Changelog for
opera-12.16-2.4.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Jan 24 13:00:00 2014
- Added notification about lack of support for Opera
since June 2013
Wed Jul 31 14:00:00 2013
- Security update to 12.16 [bnc#832559]:
- Replaced code signing certificate;
- file was removed from package
Sat Apr 6 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 12.15
* Bugfixes:
- Fixed an issue where the search bar\'s default engine could
be overridden by third-party apps
* Security Fixes:
- Added safeguards against attacks on the RC4 encryption
- Fixed an issue where cookies could be set for a top-level
Thu Feb 7 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 12.14
* fixes crash when checking for extension updates
- Introduce full URL\'s to the source files.
Fri Feb 1 13:00:00 2013
- Remove update checker application since we don\'t need it.
This removes the curl dependency as a bonus.
Thu Jan 31 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 12.13
* Recommended upgrade (security and stability enhancements)
* Genaral and User Interface
* Fixed an issue where Opera gets internal communication errors
on Facebook
* Fixed an issue where no webpages load on startup, if Opera is
disconnected from the Internet
* Fixed an issue where images will not load after back
navigation, when a site uses the HTML5 history API
* Security
* Fixed an issue where DOM events manipulation might be used to
execute arbitrary code
* Fixed an issue where use of SVG clipPaths could allow
execution of arbitrary code
* Fixed an issue where CORS requests could omit the preflight
Tue Dec 18 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 12.12
* Fixes and Stability Enhancements
- New option ‘Delete settings and data for all extensions’
option (off by default) in the Delete Private Data dialog
- Corrected an issue where using the \'Delete Private Data\'
dialog could delete extension and settings data
- Redesigned the \'Delete Private Data\' dialog to be more usable
with small screens
- Fixed an issue where quitting Opera while in fullscreen mode
could cripple the interface on the next start-up
- Fixed an issue where malformed GIF images could allow
execution of arbitrary code
- Fixed an issue where repeated attempts to access a target
site could trigger address field spoofing
- Fixed an issue where private data could be disclosed to other
computer users, or be modified by them
Tue Nov 20 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 12.11
* Bug fixes
* Stability and Security improvement
Fri Nov 16 13:00:00 2012
- Add the icon cache update to the spec file (bnc#783934)
Tue Nov 6 13:00:00 2012
- update to 12.10
* Improved extensions
* Support for SPDY, CSS3 Gradients, Transitions, Animations, and Transforms
* Support for WebSockets
* Fullscreen and Page Visibility API
* ICC Profiles support
* full changelog available at:
Thu Aug 30 14:00:00 2012
- update to 12.02
* Fixed an issue where truncated dialogs may be used to trick users
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#778087]
Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2012
- update to 12.01
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#774191]
Thu Jul 26 14:00:00 2012
- rename to README.openSUSE
Mon Jul 16 14:00:00 2012
- add README-opensuse note about operapref in file
- mark operaprefs_fixed.ini as config
Wed Jul 4 14:00:00 2012
- fixes [bnc#769389]:
added global prefs file disabling opera internal
update mechanism
- use opera provided install script
Mon Jun 18 14:00:00 2012
- update to 12.00
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#767045]
Fri May 11 14:00:00 2012
- update to 11.64:
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#761633]
Thu Apr 26 14:00:00 2012
- update to 11.62:
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#754687], CVE-2012-1924,CVE-2012-1925,CVE-2012-1926,
Mon Mar 5 13:00:00 2012
- add Provides: browser(npapi) FATE#313084
Sun Feb 5 13:00:00 2012
- Set license to SUSE-NonFree.
Fri Jan 27 13:00:00 2012
- updated to 11.61
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#743079]
Wed Dec 7 13:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.60
* full changelog available at:
Thu Oct 20 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.52
* full changelog available at:
Sat Sep 3 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.51
* full changelog available at:
Wed Jul 6 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.50
* full changelog available at:
- fixes CVE-2011-1337, CVE-2011-2609 - CVE-2011-2627 [bnc#703668]
Wed Jul 6 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.15
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#703668]
Wed May 18 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.11
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#694567]
Tue Apr 12 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.10
* full changelog available at:
Thu Feb 3 13:00:00 2011
- updated to 11.01
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#667639], CVE-2011-0681 - CVE-2011-0687
Thu Dec 16 13:00:00 2010
- updated to 11.00
* full changelog available at:
- fixes [bnc#659882]
- drop ppc build as upstream is not creating packages anymore
Sun Oct 24 14:00:00 2010
- subpackages (gtk,kde4) should require main package
Tue Oct 12 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 10.63
* full changelog available at:
Tue Oct 12 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 10.62
* full changelog available at:
Mon Aug 30 14:00:00 2010
- split off gtk and kde4 engines [bnc#635360]
Mon Aug 23 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 10.61 (build 6430)
* full changelog available at:
* fixes [bnc#630771]
Wed Jul 7 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 10.60 (build 6386)
* full changelog available at:
* fixes [bnc#583620] [bnc#607823] [bnc#615942]
Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.10 (build 4742)
* full changelog available at:
Mon Nov 2 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.01 (build 4682)
* full changelog available at:
Tue Sep 1 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 final (build 4585)
* full changelog available at:
- replaced icons with upstream ones
- hopefully closes bugs [bnc#491876], [bnc#514728], [bnc#522940]
Tue Aug 25 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 rc (build 4570)
* full changelog available at:
Thu Aug 13 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 beta 3 (build 4538)
* full changelog available at:
Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (build 4529)
* full changelog available at:
- use Qt4 build for x86 and x86_64 (no ppc Qt4 build yet)
Thu Aug 6 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (build 4520)
* full changelog available at:
Wed Jul 22 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (build 4502)
* full changelog available at:
Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (build 4493)
* lots of changes - full list is available at:
- added download script (, to make updates easier)
Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (build 4478)
* lots of changes - full list is available at:
Mon Jun 15 14:00:00 2009
- updated to 10.00 (aka build 4440)
Opera Unite
* a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside
the Opera desktop browser to share data and services
User Interface
* \"Remove From Toolbar\" and other toolbar customization options
have been moved into a submenu.
* The ability to reset toolbar customization has been added.
* The search field can now be resized.
Mail, News, Chat
* A \"delete after X number of days\" facility has been added.
* Mails can now have horizontal scrollbars.
* Fixes have been made to mail compose.
* The adding of links to HTML mails has been improved.
* A recovery mechanism for corrupt mail databases has been added.
* Feed progress which sometimes stuck on non-existent resources
has been fixed.
* Attachments in multipart/mixedpart of multipart/alternative mail
are now correctly displayed.
* When viewing a message, message subjects are now a text field
again instead of a button.
* Additional online feed readers have been added to the feed preview
* Sent mail is now shown when using threading in the e-mail client.
* A thread button has been added to the message list toolbar.
* Keyboard shortcuts for Go to Thread (D), Watch Thread (Ctrl-D),
and Ignore Thread (Ctrl-Shift-D) have been added.
* The encoding mismatch dialog has been removed.
Display and scripting
* Full RGBA support is now included.
* Basic Web font support has been added:
o font specification (AATTfont-face CSS rule) with the font-family
descriptor that controls font choices
o src descriptor with local and remote
o Truetype (ttf) and Scalable Vector Graphics (svg) font support
* Support has been added for the W3C Selectors API.
* The objects returned by getClientRects() and getBoundingClientRect()
have been renamed to ClientRectList and ClientRect instead of
TextRectangle and TextRectangleList.
* XMLHttpRequests will now trigger start-loading/end-loading events.
* The proprietary window.setDocument method has been removed.
* Support has been added for the SVGElement.currentFps and
SVGElement.targetFps properties to read and control SVG
frames per second.
* The load event for scripts is now sent after the script is executed
rather than before.
* The load event is now sent to frame/iframe/object elements before
it is sent to the document.
* A highlight will no longer be added when HTMLElement.focus()
is called unless keyboard navigation is already activated.
* Support for TLS 1.2 has been added.
* SSL v2 and weak cipher support have been completely removed.
* Opera now supports alpha transparent widget windows on Linux
(rounded corners).
* The painting of windowless plugins has been fixed.
* A Java-related issue has been fixed.
* Fixes have been applied to font fallback problems.
* Opera no longer recognizes or supports the
namespace as an alias of
* Core fixes, including fixes for getElementsByClassName have been made,
which should now work with multiple classes in className.
* Regex \\b is now correctly not matching the point between
a letter and underscore.
* Facebook chat has been fixed.
* Image downloading has been improved.
* Gmail problems have been solved.
* Files generated by the Opera installer now use the same naming scheme
across different platforms.
* Support for UTF-32 encoding has been removed.
* User JS files will now be executed in alphabetical order rather than file
system order.
* The first ID (instead of the last) is now used on pages with duplicate IDs
when navigating to fragment IDs.
* Support for the altGlyph element in SVGs has been added.
* Support for 32-bit alpha in BMP and RLE-encoded BMP images has been added.
* Several memory leaks have been plugged.
* Several stability issues have been fixed.
* Network access for widgets is now opt-in:
o All existing widgets must be updated in order to have network access.
o All widgets on have been given Internet access.
o Network access is specified using the network attribute of the widget element:
+ Widgets that use
will have Intranet access only.
+ Widgets that use will have Intranet and Internet access.
- replaced icons with Tango version by Tomas Kebert
Wed Mar 4 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 9.64 (aka build 2480)
* Security
* Fixed an issue where specially crafted JPEG images could be used
to execute arbitrary code, as reported by Tavis Ormandy
of the Google Security Team; see our advisory
* Fixed an issue where plug-ins could be used to allow cross
domain scripting, as reported by Adam Barth; details will
be disclosed at a later date.
* Fixed a moderately severe issue; details will be disclosed
at a later date.
* Added Untrusted Rootstore Capability:
o Opera downloads only the detailed information about
untrusted (blacklisted) certificates when they are encountered
o If download fails for certificate information in the list,
Opera considers any certificate matching the ID as untrusted
* Added version conditional fetching of certificate dependencies
from an online repository
* Fixed a problem downloading the CRL (Certificate Revocation List)
* Fixed a problem that could cause SSL to deadlock in one state,
hanging the connection
* Fixed a problem that could cause the incorrect calculation
of Certificate IDs
* Implemented Extended Validation (EV) for cross-signed EV Root
Certificates not shipped by default
* Implemented preshipping of the Entrust 2048 CA (Certificate Authority)
* Implemented Root Certificate fetching from an online repository
when an intermediate matches a certificate in the repository
* Improved support for weak encryption when importing .p12 private
* Prevented security information documents from being written to disk
* Miscellaneous
* Fixed a problem which created separate feed notifications;
Opera now groups them together
* Fixed a problem with the backspace key event in the Flash plug-in
* Fixed a problem with inline find when no text was entered,
and the Enter key was pressed
* Fixed an instability error with the 64 bit Linux version