Changelog for Magics-3.2.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Oct 24 2018 update to version 3.2.1:
* misc. undocumented fixes
* Tue Oct 02 2018 update to version 3.2.0:
* New parameter subpage_background_colour to change the colour of the subpage_background , the default is none.
* Automatic detection of parameters to apply specific styles : contour_automatic_setting = \"ecmwf\" , can be used for grib and netcdf data.
* Better handling of Netcdf Files, automatic detection of the type of data.
* Improved rendering of the cellshading plots.
* Improvement of the automatic scaling.
* Fix a bug in positional legend.
* Improvement of the positioning of the Vertical Axis Title.
* Replacement of boost::geometry by Clipper
* Sat Jul 14 2018 update to version 3.1.0:
* [MAGP-812] - Move Magics to C++14
* [MAGP-970] - Remove dependency to perl
* [MAGP-1046] - use eccodes to decode BUFR
* [MAGP-1061] - No error message if trying to plot png with no writing permissions
* [MAGP-1070] - Build: no longer allow GRIB_API to be used for Magics builds
* [MAGP-1075] - Raise dependency to CMake 3.1
* [MAGP-1078] - Add support for Tilted perspective
* [MAGP-1053] - Implement SKEW-T diagram
* [MAGP-857] - Projections: stray lines in default Geos projection
* [MAGP-1060] - Y-axis label overlapping axis tick labels
* Sat May 19 2018 switch back to plain \"BuildRequires: hdf5-devel\", as science project reverted to hdf5 1.10- update to version 3.0.4:
* bug fix: [MAGP-1042] Wave metgram are giving strange result when sea ice voevr is above 30%
* bug fix: [MAGP-1057] Netcdf: SCM NetCDF data fails to plot
* bug fix: [MAGP-1058] Tephigram: empty wind plotting
* Wed May 09 2018 fix broken build by requiring package hdf5-1_8- add %licence tag in spec file- restrict number of parallel make jobs due to OOM crashes
* Tue Apr 24 2018 update to version 3.0.3:
* Hotfix: Relink with new ecCodes
* some undocumented hotfix in src/basic/
* Thu Mar 15 2018 update to version 3.0.2:
* Hotfix: Fix for two issues identified in Vertical axis and time series
* Mon Mar 05 2018 add patch reproducibility2.patch: support for reproducible builds, inspired by eccodes package- delete patch python-type-fix.patch- update to version 3.0.1:
* bug fix: [MAGP-1040] Improve legend for gradients colours
* bug fix: [MAGP-1038] COASTLINES - remove stray polygon from the Atlantic
* bug fix: [MAGP-1004] Implement contour_shade_colour_method=palette
* Thu Jan 18 2018 choose python2 for tumbleweed and factory- add patch python-type-fix.patch, from debian- remove patch indent_python.patch, no longer needed- update patch return.patch- update to version 3.0.0:
* feature: [MAGP-787] - Bug fixes on the colour gradients : can now be used in metview
* feature: [MAGP-902] - Offer Python3 interface
* feature: [MAGP-989] - Implement functionaility to plot cyclone database geoJSON output
* feature: [MAGP-848] - Enable the possibility to create 1, 4 or 9 threads to produce the contouring
* feature: [MAGP-856] - Use Python distutils to install Python modules
* feature: [MAGP-901] - Move Python interface from swig to ctypes
* feature: [MAGP-915] - Netcdf : handle the time dimesion setting in a better way : ie interpret the CF conventions
* feature: [MAGP-987] - Guess netcdf types
* feature: [MAGP-1012] - Add Contributions of Meteo-France
* bug fix: [MAGP-614] - magics does not compile if numpy is missing, but python is present
* bug fix: [MAGP-909] - Plotting over the date line doesn\'t work with Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857)
* bug fix: [MAGP-1002] - Mercator projection: no Administrative Boundaries and the default geographical area is an extended globe
* bug fix: [MAGP-1013] - Check Shading and isoline : double call
* Tue Nov 21 2017 refresh patch indent_python.patch- update patch return.patch- delete installfix_python.patch, not needed any more- update to version 2.34.3:
* [MAGP-981] Regression : anti-Clockwise is not respected when one of the colours is white
* [MAGP-610] Spurious coastline along dateline from South Pole to coast
* Wed Aug 09 2017 add reproducibility.patch: changes for bit-identical builds, from debian- add patch tags to spec file
* Tue Jul 11 2017 exclude 32bit archs from build, as eccodes does not build on 32bit archs atm- make python support modular and enable it for suse distros only
* Mon Jul 03 2017 add installfix_python.patch: fix wrong install path for python items, from Stephan Siemen- update patch return.patch- add indent_python.patch: fix wrong indentation in update to version 2.34.0:
* improvement: [MAGP-955] - Allow user to load a specific shape file as coastlines layers.
* improvement: [MAGP-962] - Improve labelling of grid in mollweide and robinson projection, add the possibility to add a frame around these 2 projections.
* bug fix: [MAGP-870] - Mercator projection does not allow to set a subdomain or large domain
* bug fix: [MAGP-959] - Problem with classic Metgram plot with Magics
* bug fix: [MAGP-961] - Fix the setting of colours for magjson when graph_type=area
* bug fix: [MAGP-965] - Fix issue with shading and level_list
* Sun Jun 25 2017 add fix-warnings.patch: fix warning for redefinition of HAVE_GEOTIFF, from debian- update to version 2.33.0:
* feature: [MAGP-904] - Continuous legend
* feature: [MAGP-943] - Python interpreter crashes when invalid file name is given
* feature: [MAGP-948] - Improve use of json files as input of graph
* bug fix: [MAGP-931] - Plotting of winds on rotated_ll grids does not work
* bug fix: [MAGP-932] - the parameter map_label_latitude_frequency does not seem to be taken into account fro polar stereographic projection.
* bug fix: [MAGP-944] - Marker shading: does not clear between subsequent plots
* bug fix: [MAGP-945] - Wind thinning at the edge of the grid is not correct
* Tue Jun 13 2017 spec file fixes- rpath removal- remove duplicates with fdupes- enable geotiff support- add patch return.patch: add return statement for non-void functions- add patch rm-ksh.patch: do not depend on ksh, from debian
* Tue Jun 06 2017 spec file cleanup