Changelog for python3-veusz-1.23.2-3.3.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Apr 3 14:00:00 2016
- Add BuildRequires and Requires on python3-h5py: enables the
hdf5 data import module in the application.
- Run specfile through \"spec-cleaner -m\" for cleanup.

Thu Dec 31 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.23.2:

* Add data clipping dataset plugin

* Fix boxplot with manual settings

* Fix plugin normalize and divide by maximum for new numpy versions

* Avoid error in 2d data creation

* Fix problems with unicode characters in plugins in Python 2.x

* Clip axis to sensible range -1e100->1e100

* Handle unicode errors from operating system in Veusz scripts

* Handle unicode errors in error reports

* Fix crash in \\color

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.23.1:
+ Enable compression in exported files.
+ Fix saving histogram datasets.
+ Add option to \"thin\" error bars plotted.
+ Fix label colour in contour labelling.
+ Remove use of deprecated Qt functions.
+ Fix clone widget tools plugin.
+ Fix EPS/PDF crash with broken axis widget.
+ Do not crash filter plugin if using date datatype.
+ Avoid crashes in normalise, subtract minimum and divide
maximum plugins.
+ Avoid crash in image widget.
+ Avoid issue in identifying spacing in 1D->2D conversion.
+ Add Gnuplot 2D data import plugin.
+ When loading data from import plugins, provide default values.
+ Remove some deprecated Qt uses.
+ Fix issue when plotting non-plain datasets with nan values.

Sun Apr 19 14:00:00 2015
- Update to version 1.23:
+ Add new export dialog box which can export multiple pages and
modify the export options.
+ Add new dataset filtering dialog.
+ Add cubehelix() functional colormap.
+ Add -stepN suffix for colormaps to make arbitrary numbers of
+ Fix incorrect colors in log images and log color scales.
+ Fix unsafe commands not being run.
+ Fix incorrect use of None in (x,...) pattern.
+ Catch crash if plotting nan/inf value in log space.
+ Fix getData in dataset plugin for dimensions=2
+ Catch error in too large float to date time conversion.
+ Catch disappeared file during import.
+ Index error fixed in pickable.
+ Catch error in data edit dialog if 2d dataset size changes.
+ If root widget is selected with others, do not error on hide.
+ Fix undo for dataset histogram with a single output dataset.
+ Fix error resizing ellipse with a tuple width, height or
position setting.
+ Only use finite values in histogram.
+ Rewrite Line/FillSet setting controls for internal consistency
and to fix new style extended fills.
+ Do not crash with log date-time axes.
+ Also ignore non-finite values when fitting with minuit.
+ Avoid syntax error with invalid colormap.
+ Updates to and desktop files.
+ Recreate dataset now works if dialog hasn\'t been opened
+ Restore dock layout when using Python3
+ Fix undo after loading stylesheet/custom definitions.
+ Support unicode example filenames.
+ Clip bezier lines to avoid problems with log axes.
- Drop veusz-python3-naming.patch: if we are going to be
carrying this, it is better we do it using sed in the specfile
itself rather than rebase this patch against every version up;
specfile modifications to take care of name changes.

Sat Apr 11 14:00:00 2015
- Fix symlink creation of icons, so that they actually show up.
- Fix incorrect use of %icon_theme_cache_post(un) scriptlets
in post installation scripts.

Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2015
- Correctly use patch

Mon Mar 2 13:00:00 2015
- Reorganize files so the python 2 and python 3 versions of the
package do not conflict

* Add veusz-python3-naming.patch, which is part of this
- Split gui stuff into veusz3 subpackage per python package naming

Sat Jan 10 13:00:00 2015
- specfile:

* update copyright year

* remove ifs for opensuse version <=1220

Sun Oct 19 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.22:
+ Add option to ignore white space following delimiters when
importing CSVs
+ Allow x/yedge and x/ycent to be inverted to change data order
when import 2D data
+ Rewrite of widget tree internals to fix miscellaneous bugs
+ Optionally use astropy for SAMP
+ Add setting to extend the python import path
+ Add option to select widgets with same name on page
+ Resize rectangular shapes keeping other corners fixed; old
symmetric resize behaviour is retained if shift is pressed.

Sat Aug 30 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.21.1:
+ Add swap option on keys, swapping symbol and text
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix missing labels if colorbar out of plot
- Preserve tags when reloading datasets
- Handle nan/inf/-inf when as value in UI
- Remove dependence on pyqtconfig in build system
- Handle errors properly in 2D CSV read
- Do not crash if selecting siblings of document widget
- Fix accidental modification of data by line widget
- Improve PDF bounding box rounding to prevent chopping near
- Fix function plotter in embedding
- Fix astropy version checking
- Fix crash for error bar in CSV with blank previous column
- Drop python-veusz-test-disable-contour_labels.patch; patch
incorporated upstream.

Mon May 5 14:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.21:
+ Add HDF5 saved document format
+ Add filled curve error bar style
+ Add fill left/right options for point plotter
+ Add filetype filters to import dialog file browser dialog
+ In file completer in import dialog, use selected tab as filter
+ Move code to use PyQt new style signals
+ Add a master color setting for xy point and nonorthpoint plot
+ Line labelling algorithm much improved in contour plots, which
rotates text to match line angle and avoids label overlaps
+ More accurate axis tick label bounding boxes, allowing rotated
labels to be placed close together
+ Add reflection and rotation options to vector field widget
+ Switch to scientific notation earlier when showing float
+ Bug fix:
- Direction combo did not work in import dialog
- Saving text datasets did not work in Python3
- Fix partial dataset evaluation issue when loading documents
- 2D non-regular pixel spaced images give error if clipped in
- Handle Unicode quoted characters in simple text data files
- xcent/ycent in Dataset2D import plugins were ignored
- promote_tab broken for import plugins
- Full screen view when all pages are deleted
- Crash with empty dataset and boxplot widget
- Fix copy and paste of datasets
- Python 3 resizing axis bug
- Crash if picking/zooming on document with no pages
- Crash if reediting histogram dataset with blank output entry
- Use end of text formatting string beyond format specifier
- When writing SVG text as text, use xml:space=\"preserve\" to
avoid missing whitespace
- Embedding socket issue on Python 3.4+
- Add veusz-test-disable-contour_labels.patch to disable a
test that unnecessarily causes build failures; patch came from

Wed Feb 12 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.20.1:
+ Include free-desktop appdata, MIME and desktop files
+ When plotting xy widget filled error regions, plot line on top
+ Bug-fixes:
- Fix embedding interface startup problem in 1.20
- Additional embedding interface fixes for Python 3
- Fix crash in tutorial if flashing widget deleted
- Fix polar plot crash with reverse minumum and maximum radii
- Fix crash when changing range of broken axes interactively
- Fix object deletion crash in setting menu
- Check output dataset is not same as an input for histograms
- Fix for compilation on Qt 4.6
- Catch socket errors on embed client
- Fixes for formatting strings, including fixes for arguments
of the extended %Vg format and properly supporting %%
- When restoring window position, do not restore offscreen
- Packaging changes:
+ Drop macros for EOL openSUSE versions in spec file
+ Upstream bundles desktop and MIME files, install these
instead of external desktop and MIME files (use
desktop-file-install to add categories to .desktop file)
+ Also package appdata bundled with upstream tarball.

Fri Jan 17 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.20:
+ Add HDF5 file data import
+ Allow expressions to be edited for linked 2D datasets
+ Add support for 2D datasets with irregular gridpoints
+ Add 2D data CSV import
+ Allow safe renaming of linked datasets
+ Support importing text from FITS files
+ Bug fixes:
- When capturing data from a file/named pipe, do not stop
when no more data are available
- Fixes mangling of text in saved files using Windows binary
- Fix encoding for standard file import
- Fix FITS import for python3

Fri Nov 29 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 1.19.1:
+ Add option to disable scaling of marker border with point
+ Implement label at-minimum/at-maximum for ternary plot
+ Add border and background fill settings for text label widget
+ Enable FITS support with astropy
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix broken drag and drop in documents
- Fix deleted C/C++ object crash when using undo and in
- Fix compilation in MSVC for Python 3
- Remove warning/error in compilation in gcc in SUSE
- Add Python version classifiers
- Fix document icons in Windows binary
- Error bars can be plotted incorrectly for histogrammed data
- Drop python3-veusz-fix-no-return-in-non-void-function.patch;
better fix incorporated by upstream.

Mon Nov 18 13:00:00 2013
- Initial build with python 3.