Changelog for
pstreams-devel-0.8.1-1.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Feb 7 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 0.8.1.
* The change in version 0.8.0 that caused the child process to be
put in a new process group could prevent the child from exiting
when the parent process was killed by a signal. In version
0.8.1 it is still possible to create a new process group for
the child, but that must be explicitly requested by setting the
pstreams::newpg flag in the pmode argument used to create the
new process.
Thu Jun 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 0.8.0.
* The child process will now switch to a new process group, with
the process group ID the same as the PID. The
basic_pstreambuf::killpg() member function has been added to
send a signal to the child\'s process group.
* New constructors to simplify the common case where the string
specifying the file to be executed is the same as the first
element of the argv_type vector.
* Fixes for compatibility with Clang++ and _FORTIFY_SOURCE.
- BuildRequires: fdupes. Run fdupes in doc/html directory.
Mon Jun 4 14:00:00 2012
- Rename man page deprecated.3 to pstreams_deprecated.3 (conflicts
with qwt-devel-doc).
Mon Jul 25 14:00:00 2011
- Update to 0.7.0
+ When opening a pstream for reading with mode pstderr, the
pstdout mode is no longer added, and the initial read source
will be set the the child process\' stdout stream.
- Corrected License tag
- Use full URL for source
- Make test (build requires gcc-c++)
- Added COPYING.LIB and mainpage.html to docs
- Minor spec formatting
Fri Jan 15 13:00:00 2010
- Initial package created - 0.6.0