Changelog for qlcplus-qt4-devel-4.12.1-19.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun May 29 2016 qlcplus (4.10.4) stable; urgency=low- Scripts: Fix 4.10.3a regression that breaks values parsing (David Garyga)- Engine: fix relative paths when opening a project from the command line- Engine: improved the start/stop mechanism of Functions within a Show- Chaser Editor: a newly created step is now selected automatically- Scene Editor: fixed the tab order of the fixtures- Show Manager: added the possibility to pause a Show leaving the lights on- Show Manager/Audio: allow to display the waveform preview while playing a file- UI/Function Selection: fix crash on workspaces where a scene ID is bigger than its sequence ID (David Garyga)- UI/Video: fixed the fullscreen positioning on Windows- Virtual Console/Animation: fix behavior issue when changing the associated function (David Garyga)- Virtual Console/Frames: send feedbacks for the enable button- Virtual Console/Frames: fix 4.10.3 regression causing frames to resize after configuration- Virtual Console/Cue List: playback can now be paused and resumed (see documentation)- Virtual Console/Cue List: added a dedicated stop button, with external controls- Virtual Console/XYPad: fixed computation of reversed fixture position (Luca Ugolini)- Plugins/OSC: fixed regression of receiving data from the wrong interface (David Garyga)- Plugins/OSC: fixed regression causing not receiving data anymore when changing the input profile (David Garyga)- Plugins/MIDI: distinguish MIDI beat clock start and stop (see documentation)- Input Profiles Editor: it is now possible to define button custom feedbacks in a profile (see documentation)- New input profile: Novation Launchpad Pro (thanks to David Giardi)- New RGB script: Balls (color) (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen)- Fixture updated: Starway MaxKolor-18 (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo and Robert Box)- Fixture updated: Cameo LED RGBW PAR64 18x8W (thanks to Lukas)- New fixture: American DJ Mega QA Par38 (thanks to Nathan Durnan)- New fixture: Martin MAC 250 Wash (thanks to Robert Box)- New fixture: Luxibel LX161 (thanks to Freddy Hoogstoel)- New fixture: Stairville MH-X60th LED Spot (thanks to Jasper Zevering)- New fixture: Cameo CLHB400RGBW (thanks to Mihai Andrei)- New fixture: Showlite Flood Light Panel 144x10mm LED RGBW (thanks to Ex)- New fixture: Color Imagination LedSpot 90 (SI-052), Robe Spot 575 XT (thanks to DJ Ladonin)- New fixture: Chauvet Mini Kinta (thanks to Jonathan Wilson)- New fixture: Eurolite LED ML-56 QCL RGBW-RGBA 18x8W (thanks to Matthijs ten Berge)- New fixture: High End Systems TechnoSpot (thanks to Tom Moeller)- New fixtures: American DJ Inno Pocket Spot Twins, Fog Fury 3000 WiFly, Event Bar Pro (thanks to MaBonzo)- New fixtures: American DJ Galaxian Gem IR, Vizi Roller Beam 2R (thanks to MaBonzo)- New fixture: Ayra ERO 506 (thanks to Bert Heikamp)- New fixture: Ayrton Arcaline 100 RGB, Martin Magnum Hazer (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo)- New fixtures: American DJ Asteroid 1200, Eurolite GKF-60, Eurolite LED FE-700 (thanks to Flox Garden)- New fixtures: Antari X-310 Pro Fazer, lightmaXX CLS-2 (thanks to Flox Garden)- New fixture: Beamz MHL90 Wash 5x18W RGBAW-UV (thanks to Hans Erik Tjelum)- New fixture: PR Lighting Pilot 150 (thanks to David Read)- New fixture: lightmaXX Platinum CLS-1 (thanks to Marc Geonet) - - Massimo Callegari Sun, 29 May 2016 12:13:14 +0200
* Tue Mar 08 2016 qlcplus (4.10.3) stable; urgency=low- Input/Output Manager: Forbid deleting universes in the middle of the list, this prevents a lot of bugs and crashes (David Garyga)- Simple Desk: the number of faders is now dynamic depending on the window size (unless forced via config file)- RGB Scripts: added Strobe script (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen)- Engine: + Fix intensity channels forced back to HTP after LTP not working correctly (David Garyga) + Fix functions with low intensity killing current fade outs (David Garyga)- Audio Capture: + Fix crash when selecting another audio input while a capture is running (David Garyga) + Fix crash when trying to use a wrongly configured audio input (David Garyga)- Scene Editor: + Remember Channels Groups values when saving and loading a workspace (David Garyga) + Remember fixtures even with no activated channel (David Garyga)- RGBMatrix Editor: + Fix preview now working when fade in > 0 (David Garyga) + Fix length of fadeout on the preview (David Garyga)- Show Manager: + Fix crash when editing the total time of an empty chaser (David Garyga) + Function Selection: Fix sequences always displayed even with Chasers and Scenes both filtered out (David Garyga)- Plugins + ArtNet: Fix input and output initialization conflict that results in no input (David Garyga) + ArtNet: Allow sending and receiving ArtNet on several different interfaces (David Garyga) + ArtNet: Allow selecting a different ArtNet input universe (David Garyga) + ArtNet: Fix configuration issue that prevents setting a parameter back to its default value (David Garyga) + OSC: Fix configuration issue that prevents setting a parameter back to its default value (David Garyga) + OSC: OSC Output values range from 0.0 to 1.0 + OSC: Properly handle OSC bundles (restores Lemur compatibility)- Virtual Console: + Fix copy of a frame containing a submaster slider resulting in a broken submaster (David Garyga) + Slider: Enable function filters in playback function selection (David Garyga) + Slider: Allow to force to LTP color channels controlled by a Click & Go button + Solo Frame: Fix sliders in playback mode not actually stopping the attached function when the slider reaches 0 (David Garyga, thanks to Tubby) + Animation: Can now be used in solo frames (David Garyga) + Frames: fix page cloning of a nested multipage frame + Frames: fix disabling frame pages. Now widgets get actually deleted- Web access: + Fixed custom fixtures loading + Added a DMX keypad that can be accessed from the Simple Desk (thanks to Santiago Benejam Torres)- Input profiles: + Behringer BCR2000 (thanks to Michael Trojacher) + Added Lemur iPad Studio Combo- New fixtures: + Stellar Labs ECO LED PAR56, Chauvet Colorpalette II (thanks to Jimmy Traylor) + Chauvet: COLORado 1 Solo, Ovation FD-165WW, Rogue RH1 Hybrid, COLORdash Par Hex 12, COLORdash Accent Quad (thanks to Robert Box) + Chauvet: Vue 1.1, Intimidator Spot 100 IRC, Abyss USB, COREpar 40 USB, COREpar UV USB (thanks to Robert Box) + Chauvet: Intimidator Scan 305 IRC, Intimidator Barrel 305 IRC, SlimPAR T6 USB, SlimBANK TRI-18 (thanks to Robert Box) + Eurolite LED CLS-9 QCL RGBW 9x8W 12, JB-Lighting A12 Tunable White, SGM G-Profile (thanks to Robert Box) + Coemar Par Lite LED RGB, OXO LED Funstrip DMX, American DJ Stinger II (thanks to Robert Box) + Chauvet LED PAR 64 Tri-C (thanks to Jungle Jim and Robert Box) + American DJ VBar, American DJ Jellydome, Briteq LDP Powerbar 6TC/12TC (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Sagitter Slimpar 18 RGB (thanks to Daniele Fogale) + Microh LED Tri Bar (thanks to Michael Tughan) + American DJ 12P Hex Pearl (thanks to Ethan Moses) + JB-Lighting JBLED A7 (thanks to BLACKsun) + Chauvet COREpar 80 USB (thanks to Chris Gill) + Stairville DJ Lase 25+25-G MK-II (thanks to galaris) + PR Lighting XR 230 Spot, PR Lighting XLED 1037 (thanks to Ovidijus Cepukas) + Futurelight DJ-Scan 600, Eurolite LED PAR-64 RGBW+UV (thanks to Ovidijus Cepukas) + Varytec LED Pad 7 BA-D, American DJ X-Scan LED Plus, Showtec Blade Runner (thanks to DjProWings) + Involight LED CC60S (thanks to Stephane Hofman) + Stairville MH-x200 Pro Spot (thanks to Mirek Škop) + Varytec LED Giga Bar 4 MKII, Eurolite LED KLS Laser Bar FX Light Set (thanks to Daniel Schauder) + Chauvet Mayhem (thanks to Jonathan Wilson) + Ayra TDC Agaricus (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen) + American DJ Pinspot LED Quad DMX (thanks to Christian Polzer) + Stairville AF-180 LED Fogger Co2 FX (thanks to Johannes Uhl)-- Massimo Callegari Sun, 6 Mar 2016 20:21:22 +0200
* Sun Dec 13 2015 qlcplus (4.10.2) stable; urgency=low- Audio: fixed playback of 24/32 bit wave files and Show Manager waveform preview- DMX Dump: it is now possible to dump DMX values on an existing Scene- ClickAndGo Widgets: Preset widgets now display the channel name on top of the capability list (David Garyga)- EFX Editor: removed the intensity control. Please use separate Scenes for that- Function Selection: Don\'t lose the current selection when changing the function type filter (David Garyga)- DMX Monitor: Fix strobing in 2D view (Jano Svitok)- Fixture Editor: Fix crash in the Channel Editor (David Garyga)- Input Profiles: added an option for Buttons to always generate a press/release event- Engine: + added support for devices hotplug (DMX USB, MIDI, HID, Peperoni) + Universe passthrough data is now merged with QLC+ output, it is not affected by QLC+ processing +(except for blackout) and it appears in the DMX monitor (Jano Svitok)- Function Manager: + fix startup Function not cleared when deleting it (David Garyga) + highlight current startup Function when opening the Function selection dialog (David Garyga)- Show Manager: + fixed looped functions never stopping with certain durations (Jano Svitok) + fixed copy/paste of an existing Chaser + fix crashes when copying a sequence on an empty track (David Garyga) + repair conflicting sequences when loading a broken workspace (David Garyga)- Virtual Console: + Slider: fixed copy of the channel monitor mode (David Garyga) + Slider: in level mode, activate only in operate mode and don\'t hold forced LTP channels (David Garyga) + Slider: in playback mode, ignore the fade in/fade out of the attached Function (David Garyga) + XYPad: added Fixture Group preset, to control a subgroup of Fixtures (see documentation) + XYPad Properties: fixture ranges can now be set in degrees, percentage or DMX values + XYPad Properties: fix manual input selection for presets (David Garyga) + Cue List: improved mixed usage of crossfader and next/previous buttons (David Garyga) + Cue List: fix effect of a submaster slider on a Cue List in crossfader mode (David Garyga) + Cue List: fix crash when adding steps to the chaser being run by a Cue List (David Garyga) + Audio Triggers: fix virtual console buttons triggering (David Garyga) + Input Selection: allow custom feedbacks only on an assigned source and don\'t crash (David Garyga)- Plugins: + uDMX: added support for clone (thanks to Vitalii Husach) + DMXUSB: (Linux) fixed data transmission of DMX4ALL NanoDMX- New input profile: + Touch OSC Automat5 + Novation Launch Control (thanks to Giacomo Gorini)- Updated fixtures: + Stairville xBrick Full-Colour 16X3W (thanks to Rico Hansen) + Stairville MH-100 Beam 36x3 LED (thanks to Antoni J. Canos) + American DJ Revo 3 (thanks to David Pilato)- New fixtures: + American DJ Dotz Flood + Chauvet COLORdash Par Quad-7 + Robe ColorWash 1200E AT, American DJ Starburst, Chauvet LED PAR 64 Tri-B (thanks to Robert Box) + Cameo Multi Par 3, HQ Power VDPL110CC LED Tri Spot, Showtec LED Pixel Track Pro (thanks to Robert Box) + American DJ: Inno Pocket Z4, On-X, WiFly EXR Dotz Par, WiFly EXR HEX5 IP, COB Cannon Wash Pearl (thanks to Robert Box) + BoomTone DJ Sky bar 288 LED, BoomToneDJ Strob LED 18, BoomToneDJ Froggy LED RGBW (thanks to Didou) + iSolution iMove 250W (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Talent BL63 10\" LED Bar (thanks to FooSchnickens) + Contest Oz-37x15QC, Evora DUO B2R, Evora Beam 5R, Evora Beam 15R (thanks to Jan Lachman) + Blizzard Lighting Lil G, Pixellicious, Lo-Pro CSI (thanks to Alton Olson) + Stairville LED Matrix Blinder 5x5, Showtec Power Spot 9 Q6 Tour V1 (thanks to Samuel) + Blizzard Lighting StormChaser (thanks to Brent) + Showtec Explorer 250 Pro MKII, Showtec Pixel Bar 12 (thanks to Henk de Gunst) + Philips Selecon PLProfile1 MkII (thanks to Freasy) + PSL Strip Led RGB code K2014 (thanks to Lorenzo Andreani) + Chauvet SlimPar Pro Tri (thank to Bulle) + Chauvet GigBar IRC (thanks to JD-HP-DV7 and Jungle Jim) + Ghost Green 30, KOOLlight 3D RGB Laser, Mac Mah Mac FOG DMX (thanks to David Pilato)-- Massimo Callegari Sun, 13 Dec 2015 20:21:22 +0200
* Sat Oct 31 2015 qlcplus (4.10.1) stable- Virtual Console/Cue List: improved step fader behaviour (David Garyga)- Plugins: + DMXUSB: Fixed regression affecting Linux users and OSX users using the libFTDI interface + ArtNet/E1.31/OSC: Improved network interfaces detection- New fixtures: + JB Systems Lounge Laser DMX, JB Systems Super Solar RGBW (thanks to Robert Box + Enterius EC-133DMX (thanks to Krzysztof Ratynski) + Showtec Dragon F-350 (thanks to Jasper Zevering)- Massimo Callegari Wed, 21 Oct 2015 20:21:22 +0200
* Sun Sep 27 2015 qlcplus (4.10.0) GIT- Channel Groups: Fix crashes related to invalid channels (David Garyga)- Chaser: Fix flickering issue when chaser order is Random (David Garyga)- Show Manager: Fix some cursor teleportation issues (David Garyga)- Scene Editor: correctly select the fixture tab when switching from tabbed/all channels view- EFX Editor: it is now possible to use an EFX on RGB channels (thanks to Giorgio Rebecchi)- Collection Editor: added preview button (thanks to Giorgio Rebecchi)- Fixture Remap: fixed remapping of EFX functions- Function Wizard: improved creation of color scenes for RGB panels- RGB Scripts: added Plasma Colors script (thanks to Nathan Durnan)- Fixture Editor: Channel capability editing is now done in a single window- Engine: + some more fixes for forced HTP/LTP channels + fixed 4.9.x regression causing QLC+ to hang at the end of audio playback- Add Fixture dialog: + Generic fixtures don\'t take the number of channels of the previously selected fixture (David Garyga) + Fix address 512 not usable by adding several fixtures at a time (David Garyga)- Simple Desk: + Fix cue playback on universes 2+ (David Garyga) + Fix crash when selecting recently added universe (David Garyga) + Added reset buttons to reset a single channel- Virtual Console: + Solo Frame: Option to allow mixing of sliders in playback mode (David Garyga) + Speed Dial: Introduced multiplier/divisor, apply and presets buttons (see documentation) + Cue List: Options for the Next/Previous buttons behavior (David Garyga) + Cue List: Fixed playback of a Chaser in reverse order (David Garyga) + Cue List: Added a new \"Steps\" mode for the side faders (see documentation) + Cue List: Allow to resize columns to 0 pixels, to completely hide them + XYPad: Introduced presets, including the usage of existing EFX and Scenes (see documentation) + XYPad: Fix DMX output not working when going to Operate mode while the XYPad is disabled (David Garyga, thanks to bestdani)- RGB Matrix: + Audio Spectrum: Fix crash when audio input volume is set to zero (David Garyga) + Fix 4.9.1 regression which makes fading of green and blue colors not smooth (David Garyga) + Introduced blending mode between matrices (see documentation)- Audio Input: + Fix crashes when selecting another audio input device while an audio input driven function/widget is running (David Garyga) + It is now possible to select the audio input format (sample rate and channels)- Plugins: + MIDI: (Linux) Fixed data transmission to multiple devices (thanks to Adrian Kapka) + MIDI: fixed Program Change handling on OSX and Windows + MIDI: (Windows) do not close the device when sending SysEx data + ArtNet: it is now possible to enter an arbitrary output IP + OSC: it is now possible to enter an arbitrary output IP + E1.31: added stream priority to configuration (thanks to Nathan Durnan) + E1.31: added unicast support (David Garyga) + DMXUSB: fixed close/open sequence on a Enttec Pro input line- Updated fixture: Showtec Indigo 6500 (thanks to Jochen Becker)- New fixtures: + Ayra ComPar 20 (thanks to Rob Nieuwenhuizen) + XStatic X-240Bar RGB (thanks to Nathan Durnan) + Venue ThinPAR 38 (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Contest MiniCube-6TCb, Eurolite LED FE-1500, Lightronics FXLD618C2I, JB Systems COB-4BAR (thanks to Robert Box) + Eurolite LED KLS-401, Chauvet Intimidator Wash Zoom 350 IRC, Equinox Party Par LED PAR 56 (thanks to Robert Box) + Robe Robin MiniMe, PR Lighting Pilot 575, Stairville DJ Lase 150-RGY MkII, JB Systems Dynaspot (thanks to Robert Box) + American DJ Hyper Gem LED, Robe ColorSpot 575 AT (thanks to Robert Box) + Chauvet Intimidator Wave 360 IRC, Varytec LED PAR56 (thanks to Habefaro) + American DJ Fog Fury Jett (thanks to Dean Clough) + Eurolite TB-250, Futurelight DJ-HEAD 575 SPOT, GLX Lighting Power LED Beam 38 Narrow (thanks to Ovidijus Cepukas) + Pro-Lights UVStrip18 (thanks to Alessandro Grechi) + American DJ Inno Pocket Beam Q4, Martin ZR24/7 Hazer, Blizzard Lighting Stimul-Eye (thanks to George Qualley) + American DJ Mega TriPar Profile Plus (thanks to George Qualley) + Pro-Lights SmartBat, Robe ClubWash 600 CT (thanks to Lorenzo Andreani) + Stairville Show Bar Tri 18x3W RGB (thanks to Udo Besenreuther) + Blizzard Lighting Rokbox Infiniwhite, Chauvet COREpar 80 (thanks to Chris Gill) + Cameo CL Superfly HP (thanks to Stuart Brown) + American DJ Event Bar Q4 (thanks to Maxime Bissonnette-Théorêt) + Cameo LED Moving Head 60W CLMHR60W (thanks to Jasper Zevering) + Proel PLLED64RGB, Litecraft LED PAR 64 AT3 (thanks to Mihai Andrei)- Massimo Callegari Wed, 30 Sep 2015 20:21:22 +0200
* Wed Jul 08 2015 qlcplus (4.9.1) Stable- RGBMatrix: SingleShot RGBMatrix make use of FadeOut time (David Garyga)- RGBMatrix Editor: Update duration when changing fade in time (David Garyga)- Monitor: fixed values update of EFX in relative mode- VC Audio Triggers: + fixed triggers enable from the web interface + restored audio level fader- VC Speed Dial: Allow ms precision for absolute range (David Garyga)- Simple Desk: restored the icon to delete a Cue (Jano Svitok)- UI: fixed channel group sliders not showing up- Plugins + DMXUSB: fixed for the (hopefully) last time Stageprofi data transmission + OSC: fixed data receive on loopback interface + OSC: fixed data receive on loopback interface + OSC: fixed messages with a name length multiple of 4 not received- RGB Scripts: add Waves script (thanks to Nathan Durnan)- New fixture: + Showtec Compact Par 18 Tri MKII (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Showtec Indigo 150 LED (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Elation Rayzor Q7 (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Eurolite Led Theatre 36x3W CW/WW, Martin Viper AirFX, Clay Paky Glow Up, Martin CX-10 Extreme (thanks to Thierry Rodolfo) + Sagitter Slimpar 7DL (thanks to Damiano Mologni) + Varytec LED Hellball 3 (thanks to Daniel) + Botex-DPX-620-III, (thanks to Yateri) + Stairville AF-40 DMX (thanks to Yateri) + Cameo Gobo Scanner 60 (thanks to Tobi Vossen) + Stairville LED Flood Panel 150(thanks to Ralf Herold) + Eurolite PST 15W QCL RGB (thanks to Ralf Herold) + Eurolite LED D-400 RGBAW 3W DMX (thanks to Alexander Grözinger)