Changelog for libpromises3-3.7.1-2.2.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.7.1 (LTS release)
- Fix daemons not restarting correctly on upgrade on AIX. (Redmine #7550)
- Fix upgrade causing error message under systemd because of open ports.
- Fix build with musl libc. (Redmine #7455)
- Long promiser strings with multiple lines are now abbreviated in
logs. (Redmine #3964)
- Fixed a bug which could cause daemons to not to be killed
correctly when upgrading or manually running \"service cfengine3 stop\".
(Redmine #7193)
- Package promise: Fix inability to install certain packages
with numbers.
- Fix package promise not removing dependant packages. (Redmine #7424)
- Fix warning \"Failed to parse csv file entry\" with certain very
long commands promises. (Redmine #7400)
- Fix misaligned help output in cf-hub. (Redmine #7273)
- Augmenting inputs from the augments_file (Redmine #7420)
- Add support for failover to 3rd HA node located outside cluster.
- Upgrade all dependencies for patch release.
- Fix a bug which caused daemons not to be restarted on upgrade.
(Redmine #7528)

Mon Jul 20 14:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.7.0
See for
full changelog
New features:
- New package promise implementation.
The syntax is much simpler, to try it out, check out the syntax:
policy => \"absent/present\",
[#] Optional, default taken from common control
package_module => apt_get,
[#] Optional, will only match exact version. May be
[#] \"latest\".
version => \"32.0\",
[#] Optional.
architecture => \"x86_64\";
- Full systemd support for all relevant platforms
- New classes to determine whether certain features are enabled:

* feature_yaml

* feature_xml
For the official CFEngine packages, these are always enabled, but
packages from other sources may be built without the support.
- New readdata() support for generic data input (CSV, YAML, JSON, or auto)
- YAML support: new readyaml() function and in readdata()
- CSV support: new readcsv() function and in readdata()
- New string_mustache() function
- New data_regextract() function
- eval() can now be called with \"class\" as the \"mode\" argument, which
will cause it to return true (\"any\") if the calculated result is
non-zero, and false (\"!any\") if it is zero.
- New list_ifelse() function
- New mapjson() function as well as JSON support in maparray().
- filestat() function now supports \"xattr\" argument for extended
- \"ifvarclass\" now has \"if\" as an alias, and \"unless\" as an inverse
- Ability to expand JSON variables directory in Mustache templates:
Prefix the name with \'%\' for multiline expansion, \'$\' for compact
- Ability to expand the iteration
* in Mustache templates with AATT
- Canonical JSON output: JSON output has reliably sorted keys so the
same data structure will produce the same JSON every time.
- New \"AATTif minimum_version(x.x)\" syntax in order to hide future language
improvements from versions that don\'t understand them.
- compile time option (--with-statedir) to
override the default state/ directory path.
- Fix error messages/ handling in process signalling which no longer
allowed any signals to fail silently
- Also enable shortcut keyword for cf-serverd classic protocol, eg to
simplify the bootstrap process for clients that have different
sys.masterdir settings (Redmine #3697)
- methods promises now accepts the bundle name in the promiser string,
as long as it doesn\'t have any parameters.
- In a services promise, if the service_method bundle is not specified,
it defaults to the promiser string (canonified) with \"service_\" as a
prefix. The bundle must be in the same namespace as the promise.
- inline JSON in policy files: surrounding with parsejson() is now
*when creating a new data container
- New data_expand() function to interpolate variables in a data container.
- Add configurable network bandwidth limit for all outgoing
connections (\"bwlimit\" attribute in \"body common control\") . To
enforce it in both directions, make sure the attribute is set on both
sides of the connection.
- Secure bootstrap has been facilitated by use of
\"cf-agent --boostrap HUB_ADDRESS --trust-server=no\"
- Implement new TLS-relevant options (Redmine #6883):
- body common control: tls_min_version
- body server control: allowtlsversion
- body common control: tls_ciphers
- body server control: allowciphers (preexisting)
- Drop patches, both upstream

Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2015
- Fix Fedora/RHEL builds

Mon Mar 23 13:00:00 2015
- Partial fix for bnc#923417:

* 0001-Do-not-use-insecure-MD5-but-rather-SHA256.patch

Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2015
- Enable tests, 1 fail so document it

Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2015
- Enable pam and disable silent rules for make

Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2015
- Proceed bit more with cleaning, the RH sections are failing to build
for couple of years. Better readability without them so prune it
- Convert the in-spec build switches to %bcond
- Provide rcbla links to systemd services

Tue Mar 17 13:00:00 2015
- Add patch to use proper SSL exponent bnc#922571

* cfengine-fips.patch

Tue Mar 17 13:00:00 2015
- Format with spec-cleaner, this is just reordering, no factical
change here

Fri Mar 13 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.6.5
- Introduced \"systemd\" hard class. (Redmine #6995)
- Added paths to dtrace, zfs and zpool on FreeBSD in masterfiles.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed build error on certain RHEL5 and SLES10 setups. (Redmine #6841)
- Fixed a bug which caused dangling symlinks not to be removed.
(Redmine #6582)
- Fixed data_readstringarrayidx function not preserving the order of
the array it\'s producing. (Redmine #6920)
- Fixed a bug which sometimes caused CFEngine to kill the wrong daemon
if both the host and a container inside the host were running
CFEngine. (Redmine #6906)
- Made sure the rm_rf_depth bundle also deletes the base directory.
(Redmine #7009)
- Fixed monitord reporting wrongly on open ports. (Redmine #6926)
- Skip adding the class when its name is longer than 1024 characters.
Fixed core dump when the name is too large. (Redmine #7013)
- Fixed detection of stopped process on Solaris. (Redmine #6946)
- Fixed infinite loop (Redmine #6992) plus a couple more minor
bugs in edit_xml promises.

Tue Feb 24 13:00:00 2015
- Remove install-info calls in post/postun: there is no info page
being installed.
- rop texlive BuildRequires (there is no info page, and even if,
makeinfo would be sufficien).

Wed Jan 28 13:00:00 2015
- Update to 3.6.4
- Introduced users promises support on HP-UX platform.
- Introduced process promises support on HP-UX platform.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug on FreeBSD which sometimes led to the wrong process being
killed (Redmine #2330)
- Fixed package version comparison sometimes failing with rpm package
manager (Redmine #6807)
- Fixed a bug in users promises which would sometimes set the wrong
password hash if the user would also be unlocked at the same time.
- Fixed a bug on AIX which would occationally kill the wrong process.
- Improved error message for functions that require an absolute path.
(Redmine #6877)
- Fixed some spelling errors in examples.
- Fixed error in out-of-tree builds when building cf-upgrade.
- Fixed a bug which would make cf-agent exit with an error if it was
built with a custom log directory, and that directory did not exist.
- Fixed ordering of evaluating promises when depends_on is used.
(Redmine #6484, Redmine #5462)
- Skip non-empty directories silently when recursively deleting.
(Redmine #6331)
- Fix memory exhaustion with list larger than 4994 items.
(Redmine # 6672)
- Fix cf-execd segfault on IP address detection (Redmine #6905).
- Fix hard class detection of RHEL6 ComputeNode (Redmine #3148).

Sat Dec 6 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.3
New features:
- support for HP-UX 11.23 and later
- experimental support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Bug fixes:
- fix getindices on multi-dimensional arrays (Redmine #6779)
- fix mustache template method to run in dryrun mode (Redmine #6739)
- set mailto and mailfrom settings for execd in (Redmine #6702)
- fix conflation of multi-index entries in arrays (Redmine #6674)
- fix promise locking when transfering using (Redmine #6623)
- update JSON parser to return an error on truncation (Redmine #6608)
- fix sys.hardware_addresses not expanded (Redmine #6603)
- fix opening database txn /var/cfengine/cf_lastseen.lmdb:
MDB_READERS_FULL when running cf-keys --show-hosts (Redmine #6602)
- fix segfault (Null pointer dereference) when select_end in
delete_lines never matches (Redmine #6589)
- fix max_file_size => \"0\" not disabling or allowing any size
(Redmine #6588)
- fix ifvarclass, with iteration over list, failing when deleting
files with time condition (Redmine #6577)
- fix classes defined with \"or\" constraint are never set if any value
doesn\'t evaluate to a scalar (Redmine #6569)
- update \"mailfrom\" default in default policy (Redmine #6567)
- fix logrotate ambiguity of filename (Redmine #6563)
- fix parsing JSON files (Redmine #6549)
- reduce write count activity to /var partition (Redmine #6523)
- fix files delete attribute incorrectly triggering promise_kept
(Redmine #6509)
- update services bundle output related to chkconfig when run in
inform mode. (Redmine #6492)
- fix Solaris serverd tests (Redmine #6406)
- fix broken bechaviour of merging arrays with readstringarray
(Redmine #6369)
- fix ifelapsed bug with bundle nesting (Redmine #6334)
- fix handling cf_null in bundlesequence (Redmine #6119)
- fix maparray reading whole input array when using subarray
(Redmine #6033)
- fix directories being randomly changed to files (Redmine #6027)
- update defaults promise type to work with classes (Redmine #5748)
- systemd integration in services promises (Redmine #5415)
- fix touch attribute ignoring action = warn_only (Redmine #3172)
- fix 4KB string limit in functions readfile, string_downcase,
string_head, string_reverse, string_length, string_tail,
string_upcase (Redmine #2912)

Thu Oct 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.2
- don\'t regenerate software_packages.csv every time (Redmine #6441)
- improve verbose message for package_list_command
- fix missing log output on AIX (Redmine #6434)
- assorted fixes to dirname() esp on Windows (Redmine #4716)
- fix package manager detection
- fix build issues on FreeBSD
- allow copying of dead symbolic links (Redmine #6175)
- preserve order in readstringarrayidx (Redmine #6466)
- fix passing of unexpanded variable references to arrays (Redmine #5893)
- use entries for new {admin,deny}_{ips,hostnames} constraints in
the relevant legacy lists (Redmine #6542)
- cope with ps\'s numeric fields overflowing to the right
- interpret failing function calls in ifvarclass as class not set
(Redmine #6327)
- remove unexpanded lists when extending lists (Redmine #6541)
- infer start-time of a process from elapsed when needed
(Redmine #4094)
- fix input range definition for laterthan() function (Redmine #6530)
- don\'t add trailing delimiter when join()\'ing lists ending with a
null-value (Redmine #6552)
- 9999999999 (ten 9s) or higher has been historically used as an upper
bound in CFEngine code and policy but because of overflow on 32-bit
platforms it caused problems with big numbers.
Fixed in two ways:
first change all existing policy uses to 999999999 (nine 9s instead
of eleven 9s), second fix the C code to not wrap-around in case of
overflow, but use the LONG_MAX value (Redmine #6531).
- cf-serverd and other daemons no longer reload their configuration
every minute if CFEngine is built with an inputs directory outside
of the work directory (not the default). (Redmine #6551)

Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.2-build5 pre-release

Mon Jul 28 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.1
New features:
- Introduced Solaris and AIX support into the 3.6 series, with
many associated build and bug fixes.
- Short-circuit evaluation of classes promises if class is already
set (Redmine #5241)
- fix to assume all non-specified return codes are failed in
commands promises (Redmine #5986)
- cf-serverd logs reconfiguration message to NOTICE (was INFO)
so that it\'s always logged in syslog
Bug fixes:
- File monitoring has been completely rewritten (changes attribute
in files promise), which eliminates many bugs, particularly
regarding files that are deleted. Upgrading will keep all
monitoring data, but downgrading again will reinitialize the DB,
so all files will be reported as if they were new. (Redmine #2917)
- $(this.promiser) expands in files promises for \'transformer\',
\'edit_template\', \'copy_from.source\', \'file_select.exec_program\',
\'classes\' and \'action\' bodies (Redmine #1554, #1496, #3530, #1563)
- \'body changes\' notifies about disappeared files in file monitoring
(Redmine #2917)
- Set not-kept classes when files or commands promise should be
repaired, but is warn-only (Redmine #2359)
- Fixed CFEngine template producing a zero-sized file (Redmine #6088)
- Add 0-9 A-Z _ to allowed context of module protocol (Redmine #6063)
- Extend ps command column width on Solaris and filter on zone
rather than adding it to the ps output.
- Fixed strftime() function on Solaris when called with certain
- Fixed users promise bug regarding password hashes in a NIS/NSS setup.
- Fixed $(sys.uptime), $(sys.systime) and $(sys.sysday) in AIX.
(Redmine #5148, #5206)
- Fixed processes_select complaining about \"Unacceptable model
uncertainty examining processes\" (Redmine #6337)
- ps command for linux has been changed to cope with big rss values
(Redmine #6337)
- Address ps -axo shift on FreeBSD 10 and later (Redmine #5667)
- methods and services promises respect action_policy => \"warn\"
(Redmine #5924)
- LMDB should no longer deadlock if an agent is killed on the hub
while holding the DB lock. Note that the change only affects
binary packages shipped by CFEngine, since the upstream LMDB
project has not yet integrated the change. (Redmine #6013)

Thu Jul 3 14:00:00 2014
- Decrease install size, drop mysql, postgresql,
and libvirt adapters

Wed Jun 18 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to 3.6.0 final
- remove drop-revision.patch, included upstream

Fri May 30 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to 3.6.0rc2
Bugfix release

Fri May 2 14:00:00 2014
- Set sys.bindir to /usr/sbin, expect cf-
* components there
Add 0001-Set-sys.bindir-to-usr-sbin-expect-cf-components-ther.patch

Fri Apr 11 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to 3.6.0rc
Bugfix release
Full ChangeLog at

Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2014
- add 0001-Simplify-and-fix-parsing-of-etc-SuSE-release-fixes-i.patch

* add \'suse\' class for consistency with other vendor classes
(fixes #5417)

* distinction between \"SUSE Linux Enterprise Server\" (sles) and
\"... Desktop\" (sled)

* distinction between SUSE Linux Enterprise products (suse) and
openSUSE (opensuse)

* extract version from VERSION and PATCHLEVEL lines instead of
first line of /etc/SuSE-release

Fri Apr 4 14:00:00 2014
- merge cfengine-server with cfengine. A policy server only
gets cfengine-masterfiles but is otherwise identical to
a client.

Thu Apr 3 14:00:00 2014
- install cfengine.SuSEfirewall2

Thu Apr 3 14:00:00 2014
- install cfengine-masterfiles together with cfengine-server only.
A cfengine client will get the masterfiles from the server.

Wed Apr 2 14:00:00 2014
- clean up /var/cfengine/inputs cache on removal.

Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2014
- remove \'.unknown\' from reported version
add drop-revision.patch

Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2014
- Fix all .service files, type is forking.

Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 3.6.0b2
- performance has been significantly improved, with a 10-20% speed
increase over 3.5 when using the default masterfiles
- agents support the legacy protocol without TLS envelope
This allows upgrading of an agent before the policy server.
- several general improvements and bug fixes too numerous to list
- remove cfengine-bootstrap.patch, included upstream
- split masterfiles off as cfengine-masterfiles package

Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2014
- fix build for RHEL

* MySQL connector: disabled

* docs go into versioned directory

Thu Feb 20 13:00:00 2014
- merge with my last (not committed changes)

* bootstrap patch
- fix changes file

* update 3.0.4b2 -> 3.4.0b2
- fix docs install
- fix build for SLE_11 (MySQL connector: disabled)

Sun Feb 9 13:00:00 2014
- use lmdb instead of tokyocabinet
- add primer.pdf

Tue Feb 4 13:00:00 2014
- split off -examples sub-package

Mon Feb 3 13:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to 3.6.0b1
- New promise type \"users\" for managing local user accounts.
- TLS authentication and fully encrypted network protocol
- New attributes in \'bundle server access_rules\'
- New variable type \'data\' for handling of structured data
- Tagging of classes and variables with meta data
- Many new built-in variables
- Many new functions
- Replace tokyocabinet with lmdb database

Wed Dec 11 13:00:00 2013
- Fix packaging
- rename cfengine-devel to libpromises-devel
- rename libpromises1 to libpromises3

Tue Dec 10 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.3
- Improved security checks of symlink ownership.
A symlink created by a user pointing to resources owned by a
different user will no longer be followed.
- Changed the way package versions are compared in package promises.
(Redmine #3314)
In previous versions the comparison was inconsistent. This has
been fixed, but may also lead to behavior changes in certain
cases. In CFEngine 3.5.3, the comparison works as follows:

For instance: apache-2.2.31 \">=\" \"2.2.0\" will result in the
package being installed.
Bug fixes:
- fix cf-monitord crash due to incorrect array initialization (Redmine
- fix cf-serverd stat()\'ing the file tree every second (Redmine #3479)
- correctly populate sys.hardware_addresses variable (Redmine #2936)
- add support for Debian\'s GNU/kfreebsd to build system (Redmine #3500)
- fix possible stack corruption in guest_environments promises (Redmine
- work-around hostname trunctation in HP-UX\'s uname (Redmine #3517)
- fix body copy purging of empty directories (Redmine #3429)
- make discovery and loading of avahi libraries more robust
- compile and packaging fixes for HP-UX, AIX and Solaris
- fix fatal error in lsdir() when directory doesn\'t exist (Redmine
- fix epoch calculation for stime inrange calculation (Redmine #2921)

Fri Aug 30 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.2
Bug-fixes in the CFEngine Core:
- fix delayed abortclasses checking (Redmine #2316, #3114, #3003)
- fix maplist arguments bug (Redmine #3256)
- fix segfaults in cf-pomises (Redmine #3173, 3194)
- fix build on Solaris 10/SmartOS (Redmine #3097)
- sanitize characters from /etc/issue in sys.flavor for Debian
(Redmine #2988)
- Fix segfault when dealing with files or data > 4K
(Redmine #2912, 2698)
- Don\'t truncate keys to 126 characters in getindices
(Redmine #2626)
- files created via log_
* actions now have mode 600
(Redmine #1578)
- fix wrong log message when a promise is ignored due to
\'ifvarclass\' not matching
- fix lifetime of persistent classes (Redmine #3259)
- fix segfault when process_select body had no process_result
- Default to AND\'ed expression of all specified attributes
(Redmine #3224)
- include system message in output when acl promises fail
- fix invocation of standard_services bundle and corresponding
promise compliance (Redmine #2869)
- run fdupes after install

Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- Fix SLE 11 build
Add remove-am_subst_notmake.patch

Thu Jul 11 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.1
Core Changes:
- the CFEngine Standard Library in masterfiles/libraries is now
split into promise-type specific policy files, and lives in a
version-specific directory. This should have no impact on current
code, but allows more granular include of needed stdlib
elements (Redmine #3044)
- file changes are logged with log level Notice, not Error
Bug fixes:
- fix recursive copying of files (Redmine #2965)
- respect classes in templates (Redmine ##2928)
- fix timestamps on Windows (Redmine #2933)
- fix non-root cf-agent flooding syslog (Redmine #2980)
- fix email flood from cf-execd due to timestamps in agent output
(Redmine #3011)
- Preserve security context when editing or copying local files
(Redmine #2728)
- fix path for sys.crontab on redhat systems (Redmine #2553)
- prevent incorrect \"insert_lines promise uses the same
select_line_matching anchor\" warning (Redmine #2778)
- Fix regression of setting VIPADDRESS to (Redmine #3010)
- Fix \"changes\" promise not receiving status when file is missing
(Redmine #2820)
- Fix symlinks being destroyed when editing them (Redmine #2363)
- Fix missing \"promise kept\" status for the last line in a file
(Redmine #2943)

Tue Jul 9 14:00:00 2013
- explicitly enable postgres, pthreads, openssl, pcre, libvirt
and libacl
- add libacl-headers.patch to adapt to libacl-devel packaging

Thu Jun 13 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.0 - Final

Fri Jun 7 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.0 - Release Candidate

Wed May 15 14:00:00 2013
- add rpmlintrc file

Tue Apr 16 14:00:00 2013
- Build with libvirt
- run cf-key on first install

Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.0 - Beta 1

Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.0 - Alpha 2
New features:
- new built-in functions: classesmatching, strftime, filestat,
ifelse, maparray
- cf-promises flag --parse-tree is replaced by --policy-output-format=,
requiring the user to specify the output format (none, cf, json)
- cf-promises allows partial check of policy (without body common
control) without integrity check;
- -full-check enforces integrity check
- agent binaries support JSON input format (.json file as generated
by cf-promises)
- cf-key: new options --trust-key/-t and --print-digest/-p
- Class \"failsafe_fallback\" is defined in when main
policy contains errors and failsafe is run because of this
- add scope attribute for body classes (Redmine #2013)
- action_policy => \"warn\" causes not_kept classes to be set on
promise needing repair.
- command line option version (-V) now prints a shorter
parsable version without graphic
- implicit execution of server and common bundles taking
arguments is skipped in cf-serverd.
- WARNING: option --policy-server removed, require option to
- -bootstrap instead
- process promises don\'t log if processes are out of range unless
you run in verbose mode
- reports promises are now allowed in any context (Redmine #2005)
- cf-report has been removed
- cf-execd: --once implies --no-fork
- ifvarclass checked from classes promises in common bundles
- do not wait for splaytime when executing only once
- disable xml editing functionality when libxml2 doesn\'t provide
necessary APIs (Redmine #1937)

Fri Feb 1 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.5.0 - Alpha 1
New Features:
- Enable zeroconf-discovery of policy hubs for automatic bootstrapping
if Avahi is present
- Support for sys.cpus on more platforms than Linux & HPUX
- Make parser output in GCC compatible format the only supported format
(remove --gcc-brief-format flag)
- Silence license warnings in Enterprise Free25 installations
- Allocate memory dynamically to avoid out-of-buffer or out-of-hash
- fix edit_xml update of existing attributes (Redmine #2034)
- use failsafe policy from compile-time specified workdir (Redmine #1991)
- Update to 3.4.2 (Bugfix and Stability release)
- Fixes to policies in masterfiles (see masterfiles/Changelog for details)
- Fixes for OpenBSD (GitHub #278)
- Do not canonify values specified in abortbundleclasses/abortclasses (Redmine #1786)
- Fix build issues on NetBSD, SLES 12.2
- Improve error message when libxml2 support is not compiled (Redmine #1799)
- fix potential segmentation fault when trimming network socket data (GitHub #233)
- fix potential segmentation fault when address-lookups in lastseen db failed (GitHub #233)
- execute background promise serially when max_children was reached, rather
than skipping them (GitHub #233)
- fix segmentation fault in cf-promises when invoked with --reports (Redmine #1931)
- fix compilation with Sun Studio 12 (Redmine #1901)
- silence type-pun warning when building on HP-UX (GitHub #287)

Sat Jan 12 13:00:00 2013
- remove suse_update_config

Fri Dec 14 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.4.1 final
remove cfengine-3.4.0.patch, was accepted upstream
3.4.1 (Bugfix and Stability release)
New feature/behavior:
- cf-execd terminates agent processes that are not responsive
for a configurable amount of time (see agent_expireafter in
body executor control), defaulting to 1 week
- fix regression of classmatch() failing with hard classes
(Redmine #1834)
- create promise-defined and persistent classes in correct
namespace (Redmine #1836)
- several fixes to namespace support
- fix several crash bugs caused by buffer overflow and race
conditions in cf-serverd
- regenerate time classes in cf-execd for each run
(Redmine #1838)
- edit_xml: fix select_xpath implementation and update
NOTE: code that uses select_xpath_region needs to be changed
to select_xpath
- edit_xml: make sure that text-modification functions don\'t
overwrite child nodes
- edit_xml: improve error logging

Thu Nov 29 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.4.0 final

Sun Oct 21 14:00:00 2012
- fix systemd check (use systemd for openSUSE 12.1 too)

Mon Oct 8 14:00:00 2012
- workaround for potential buffer overflow

Thu Oct 4 14:00:00 2012
- honor filesystem hierachy standard (FHS):
- build with --enable-fhs
- honor documentation
- install in /var/cfengine
- support systemd where applicable
- update to 3.4.0b2
New features:
- XML editing capabilities. See the documentation for edit_xml
body. Note the new dependency: libxml2.
- Implement inheritance of local classes by bundles called using
\"usebundle\". By default classes are not inherited. See the
examples/ for an example.
- Moved from Nova/Enterprise:
- POSIX ACL support,
- \"outputs\" promise type,
- remote syslog support.
- packages_default_arch_command hook in packages promises, to
specify default architecture of the packages on the system.
- packages_version_less_command / packages_version_equal_command hooks
in packages promises, to specify external command for native package
manager versions comparison
- Running in Solaris zone is now detected and classes \"zone\" and
\"zone_\" are created in this case.
- VirtualBox support added to guest_environment promises.
- guest_environment promises are supported under OS X.
- The \"depends_on\" attribute is now active, for the partal ordering
of promises. If a promise depends on another (referred by handle)
it will only be considered if the depends_on list is either kept
or repaired already.

* WARNING: When upgrading, make sure that any existing use
of depends_on does not make some promises being
unintentionally ignored.
This can happen if you are currently refering to non-existant or
never-run handles in depends_on attributes.
- methods return values, initial implementation
- New format for cf-key -s, includes timestamp of last connection
Changed functionality:
- cf-execd -F switch no longer implies \'run once\'. New -O/--once
option is added to achieve this behaviour. This makes cf-execd
easier to run from systemd, launchd and other supervision

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2012
- add bootstrap patch

* set correct \"workdir\"

Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.2.4

* Fixed failure in network transfer in case of misbehaving peer

* A few tiny memory leaks on error paths fixed
- fix post/-un for SLE_10 (install_info)
- fix deps for SLE_10

* {libsoname} Req glibc
- provide default
*.cf files in inputs DIR
otherwise init scripts will fail

Wed Feb 8 13:00:00 2012
- fix pre/post scripts

* RHEL/CentOS does not know \"SuSE macros\" :(

Tue Feb 7 13:00:00 2012
- fix deps for CentOS/RHEL (cron)

* Req vixie-cron

Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2012
- fix cron file

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- change workdir to /var/lib/cfengine/work

* adapt init scripts

* add new dirs
o /var/lib/cfengine/{backup,failsafe,config}
- add cron file as Source10

Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2012
- move \"server\" stuff to subpkg

Fri Jan 13 13:00:00 2012
- fix init scripts

* check for existing \",\"
- create symlinks for sbin_PROGRAMS

Tue Nov 15 13:00:00 2011
- update to 3.2.3

* A few tiny memory leaks fixed

* Improved performance of cf-serverd under heavy load with
TokyoCabinet database

* Full list of issues fixed is available on
- fix License: GPLv2+ -> GPLv3

Tue Oct 11 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.2.1

* ATM no \"uptodate\" ChangeLog available :(

Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2011
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable

Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- lib pkging policy

* new subpkg: libpromises1, devel

* disable-static lib
- rpmlint

* incorrect-fsf-address

* run-level 4, init scripts
- subpkg doc

* documentation

* added cf3-Reference.pdf as {S:1}

Mon Aug 29 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.2.0

* New bootstrap method with single-command bootstrapping:
- cf-agent --bootstrap --policy-server 123.456.789.123
- Associated policy template files are added, partially maintained
by CFEngine
- See for upgrade procedure

* Bug fixes for file-editing, package versioning, and embedded
database corruption (We recommend using TokyoCabinet instead of
BerkeleyDB if building from source).

* Improved upgrade path for Nova.

* Patches for improved run-agent concurrency

* Reorganization of documentation and community resources

* 100% on regression test suite on 3 operating systems
(Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE on x86-64 hardware)

* Support for multiple release environments

* package_policy update and addupdate now check if user-supplied
version is larger than currently installed - updates only if so

* Help text of cf-report -r corrected - a list of key hashes is
required, not ip addresses.

* New Emacs mode for CFEngine policy files (thanks to Ted Zlatanov!)
- After beta 1:

* Warnings are on edit_line changes can now give greater degree of information
without spamming promise logs

* Class expressions parser accepts \'||\' as an alias for \'|\' again.

* Invalidation of package list cache on installation/removal of
- After beta 2:

* New option cf-key -r to remove host key by IP or hostname.

* Added detection of network interfaces which belong to BSD jails.

* Improve robustness of multi-threaded code, in particular fix
problems with spurious acces denials in server and losing of
authentication rules after policy reload.

* cf-promises accepts option -b matching cf-agent, which causes it
to do not complain about missing bundlesequence.

* New functions and(), not(), or() and concat() to ease use of
ifvarclass() clause.

* Full list of issues fixed is available on
- some cleanup

* ./configure .... -> %configure with default datadir

* macro usage

* use default install to docdir, add missing AUTHORS, LICENSE

Wed Aug 24 14:00:00 2011
- fix init scripts
o RH, CentOS: fix return of checkproc, start_daemon

Tue Aug 9 14:00:00 2011
- update init scripts
o complete rewrite, used skeleton.compat

Mon Aug 8 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.1.5

* New class parser, \'||\' is no longer allowed in expressions (use \'|\').

* Class setting in the promise types insert_lines, delete_lines,
replace_patterns, field_edits, vars, classes is restored.

* suspiciousnames implemented.

* New function getvalues().

* New functions parse{read,int,string}array to match

* Testsuite added to check for core functionality.

* Syslog prefix is fixed to say \'cf3\' instead of \'community\'.
- see ChangeLog file for more info
- {name} macro
- add BuildReq postgresql-devel (PostgreSQL connector)
- remove Author from desc
- no autoreconf
- keep libs
- build support for CentOS, RHEL

Mon Aug 23 14:00:00 2010
- update to 3.05p1

* bugfixes

Mon Dec 14 13:00:00 2009
- update to 3.02

* cfengine3 is a major rewrite, much simpler but with many
new features
- added new init scripts
- remove all the patches

Mon Sep 7 14:00:00 2009
- fixed resource leak (bnc#533579)

Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- fixed memory leak (bnc#523789)

Fri Apr 10 14:00:00 2009
- fix %preun script (bnc#487781)

Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2008
- fix bad printf specifier (bnc#439040)

Thu Sep 11 14:00:00 2008
- update to 2.2.8

* Patch for cfservd serving wrong data when link->copy

* Checksum changes now trigger persistent class \"checksum_alerts\"
and log to WORKDIR/state/file_hash_event_history

* Threading error fix for cfexecd

* Windows compilation fixes

Fri Jun 27 14:00:00 2008
- update to 2.2.7

* Xen detection

* Sensor code added for linux cfenvd

* Documentation is no longer distributed in the tarball

* rxdirs= added to files. Default is false. If set to true,
cfengine will not assume that x-bits should be set when r is
set on directory permissions.

* Group initialization to popen, so shellcommands groups are
consistent with uid login id

* bugfixes

Tue Jan 15 13:00:00 2008
- update to 2.2.3

* minor tweaks and bug fixes

* IgnoreInterfaceRegex( \"vm.
*\" ) added to control
function added for removing data from special interfaces
from class data

* Option checkroot=true/false added to copy directive.

* Can escape colons in the strings now to avoid confusion with
expansion separator.

* cfenvgraph --erasehistory users,www_in etc will now set the
average and variance of learned cfenvd data to zero.

* audit=true/false flag added to most actions

Mon Nov 26 13:00:00 2007
- remove .a and .la file from the package, fix
debuginfo package building

Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2007
- update to 2.2.2

* changes in build procedure, libtoolizing

* beginning of an integrated auditing system added

* SCLI interface modifications
- fix init scripts (remove X-United-Linux headers,
add dependency to $remote_fs)

Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2007
- add %insserv_cleanup to %postun

Tue Jun 12 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.2.1

* scli: type section added.

* Code refactoring for package management.

* Bug fixes for problems introduced in 2.2.0.

* structural internal changes that ease the eventual
confluence with cfengine 3
- fix overflowing buffer, uninitialized variable and
other minor problems
- remove -configure.diff, fixed in upstream

Fri Apr 20 14:00:00 2007
- Cleanup build requires.

Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- add bison and flex to build requires

Fri Feb 2 13:00:00 2007
- update to 2.1.22

* cfshow output formatting changes

* database internal format changes

* rewritten the checksum code, no caching anymore

* ShowState(rootprocs), ShowState(otherprocs) added for
better process reporting

* General code reorganization for better separation of concerns,
looking towards cfengine 3.

* cfconvert removed. Change of future strategy for cfengine 3

* Support for old Berkeley DB APIs abandoned.

* Encryption level added for full encryption of opendir traffic.
Must set FullEncryption = ( true ) in control for compatability

* bugfixes

Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2006
- fix array subscript out of range (#211160)

Thu Sep 21 14:00:00 2006
- update to 2.1.21

* copy action now supports this $(this) variable

* PH support removed from cfenvd during code rationalization

* ReturnsZeroShell function added

* Cfenvd code rationalization and channge in database format

* bugfixes