Changelog for evince-lang-2.32.0-7.11.1.noarch.rpm :
Thu Feb 17 13:00:00 2011
- Add evince-dvi-vulnerability-again.patch to fix another
vulnerability in the DVI backend. Fix bnc#671064.

Sun Feb 13 13:00:00 2011
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.

Wed Jan 5 13:00:00 2011
- Add evince-dvi-vulnerabilities.patch to fix CVE-2010-2640,
CVE-2010-2641, CVE-2010-2642, CVE-2010-2643. (bnc#660555).

Mon Sep 27 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.32.0:
+ Make \"Shrink to Printable Area\" default option for Page Scaling
+ Fix build with --disable-dbus (bgo#629498)
+ Updated translations.

Mon Sep 13 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.31.92:
+ Change gsettings schema path from /apps/evince to
+ bgo#626561: A D-Bus signal is now emitted when document is
+ bgo#628945: Use GConf again for lockdown settings
+ Fix a crash during selection when evince is built with gtk2
+ bgo#625971: Evince daemon can spawn an evince instance when
finding a document
+ Updated translations.

Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.31.90:
+ bgo#626407: Do not jump to link dest when clicking with
+ Use GDK_BLANK_CURSOR instead of creating our own empty cursor
+ bgo#626334: Improve findbar message when there are no matches
+ bgo#626147: Remove #ifdefs for old cairo versions
+ Updated translations.
- Drop evince-fix-pc-gtk2.patch: fixed upstream.
- Pass --with-gtk=2.0 to configure.

Thu Aug 5 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ Add --with-gtk=2.0|3.0 configure flag (bgo#626030)
+ Fix a crash with DVI files and empty glyphs (bgo#600552)
+ Fix a crash when a page is manually entered (bgo#624936)
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 2.31.6:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Preliminary support for adding new annotations (bgo#168304)
- Add confirmation dialog on closing window when document has
been modified (Form fields have been filled out or annots
have been added/modified) (bgo#168304)
- Add an action to edit menu to save current settings as
default. Default settings will be used only for new documents
that don\'t have metadata (bgo#620325)
- Migrate lockdown to gsettings
+ Bug fixes:
- Update synctex parser from TexLive SVN repository
- Fix a crash when loading document with inverted colors enabled
- Several build improvements
- Fix memory leaks when document is reloaded
- Fix position of window annotations when moved by the user
- Fix build with poppler 0.14 (bgo#624904)
- Use cairo instead of gdk_draw API
- Only set text and text_layout flags in page cache when a11y
might be enabled
- Add evince-fix-pc-gtk2.patch to make the pkg-config file
reference gtk+ 2, not gtk+ 3.
- Add explicit gtk2-devel BuildRequires.
- Remove unneeded libglade2-devel BuildRequires.
- Remove explicit Requires for devel packages in devel subpackage:
we\'ll have pkgconfig()-style Requires automatically.
- Use %glib2_gsettings_schema_
* macros for GSettings schemas
- Move gir files to devel package.

Sun Jul 18 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.31.5:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Add a new sidebar page to show the list of annotations
- bgo#543503: Finish DBus API for synctex support
- Switch to GTK+ 3
+ Bug fixes:
- bgo#604125: Make sure annot popups never show up outside the
main window
- bgo#623456: Set word wrapping mode for text in popup
- Use gtk3-devel BuildRequires instead of gtk2-devel.

Thu Jul 15 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version
+ bgo#623080: Fix build when poppler_page_get_text_layout is not
- Changes from version 2.31.4:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- bgo#309015: Implement AtkText interface in EvView
- bgo#543503: Add preliminary SyncTex support
+ Bug fixes:
- bgo#530018: Don\'t save print document settings into global
- bgo#621750: Reload presentation view when document changes
- bgo#621386: Remove hard-coded reason in totem-scrsaver
- bgo#619248: Fix opening cbz files with [] in archive
- Changes from version 2.31.3:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- bgo#303365: Use a dynamic pixbuf cache size based on document
page size. It allows us caching more pages for lower scale
factors and increase zoom level by caching fewer pages.
+ Bug fixes:
- bgo#619825: Fix fade animations
- bgo#619948: Fix a crash when starting animation in
presentation mode
- bgo#620548: Remove set_focus_on_map and set NOTIFICATION type
hint for loading window. It prevents focus stealing and skips
taskbar and pager hints
- bgo#605776: Fix build with GSEAL enabled
- Remove circular dependencies in Makefiles and fix some
compiler warnings
- Changes from version 2.31.2:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Port to GDBus
- bgo#619335: Do not use the gconf gsettings backend any more
- Use cairo to draw search results
- Use a loading window to show loading progress information
instead of the old \'Loading ...\' text rendered on every page
+ Bug fixes:
- bgo#610548: Fix localization on Windows
- Convert relative path to absolute path for evince-previewer
- bgo#616515: Fix opening files with \'#\' in its name
- Accept keyboard focus in window annotations
- bgo#617736: Add .c files to the introspection sources
- Changes from version 2.31.1:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- bgo#617580: Add saved documents with \"save a copy\" to recent
file list
- Port override_restrictions gconf key to GSettings
- bgo#614400: Add icons to the recent items, and always show
them in menu
+ Bug fixes:
- Invert colors of pages and thumbanils when loading in
inverted color mode (bgo#616110, bgo#616111)
- Take default settings from last document opened. Fixes
regression caused by migration to gio metadata (bgo#606090)
- Ellipsise the recent action\'s label
- Make inverted colors mode work in presentation mode too
- Respect GNOME22_USER_DIR env variable (bgo#613637)
- Fix loading of local documents when uri contains a page
destination (bgo#616515)
- Make gnome-doc-utils optional
- Update icons to match gnome-icon-theme appearance
- Make sure there\'s a new valid page range before updating
caches (fdo#27599)
- Fix .desktop file according to CorrectDesktopFiles GNIOME
Goal (bgo#592733)
- Update FSF address everywhere (bgo#514607)
- Fix loading of compressed password-protected documents
- Add command line option to open document at a given page
index (bgo#613449)
- Fix build with GSEAL_ENABLE for libview and libdocument
- Close previewer window with control + w (bgo#612972)
- Fix keybindings in previewer window (bgo#612972)
+ Updated translations.
- Drop upstream fixed evince-bgo617154.patch.

Tue May 25 14:00:00 2010
- Add evince-bgo617154.patch to avoid dead-lock if the dot-folder
does not exist.

Thu Apr 29 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.30.1:
+ bgo#614693: Make inverted colors mode work in presentation mode
+ bgo#613637: Respect GNOME22_USER_DIR env variable
+ bgo#616515: Fix loading of local documents when uri contains a
page destination
+ bgo#606090: Take default settings from last document opened.
Fixes regression caused by migration to gio metadata
+ bgo#614747: Update icons to match gnome-icon-theme appearance
+ fdo#27590: Make sure there\'s a new valid page range before
updating caches
+ bgo#514607: Update FSF address everywhere
+ bgo#613959: Fix loading of compressed password-protected
+ bgo#612972: Close previewer window with control + w
+ bgo#612972: Fix keybindings in previewer window
+ Updated translations.

Mon Mar 29 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.30.0:
+ Fix scale calculation on rotated monitors in presentation mode
+ Save current page when closing window in presentation mode
+ Fix rendering of documents with non uniform page size when in
presentation mode
+ Use monitor height instead of screen height to calculate page
scale in presentation mode (bgo#608924)
+ Updated translations.

Wed Mar 10 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.29.92:
+ Fix build with gtk+ >= 2.19.7
+ Updated translations.

Mon Feb 22 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.29.91:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- DVI backend support on windows (bgo#602910)
+ Documentation fixes:
- Modernise API docs
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix dpi calculation (bgo#608586)
- Allow adding actions for more than one item in view popup
menu (bgo#609497)
- Add gconf schemas for comic cbt files (bgo#609501)
- Update totem-scrsaver from totem sources (bgo#610173)
- Fix linking with pedantic linkers (bgo#609895)
- Do not link evince shell to poppler directly (bgo#608832)
- Several translatable messages fixed (bgo#608698)
+ Updated translations.

Sun Feb 21 13:00:00 2010
- Use %_smp_mflags instead of %jobs.
- Split nautilus extension in a separate package.

Wed Jan 13 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 2.29.5:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Make Home/End keys go to first/last page in presentation mode
too (bgo#358462)
- Allow finish presentation by clicking on end page
- Add custom print tab to printing dialog with several page
scale options (bgo#599468, bgo#599470, bgo#599547)
- Add support for remote files in evince thumbnailers
- Add evince icon to the windows executable (bgo#596401)
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix transition of pages with duration=0 in presentation mode
- Fix vertical white line shown in presentation mode with
documents with black background (bgo#438760)
- Fix fickering and blank screen issues when changing pages
fast in presentation mode (bgo#602738)
- Fix printing on Windows (bgo#604705)
- Disable text selection in presentation mode (bgo#605554)
- Make comics backend also compile on Windows (bgo#605146)
- Remove comics_regex_quote() in favor of always using
g_shell_quote() (bgo#605092)
- Properly redrawn properties view when document is reloaded
+ Translation updates

Wed Dec 23 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.29.4:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Always show rotate icons (bgo#599398)
- EvPrintOperation has been moved to libview so that it can be
used by EvView users (bgo#604750)
- Support for cbt comic files (bgo#588266)
+ Bug fixes:
- Do not fail to open external uri links that are relative
paths (bgo#604716)
- Do not hardcode BINDIR on Windows (bgo#605001)
- Fix a crash in djvu backend on windows (bgo#604919)
- Replace mkdtemp with our own _ev_g_mkdtemp to make it
portable (bgo#604917)
- Include a copy of some icons from gnome-icon-theme to be used
as fallback on platforms like window where gnome-icon-theme
is not available (bgo#596400)
- Fix 0x0 page size always shown in properties view
- Do not hide page selector widget on invalid input
- Split EvPixbufCache into dynamic and static data. Static page
data (links, annots, images, text and forms) that don\'t
depend on current scale/rotation, have been moved to
EvPageCache and are never removed. (bgo#602405)
- Fix a typo in EV_RENDER_CONTEXT macro definition (bgo#603857)
- Code cleanups and improvements in libview (bgo#603858)
+ Updated translations.
- Change gnome-keyring-devel BuildRequires to
libgnome-keyring-devel, following the module split upstream.
- Remove gir-repository BuildRequires: it shouldn\'t be needed with
recent versions of gtk2.

Wed Dec 2 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.29.3:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Add inverted colors view mode (bgo#321823)
- Add options to open/save attachment annotations to context
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix infinite loop when scrollbar visibility changes in
fit-with mode
- Do not resize the window when zoom in/out with CTRL+Scroll
- Keep scroll position when reloading (bgo##602445)
- Make \"p\" and \"n\" accels unsensitive while searching
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 2.29.2:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Add support for PDF File Attachment Annotations (bgo#601839)
- Use \"n\" and \"p\" keys for page jump (bgo#601217)
- Update actions sensitivity when gconf keys change
+ Documentation fixes:
- Make series ID unique (bgo#599726)
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix saving attachments
- Make sure view is redrawn as soon as current page is rendered
- Fix documentation of default flag values in configure
- Do not mark properties name and desc as translatable
- Fix build with glib < 2.22.0 (bgo#600338)
- Disable print page setup options according to lockdown
- Fix loading of remote files
- Correctly process --with-smclient arguments (bgo#590174)
+ Updated translations.

Sat Nov 14 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.29.1:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Embed page setup settings in the print dialog (bgo#591551)
- A new tab has been added to properties dialog to show
information about the document license (bgo#349173)
- Use different processes for every document opened.
(bgo#583680, bgo#434966, bgo#497388, bgo#524633, bgo#586087)
- Use GVFS metadata instead of our own xml based
implementation. (bgo#586841)
- When scrolling a page, move one screen leaving one line
context to help to visually track the document as it moves.
- Use GtkInfoBar instead of GeditMessageArea for the message
area (bgo#592785)
- EvPageCache has been splitted up into document part (moved to
EvDocument which has been converted into an abstract class
instead of an interface) and view part: EvDocumentModel. This
allows to have more than one EvView for the same document, so
that \"Open a Copy\" can be implemented without using the symlink
hack. (bgo#573641)
+ Bug fixes:
- Several fixes and cleanups in comics backend
- Don\'t exit with non-writable $HOME
- Clean up temp file handling to make sure we can cope with not
being able to create our temp directory (bgo#595372)
- Set page orientation of each page when printing so that
documents with mixed portrait/landscape pages print correctly
- Preserve aspect ratio when scaling page for printing
- Fix a crash when we don\'t have a DBUS connection
- Make sure total_num_bytes > 0 before using it in progress
callbacks (bgo#597691)
- Escape document URI before showing it in progress area
- Fix a crash due to an uninitialized variable (bgo#597154)
- Fix a crash when there are form field widgets active during
rotation (bgo#593316)
- Remarks the selected thumbnail after rotation (bgo#595548)
- Don\'t change current page when rotating documents with
different page sizes (bgo#595704)
- Fix thumbnails rotation when loading a rotated document
- Save images as png or jpg when the filename has no extensions
- Populate destination page when reloading the document
+ Updated translations.

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.28.0:
+ bgo#570054 - Populate destination page when reloading the
+ bgo#595079 - Save images as png or jpg when the filename has no

Tue Aug 11 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.90:
+ Let scroll wheel change page when in non-continuous best-fit
mode (bgo#562257)
+ Show print progress information when using GtkPrintOperation
+ Don\'t show crash recovery dialog when requested file is the
only one to be recovered (bgo#578894)
+ Disable crash recovery when D-BUS is disabled (bgo#578894)
+ Grab focus on view widget after setting metadata (bgo#589300)
+ Fixes segmentation violation when print file format is empty
+ Use AM_V_GEN to make custom commands silent (bgo#585355)
+ Don\'t install schema files when building without gconf
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jul 21 14:00:00 2009
- Enable gobject-introspection support: add
gobject-introspection-devel and gir-repository BuildRequires,
pass --enable-introspection to configure.

Mon Jul 20 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.4:
+ Compute selections on button press for word/line selections
+ Fix several even/odd multipage issues (bgo#583429)
+ Register thumbnailing for gzip/gzip dvi files (bgo#588013)
+ Get rid of shave with AM_SILENT_RULES automake option
+ Make evince output pdf on supported printers (bgo#585442)
+ Fix build on windows
+ Determine data directory on runtime on windows
+ Fix build without GConf
+ Fix several introspection build issues (bgo#585971)
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jun 16 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.3:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Update the hildon port
- Complete the win32 port (bgo#339172)
- Allow activate the menubar in fullscreen mode (bgo#504243)
- Do not create popup window if the annot doesn\'t have a popup
- Add tests for printer settings (bgo#583976)
- Remember and reuse \"Save a Copy...\" path (bgo#485195)
- Support for cb7 using the p7zip commands in comics backend
- Parse xml metadata to detect PDF/A documents (bgo#582206)
+ Bug fixes:
- Several build fixes and improvements
- Fix page transitions in presentation mode (bgo#583652,
- Scale according to paper size before rendering for printing
- Fix multipage even/odd printing issues (bgo#583429, #583388)
- Gracefully work with FITB destinations and friends
- Fix double to int conversion in thumbnails_get_dimensions
- Ohter bugs fixed: bgo#584617, bgo#585497
+ Updated translations.
- Add suggest for p7zip and unzip for the comics backend.

Tue May 19 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.1:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Use GtkPrintOperation when printing for the backends that
support rendering into a cairo context (bgo#557112)
- Recover previous session when running evince after a crash
- Preliminary annotations support (bgo#315002)
- Rename Print Setup menu entry as Page Setup for consistency
with the GTK+ dialog title (bgo#581109)
- Added F3 as a find-next accelerator key (bgo#579072)
- Support the free Gna! unrar tool in comics backend
- Add evince-previewer as a separate applicaton that implements
the printing preview
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix handling of the tmp folder (bgo#582108)
- Abort dnd operations originated in the same Evince window
- Disable bouncing during scrolling (bgo#533534)
- Fix build without gconftool-2 (bgo#581441)
- Fix documentation build (bgo#579671)
- Fix error handling of broken documents (bgo#580886)
- Fix several memory leaks in comics backend (bgo#552074)
- Escape URIs for display (bgo#581064)
- Resync with libegg to remove deprecated GTK+ symbols
- Correct check for exit status of commands in comics backend
- Add -no-undefined flag for Cygwin build (bgo#580058)
- Use g_file_make_symbolic_link to create symlinks (bgo#339172)
- Delete the temp symlink created when opening a copy
- Don\'t redraw again when zoom is set more than once to the
same scale factor
- Fix print preview of empty selection (bgo#517735)
- Don\'t prevent unmounting in case the initial cwd is on an
external device (bgo#575436)
- Create and load the document based on the mime-type provided
by nautilus instead of using our own documents factory.
- Fix endianess issues in dvi and tiff backends (bgo#578433,
- Fix memory leak in tiff backend (bgo#578285)
- Fix path where accels file is saved (bgo#577500)
- Fix fading animations
- Translate the categories in the nautilus properties tab
- Other bugs fixed: bgo#539972, bgo#578436, bgo#582543
+ Updated translations.
- Suggests unrar for the comics backend.

Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.26.1:
+ Don\'t prevent unmounting in case the initial cwd is on an
external device (bgo#575436)
+ Create and load the document based on the mime-type provided by
nautilus instead of using our own documents factory.
+ Fix endianess issues in dvi and tiff backends (bgo#578433,
+ Fix memory leak in tiff backend (bgo#578285)
+ Fix path where accels file is saved (bgo#577500)
+ Fix fading animations
+ Translate the categories in the nautilus properties tab
+ Updated translations.

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009
- use --disable-static instead of removing static libraries at %install

Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.26.0:
+ Fix compiler warning when building with -Wformat
+ Fix a crash with encrypted documents
+ Translation updates
- Remove libstdc++, scrollkeeper and texlive-bin-devel from
- Add gtk2-devel to Requires for -devel package
- Use find %{buildroot} -type f -name \"
*a\" -exec %{__rm} -fv {} +
to remove
*a files
- Don\'t package omf files twice (they are in the lang package too).

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.92:
+ Show the \'jump to page\' window in the right GdkScreen
+ Make our own thumbnail when the provided one doesn\'t have the
needed size (bgo#323198, bgo#307357)
+ Reduce the restriction on the minimum size of thumbnails from
40 to 1 (bgo#323198)
+ Use GOption in thumbnailer
+ Fix saving a copy of encrypted PDF documents (bgo#566791)
+ Don\'t use g_quark_from_static_string in a loadable module
+ Use g_object_unref() instead of gdk_pixbuf_unref() in impress
backend (bgo#571707)
+ Updated translations.
- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS.