch- Force use of libproxy, that switch got lost apparently- Add patch to allow build with at-spi2: 0001-Fix-at-spi2-build.patch
* Thu Jun 22 2017 Use the correct (edited) version of the revert to not break ABI:
* de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch
* Tue Jun 20 2017 Add upstream patch to fix version string of CMake modules (boo#1045102)
* fix-cmake-module-version.patch
* Tue Jun 06 2017 Add 0001-Add-remote-print-queue-support.patch to support remote print queues. This adds a delay the first time the print dialog is opened in order to search for print queues. If you don\'t have any network printer queue and you find the delay too annoying, it can be disabled by setting the QT_DISABLE_PRINTER_DISCOVERY environment variable to 1 (fate#322052, bsc#955432).- Add 0001-Fix-open-chmod-race-condition-in-QSaveFile.patch to fix a potential info leak due to race condition in QSaveFile (bsc#1034005).
* Fri Jun 02 2017 Revert upstream commit to workaround QTBUG-61197:
* de63bbd2f806b0219a60775017899cedb121581f.patch
* Fri Jun 02 2017 Add upstream patch to fix QTBUG-61140:
* dont-destroy-foreign-windows.patch- Replaces c585802e946d97e7d177ea334a162dc7bc286b84.patch
* Fri Jun 02 2017 Add upstream patch to fix various HiDPI-related issues:
* native-children-hidpi-offset.patch (QTBUG-59017, kde#363548)
* Wed May 31 2017 Revert upstream commit to workaround QTBUG-61140: c585802e946d97e7d177ea334a162dc7bc286b84.patch
* Wed May 31 2017 Update to 5.9.0 final
* Wed May 24 2017 Update to 5.9.0 RC:
* For more details please see: and Remove patches, now upstream:
* Stop-unloading-plugins-in-QPluginLoader-and-QFactoryLoader.patch
* Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch
* Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch- Refresh patches:
* Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch
* Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch
* libqt5-prioritise-gtk2-platformtheme.patch
* tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch
* Wed Dec 14 2016 Update to 5.7.1
* For more details please see: and Drop upstreamed patches: xcb-Dont-activate-bypassed-windows-on-mouse-press.patch, Fix-unwanted-cache-flush-in-Freetype-engine.patch, xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch, xcb-Dont-send-QtWindowNoState-event-when-hiding-minimized-window.patch, XCB-Drop-from-external-app-fix-keyboard-modifier-state.patch, xcb-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch, Make-QDBusConnectionPrivaterelaySignal-be-called-in-the-right-thread.patch and use-freetype-default.patch
* Sun Oct 09 2016 Add libqt5-prioritise-gtk2-platformtheme.patch: Give Gtk2 Platform Theme (from qtstyleplugins) a priority over Gtk3 Platform Theme which currently lacks QGtk3Style (boo#1002900).
* Sun Oct 09 2016 Add some QtDBus fixes from upstream: Make-QDBusConnectionPrivaterelaySignal-be-called-in-the-right-thread.patch Merge-the-QDBusMetaTypes-custom-information-to-QDBusConnectionManager.patch Fix-some-QtDBus-crashes-during-application-destruction.patch
* Thu Sep 29 2016 Move gtk platformtheme again out of the libQt5Gui5 package (now it\'s gtk-3 based)
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Fix filelist for %gles configuration
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Added Stop-unloading-plugins-in-QPluginLoader-and-QFactoryLoader.patch (boo#1001362, boo#965653)
* Sat Sep 24 2016 Update to 5.7.0
* For more details please see: Drop dead/absorbed patches: xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch and xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch- Added Fix-unwanted-cache-flush-in-Freetype-engine.patch and xcb-Dont-activate-bypassed-windows-on-mouse-press.patch- Don\'t pass axed options to configure- Add double-conversion-devel, libproxy-devel and pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) (instead of pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0)) BuildRequires
* Sat Sep 24 2016 Another set of upstream patches for the XCB plugin: XCB-Drop-from-external-app-fix-keyboard-modifier-state.patch xcb-Dont-send-QtWindowNoState-event-when-hiding-minimized-window.patch xcb-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch
* Sat Jul 02 2016 Add drag-and-drop fixes from upstream: xcb-Fix-drop-of-text-uri-list-and-text-html.patch xcb-Fix-dropping-URL-on-Firefox-window.patch xcb-Send-also-text-plain-when-a-text-uri-list-is-dropped.patch
* Wed Jun 08 2016 Update to 5.6.1
* For more details please see: Drop upstreamed patches: 0005-xcb-Properly-initialize-available-geometry-when-XRan.patch Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch 0007-xcb-Deliver-mouse-enter-event-to-window-when-closing.patch 0009-Expose-the-number-of-X-screen-through-the-QXcbScreen.patch 0001-xcb-XInput2-fixes-enter-leave-event-fixes.patch 0002-xcb-Correct-enter-leave-event-handling-when-mouse-bu.patch 0015-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch 0012-xcb-Merge-_NET_WM_STATE-hints-instead-of-overwriting.patch 0004-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-between-xcb-screens.patch QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch 0010-xcb-mark-mouse-events-from-tablet-devices-as-synthes.patch 0011-xcb-Initialize-all-xcb_client_message_event_t-member.patch 0008-xcb-resourceType-names-must-have-only-small-letters.patch 0016-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-to-applications-like-Emacs-and.patch 0013-xcb-Fix-interpretation-of-the-size-from-RRCrtcChange.patch 0006-xcb-properly-initialize-size-in-millimeters-if-XRand.patch 0003-xcb-Fix-not-delivering-focusIn-event-on-hide-show.patch QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch 0014-xcb-Properly-process-enter-leave-events.patch
* Sat Apr 23 2016 Add patches from upstream: 0001-xcb-XInput2-fixes-enter-leave-event-fixes.patch 0002-xcb-Correct-enter-leave-event-handling-when-mouse-bu.patch 0003-xcb-Fix-not-delivering-focusIn-event-on-hide-show.patch 0004-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-between-xcb-screens.patch 0005-xcb-Properly-initialize-available-geometry-when-XRan.patch 0006-xcb-properly-initialize-size-in-millimeters-if-XRand.patch 0007-xcb-Deliver-mouse-enter-event-to-window-when-closing.patch 0008-xcb-resourceType-names-must-have-only-small-letters.patch 0009-Expose-the-number-of-X-screen-through-the-QXcbScreen.patch 0010-xcb-mark-mouse-events-from-tablet-devices-as-synthes.patch 0011-xcb-Initialize-all-xcb_client_message_event_t-member.patch 0012-xcb-Merge-_NET_WM_STATE-hints-instead-of-overwriting.patch 0013-xcb-Fix-interpretation-of-the-size-from-RRCrtcChange.patch 0014-xcb-Properly-process-enter-leave-events.patch 0015-Use-the-state-of-the-key-event-to-process-it.patch 0016-xcb-Fix-drag-and-drop-to-applications-like-Emacs-and.patch
* Fri Mar 18 2016 Update to 5.6.0
* For more details please see: and Added patches for various QtDBus issues: Fix-QtDBus-deadlock-inside-kded-kiod.patch, QtDBus-clean-up-signal-hooks-and-object-tree-in-closeConnection.patch and QtDBus-finish-all-pending-call-with-error-if-disconnected.patch- Added tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch: mark private and QPA API with symbols for only current patch release- Drop obsolete and/or upstreamed patches: xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch, xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch, qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch, protect-geometry-QTBUG-40584.patch, move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch, QMimeDatabase-follow-symlinks-when-checking-for-FIFO.patch, Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch, Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch, Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch, Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch, 0001-Fix-exclusion-of-anonymous-ciphers.patch and 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch
* Wed Mar 09 2016 Merge libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk2 back into libQt5Gui5 (bsc#969935)
* align with old libQt5Gui5 where has provided
* Sun Feb 21 2016 Added QMimeDatabase-follow-symlinks-when-checking-for-FIFO.patch to fix dolphin freeze when opening a folder containing symlinks to special files (boo#957006, qtbug#48529)
* Sat Feb 20 2016 Update Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch to version actually commited upstream
* Wed Feb 10 2016 Added 0001-Fix-exclusion-of-anonymous-ciphers.patch from upstream to disable exp-adh and aecdh ciphers.- Added disable-rc4-ciphers-bnc865241.diff to disable RC4 based ciphers which are now considered insecure (bnc#865241)
* Sat Jan 30 2016 Added Add-option-to-disable-session-management-by-closing-windows.patch API adition to QSessionManager as first step in resolving kde#354724 and boo#955280
* Wed Oct 28 2015 Added qtwidgets_do_not-hide_show_via_WA_OutsideWSRange_for_native_widgets.patch (qtbug#48321)
* Fri Oct 16 2015 Update to 5.5.1 (boo#954149)
* For more details please see: Drop patches merged upstream: 0002-xcb-Fix-getting-the-window-types-from-the-property-o.patch 0003-Fix-centering-dialogs.patch 0004-xcb-Set-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE-from-a-single-place.patch 0006-xcb-set-SM_CLIENT_ID-property.patch Fix-compile-error-on-big-endian.patch Fix-shortcuts-with-keypad-keys.patch QDate_QTime-fix-SiC-introduced-by-adding-new-non-explicit-ctors.patch QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch ignore-disabling-of-outputs-in-the-middle-of-the-mode-switch.patch when-a-screen-comes-back-online-the-windows-need-to-be-told-about-it.patch- Added Fix-QtCore-compilation-with-clang.patch and move-the-official-Qt-version-from-qglobal-to-qmake-conf.patch in order to remove link-time warnings (warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `qt_version_tagAATTAATTQt_5.5\' are not defined)
* Mon Oct 12 2015 Added xcb-dont-crash-in-mapToNativemapFromNative-if-the-screen-is-null.patch and xcb-fix-yet-another-crash-when-screens-are-disconnected.patch (kde#341497, qtbug#47385)
* Fri Oct 09 2015 Added QDate_QTime-fix-SiC-introduced-by-adding-new-non-explicit-ctors.patch
* Wed Oct 07 2015 When in SLE12, use the internal Harfbuzz version instead of the system one (which is too old for Qt\'s requirements)
* Sun Sep 27 2015 Fix-compile-error-on-big-endian.patch: Fix compile error on big endian
* Tue Aug 18 2015 Added patches from upstream: ignore-disabling-of-outputs-in-the-middle-of-the-mode-switch.patch (qtbug#44158, qtbug#46786, qtbug#46822) when-a-screen-comes-back-online-the-windows-need-to-be-told-about-it.patch (qtbug#47041)
* Sun Aug 16 2015 Update to 5.5.0
* For more details please see: and Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Speed-up-compose-file-parsing-in-the-X11-composition.patch, 0002-Speed-up-application-startup-on-X11.patch, Fix-regression-in-compose-table-parsing.patch, libqt5-libtool-nodate.diff and make-qdbusxml2cpp-output-reproducible.patch- Add patches from upstream: Add-a-linker-version-script-to-Qt-libraries.patch, Add-a-qt_version_tag-symbol-to-QtCore-that-uses-ELF-versions.patch and Add-an-automatic-use-of-the-ELF-versioned-QtCore-symbol.patch- Added tslib-devel and libinput-devel (Build)Requires- Drop all openSUSE 13.1 conditionals, we won\'t build Qt >= 5.5 on that distro version anymore
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Update QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch to latest version
* Tue Jul 28 2015 Added QMimeDatabase-use-QElapsedTimer.patch: reduces the number of syscalls greatly, by avoiding the timezone conversion every time; massively improves kbuildsycoca5 speed
* Sun Jul 26 2015 Fix the suse_version condition checks - treat Leap equally as 13.2 wrt which system libs shall be used
* Tue Jun 09 2015 Add patches from upstream: 0001-Fix-QWidget-setWindowRole.patch 0002-xcb-Fix-getting-the-window-types-from-the-property-o.patch 0003-Fix-centering-dialogs.patch 0004-xcb-Set-_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE-from-a-single-place.patch 0005-Restore-documented-behavior-for-the-WA_X11NetWmWindo.patch 0006-xcb-set-SM_CLIENT_ID-property.patch
* Wed Jun 03 2015 Update to 5.4.2
* Important Behavior Changes: - EXIF orientation is no longer applied to JPEG images on read. EXIF orientation on JPEG was introduced in 5.4.0, but due to a bug the most common EXIF-format (big-endian) was not working until 5.4.1. 5.4.2 restores the behavior of 5.4.0 and earlier for most EXIF-tagged JPEGs. EXIF orientation will be an opt-in starting with Qt 5.5. - On x86 and x86-64 systems with ELF binaries (especially Linux), due to a new optimization in GCC 5.x in combination with a recent version of GNU binutils, compiling Qt applications with -fPIE is no longer enough with GCC 5.x. Applications now need to be compiled with the -fPIC option if Qt\'s option \"reduce relocations\" is active. For backward compatibility only, Qt accepts the use of -fPIE for GCC 4.x versions. Note that Clang is known to generate incompatible code even with -fPIC if the -flto option is active. Applications using qmake or cmake >= 2.8.12 as their build system will adapt automatically. Applications using an older release of cmake in combination with GCC 5.x need to change their CMakeLists.txt to add Qt5Core_EXECUTABLE_COMPILE_FLAGS to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS. In particular, applications using cmake >= 2.8.9 and < 2.8.11 will continue to build with the - fPIE option and invoke the special compatibility mode if using GCC 4.x.
* Bugfix release, for more details please see: Drop patches merged upstream: Call-ofono-nm-Registered-delayed-in-constructor-othe.patch Fix-Meta-shortcuts-on-XCB.patch Fix-upload-corruptions-when-server-closes-connection.patch Fixed-a-deadlock-when-the-lock-file-is-corrupted.patch Handle-SelectionWindowDestroy-in-QXcbClipboard.patch Make-qglobal.h-complain-if-you-use-fPIE.patch Make-sure-theres-a-scene-before-using-it.patch QSystemTrayIcon-handle-submenus-correctly.patch Require-fPIC-instead-of-just-fPIE-for-reduce-relocations.patch Try-to-ensure-that-fPIC-is-used-in-CMake-builds.patch Update-mouse-buttons-from-MotionNotify-events.patch fix-a-division-by-zero-when-processing-malformed-BMP-files.patch- Added cmake (Build)Requires to get autoprovides for all Qt modules
* Mon May 18 2015 Added patches from upstream: Try-to-ensure-that-fPIC-is-used-in-CMake-builds.patch, Require-fPIC-instead-of-just-fPIE-for-reduce-relocations.patch and Make-qglobal.h-complain-if-you-use-fPIE.patch (qtbug#45755)
* Sat May 16 2015 Add Fix-shortcuts-with-keypad-keys.patch (qtbug#20191,qtbug#33093,kde#344638)
* Tue May 05 2015 Added patches from upstream: Fix-upload-corruptions-when-server-closes-connection.patch and Fixed-a-deadlock-when-the-lock-file-is-corrupted.patch (qtbug#44771)
* Sat Apr 25 2015 Fixup previous change to also handle arguments in specs using %qmake5- Also add QMAKE_LFLAGS to the macro
* Fri Apr 24 2015 Added QMAKE_CXXFLAGS and QMAKE_CFLAGS to macro %qmake5.
* Wed Apr 15 2015 Added patches from upstream: 0001-Speed-up-compose-file-parsing-in-the-X11-composition.patch 0002-Speed-up-application-startup-on-X11.patch and Fix-regression-in-compose-table-parsing.patch
* Thu Apr 09 2015 Add cleaning of QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR from prl files in %qmake5_install macro
* Fri Feb 27 2015 Added fix-a-division-by-zero-when-processing-malformed-BMP-files.patch, CVE-2015-0295
* Tue Feb 24 2015 Update to 5.4.1:
* Important Behavior Changes:
* Restored binary compatibility with Qt 5.3.2 on Windows when using MSVC 2012 or MSVC 2013. This means that Qt 5.4.1 is no longer binary compatible with Qt 5.4.0 when using either of those compilers.
* [QTBUG-42594] OS X binary package: fixed incorrect linking to libraries in /opt/local/lib
* Library:
* QtCore:
* [QTBUG-43893] Fixed memory leak in qSetMessagePattern
* [QTBUG-43513] QXmlStreamReader: Correctly parse XML containing NUL bytes in the input stream
* [QTBUG-43352] QTemporaryDirectory: Properly clean up in case of a failure
* [QTBUG-43827] Fixed regression in QSortFilterProxyModel which crashed when sorting a tree model
* QtGui:
* [QTBUG-44273] Fixed misplacement of outlined text with native text rendering
* [QTBUG-44147] Fixed VNC not working on some VNC servers
* [QTBUG-43850] Fixed crash with multi-threaded font usage
* [QTBUG-43850] Made the old harfbuzz fallback available at runtime
* Improvements to the experimental high-dpi support
* [QTBUG-43318] Better resolving of GLES3 functions to avoid issues when deploying on systems with GLES 2.0 only
* QtWidgets:
* [QTBUG-43830] Fixed crash in stylesheets when styling QProgressBar
* [QTBUG-43663] QColorDialog: Don\'t lose focus while color picking
* QtNetwork:
* [QTBUG-43793] Fixed disconnections of QSSLSocket after starting encryption
* QtSql:
* [QTBUG-36211] qpsql: Added timezone support for datetime fields.
* qodbc: Fixed converted string values on Microsoft SQL Server 2012
* [QTBUG-43874] QSqlQuery: Fixed failure of multiple execBatch() calls after a single prepare() call
* QtPrintSupport:
* [QTBUG-43124] Fixed QPrinter::{width,height} return values
* Platform Specific Changes:
* Linux/XCB:
* [QTBUG-43436] Fixed regression when drag and drop to other applications
* [QTBUG-43809] Turned off font hinting when doing high DPI scaling
* [QTBUG-43743] Fixed constantly resizing bigger window when devicePixelRatio is greater than 1
* [QTBUG-43713] Fixed problems with multiple screens with different device pixel ratios regarding window mapping and font sizes.
* [QTBUG-43688] Fixed physical DPI and size for rotated screens on X11
* [QTBUG-43049] Fixed grabKeyboard and grabMouse
* [QTBUG-36862] Now sends a leave event to the other window when a popup shows which grabs the input
* [QTBUG-41590] Turned off subpixel gamma-correction on XCB
* Added support for SelectionClientClose in QXcbClipboard
* Fixed -nograb and -dograb arguments
* [QTBUG-43623] Fixed use after free
* [QTBUG-43436] Fixed regression in DnD. Make sure to preserve the QDrag until all data has been received.
* Tools:
* configure & build system:
* configure will now reject invalid -no-feature-
* options.
* pkg-config assisted libudev detection was fixed.
* [QTBUG-43302][Android] The Android style is included when cross-building on Windows as well.
* [QTBUG-43205][Unix] Fixed build D-Bus headers cannot be found.
* qmake:
* [QTBUG-39690][Windows] Fixed file separators in \'make clean\'.
* [QTBUG-40264][Unix] Fixed \'make distclean\' for a dynamic library target.
* [QTBUG-42678] \'make distclean\' now removes .qmake.{stash|super}.
* [QTBUG-43026][VS2010+] Fixed compilation of .rc files.
* [QTBUG-43457][MSVC] Fixed QMAKE_TARGET.arch for amd64_x86 x-build.
* INCLUDEPATH+=. is now unnecessary with all generators.
* For more details please see: Drop merged or obsolete patches: qmake-add-usr-include.diff, QTBUG41590.patch, Handle-SelectionClientClose-in-QXcbClipboard.patch, qimage_conversions.cpp-Fix-build-on-big-endian-syste.patch, Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch, fix-drag-and-drop-regression.patch, Fix-detection-of-GCC5.patch, Fix-typo-in-Qt5CoreMacroscmake.patch, Fix-physical-DPI-and-size-for-rotated-screens-on-X11.patch, X11-devicePixelRatio-screen-mapping-fix.patch, Multi-screen-DPI-support-for-X11.patch and xcb-Dont-return-0-from-QXcbKeyboard-possibleKeys.patch- Added Handle-SelectionWindowDestroy-in-QXcbClipboard.patch and Call-ofono-nm-Registered-delayed-in-constructor-othe.patch from upstrean- Make sure each lib requires equal version of other qtbase libs it needs (added filtering for shlib-fixed-dependency to rpmlintrc accordingly)
* Wed Feb 18 2015 Added patches from upstream: Fix-Meta-shortcuts-on-XCB.patch (qtbug#43572), Fix-detection-of-GCC5.patch, Fix-physical-DPI-and-size-for-rotated-screens-on-X11.patch (qtbug#43688), Fix-typo-in-Qt5CoreMacroscmake.patch, Make-sure-theres-a-scene-before-using-it.patch (qtbug#44509), Multi-screen-DPI-support-for-X11.patch (qtbug#43713), QSystemTrayIcon-handle-submenus-correctly.patch, Update-mouse-buttons-from-MotionNotify-events.patch (qtbug#32609, qtbug#35065, qtbug#43776, qtbug#44166, qtbug#44231), X11-devicePixelRatio-screen-mapping-fix.patch (qtbug#43713) and xcb-Dont-return-0-from-QXcbKeyboard-possibleKeys.patch (qtcreatorbug#9589)
* Tue Feb 03 2015 Fixed qt_instdate generation, so the Qt5Core library doesn\'t have DATE embedded- Drop fdupes usage as it provides unpredictable results, and fools build-compare- Add libqt5-qtbase-rpmlintrc due to duplicates waste warnings: we rather have a few bytes more than to republish same binaries due to fdupes- Added make-qdbusxml2cpp-output-reproducible.patch: don\'t include date/time in the generated include guards; prevents unnecessary rebuilds- Added fix-drag-and-drop-regression.patch from upstream, fixes QTBUG-43436
* Mon Jan 12 2015 Added Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch from upstream (qtbug#43623, boo#870151)
* Thu Dec 25 2014 qimage_conversions.cpp-Fix-build-on-big-endian-syste.patch: Fix build on big endian systems
* Tue Dec 16 2014 Don\'t override the shlib generator, but split gtk platformtheme into platformtheme-gtk2 subpackage, the former approach is creating problems with other dependant packages
* Wed Dec 10 2014 Update to 5.4 Final
* For more details please see: and Added Handle-SelectionClientClose-in-QXcbClipboard.patch, kde#329174
* Thu Nov 27 2014 Update to 5.4 RC
* For more details please see: and New libQt5PlatformHeaders-devel subpackage- Use one global define for gles on arm and aarch- (Build)Require Mesa-libGLESv3-devel when building with gles- Use system harfbuzz on 13.2 and newer- Filter out requires obtained by dependency generators. gtk platformtheme now won\'t pull in gtk libraries, so users can have a gtk-free envirement if wanted. Those DE\'s that do need that platformplugin will already have gtk present- Drop patches merged upstream: 0001-Add-QFont-strategy-to-disable-subpixel-antialiasing.patch 0001-Allow-panels-outside-of-availableGeometry.patch 0001-QFileDialog-emit-urlsSelected-urlSelected-in-accept.patch 0001-QKdeTheme-use-system-wide-kdeglobals-as-a-fallback.patch 00010-Replace-the-const-QString-global-static-with-a-QStri.patch 00011-Use-correct-signal-name-when-disconnecting.patch 0002-Always-lock-the-DBus-dispatcher-before-dbus_connecti.patch 0002-Move-SubpixelAntialiasingType-from-QFontEngineFT-to-.patch 0002-QUrl-fromLocalFile-QString-should-lead-to-an-empty-U.patch 0003-QDBusConnection-Merge-the-dispatch-and-the-watch-and.patch 0003-QFileDialog-turn-workingDirectory-into-a-QUrl.patch 0003-Support-autohint-and-lcdfilter-fontconfig-configurat.patch 0004-GTK2-theme-should-use-GTK-configured-font-variant.patch 0004-Partially-revert-Fix-a-deadlock-introduced-by-the-ra.patch 0004-QFileDialog-implement-getOpenFileUrl-and-friends-for.patch f1ee10f81ac18789e9a7dc715b464415ba2bc2b8.patch libqt5-add-support-for-byte-swapping.patch libqt5-byte-order-byte-is-address0.patch
* Tue Nov 11 2014 Update QTBUG41590.patch for commit that was pushed upstream
* Wed Nov 05 2014 Added patches from upstream: 0001-Allow-panels-outside-of-availableGeometry.patch (kde#339846) and 0002-Always-lock-the-DBus-dispatcher-before-dbus_connecti.patch, 0003-QDBusConnection-Merge-the-dispatch-and-the-watch-and.patch, 0004-Partially-revert-Fix-a-deadlock-introduced-by-the-ra.patch, for QTBUG#42189
* Wed Oct 29 2014 Don\'t install CMake files for plugins, they are useful only for bundled Qt builds- Downgrade sql-plugins from libQt5Sql-devel\'s requires to suggests- Added QTBUG41590.patch, improve font rendering (QTBUG41590,QTBUG40971)