Changelog for perl-Prima-1.54-46.2.i586.rpm :

* Sun Feb 03 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to 1.54 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.54 2019-02-09 - Support screen grabbing on Mac and Gnome/Wayland
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Stephan Kulow - remove upstreamed gcc-warnings.patch and Prima-GenericEvent.patch
* Thu Nov 08 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to 1.53 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.53 2018-10-10 - Image downsampling made consistent; added ict::Posterization; - Added images to documentations - Support gtk3 (but prefer gtk2) 1.52 2017-06-28 - Better support for multi-threading - Better support of MacOS/XQuartz - Aesthetic fixes for scrollbars, spin edits, and sliders - Fixes for paths; path demo with PS interpreter - Add Widget.clipChildren, Drawable.fillPatternOffset, Timer.toggle - Coredump fix for Data::Dumper::GUI usage pattern - Support colored cursors on X11 1.51 2017-03-28 - Add graphic paths support - Add spinner widgets by Maximilian Lika - Use Region objects for shape and clipping 1.50 2017-01-03 - Renamed utils after debian standard - Support high-dpi monitors and uiScaling, also with smooth bitmap scaling - made faster by returning a read-only scalar - Support multiple monitors for win32 - Adapt event loop for AnyEvent integration ( add onIdle and yield(1) ) 1.49 2016-09-27 - Fixes for new development bugs in 1.48 1.48 2016-08-21 - Support dynamic font loading - Added support for invividual horizontal font glyph metrics - Added afm2prima script to convert .afm PostScript font headers to Prima format - Add Markup (rich text) widget support, originally implemented by Teo Sankaro - Add KeySelector integration with menu shortcuts - Add alpha layering and blending with native win32 and XRender support: - - New Drawable call .alpha() - - New Icon.maskType property containing either im::bpp1 or im::bpp8; the latter represents ARGB image - - Widgets and Windows can request per-pixel alpha transparency with new .layered property - - DeviceBitmap.monochrome property changed to .type(Bitmap/Pixmap/Layered) - - put_image and stretch_image support new rops rop::SrcCopy and rop::SrcOver with ARGB images and surfaces - - put_image and stretch_image support new rop::AlphaCopy with grayscale images to address alpha channel only - - Image bit operations support 12 Porter-Duff rops and alpha pre-multiplication on ARGB images and RGB images with constant alpha value - - PNG codec supports ARGB icons
* Sun Jun 12 2016 updated to 1.47 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.47 2016-06-03 - Add OpenMP support for image scaling and conversion - Add custom image scaling algorithms - Support JPEG mirror/rotation tags - Implement image loading progress display for directions other than top-down (for jpeg and bmp)
* Mon Mar 21 2016 updated to 1.46 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.46 2016-03-16 - Use pkg_config, when available - Require perl version 5.10 - Add prelighting and gradients to widgets 1.45 2015-11-05 - Add Image .clone,.bar,.mirror,.rotate - Support bidirectional texts with Text::Bidi
* Sun Sep 20 2015 updated to 1.44 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.44 2015-08-04 - Rewrite rubberband - Work on portable perls - Better support of graphic libs where several versions are available
* Tue Apr 14 2015 updated to 1.43 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes 1.43 2015-04-10 - Rewrite font test and polish rough ends in xft font handling - Copy images to clipboard so that GTK recognizes them 1.42 2015-03-11 - Tests became TAP compliant and using Prima::Test - Jpeg exif orientation support added - Scrollbar overriding properties added for scroller widgets- remove heavily outdated docs and VB-decent.diff
* Thu Jan 29 2015 Update to version 1.41: + Add ImageViewer.autoZoom. + Fixes to Notebook .- Changes from version 1.40: + Remove Win9X support. + Cygwin default build is for X11. + Compile with giflib 5.1. + Add Drawable::Subcanvas. + Add ImageViewer.stretch. + PS font and eps fixes. + cliprect fix.- Changes from version 1.39: + Prepare for perl 5.20.- Changes from version 1.38: + X11: add multimonitor support. + special char AATT means auto-toggle in menu items.
* Thu Sep 12 2013 updated to 1.37 Support libgif5. Podview fixes.
* Sat Jul 27 2013 updated to 1.36 Remove OS/2 support. Add binary compatibility checks. Fixes in unicode, files, documentation, installed POD paths.