Changelog for gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit-2.42.3-3.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Mar 05 2018 Update to version 2.42.3: + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#205: The configure script now checks for Rust 1.20.0. Previously this minimum requirement was not well-defined. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#204: New feature: If an SVG has an link element, we now generate the corresponding link when outputting to a Cairo PDF surface. If you use rsvg-convert(1) with PDF output, links in the SVG will work in the PDF. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#108: New feature: support font-size:larger and font-size:smaller relative sizes. + New feature: rsvg-convert now supports SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to generate reproducible output for PDFs. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#197: New requirement: We now require Freetype2 2.9.0, which fixes font rendering bugs. The test reference PNGs have been regenerated with this version. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#91: Fix rendering of masks and clips when the initial transformation has a translation component. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#112: Fix: apply style attributes for all SVG elements, not just for the toplevel one. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#161: Fix the marker angle for the last vertex of closed paths. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#198: Fix: Make rsvg_pixbuf_from_file() and its derived functions work again. Now we have tests for the whole public API. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#143: Minor optimizations for Gaussian blurs. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#201: Minor speedups in the code to parse SVG attributes. + glgo#GNOME/librsvg#178: Fix some tests that failed on 32-bit machines. + In addtion to --enable-debug/--disable-debug to control the Rust compilation, now you can use an environment variable LIBRSVG_DEBUG=yes / LIBRSVG_DEBUG=no if you wish. + Code moved to Rust: SVG paint servers, SVG attribute parsing. + We now use a Cargo workspace internally, to move more things to Rust.- Add pkgconfig(freetype2) BuildRequires: New dependency.
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Fri Feb 02 2018 Update to version 2.42.2: + Don\'t crash when feConvolveMatrix doesn\'t specify orderx/ordery attributes (glgo#librsvg#193). + Parse stroke-dasharray property correctly. This code is in Rust now; yay! (glgo#librsvg#136). + Don\'t render markers if they are zero-sized, per the spec. + Performance: eliminate a bunch of string copies during parsing. + Update rust-cssparser to 0.23.
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Update to version 2.42.1: + Parse the transform attribute in a faster/simpler way. We now use rust-cssparser instead of lalrpop. This is especially noticeable on SVGs with lots of \"transform\" attributes (glgo#librsvg#182). + Don\'t crash when setting a gradient on a zero-sized object (glgo#librsvg#187). + Inherit attributes in the element properly (glgo#librsvg#181). + rsvg-convert - fix error reporting when reading from stdin (glgo#librsvg#160). + Fix detection of image type in \"data:\" URIs when they don\'t specify a MIME type (glgo#librsvg#152). + More stringent parsing of path data; better tests (glgo#librsvg#133). + Fix typos and links in the .md files.
* Tue Jan 09 2018 Update to version 2.42.0: + Fix a memory leak in rsvg_handle_new_from_file(). + Optimize the xml:space normalization function. + Fix a runtime warning in the feMergeNode code (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#179). + Clarify documentation about the rsvg_
*_sub() APIs (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#175). + Stylistic fixes from cargo-clippy. + Port the Pango glue code to Rust. + New with a description of librsvg\'s internals.- Clean up spec, use autosetup macro.
* Wed Dec 27 2017 Update to version 2.41.2: + Bug fixes: - Mis-use of libxml2 (bgo#787895). - Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn (bgo#761175). + Fixes: - xml:space normalization, per the spec. - Bugs from Coverity runs. - Loading files one byte at a time. - Some memory leaks. + Don\'t access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don\'t try to load it at all). + Add: - Support for cross-compilation of the Rust code. - Verbosity to Cargo. + Markers now have the correct default size per the SVG spec. + Don\'t render elements that establish a viewport if their viewBox size is 0, per the spec. + SVG elements ported to Rust: image, clipPath, mask, character data in elements. + Reference documentation now have an overview of the library and is DocBook 5.1. + Expanded the test suite. + Lots of internal refactoring.- Changes from version 2.41.0: + The big news is that parts of librsvg are now implemented in the Rust programming language, instead of C. The public API remains identical. Rust should provide us with memory safety and nicer built-in abstractions for the code, as well as an easier way to do unit tests. + Added an \"--enable-debug\" option to - this will tell the Rust compiler to generate debugging code, instead of working in release mode. Note that you must still pass CFLAGS by hand by the regular means for the C code. + The path data parser now handles boolean values in Arc elements correctly. + Radial gradients now adjust the focus point correctly to be within the gradient\'s radius. + Stroke width normalization is now conformant to the spec. + Viewport-relative length normalization is now conformant to the spec. + Added some of the official SVG 1.1 test files to our test suite. Fixed a little bunch of conformance bugs. + Code that has been converted to Rust: marker orientations and rendering, path data parser, path building, length normalization, gradient inheritance, bounding boxes with affine transformations. + Added tests/ with instructions on how to run the test suite and update it. + rsvg-test can now skip files or directories that start with \"ignore\". + Fixes: - feImage filters when they reference SVG nodes. - eComponentTransferFunction when there are duplicated feFuncX. elements. - Conformance bugs in gradient inheritance. - A few minor issues. + Fixed bugs: bgo#763386, bgo#603550, bgo#776297, bgo#761871, bgo#686953.- Changes from version 2.41.1: + The feConvolveMatrix filter primitive now is working. + Pattern specifications can now have a fallback color, per the spec - + Tests now use a very basic form of reproducible font rendering. This means that \"make check\" should pass even if you have a custom Fontconfig setup. - A few cases of uninitialized struct fields. + Per the spec, we now don\'t render elements which have invalid attributes. + Don\'t crash in filters when one of them yields an invalid surface for an intermediate result. + Added a bunch of new test cases for the new features and the code converted to Rust. + cairo-rs 0.2.0 and lalrpop 0.13.1 are now required. + Fixes: - Recursive fallbacks in gradients. - Division by zero in feTile filter when the input surface is empty. - parsing of \"azimuth\", \"elevation\", \"limitingConeAngle\" for filter effects. + Fixed bugs: bgo#621088, bgo#587721, bgo#776932, bgo#777155, bgo#776297, bgo#777834, bgo#634324, bgo#783835, bgo#779489, bgo#782098, bgo#777833, bgo#786372, bgo#634514, bgo#785276, bgo#778666.- Update Url to current LibRsvg project\'s web page.- Add BuildRequires for the following new dependencies that upstream\'s rust implementation brought: cargo, rust and rust-std.- Add pkgconfig(cairo-png) BuildRequires: it was already being pulled with pkgconfig(cairo) and used, since they live in the same devel package.- Add gio-unix-2.0 and gthread-2.0 pkgconfig BuildRequires: they were already being pulled with pkgconfig(glib-2.0) and used, since they all live in glib2-devel package.- Adopt the use of %make_build rather than raw make command and switch %makeinstall by the preferred %make_install macros, following the best practices.- Remove obsoleted %clean section since RPM does this job now and replace old macro for number of jobs control with %make_build following best practices.- Change rsvg-thumbnailer subpackage group to Productivity/Graphics/Other as this is a better fit for it.- Export -Wl,-z,noexecstack LDFLAG to avoid executable-stack issues. It\'s only a temporary flag until upstream give feedback (glgo#GNOME/librsvg#177).
* Wed Dec 27 2017 Fix RPM groups, drop redundant %clean section, update summaries.
* Sat Dec 16 2017 Update to version 2.40.20: + Allow masks and clips to reuse a node being drawn (bgo#761175). + Don\'t access the file system when deciding whether to load a remote file with a UNC path for a paint server (i.e. don\'t try to load it at all). + Fix generation of Vala bindings when compiling in read-only source directories.
* Thu Oct 05 2017 Update to version 2.40.19: + Fix the element; it wasn\'t working at all. + Fix loading when rsvg_handle_write() is called one byte at a time. + Backported the test suite machinery from the master branch. + Bugs fixed: bgo#587721, bgo#621088, bgo#634324, bgo#634514, bgo#777155, bgo#777833, bgo#782098, bgo#785276, bgo#786372, bgo#787895.- Add pkgconfig(fontconfig) and pkgconfig(pangoft2) BuildRequires: new dependencies verified by configure.
* Thu Jul 20 2017 Update to version 2.40.18 (boo#1049607, CVE-2017-11464): + Fix division-by-zero in the Gaussian blur code (bgo#783835, boo#1049607, CVE-2017-11464). + Fix other cases of division-by-zero on fuzzed SVG files. + Don\'t crash on invalid transformation matrices. + Support Visual Studio 2017; generate .pc files for Meson on Windows.
* Mon Apr 10 2017 Update to version 2.40.17: + bgo#778666: Use our own thumbnailer specification file, so gnome-desktop-thumbnailer can generate thumbnails outside of the calling process. + Removed some redundant code. + Windows build fixes.- Split out new sub-package rsvg-thumbnailer (noarch).
* Thu Jun 09 2016 Update to version 2.40.16: + Support for building the introspection files under MSVC. + Make the zooming options in rsvg-convert(1) work again for scaling the resulting image (bgo#760262). + Wikipedia generates equations as SVGs and renders them, but uses fill=\"currentColor\". Since we don\'t let caller specify a starting state for CSS, we need to start with opaque black as the default current color (bgo#764808). + Added documentation for how to replace the deprecated rsvg_handle_set_size_callback().- Drop librsvg-Fix-rsvg-convert.patch: Fixed upstream.
* Mon Apr 18 2016 Add librsvg-Fix-rsvg-convert.patch: Actually scale the image if required, regression fix from upstream git (bgo#760262).
* Fri Apr 15 2016 Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572
* Sat Apr 02 2016 Update to version 2.40.15: + Librsvg now uses the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct, version 1.4, to which all contributors and maintainers are expected to abide. Please see the file for details. + Fixed builds on Visual Studio pre-2012. + Fixed bgo#759084: Don\'t crash when filters don\'t actually exist. + Updated our to use modern autotools. + Fixed bgo#761728: Memory leak in the PrimitiveComponentTransfer filter.
* Fri Jan 08 2016 Update to version 2.40.13: + Fixed the Windows build. + Added basic support for the \"baseline-shift\" attribute in text objects (bgo#340047). + Fixed some duplicate logic when rendering paths (bgo#749415). + Rewrote the markers engine (bgo#685906, bgo#760180).
* Wed Dec 02 2015 Update to version 2.40.12: + Refactoring of the test harness to use Glib\'s gtest infrastructure, instead of using home-grown machinery. Tests can simply be put as SVG files in the tests/subdirectories; it is not necessary to list them explicitly in some text file. + Gzipped SVGs now work if read from streams. + References to objects/filters/URIs/etc. are now handled lazily. Also, there is a general-purpose cycle detector so malformed SVGs don\'t cause infinite loops. + Removed parsing of Adobe blend modes; they were not implemented, anyway. + Bugs fixed: bgo#700911, bgo#630732, bgo#677068.
* Thu Oct 08 2015 Update to version 2.40.11: + Add project files for building on Visual Studio (bgo#753555). + Added an \"--export-id\" option to rsvg-convert(1). This lets you select a single object to export, for example, to pick out a group from a multi-part drawing. Note that this is mostly useful for PNG output right now; for SVG output we don\'t preserve many attributes which could be useful in the extracted version. Doing this properly requires an internal \"output to SVG\" backend instead of just telling Cairo to render to SVG.
* Sun Aug 09 2015 Update to version 2.40.10: + bgo#748608: Memory leak when Gaussian-blurring. + bgo#739329: Font-family attributes with singly-quoted names were not handled correctly, yielding incorrect fonts. + bgo#476507: Path start/end markers didn\'t have the correct angle if the path was a curve with coincident control points. + bgo#688689: Support font-style=\"normal\" within a non-normal styled text block. + Fixed builddir != srcdir. + Remove a bunch of deprecated GTK+ calls.
* Fri May 15 2015 Remove reference to gtk2-engine-svg from baselibs.conf: this subpackage hasn\'t been built since Oct 22 2013.
* Fri Mar 27 2015 Update to version 2.40.9: + bgo#738367: V/v/H/h commands in path elements were not working. + bgo#605875: Gaussian-blurred objects were sometimes missing. + bgo#710163: Use _wfullpath() on Windows when canonicalizing filenames.
* Fri Feb 27 2015 Update to version 2.40.8 (boo#916784): + Bugs fixed from fuzz testing: bgo#744688 - possible double g_free() when processing stroke-dasharray. + Optimize rendering of polylines, lines, rectangles, circles, and ellipses. These should be marginally faster, marginally more precise, and should put less pressure on the memory allocator.
* Mon Feb 16 2015 Update to version 2.40.7: + Fixed unfiled bug from fuzz testing, where the convolution filter had an integer multiplication overflow. + Fix build of rsvg-convert on Windows. + Fix a bunch of compiler warnings. + Bugs fixed from fuzz testing: bgo#703102, bgo#738050, bgo#738169, bgo#744270, bgo#744299.
* Wed Dec 03 2014 Update to version 2.40.6: + MinGW build fixes. + Fix path data number parsing. + Fix build with newer libtool.
* Mon Oct 13 2014 Update to version 2.40.5: + bgo#736825: handle: Call close() after write() even on write error. + bgo#735836: rsvg-convert: Fix argument processing.
* Sun Sep 14 2014 Update to version 2.40.4: + rsvg-convert: Handle gzip compressed input (bgo#735836).
* Sat Aug 23 2014 BuildIgnore adwaita-icon-theme: Avoid cycle: we do not require the adwaita-icon-theme to be present. libgtk-3.0 requires this for end users.
* Mon Aug 18 2014 Update to version 2.40.3: + Bugs fixed: bgo#731182, bgo#710310, bgo#721354.
* Tue Mar 18 2014 Update to version 2.40.2: + Bugs fixed: bgo#710163, bgo#719552.
* Tue Nov 19 2013 Update to version 2.40.1: + Build fixes. + Crash fixes.
* Tue Oct 22 2013 Update to version 2.40.0: + Add support for parsing rgba() colours and improve colour parsing. + Rsvg-filter: Fix memory leak. + Remove support for GTK+2 along with the old theme engine. + Require at least version 3.2 of GTK+. + Remove support for old versions of gdk-pixbuf. + Add eps support to rsvg-convert.- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) BuildRequires, no longer needed nor supported.- Remove gtk2-engine-svg subpackage, no longer built.
* Sat Sep 14 2013 Update to version 2.39.0: + Don\'t load resources from the net (bgo#691708, CVE-2013-1881).- The restrictiveness is being correctly addressed by GTK+ 3.9.11; we prefer to have the more secure librsvg variant in 13.1.
* Wed Aug 21 2013 Downgrade to version 2.37.0: + We can not use librsvg version 2.39.0 as it is too restrictive (bgo#706428).
* Fri Aug 16 2013 Update to version 2.39.0: + Don\'t load resources from the net (bgo#691708, CVE-2013-1881).
* Thu Jan 10 2013 Update to version 2.37.0: + Bump pango requirement to 1.32.6. + Mark pixbuf loader as threadsafe.
* Tue Oct 16 2012 Update to version 2.36.4: + Build fixes.
* Sun Sep 02 2012 Update to version 2.36.3: + Build fixes.
* Sun Aug 19 2012 Update to version 2.36.2: + GObject introspection fixes (bgo#677674). + Added Vala bindings (bgo#677676). + Deprecate including headers apart from rsvg.h directly. + Build fixes (bgo#677661).- Add vala BuildRequires: needed for the new vala bindings.- Pass --enable-vala to configure.
* Tue Apr 17 2012 Update to version 2.36.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#672725, bgo#672791, bgo#672885, bgo#673748.- Add pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0) BuildRequire: new dependency upstream.
* Mon Mar 26 2012 Update to version 2.36.0: + Bugs fixed: bgo#669563, bgo#672414, bgo#672792, bgo#672725.- Drop librsvg-gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64.patch: fixed upstream, by checking for both gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 and gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.- Remove automake BuildRequires: it was only needed for above patch.- Remove hack in %install to not install data files for an old non-working GTK+ 3 theme: fixed upstream.
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Remove librsvg:/usr/bin/rsvg Provides from rsvg-view: the /usr/bin/rsvg tool doesn\'t exist anymore.
* Wed Feb 08 2012 Really build introspection support: + Pass --enable-introspection to configure. + Add typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 subpackage. + Add typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 Requires to devel subpackage.- Stop passing non-existing --with-svgz option to configure.- Change group of librsvg-2-2 from Development/Libraries/C and C++ to System/Libraries.
* Tue Feb 07 2012 Update to version 2.35.2: + Bug fixes.- Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system.- Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires to build introspection support: somehow, we never did that earlier.- Drop env-paths.diff: the script that was patched got dropped.- Remove definition of gtk3-engine-svg subpackage: the gtk+ 3 theme engine got removed.- Remove build_gtk3_support macro and always build with GTK+ 3 support now that it\'s all fine.- Add hack in %install to not install data files for an old non-working GTK+ 3 theme.
* Tue Dec 20 2011 Update to version 2.35.1: + Support basic vertical writing (bgo#664533). + Bugs fixed: bgo#664684, bgo#665905, bgo#665824. + Several misc. code changes.- Add xz BuildRequires because we can\'t build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details.- Add explicit pkgconfig(pangocairo) BuildRequires: it was missing before.- Fix license of subpackages: all the code is LGPL-2.0+, except some tests that are not shipped in subpackages. The overall license of the source package is \"LGPL-2.0+ ; GPL-2.0+\".
* Thu Dec 01 2011 Add automake BuildRequires to avoid implicit dependency.
* Mon Nov 14 2011 Update to version 2.35.0: + Update libxml2 dependency to 2.7.0 + Make GIO and libcroco hard requirements + Use attributes for deprecations instead of defines + Many memory leaks plugged + Bugs fixed: bgo#621636, bgo#630112, bgo#624820, bgo#624835, bgo#581108, bgo#614157, bgo#630733, bgo#473862, bgo#590788, bgo#626559, bgo#663049, bgo#663049.- Drop no longer needed pkgconfig() BuildRequires following upstream changes: fontconfig, freetype2,, libgsf-1, pangoft2.- Rebase librsvg-gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64.patch.
* Tue Sep 06 2011 Update to version 2.34.1: + Store node type separately in RsvgNode (bgo#658014, CVE-2011-3146) + cairo: reduce cost of measuring bounding boxes + Use \"const\" instead G_CONST_RETURN (bgo#652213) + Call xmlFreeParserCtxt after using the context (bgo#655472)
* Mon Apr 04 2011 Update to version 2.34.0: + Allow building rsvg-view with gtk 3 + Bugs fixed: bgo#629392, bgo#626802, bgo#641586, bgo#640336, bgo#635214, fdo#30071, bgo#629412, bgo#630714.
* Mon Nov 15 2010 Update to version 2.32.1: + fdo#30071: Make sure the surfaces own their pixels + bgo#630714: Remove stray comma from enum + bgo#629412: Dist testcase input file.
* Mon Oct 11 2010 Add a Provides for librsvg to librsvg-2-2 in baselibs.conf, like in the .spec file.- Add missing Requires for gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders to gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg in baselibs.conf.- Add gtk2-engine-svg to baselibs.conf, since we want theme engines to be bi-arch too.
* Mon Oct 04 2010 Fix librsvg-2-2 Provides/Obsoletes to work: they were using %{name} instead of %{version} for the version. Fix bnc#642068.
* Mon Sep 27 2010 Update to version 2.32.0: + Disable gtk3 build since it\'s currently broken.- Drop librsvg-gdk-pixbuf-render-gtk3.patch and librsvg-gdkkeysym-compat.patch: those patches are only needed for gtk3 support, and the gtk3 support will be enabled upstream when they will get fixed.- Add build_gtk3_support define in .spec, to easily add back the gtk3 support to the package. Right now, this means we lose the gtk3-engine-svg subpackage.
* Sat Sep 18 2010 Add librsvg-gdkkeysym-compat.patch to fix build with recent versions of GTK+.
* Thu Sep 09 2010 Add librsvg-gdk-pixbuf-render-gtk3.patch to fix build with GTK+ 3: the pixbuf renderer was using API that got removed. The patch is correct, but suboptimal, so it\'s still sitting in bugzilla. However, since we\'re not using this GTK+ engine by default, it\'s okay to use it.
* Fri Jul 23 2010 Make devel package Require librsvg-2-2 instead of librsvg.
* Wed Jul 21 2010 Update to version 2.31.0: + bgo#337979: text size not rendered correctly + bgo#545158: Segfault or bad rendering when displaying a SVG file + bgo#614556: Background pixbuf in filter process should not be created if it\'s not needed. + bgo#616018: cairo-freetype font rendering code should be removed. + bgo#620130: Decode base64 inplace + bgo#620238: crashes rending a trivial file + bgo#620592: Use correct free func + bgo#620649: Simplify code by using g_clear_error + bgo#620693: presentation attributes in svg element are ignored + bgo#620822: Build fails with make -jx\" + bgo#621699: make librsvg gio friendly + bgo#622790: use standalone gdk-pixbuf + bgo#623383: crash on rsvg-gobject.c:141, in instance_dispose function- Add librsvg-gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64.patch to fix the build on x86_64, since gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders is renamed to gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-64 there.- Remove coreutils PreReq.- Change gtk2-devel, libcroco-devel, libgsf-devel BuildRequires to pkgconfig() BuildRequires: cairo, fontconfig, freetype2, gdk-pixbuf-2.0, glib-2.0, gio-2.0, gtk+-2.0, libcroco-0.6, libgsf-1, libxml-2.0, pangoft2.- Add pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires.- Remove the cairo-devel, libcroco-devel, glib2-devel, gtk2-devel, libgsf-devel Requires in devel package: pkgconfig() Requires will automatically get added now.- Version the Provides/Obsoletes of librsvg2 and librsvg2-devel in librsvg-2-2 and librsvg-devel to avoid rpmlint warning.- Split the gdk-pixbuf loader in a gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg subpackage (that gets installed automatically when gdk-pixbuf is installed thanks to a Supplements).- Create a librsvg-2-2 subpackage that provides/obsoletes librsvg (since the main package is empty), and follow the shared library policy.- Create gtk2-engine-svg and gtk3-engine-svg subpackages, containing the svg-based theme engines.
* Sat May 08 2010 Update to version 2.26.3: + bgo#143300: wrong bounding box when importing SVG + bgo#403274: text in thumbnail too large + bgo#404976: Unicode decomposed chars are not rendered well + bgo#524690: text alignment incorrect with text-anchor:end + bgo#545158: Segfault or bad rendering when displaying a SVG file + bgo#563933: corrupted rendering of a card in \'Paris\' aisleriot card theme + bgo#564527: rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub weird behaviour + bgo#564544: shape-rendering crispEdges property is antialiasing line elements + bgo#566433: Could not read a valid svg file (inkspace read it) + bgo#579286: This SVG-File crashes nautilus/rsvg-view + bgo#581491: rsvg rendering is broken when encounters a 0px styled + bgo#589612: EOG error when loading a large SVG + bgo#592207: Object cannot be rendered with more than 1 CSS {} rule + bgo#597873: glib-mkenums cannot be invoked when GLib is uninstalled. + bgo#597988: incorrect pkgconfig file let\'s others fail to detect librsvg + bgo#598151: Incorrect rendering of svg file + bgo#608575: Hang on particular SVG input + bgo#612951: SVG not rendered if header contains width or height in percentage + bgo#614123: librsvg builds tests even if tests are not run + bgo#614555: should remove unused rsvg_filter_adobe_blend function + bgo#614566: Needless G_OBJECT macro should be removed. + bgo#614606: !important is not respected + bgo#614643: does not handle comma separated CSS selector without libcroco + bgo#614703: Need tests for get_dimensions. + bgo#614704: css style doesn\'t override presentation attributes + bgo#614730: Rendering not disabled for 0 sized objects + bgo#614866: tests for CSS handling + bgo#615490: rsvg-view should scale image size by default if the image has huge canvas. + bgo#615699: rsvg-view should show zoom ratio. + bgo#615701: class directive in svg element is not used at all + bgo#615715: .class#id type selector is not supported. + bgo#616187: rsvg-view crashes when open a svg image + bgo#616835: Fix linking with pedantic linkers + bgo#617163: !important directive support without libcroco.
* Tue Mar 30 2010 Update to version 2.26.2: + Enable silent build by default + Use GDK_DRAWABLE() instead of non-existing GTK_DRAWABLE() + Fix compiler warnings- Update to version 2.26.1: + Remove some deprecated gtk+/gdk functions and bump gtk+ requirement + Fix linking with pedantic linkers + Make librsvg compile with -DGSEAL_ENABLED + Drop mozilla plugin
* Fri Mar 26 2010 Stop building the mozilla plugin: browsers now do support svg, so it\'s useless.- Remove librsvg-plugin subpackage.- Drop librsvg-xulrunner191.patch and remove mozilla-xulrunner-devel BuildRequires.
* Sat Dec 19 2009 Add baselibs.conf as a source
* Wed Sep 02 2009 Add librsvg-xulrunner191.patch to enable building against xulrunner 1.9.1.
* Mon Mar 16 2009 Update to version 2.26.0: + Command-line tools can\'t handle UTF-8 encoded filenames (bgo#557036) + Background color setting feature in rsvg_convert program (bgo#556969) + Gdmgreeter segfault due to libxml2 API/ABI change (bgo#549087) + Plug mem leak (bgo#552919) + Stop crash due to recursive references (bgo#518640) + Don\'t use deprecated glib symbols + Stray Makefile variables (bgo#558039) + -I flag-ordering problem breaks build if system already has lib installed (bgo#558040) + Add rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub() (bgo#555682) + Add version check macro (bgo#564226) + Indicate in the .pc file whether svgz and css support is available (bgo#564616) + Add function to check whether the SVG document contains an element by ID (bgo#567070) + Do not allocate RsvgState in rsvg_new_image() (bgo#557082) + Plug mem leak (bgo#562546) + Clean up GLib and GTK+ includes (bgo#563789) + librsvg can not render text-decoration=underline text (bgo#566365) + Don\'t use deprecated gdk_pixbuf_unref (bgo#570938) + \"const static\" should be \"static const\" (bgo#570656) + Better error messages (bgo#567307) + Crashes on some architectures because of wrong zero check on doubles (bgo#565371) + Filter nodes are leaked (bgo#475851) + Plug mem leaks (bgo#444444) + Fails to parse SVG with parameter entities (bgo#567311)