Changelog for postgis2-2.1.5-3.44.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Mar 2 13:00:00 2015
- Upgraded to PostGIS 2.1.5 released 2014/12/18

* Enhancements
- #2933, Speedup construction of large multi-geometry objects

* Bug Fixes
- #2947, Fix memory leak in lwgeommakevalid for single-component collection input
- #2949, Fix memory leak in lwgeom_mindistance2d for curve input
- #2931, BOX representation is case sensitive
- #2942, PostgreSQL 9.5 support
- #2953, 2D stats not generated when Z/M values are extreme
- #3009, Geography cast may effect underlying tuple
- Packaging :
- fix gdal-devel & geos-devel BuildRequire name
- spec-cleaner (date,space,order)

Mon Sep 22 14:00:00 2014
- Upgraded to PostGIS 2.1.4 released 2014/09/10 to fix building with json-c

* Enhancements
- #2745, Speedup ST_Simplify calls against points
- #2747, Support for GDAL 2.0
- #2749, Make rtpostgisupgrade20_21.sql ACID
- #2811, Do not specify index names when loading shapefiles/rasters
- #2829, Shortcut ST_Clip(raster) if geometry fully contains the raster and no NODATA specified
- #2895, Raise cost of ST_ConvexHull(raster) to 300 for better query plans

* Bug Fixes
- #2605, armel: _ST_Covers() returns true for point in hole
- #2911, Fix output scale on ST_Rescale/ST_Resample/ST_Resize of rasters with scale 1/-1 and offset 0/0.
- Fix crash in ST_Union(raster)
- #2704, ST_GeomFromGML() does not work properly with array of gml:pos (Even Roualt)
- #2708, updategeometrysrid doesn’t update srid check when schema not specified. Patch from Marc Jansen
- #2720, lwpolyaddring should update maxrings after realloc
- #2759, Fix handling of multiline object comments embedding sql comments
- #2774, fix undefined behavior in ptarraycalculategbox_geodetic
- Fix potential memory fault in ST_MakeValid
- #2784, Fix handling of bogus argument to —with-sfcgal
- #2772, Premature memory free in RASTER_getBandPath (ST_BandPath)
- #2755, Fix regressions tests against all versions of SFCGAL
- #2775, lwlinefromlwmpoint leaks memory
- #2802, ST_MapAlgebra checks for valid callback function return value
- #2803, ST_MapAlgebra handles no userarg and STRICT callback function
- #2834, ST_Estimated_Extent and mixedCase table names (regression bug)
- #2845, Bad geometry created from ST_AddPoint
- #2870, Binary insert into geography column results geometry being inserted
- #2872, make install builds documentation (Greg Troxell)
- #2819, find isfinite or replacement on Centos5 / Solaris
- #2899, geocode limit 1 not returning best answer (tiger geocoder)
- #2903, Unable to compile on FreeBSD
- #2927 reverse_geocode not filling in direction prefix (tiger geocoder) get rid of deprecated ST_Line_Locate_Point called
- Removed fix-lwin_geojson-c.patch which is obsolete since 2.1.4 (

Thu May 29 14:00:00 2014
- Remove sfcgal functionality for SLE until dependencies are fixed

Wed May 28 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrading to PostGIS 2.1.3 released 2014/05/13

* Important / Breaking Changes
- Add control of GDAL drivers with the environment variable
POSTGIS_GDAL_ENABLED_DRIVERS. By default, all GDAL drivers are disabled
- Add ability to disable out-db raster bands with the environment variable
POSTGIS_ENABLE_OUTDB_RASTERS. By default, out-db raster bands are disabled

* Bug Fixes
- #2697, invalid GeoJSON Polygon input crashes server process
- #2700, Fix dumping of higher-dimension datasets with null rows
- #2706, ST_DumpPoints of EMPTY geometries crashes server
- Packaging

* This new build enables sfcgal library allowing 3D operations inside
the database

* Spec-clean applied to meet 2014 requirements & quality

* Fix project url: postgis homepage is
( is owned by refractions research)

* Update notice
To upgrade a postgis 2.0 or 2.1 database you have to run
ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO \'2.1.3\';
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_topology UPDATE TO \'2.1.3\';


Mon Apr 7 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrading to PostGIS 2.1.2 released on 2014/03/31

* Important Changes

* Bug Fixes
- #2666, Error out at configure time if no SQL preprocessor can be found
- #2534, st_distance returning incorrect results for large geographies
- #2539, Check for json-c/json.h presence/usability before json/json.h
- #2543, invalid join selectivity error from simple query
- #2546, GeoJSON with string coordinates parses incorrectly
- #2547, Fix ST_Simplify(TopoGeometry) for hierarchical topogeoms
- #2552, Fix NULL raster handling in ST_AsPNG, ST_AsTIFF and
- #2555, Fix parsing issue of range arguments of ST_Reclass
- #2556, geography ST_Intersects results depending on insert order
- #2580, Do not allow installing postgis twice in the same database
- #2589, Remove use of unnecessary void pointers
- #2607, Cannot open more than 1024 out-db files in one process
- #2610, Ensure face splitting algorithm uses the edge index
- #2615, EstimatedExtent (and hence, underlying stats) gathering wrong bbox
- #2619, Empty rings array in GeoJSON polygon causes crash
- #2634, regression in sphere distance code
- #2638, Geography distance on M geometries sometimes wrong
- #2648, #2653, Fix topology functions when \"topology\" is not in search_path
- #2654, Drop deprecated calls from topology
- #2655, Let users without topology privileges call postgis_full_version()
- #2674, Fix missing operator = and hash_raster_ops opclass on raster
- #2675, #2534, #2636, #2634, #2638, Geography distance issues with tree optimization

* Enhancements
- #2494, avoid memcopy in GiST index (hayamiz)
- #2560, soft upgrade: avoid drop/recreate of aggregates that hadn\'t changed

Wed Jan 22 13:00:00 2014
- Packaging :

* define main_version var and use it for .so and directories

* Remove obsolete patches
COPYING-patch.diff fixed upstream
fix-lwgeom_in_kml.patch fixed upstream
postgis-2.0.1_old_header_fix.patch fixed upstream

* New requirement : postgis 2.1 need at least postgresql 9.0
Build & Requires for postgresql >= 9.1 (SLE_11_SP3)

* postgis 2.1 breaks compatibility from 2.0x version
We build & package previous 2.0.4 postgis and rtpostgis
to allow upgrade with the alter extension.
openSUSE limit : only possible with the same postgresql
server version

* missing sfcgal linking (to be done soon)

* New Patch : for factory json-c 0.11 headers are located
in usr/include/json-c : lwin_geojson should use pc config file
- Upgrading to PostGIS 2.1.1 released on 2013/11/08

* Important Changes
- #2514, Change raster license from GPL v3+ to v2+, allowing
distribution of PostGIS Extension as GPLv2.

* Bug Fixes
- #2396, Make regression tests more endian-agnostic
- #2434, Fix ST_Intersection(geog,geog) regression in rare cases
- #2454, Fix behavior of ST_PixelAsXXX functions regarding
exclude_nodata_value parameter
- #2449, Fix potential infinite loop in index building
- #2489, Fix upgrades from 2.0 leaving stale function signatures
- #2493, Fix behavior of ST_DumpValues when passed an empty raster
- #2502, Fix postgis_topology_scripts_installed() install schema
- #2504, Fix segfault on bogus pgsql2shp call
- #2512, Support for foreign tables and materialized views in
raster_columns and raster_overviews
- #2525, Fix handling of SRID in nested collections
- #2528, Fix memory leak in ST_Split / lwline_split_by_line
- #2532, Add missing raster/geometry commutator operators
- #2533, Remove duplicated signatures

* Enhancements
- #2463, support for exact length calculations on arc geometries
- #2478, support for tiger 2013
- #2527, Added -k flag to raster2pgsql to skip checking that
band is NODATA
- Upgrading to PostGIS 2.1.0 released on 2013/08/17

* Important / Breaking Changes
- #1653, Removed srid parameter from ST_Resample(raster) and variants
with reference raster no longer apply reference raster\'s SRID.
- #1962 ST_Segmentize - As a result of
the introduction of geography support, The construct:
SELECT ST_Segmentize(\'LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4)\',0.5);
will result in ambiguous function error
- #2026, ST_Union(raster) now unions all bands of all rasters
- #2089, liblwgeom: lwgeom_set_handlers replaces lwgeom_init_allocators.
- #2150, regular_blocking is no longer a constraint. column of same name
in raster_columns now checks for existance of spatially_unique
and coverage_tile constraints
- ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) behaves in the same manner as
ST_Intersects(geometry, raster).
- point variant of ST_SetValue(raster) previously did not check SRID
of input geometry and raster.
- ST_Hillshade parameters azimuth and altitude are now in degrees
instead of radians.
- ST_Slope and ST_Aspect return pixel values in degrees instead of radians.

* Deprecated signatures
- #2104, ST_World2RasterCoord, ST_World2RasterCoordX and
ST_World2RasterCoordY renamed to ST_WorldToRasterCoord,
ST_WorldToRasterCoordX and ST_WorldToRasterCoordY.
ST_Raster2WorldCoord, ST_Raster2WorldCoordX and
ST_Raster2WorldCoordY renamed to ST_RasterToWorldCoord,
ST_RasterToWorldCoordX and ST_RasterToWorldCoordY
- ST_Estimated_Extent renamed to ST_EstimatedExtent
- ST_Line_Interpolate_Point renamed to ST_LineInterpolatePoint
- ST_Line_Substring renamed to ST_LineSubstring
- ST_Line_Locate_Point renamed to ST_LineLocatePoint
- ST_Force_XXX renamed to ST_ForceXXX
- ST_MapAlgebraFctNgb and 1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraFct.
Use ST_MapAlgebra instead
- 1 and 2 raster variants of ST_MapAlgebraExpr.
Use expression variants of ST_MapAlgebra instead

* New Features
- Refer to
for complete list of new functions
- #310, ST_DumpPoints converted to a C function (Nathan Wagner)
- #739, UpdateRasterSRID()
- #945, improved join selectivity, N-D selectivity calculations,
user accessible selectivity and stats reader functions for
testing (Paul Ramsey / OpenGeo)
- toTopoGeom with TopoGeometry sink (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- clearTopoGeom (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- ST_Segmentize(geography) (Paul Ramsey / OpenGeo)
- ST_DelaunayTriangles (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- ST_NearestValue, ST_Neighborhood (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- ST_PixelAsPoint, ST_PixelAsPoints (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- ST_PixelAsCentroid, ST_PixelAsCentroids (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- ST_Raster2WorldCoord, ST_World2RasterCoord (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- Additional raster/raster spatial relationship functions
(ST_Contains, ST_ContainsProperly, ST_Covers, ST_CoveredBy, ST_Disjoint,
ST_Overlaps, ST_Touches, ST_Within, ST_DWithin, ST_DFullyWithin)
(Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- Added array variants of ST_SetValues() to set many pixel values of a band
in one call (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- #1293, ST_Resize(raster) to resize rasters based upon width/height
- #1627, package tiger_geocoder as a PostgreSQL extension
- #1643, #2076, Upgrade tiger geocoder to support loading tiger 2011 and 2012
(Regina Obe / Paragon Corporation) Funded by Hunter Systems Group
- GEOMETRYCOLLECTION support for ST_MakeValid (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- #1709, ST_NotSameAlignmentReason(raster, raster)
- #1818, ST_GeomFromGeoHash and friends (Jason Smith (darkpanda))
- #1856, reverse geocoder rating setting for prefer numbered highway name
- ST_PixelOfValue (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- Casts to/from PostgreSQL geotypes (point/path/polygon).
- Added geomval array variant of ST_SetValues() to set many pixel values of
a band using a set of geometries and corresponding values in one call
(Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- ST_Tile(raster) to break up a raster into tiles (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- #1895, new r-tree node splitting algorithm (Alex Korotkov)
- #2011, ST_DumpValues to output raster as array (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- #2018, ST_Distance support for CircularString, CurvePolygon, MultiCurve,
MultiSurface, CompoundCurve
- #2030, n-raster (and n-band) ST_MapAlgebra (Bborie Park / UC Davis)
- #2193, Utilize PAGC parser as drop in replacement for tiger normalizer
(Steve Woodbridge, Regina Obe)
- #2210, ST_MinConvexHull(raster)
- lwgeom_from_geojson in liblwgeom (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- #1687, ST_Simplify for TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- #2228, TopoJSON output for TopoGeometry (Sandro Santilli / Vizzuality)
- #2123, ST_FromGDALRaster
- #613, ST_SetGeoReference with numerical parameters instead of text
- #2276, ST_AddBand(raster) variant for out-db bands
- #2280, ST_Summary(raster)
- #2163, ST_TPI for raster (Nathaniel Clay)
- #2164, ST_TRI for raster (Nathaniel Clay)
- #2302, ST_Roughness for raster (Nathaniel Clay)
- #2290, ST_ColorMap(raster) to generate RGBA bands
- #2254, Add SFCGAL backend support.
(Backend selection throught postgis.backend var)
Functions available both throught GEOS or SFCGAL:
ST_Intersects, ST_3DIntersects, ST_Intersection, ST_Area,
ST_Distance, ST_3DDistance
New functions available only with SFCGAL backend:
ST_3DIntersection, ST_Tesselate, ST_3DArea, ST_Extrude, ST_ForceLHR
ST_Orientation, ST_Minkowski, ST_StraightSkeleton
New function available in PostGIS: ST_ForceSFS
(Olivier Courtin and Hugo Mercier / Oslandia)

* Enhancements
- #823, tiger geocoder: Make loader_generate_script download portion
less greedy
- #826, raster2pgsql no longer defaults to padding tiles. Flag -P
can be used to pad tiles
- #1363, ST_AddBand(raster, ...) array version rewritten in C
- #1364, ST_Union(raster, ...) aggregate function rewritten in C
- #1655, Additional default values for parameters of ST_Slope
- #1661, Add aggregate variant of ST_SameAlignment
- #1719, Add support for Point and GeometryCollection ST_MakeValid inputs
- #1780, support ST_GeoHash for geography
- #1796, Big performance boost for distance calculations in geography
- #1802, improved function interruptibility.
- #1823, add parameter in ST_AsGML to use id column for GML 3 output
(become mandatory since GML 3.2.1)
- #1856, tiger geocoder: reverse geocoder rating setting for prefer
numbered highway name
- #1938, Refactor basic ST_AddBand to add multiple new bands in one call
- #1978, wrong answer when calculating length of a closed circular
arc (circle)
- #1989, Preprocess input geometry to just intersection with raster
to be clipped
- #2021, Added multi-band support to ST_Union(raster, ...) aggregate function
- #2006, better support of ST_Area(geography) over poles and dateline
- #2065, ST_Clip(raster, ...) now a C function
- #2069, Added parameters to ST_Tile(raster) to control padding of tiles
- #2078, New variants of ST_Slope, ST_Aspect and ST_HillShade to provide
solution to handling tiles in a coverage
- #2097, Added RANGE uniontype option for ST_Union(raster)
- #2105, Added ST_Transform(raster) variant for aligning output to
reference raster
- #2119, Rasters passed to ST_Resample(), ST_Rescale(), ST_Reskew(),
and ST_SnapToGrid() no longer require an SRID
- #2141, More verbose output when constraints fail to be added
to a raster column
- #2143, Changed blocksize constraint of raster to allow multiple values
- #2148, Addition of coverage_tile constraint for raster
- #2149, Addition of spatially_unique constraint for raster
- TopologySummary output now includes unregistered layers and a count
of missing TopoGeometry objects from their natural layer.
- ST_HillShade(), ST_Aspect() and ST_Slope() have one new optional
parameter to interpolate NODATA pixels before running the
- Point variant of ST_SetValue(raster) is now a wrapper around geomval
variant of ST_SetValues(rast).
- Proper support for raster band\'s isnodata flag in core API and loader.
- Additional default values for parameters of ST_Aspect and ST_HillShade
- #2178, ST_Summary now advertises presence of known srid with an [S] flag
- #2202, Make libjson-c optional (--without-json configure switch)
- #2213, Add support libjson-c 0.10+
- #2231, raster2pgsql supports user naming of filename column with -n
- #2200, ST_Union(raster, uniontype) unions all bands of all rasters
- #2264, support for restoring into databases
with postgis in a custom schema
- #2244, emit warning when changing raster\'s georeference if raster has
out-db bands
- #2222, add parameter OutAsIn to flag whether ST_AsBinary should
return out-db bands as in-db bands

* Fixes
- #1839, handling of subdatasets in GeoTIFF in raster2pgsql.
- #1840, fix logic of when to compute # of tiles in raster2pgsql.
- #1870, align the docs and actual behavior of raster\'s ST_Intersects
- #1872, fix ST_ApproxSummarystats to prevent division by zero
- #1875, ST_SummaryStats returns NULL for all parameters except count
when count is zero
- #1932, fix raster2pgsql of syntax for index tablespaces
- #1936, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash
- #1939, remove custom data types: summarystats, histogram, quantile,
- #1951, remove crash on zero-length linestrings
- #1957, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL
- #1976, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability
- #1981, cleanup of unused variables causing warnings with gcc 4.6+
- #1996, support POINT EMPTY in GeoJSON output
- #2062, improve performance of distance calculations
- #2057, Fixed linking issue for raster2psql to libpq
- #2077, Fixed incorrect values returning from ST_Hillshade()
- #2019, ST_FlipCoordinates does not update bbox
- #2100, ST_AsRaster may not return raster with specified pixel type
- #2126, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()
- #2165, ST_NumPoints regression failure with CircularString
- #2168, ST_Distance is not always commutative
- #2182, Fix issue with outdb rasters with no SRID and ST_Resize
- #2188, Fix function parameter value overflow that caused problems
when copying data from a GDAL dataset
- #2198, Fix incorrect dimensions used when generating bands of out-db
rasters in ST_Tile()
- #2201, ST_GeoHash wrong on boundaries
- #2203, Changed how rasters with unknown SRID and default geotransform
are handled when passing to GDAL Warp API
- #2215, Fixed raster exclusion constraint for conflicting name of
implicit index
- #2251, Fix bad dimensions when rescaling rasters with default
geotransform matrix
- #2133, Fix performance regression in expression variant of ST_MapAlgebra
- #2257, GBOX variables not initialized when testing with empty geometries
- #2271, Prevent parallel make of raster
- #2282, Fix call to undefined function nd_stats_to_grid() in debug mode
- #2307, ST_MakeValid outputs invalid geometries
- #2309, Remove confusing INFO message when trying to get SRS info
- #2336, FIPS 20 (KS) causes wildcard expansion to wget all files
- #2348, Provide raster upgrade path for 2.0 to 2.1
- #2351, st_distance between geographies wrong
- #2359, Fix handling of schema name when adding overview constraints
- #2371, Support GEOS versions with more than 1 digit in micro
- #2383, Remove unsafe use of \\\' from raster warning message
- #2384, Incorrect variable datatypes for ST_Neighborhood

* Known Issues
- #2111, Raster bands can only reference the first 256 bands of out-db rasters

Sun Sep 29 14:00:00 2013
- Packaging : keep upstream tar format (.gz)
- Redone patch for lwgeom_kml against 2.0.4
- Removed merged upstream patches
- Upgrading to upstream 2.0.4 bugfix release
PostGIS 2.0.4 2013/09/06

* Bug Fixes
- #2110, Equality operator between EMPTY and point on origin
- Allow adding points at precision distance with TopoGeo_addPoint
- #1968, Fix missing edge from toTopoGeom return
- #2165, ST_NumPoints regression failure with CircularString
- #2168, ST_Distance is not always commutative
- #2186, gui progress bar updates too frequent
- #2201, ST_GeoHash wrong on boundaries
- #2257, GBOX variables not initialized when testing with empty geometries
- #2271, Prevent parallel make of raster
- #2267, Server crash from analyze table
- #2277, potential segfault removed
- #2307, ST_MakeValid outputs invalid geometries
- #2351, st_distance between geographies wrong
- #2359, Incorrect handling of schema for overview constraints
- #2371, Support GEOS versions with more than 1 digit in micro
- #2372, Cannot parse space-padded KML coordinates
- Fix build with systemwide liblwgeom installed
- #2383, Fix unsafe use of \\\' in warning message
- #2410, Fix segmentize of collinear curve
- #2415, ST_Multi support for COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON
- #2412, ST_LineToCurve support for lines with less than 4 vertices
- #2420, ST_LineToCurve: require at least 8 edges to define a full circle
- #2423, ST_LineToCurve: require all arc edges to form the same angle
- #2424, ST_CurveToLine: add support for COMPOUNDCURVE in MULTICURVE
- #2427, Make sure to retain first point of curves on ST_CurveToLine

* Enhancements
- #2269, Avoid uselessly de-toasting full geometries on ANALYZE

* Known Issues
- #2111, Raster bands can only reference the first 256 bands of out-db rasters

Sat Mar 2 13:00:00 2013
- Packaging : make postgis2 building and available on 12.1,12.2,12.3
with new way of packaging postgresql (/usr/lib/postgresqlXX)
- Added patch for fsf
- Upgrading to last bug fixes release 2.0.3

* Bug Fixes
- #2126, Better handling of empty rasters from ST_ConvexHull()
- #2134, Make sure to process SRS before passing it off to GDAL functions
- Fix various memory leaks in liblwgeom
- #2173, Fix robustness issue in splitting a line with own vertex
also affecting topology building (#2172)
- #2174, Fix usage of wrong function lwpoly_free()
- #2176, Fix robustness issue with ST_ChangeEdgeGeom
- #2184, Properly copy topologies with Z value
- support for mixed case geometry column name in dumps
- #2188, Fix function parameter value overflow that caused problems
when copying data from a GDAL dataset
- #2216, More memory errors in MultiPolygon GeoJSON parsing (with holes)
- Fix Memory leak in GeoJSON parser

* Enhancements
- #2141, More verbose output when constraints fail to be added
to a raster column
- Speedup ST_ChangeEdgeGeom
PostGIS 2.0.2 related

* Bug Fixes
- #1287, Drop of \"gist_geometry_ops\" broke a few clients
package of legacy_gist.sql for these cases
- #1391, Errors during upgrade from 1.5
- #1828, Poor selectivity estimate on ST_DWithin
- #1838, error importing tiger/line data
- #1869, ST_AsBinary is not unique -
added to legacy_minor/legacy.sql scripts
- #1885, Missing field from tabblock table in tiger2010 census_loader.sql
- #1891, Use LDFLAGS environment when building liblwgeom
- #1899, Enhance toTopoGeom error on unsupported input
- #1900, Fix pgsql2shp for big-endian systems
- #1932, Fix raster2pgsql for invalid syntax for setting index tablespace
- #1936, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash
- #1955, ST_ModEdgeHeal and ST_NewEdgeHeal for doubly connected edges
- #1957, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL
- #1976, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability
- #1978, wrong answer calculating length of closed circular arc (circle)
- #1981, Remove unused but set variables as found with gcc 4.6+
- #1987, Restore 1.5.x behaviour of ST_Simplify
- #1989, Preprocess input geometry to just intersection with raster
to be clipped
- #1991, geocode really slow on PostgreSQL 9.2
- #1996, support POINT EMPTY in GeoJSON output
- #1998, Fix ST_{Mod,New}EdgeHeal joining edges sharing both endpoints
- #2001, ST_CurveToLine has no effect if the geometry doesn\'t actually
contain an arc
- #2015, ST_IsEmpty(\'POLYGON(EMPTY)\') returns False
- #2019, ST_FlipCoordinates does not update bbox
- #2025, Fix side location conflict at TopoGeo_AddLineString
- #2062, improve performance of distance calculations
- #2033, Fix adding a splitting point into a 2.5d topology
- #2051, Fix excess of precision in ST_AsGeoJSON output
- #2052, Fix buffer overflow in lwgeom_to_geojson
- #2056, Fixed lack of SRID check of raster and geometry in ST_SetValue()
- #2057, Fixed linking issue for raster2psql to libpq
- #2060, Fix \"dimension\" check violation by GetTopoGeomElementArray
- #2072, Removed outdated checks preventing ST_Intersects(raster) from
working on out-db bands
- #2077, Fixed incorrect answers from ST_Hillshade(raster)
- #2092, Namespace issue with ST_GeomFromKML,ST_GeomFromGML for libxml 2.8+
- #2099, Fix double free on exception in ST_OffsetCurve
- #2100, ST_AsRaster() may not return raster with specified pixel type
- #2108, Ensure ST_Line_Interpolate_Point always returns POINT
- #2109, Ensure ST_Centroid always returns POINT
- #2117, Ensure ST_PointOnSurface always returns POINT
- #2129, Fix SRID in ST_Homogenize output with collection input
- #2130, Fix memory error in MultiPolygon GeoJson parsing
- Update URL of Maven jar

* Enhancements
- #1581, ST_Clip(raster, ...) no longer imposes NODATA on a band if the
corresponding band from the source raster did not have NODATA
- #1928, Accept array properties in GML input multi-geom input
(Kashif Rasul and Shoaib Burq / SpacialDB)
- #2082, Add indices on start_node and end_node of topology edge tables
- #2087, Speedup topology.GetRingEdges using a recursive CTE

Tue Dec 4 13:00:00 2012
- Moved SQL scripts to /usr/share/postgresql91/extension

Fri Nov 30 13:00:00 2012
- Bug #791252 fixed

Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2012
- Updating to 2.0.1:

* Bug Fixes
- #1264, fix st_dwithin(geog, geog, 0).
- #1468 shp2pgsql-gui table column schema get shifted
- #1694, fix building with clang. (vince)
- #1708, improve restore of pre-PostGIS 2.0 backups.
- #1714, more robust handling of high topology tolerance.
- #1755, ST_GeographyFromText support for higher dimensions.
- #1759, loading transformed shapefiles in raster enabled db.
- #1761, handling of subdatasets in NetCDF, HDF4 and HDF5 in raster2pgsql.
- #1763, topology.toTopoGeom use with custom search_path.
- #1766, don\'t let ST_RemEdge
* destroy peripheral TopoGeometry objects.
- #1774, Clearer error on setting an edge geometry to an invalid one.
- #1775, ST_ChangeEdgeGeom collision detection with 2-vertex target.
- #1776, fix ST_SymDifference(empty, geom) to return geom.
- #1779, install SQL comment files.
- #1782, fix spatial reference string handling in raster.
- #1789, fix false edge-node crossing report in ValidateTopology.
- #1790, fix toTopoGeom handling of duplicated primitives.
- #1791, fix ST_Azimuth with very close but distinct points.
- #1797, fix (ValidateTopology(xxx)).
* syntax calls.
- #1805, put back the 900913 SRID entry.
- #1813, Only show readable relations in metadata tables.
- #1819, fix floating point issues with ST_World2RasterCoord and
ST_Raster2WorldCoord variants.
- #1820 compilation on 9.2beta1.
- #1822, topology load on PostgreSQL 9.2beta1.
- #1825, fix prepared geometry cache lookup
- #1829, fix uninitialized read in GeoJSON parser
- #1834, revise postgis extension to only backup
user specified spatial_ref_sys
- #1839, handling of subdatasets in GeoTIFF in raster2pgsql.
- #1840, fix logic of when to compute # of tiles in raster2pgsql.
- #1851, fix spatial_ref_system parameters for EPSG:3844
- #1857, fix failure to detect endpoint mismatch in ST_AddEdge
- #1865, data loss in when data rows have leading
- #1867, catch invalid topology name passed to topogeo_add
- #1870, align the docs and actual behavior of raster\'s ST_Intersects
- #1872, fix ST_ApproxSummarystats to prevent division by zero
- #1873, fix ptarray_locate_point to return interpolated Z/M values for
on-the-line case
- #1875, ST_SummaryStats returns NULL for all parameters except count
when count is zero

* Enhancements
- More detailed exception message from topology editing functions.
- #1786, improved build dependencies
- #1806, speedup of ST_BuildArea, ST_MakeValid and ST_GetFaceGeometry.
- #1812, Add lwgeom_normalize in LIBLWGEOM for more stable testing.

Sat Apr 21 14:00:00 2012
- Added shp2pgsql utility (#757090).

Sat Apr 21 14:00:00 2012
- Enabled build with topology (#757094).

Tue Apr 3 14:00:00 2012
- Updating to 2.0.0 Gold:

* Raster data and raster/vector analysis in the database

* Topological models to handle objects with shared boundaries

* PostgreSQL typmod integration, for an automagical
geometry_columns table

* 3D and 4D indexing

* Index-based high performance nearest-neighbour searching

* Many more vector functions including

* ST_Split

* ST_Node

* ST_MakeValid

* ST_OffsetCurve

* ST_ConcaveHull

* ST_AsX3D

* ST_GeomFromGeoJSON

* ST_3DDistance

* Integration with the PostgreSQL 9.1 extension system

* Improved commandline shapefile loader/dumper

* Multi-file import support in the shapefile GUI

* Multi-table export support in the shapefile GUI

* A geo-coder optimized for free US Census
TIGER (2010) data

Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2012
- testing version 2.0 RC2

Thu Mar 15 13:00:00 2012
- testing version 2.0 beta3

Thu Dec 8 13:00:00 2011
- fixed double packaged files
- fixed directory /usr/lib/postgresql not owned by a package

Sat Oct 8 14:00:00 2011
- Update to current version 1.5.3
- Corrected Groups affectation
- Patch FSF address
- use %__make %{?_smp_mflags};
- Refresh description which was outdated (1.3x)
- Fixed url to point now to

Wed Aug 17 14:00:00 2011
- Add a changes file, fix proj dependency

Tue Nov 2 13:00:00 2010
- update to current version
Fri Mar 19 00:00:00 UTC 2010 - Otto Dassau 1.5.1
- update to current version
Fri Feb 19 00:00:00 UTC 2010 - Otto Dassau 1.5.0
- update to current version
- remove fixwarnings.diff patch
- added doc/postgis_comment.sql
Thu Dec 31 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - Otto Dassau 1.4.1
- update to current version
Fri Sep 4 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - Otto Dassau 1.4.0
- update to current version
- sqldir is now /usr/share/postgresql/contrib
Wed Jan 28 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - Otto Dassau 1.3.5
- update to current version
Tue Nov 25 00:00:00 UTC 2008 - Otto Dassau 1.3.4
- update to current version
Mon Jul 14 00:00:00 UTC 2008 - Otto Dassau 1.3.3
- added rpmlintrc file