Changelog for
libcodeblocks0-17.12-lp150.16.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Mar 14 2018 Update to 17.12
* A lot of bugfixes and enhancements
* Fixed a parsing std namespace bug in codecompletion
* Make it possible to utilize more than 16 CPU threads while building
* Add -std=c++14 and -std=gnu++14 to the list of C++ only flags
* Fix the AVR GCC compiler on linux to not add invalid include and linker paths
* Add -std=c11 to default compiler options
* Add support for the following options: - std==c++1y and -std=c++1z
* Make it possible to examine the memory of non-pointer variables like structs
* Make it possible to examine the memory of a watched variable using the contect menu in the watches window
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Added fix-sqplus-gcc7.patch, fixes tumbleweed build with gcc >= 7
* Fri Mar 24 2017 Fixed spec file to build with wxWidgets 3 on Factory.- Added wxPropGrid.patch to fix boo#1029043
* Sat Feb 06 2016 Update to 16.01
* Better Compiler detection
* Stability fixes
* And a lot other bugfixes, see ChangeLog.
* New plugin: ProjectOptionsManipulator
* New library: libwxmathplot- clean specfile
* Sat Jan 04 2014 Update to 13.12.1
* Many usability and theming enhancements
* Lexer, macros, dependencies, code completion, debugger enhancements
* Support GCC up to 4.7, Fortran, D, GDB up to 7.5
* New plugins: Abbreviatons Cscope DoxyBlocks EditorConfig EditorTweaks FileManager NassiShneiderman ReopenEditor SmartIndent SpellChecker ToolsPlus
* Improved plugins: Abbreviations AStyle AutoSave AutoVersion BrowseTracker CppCheck CodeSnippets CodeStatistics DragScroll HeaderFix-up Help HexEditor KeyBinder Profiler ProjectImporter ThreadSearch ToDo Valgrind wxSmith
* Tue Jun 18 2013 clean specfile, fix a few warnings.- add Requires gamin-server for contrib.
* FileManager plugin need this, or cpu usage will be high and a process will be left after closing GUI program.
* Thu Dec 13 2012 Cleanup; patches no longer needed for 12.11
* Wed Dec 12 2012 Update to 12.11.1
* Wed Dec 05 2012 Fix for OS11.2. Fix for current SVN.
* Fri Aug 03 2012 Fix build of stable version on OS12.1
* Fri Aug 03 2012 Split released and svn version (codeblocks-unstable)- Fix display of version number in unstable version.
* Thu Aug 02 2012 Use released version again.- Fix %files.- Split only a single wx runtime package.