Changelog for python3-Sphinx-1.5.2-70.3.noarch.rpm :
Sun Jan 22 13:00:00 2017 - update to version 1.5.2: + Incompatible changes
* Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above (refs: #3268, #3310) + Features added
* #3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref #3210)
* #3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine ``make`` command
* Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: #3142)
* #978: `intersphinx_mapping` also allows a list as a parameter
* #3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:`parsed-literal` are wrapped like in :rst:dir:`code-block`, inline math and footnotes are fully functional. + Bugs fixed
* #3246: xapian search adapter crashes
* #3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned toctree produces ``None`` captions
* #185: References to section title including raw node has broken
* #3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn\'t support documentation for attributes of Enum class correctly.
* #3261: ``latex_use_parts`` makes sphinx crash
* The warning type ``misc.highlighting_failure`` does not work
* #3294: ``add_latex_package()`` make crashes non-LaTeX builders
* The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: #3287)
* #3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie
* #3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises unserializable exception
* #3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass \'memoir\'
* #3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly
* #3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can\'t read it. Also writing mo too
* #3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term\'s classifier
* #3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list
* #2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions.
* Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:`code-block` and parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref #3342)
* LaTeX writer: leave ``\"`` character inside parsed-literal as is (ref #3341)
* #3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories
* #3158: too much space after captions in PDF output
* #3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if with hyphen
* LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref #3340)
* LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong (ref #3340)
* Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref #3340)
* #3308: Parsed-literals don\'t wrap very long lines with pdf builder (ref #3340)
* #3295: Could not import extension
* #3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice
* LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents (ref #3363) - update to version 1.5.1: + Features added
* #3214: Allow to suppress \"unknown mimetype\" warnings from epub builder using :confval:`suppress_warnings`. + Bugs fixed
* #3195: Can not build in parallel
* #3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has \'self\'
* #3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by untranslated it_IT)
* #3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13
* #3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive (``\\DUrole``)
* #3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14)
* #3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation
* #3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed
* #3228: ``build_sphinx`` command crashes when missing dependency
* #2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to Hiroshi Ohkubo.
* #3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page. - update to version 1.5: + Incompatible changes
* latex, package fancybox is not longer a dependency of sphinx.sty
* Use ``\'locales\'`` as a default value of `locale_dirs`
* latex, package ifthen is not any longer a dependency of sphinx.sty
* latex, style file does not modify fancyvrb\'s Verbatim (also available as OriginalVerbatim) but uses sphinxVerbatim for name of custom wrapper.
* latex, package newfloat is not used (and not included) anymore (ref #2660; it was used since 1.3.4 and shipped with Sphinx since 1.4).
* latex, literal blocks in tables do not use OriginalVerbatim but sphinxVerbatimintable which handles captions and wraps lines(ref #2704).
* latex, replace ``pt`` by TeX equivalent ``bp`` if found in ``width`` or ``height`` attribute of an image.
* latex, if ``width`` or ``height`` attribute of an image is given with no unit, use ``px`` rather than ignore it.
* latex: Separate stylesheets of pygments to independent .sty file
* #2454: The filename of sourcelink is now changed. The value of `html_sourcelink_suffix` will be appended to the original filename (like ``index.rst.txt``).
* ``sphinx.util.copy_static_entry()`` is now deprecated. Use ``sphinx.util.fileutil.copy_asset()`` instead.
* ``sphinx.util.osutil.filecopy()`` skips copying if the file has not been changed (ref: #2510, #2753)
* Internet Explorer 6-8, Opera 12.1x or Safari 5.1+ support is dropped because jQuery version is updated from 1.11.0 to 3.1.0 (ref: #2634, #2773)
* QtHelpBuilder uses ``nonav`` theme instead of default one to improve readability.
* latex: To provide good default settings to Japanese docs, Sphinx uses ``jsbooks`` as a docclass by default if the ``language`` is ``ja``.
* latex: To provide good default settings to Japanese docs, Sphinx uses ``jreport`` and ``jsbooks`` as a docclass by default if the ``language`` is ``ja``.
* ``sphinx-quickstart`` now allows a project version is empty
* Fix :download: role on epub/qthelp builder. They ignore the role because they don\'t support it.
* ``sphinx.ext.viewcode`` doesn\'t work on epub building by default. ``viewcode_enable_epub`` option
* ``sphinx.ext.viewcode`` disabled on singlehtml builder.
* Use make-mode of ``sphinx-quickstart`` by default. To disable this, use ``-M`` option
* Fix ``genindex.html``, Sphinx\'s document template, link address to itself to satisfy xhtml standard.
* Use epub3 builder by default. And the old epub builder is renamed to epub2.
* Fix ``epub`` and ``epub3`` builders that contained links to ``genindex`` even if ``epub_use_index = False``.
* ``html_translator_class`` is now deprecated. Use `Sphinx.set_translator()` API instead.
* Drop python 2.6 and 3.3 support
* Drop epub3 builder\'s ``epub3_page_progression_direction`` option (use ``epub3_writing_mode``).
* #2877: Rename ``latex_elements[\'footer\']`` to ``latex_elements[\'atendofbody\']``
* #2983: Rename ``epub3_description`` and ``epub3_contributor`` to ``epub_description`` and ``epub_contributor``.
* Remove themes/basic/defindex.html; no longer used
* Sphinx does not ship anymore (but still uses) LaTeX style file ``fncychap``
* #2435: Slim down quickstarted
* The ``sphinx.sty`` latex package does not load itself \"hyperref\", as this is done later in the preamble of the latex output via ``\'hyperref\'`` key.
* Sphinx does not ship anymore a custom modified LaTeX style file ``tabulary``. The non-modified package is used.
* #3057: By default, footnote marks in latex PDF output are not preceded by a space anymore, ``\\sphinxBeforeFootnote`` allows user customization if needed.
* #2986: ``themes/basic/defindex.html`` is now deprecated
* Emit warnings that will be deprecated in Sphinx 1.6 by default. Users can change the behavior by setting the environment variable PYTHONWARNINGS. Please refer :ref:`when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed`. + Deprecated + These features are removed in Sphinx-1.6:
* LDML format support in i18n feature
* ``sphinx.addnodes.termsep``
* Some functions and classes in ``sphinx.util.pycompat``: ``zip_longest``, ``product``, ``all``, ``any``, ``next``, ``open``, ``class_types``, ``base_exception``, ``relpath``, ``StringIO``, ``BytesIO``. Please use the standard library version instead; + If any deprecation warning like ``RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning`` are displayed, please refer :ref:`when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed`. + Features added
* #2951: Add ``--implicit-namespaces`` PEP-0420 support to apidoc.
* Add ``:caption:`` option for sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.
* #2471: Add config variable for default doctest flags.
* Convert linkcheck builder to requests for better encoding handling
* #2463, #2516: Add keywords of \"meta\" directive to search index
* ``:maxdepth:`` option of toctree affects ``secnumdepth`` (ref: #2547)
* #2575: Now ``sphinx.ext.graphviz`` allows ``:align:`` option
* Show warnings if unknown key is specified to `latex_elements`
* Show warnings if no domains match with `primary_domain` (ref: #2001)
* C++, show warnings when the kind of role is misleading for the kind of target it refers to (e.g., using the `class` role for a function).
* latex, writer abstracts more of text styling into customizable macros, e.g. the ``visit_emphasis`` will output ``\\sphinxstyleemphasis`` rather than ``\\emph`` (which may be in use elsewhere or in an added LaTeX package). See list at end of ``sphinx.sty`` (ref: #2686)
* latex, public names for environments and parameters used by note, warning, and other admonition types, allowing full customizability from the ``\'preamble\'`` key or an input file (ref: feature request #2674, #2685)
* latex, better computes column widths of some tables (as a result, there will be slight changes as tables now correctly fill the line width; ref: #2708)
* latex, sphinxVerbatim environment is more easily customizable (ref: #2704). In addition to already existing VerbatimColor and VerbatimBorderColor: - two lengths ``\\sphinxverbatimsep`` and ``\\sphinxverbatimborder``, - booleans ``\\ifsphinxverbatimwithframe`` and ``\\ifsphinxverbatimwrapslines``.
* latex, captions for literal blocks inside tables are handled, and long code lines wrapped to fit table cell (ref: #2704)
* #2597: Show warning messages as darkred
* latex, allow image dimensions using px unit (default is 96px=1in)
* Show warnings if invalid dimension units found
* #2650: Add ``--pdb`` option to command
* latex, make the use of ``\\small`` for code listings customizable (ref #2721)
* #2663: Add ``--warning-is-error`` option to command
* Show warnings if deprecated latex options are used
* Add sphinx.config.ENUM to check the config values is in candidates
* math: Add hyperlink marker to each equations in HTML output
* Add new theme ``nonav`` that doesn\'t include any navigation links. This is for any help generator like qthelp.
* #2680: `sphinx.ext.todo` now emits warnings if `todo_emit_warnings` enabled. Also, it emits an additional event named `todo-defined` to handle the TODO entries in 3rd party extensions.
* Python domain signature parser now uses the xref mixin for \'exceptions\', allowing exception classes to be autolinked.
* #2513: Add `latex_engine` to switch the LaTeX engine by
* #2682: C++, basic support for attributes (C++11 style and GNU style). The new configuration variables \'cpp_id_attributes\' and \'cpp_paren_attributes\' can be used to introduce custom attributes.
* #1958: C++, add configuration variable \'cpp_index_common_prefix\' for removing prefixes from the index text of C++ objects.
* C++, added concept directive. Thanks to mickk-on-cpp.
* C++, added support for template introduction syntax. Thanks to mickk-on-cpp.
* #2725: latex builder: allow to use user-defined template file (experimental)
* apidoc now avoids invalidating cached files by not writing to files whose content doesn\'t change. This can lead to significant performance wins if apidoc is run frequently.
* #2851: ``sphinx.ext.math`` emits missing-reference event if equation not found
* #1210: ``eqref`` role now supports cross reference
* #2892: Added ``-a`` (``--append-syspath``) option to ``sphinx-apidoc``
* #1604: epub3 builder: Obey font-related CSS when viewing in iBooks.
* #646: ``option`` directive support \'.\' character as a part of options
* Add document about kindlegen and fix document structure for it.
* #2474: Add ``intersphinx_timeout`` option to ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx``
* #3020: new ``\'geometry\'`` key to ``latex_elements`` whose default uses LaTeX style file ``geometry.sty`` to set page layout
* #2843: Add :start-at: and :end-at: options to literalinclude directive
* #2527: Add ``:reversed:`` option to toctree directive
* Add ``-t`` and ``-d`` option to ``sphinx-quickstart`` to support templating generated sphinx project.
* #3028: Add ``{path}`` and ``{basename}`` to the format of ``figure_language_filename``
* new ``\'hyperref\'`` key in the ``latex_elements`` dictionary (ref #3030)
* #3022: Allow code-blocks in footnotes for LaTeX PDF output
* #2513: A better default settings for XeLaTeX
* #3096: ``\'maxlistdepth\'`` key to work around LaTeX list limitations
* #3060: autodoc supports documentation for attributes of Enum class. Now autodoc render just the value of Enum attributes instead of Enum attribute representation.
* Add ``--extensions`` to ``sphinx-quickstart`` to support enable arbitrary extensions from command line (ref: #2904)
* #3104, #3122: ``\'sphinxsetup\'`` for key=value styling of Sphinx LaTeX
* Let LaTeX image inclusion obey ``scale`` before textwidth fit (ref #2865, #3059)
* #3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref #3083)
* fix latex inline literals where ``< > -`` gobbled a space
* #3069: Even if ``\'babel\'`` key is set to empty string, LaTeX output contains one ``\\addto\\captions...``
* #3123: user ``\'babel\'`` key setting is not obeyed anymore
* #3155: Fix JavaScript for `html_sourcelink_suffix` fails with IE and Opera
* #3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.
* #3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash
* #3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or multipleline cpp signatures (ref #3072)
* #3128: globing images does not support .svgz file
* #3015: fix a broken test on Windows.
* #1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass. Thanks to Erik Bray.
* #3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies
* #3024, #3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log message cannot be encoded into console encoding. + Testing
* To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists. - fix dependencies - link check are not possible in offline build
Sat Nov 26 13:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.9:
* #2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can\'t build man because doc/man exists
* #3058: Using the same \'caption\' attribute in multiple \'toctree\' directives results in warning / error
* #3068: Allow the \'=\' character in the -D option of
* #3074: \"add_source_parser()\" crashes in debug mode
* #3135: \"sphinx.ext.autodoc\" crashes with plain Callable
* #3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same as Python\'s regular expression.
* #3093: gettext build broken on substituted images.
* #3093: gettext build broken on image node under \"note\" directive.
* imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation failed
* #3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first section title
* #3164: Change search order of \"sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram\"
Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.8:
* #2996: The wheel package of Sphinx got crash with ImportError - changes from version 1.4.7:
* #2890: Quickstart should return an error consistently on all error conditions
* #2870: flatten genindex columns\' heights.
* #2856: Search on generated HTML site doesnt find some symbols
* #2882: Fall back to a GET request on 403 status in linkcheck
* #2902: jsdump.loads fails to load search index if keywords starts with underscore
* #2900: Fix epub content.opf: add auto generated orphan files to spine.
* #2899: Fix \"hasdoc()\" function in Jinja2 template. It can detect \"genindex\", \"search\" collectly.
* #2901: Fix epub result: skip creating links from image tags to original image files.
* #2917: inline code is hyphenated on HTML
* #1462: autosummary warns for namedtuple with attribute with trailing underscore
* Could not reference equations if \":nowrap:\" option specified
* #2873: code-block overflow in latex (due to commas)
* #1060, #2056: sphinx.ext.intersphinx: broken links are generated if relative paths are used in `intersphinx_mapping`
* #2931: code-block directive with same :caption: causes warning of duplicate target. Now `code-block` and `literalinclude` does not define hyperlink target using its caption automatially.
Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.6:
* Incompatible changes + #2867: linkcheck builder crashes with six-1.4. Now Sphinx depends on six-1.5 or later
* Bugs fixed + applehelp: Sphinx crashes if \"hiutil\" or \"codesign\" commands not found + Fix \"make clean\" abort issue when build dir contains regular files like \"DS_Store\". + Reduce epubcheck warnings/errors: - Fix DOCTYPE to html5 - Change extension from .html to .xhtml. - Disable search page on epub results + #2778: Fix autodoc crashes if obj.__dict__ is a property method and raises exception + Fix duplicated toc in epub3 output. + #2775: Fix failing linkcheck with servers not supporting identidy encoding + #2833: Fix formatting instance annotations in ext.autodoc. + #1911: \"-D\" option of \"sphinx-build\" does not override the \"extensions\" variable + #2789: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` generates wrong hyperlinks if the inventory is given + parsing errors for caption of code-blocks are displayed in document (ref: #2845) + #2846: \"singlehtml\" builder does not include figure numbers + #2816: Fix data from builds cluttering the \"Domain.initial_data\" class attributes
Fri Jul 15 14:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.5:
* Incompatible changes + latex, inclusion of non-inline images from image directive resulted in non-coherent whitespaces depending on original image width; new behaviour by necessity differs from earlier one in some cases. (ref: #2672) + latex, use of \"\\includegraphics\" to refer to Sphinx custom variant is deprecated; in future it will revert to original LaTeX macro, custom one already has alternative name \"\\sphinxincludegraphics\".
* Features added + new config option \"latex_keep_old_macro_names\", defaults to True. If False, lets macros (for text styling) be defined only with \"\\sphinx\"-prefixed names. + latex writer allows user customization of \"shadowed\" boxes (topics), via three length variables. + woff-format web font files now supported by the epub builder.
* Bugs fixed
* jsdump fix for python 3: fixes the HTML search on python > 3
* #2676: (latex) Error with verbatim text in captions since Sphinx 1.4.4
* #2684: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` crashes with six-1.4.1
* #2679: \"float\" package needed for \"\'figure_align\': \'H\'\" latex option
* #2671: image directive may lead to inconsistent spacing in pdf
* #2705: \"toctree\" generates empty bullet_list if \":titlesonly:\" specified
* #2479: `sphinx.ext.viewcode` uses python2 highlighter by default
* #2700: HtmlHelp builder has hard coded index.html
* latex, since 1.4.4 inline literal text is followed by spurious space
* #2722: C++, fix id generation for var/member declarations to include namespaces.
* latex, images (from image directive) in lists or quoted blocks did not obey indentation (fixed together with #2671)
* #2733: since Sphinx-1.4.4 \"make latexpdf\" generates lots of hyperref warnings
* #2731: `sphinx.ext.autodoc` does not access propertymethods which raises any exceptions
* #2666: C++, properly look up nested names involving constructors.
* #2579: Could not refer a label including both spaces and colons via `sphinx.ext.intersphinx`
* #2718: Sphinx crashes if the document file is not readable
* #2699: hyperlinks in help HTMLs are broken if `html_file_suffix` is set
* #2723: extra spaces in latex pdf output from multirow cell
* #2735: latexpdf \"Underfull \\hbox (badness 10000)\" warnings from title page
* #2667: latex crashes if resized images appeared in section title
* #2763: (html) Provide default value for required \"alt\" attribute for image tags of SVG source, required to validate and now consistent w/ other formats.
Sat Jun 18 14:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.4:
* #2630: Latex sphinx.sty Notice Enviroment formatting problem
* #2632: Warning directives fail in quote environment latex build
* #2633: Sphinx crashes with old styled indices
* Fix a \"\\begin{\\minipage}\" typo in sphinx.sty from 1.4.2 (ref: 68becb1)
* #2622: Latex produces empty pages after title and table of contents
* #2640: 1.4.2 LaTeX crashes if code-block inside warning directive
* Let LaTeX use straight quotes also in inline code (ref #2627)
* #2351: latex crashes if enumerated lists are placed on footnotes
* #2646: latex crashes if math contains twice empty lines
* #2480: `sphinx.ext.autodoc`: memory addresses were shown
* latex: allow code-blocks appearing inside lists and quotes at maximal nesting
* depth (ref #777, #2624, #2651)
* #2635: Latex code directives produce inconsistent frames based on viewing resolution
* #2639: Sphinx now bundles iftex.sty
* Failed to build PDF with framed.sty 0.95
* Sphinx now bundles needspace.sty
* #2666: C++, properly look up nested names involving constructors. - changes from version 1.4.3:
* #2530: got \"Counter too large\" error on building PDF if large numbered footnotes existed in admonitions
* \"width\" option of figure directive does not work if \"align\" option specified at same time (ref: #2595)
* #2590: The \"inputenc\" package breaks compiling under lualatex and xelatex
* #2540: date on latex front page use different font
* Suppress \"document isn\'t included in any toctree\" warning if the document is included (ref: #2603)
* #2614: Some tables in PDF output will end up shifted if user sets non zero \\parindent in preamble
* #2602: URL redirection breaks the hyperlinks generated by `sphinx.ext.intersphinx`
* #2613: Show warnings if merged extensions are loaded
* #2619: make sure amstext LaTeX package always loaded (ref: d657225, 488ee52, 9d82cad and #2615)
* #2593: latex crashes if any figures in the table - changes from version 1.4.2:
* Features added + Now :confval:`suppress_warnings` accepts following configurations (ref: #2451, #2466): o \"app.add_node\" o \"app.add_directive\" o \"app.add_role\" o \"app.add_generic_role\" o \"app.add_source_parser\" o \"image.data_uri\" o \"image.nonlocal_uri\" + #2453: LaTeX writer allows page breaks in topic contents; and their horizontal extent now fits in the line width (with shadow in margin). Also warning-type admonitions allow page breaks and their vertical spacing has been made more coherent with the one for hint-type notices (ref #2446). + #2459: the framing of literal code-blocks in LaTeX output (and not only the code lines themselves) obey the indentation in lists or quoted blocks. + #2343: the long source lines in code-blocks are wrapped (without modifying the line numbering) in LaTeX output (ref #1534, [#2304]).
* Bugs fixed + #2370: the equations are slightly misaligned in LaTeX writer + #1817, #2077: suppress pep8 warnings on generated by sphinx-quickstart + #2407: building docs crash if document includes large data image URIs + #2436: Sphinx does not check version by :confval:`needs_sphinx` if loading extensions failed + #2397: Setup shorthandoff for turkish documents + #2447: VerbatimBorderColor wrongly used also for captions of PDF + #2456: C++, fix crash related to document merging (e.g., singlehtml and Latex builders). + #2446: latex(pdf) sets local tables of contents (or more generally topic nodes) in unbreakable boxes, causes overflow at bottom + #2476: Omit MathJax markers if :nowrap: is given + #2465: latex builder fails in case no caption option is provided to toctree directive + Sphinx crashes if self referenced toctree found + #2481: spelling mistake for mecab search splitter. Thanks to Naoki Sato. + #2309: Fix could not refer \"indirect hyperlink targets\" by ref-role + intersphinx fails if mapping URL contains any port + #2088: intersphinx crashes if the mapping URL requires basic auth + #2304: auto line breaks in latexpdf codeblocks + #1534: Word wrap long lines in Latex verbatim blocks + #2460: too much white space on top of captioned literal blocks in PDF output + Show error reason when multiple math extensions are loaded (ref: [#2499]) + #2483: any figure number was not assigned if figure title contains only non text objects + #2501: Unicode subscript numbers are normalized in LaTeX + #2492: Figure directive with :figwidth: generates incorrect Latex-code + The caption of figure is always put on center even if \":align:\" was specified + #2526: LaTeX writer crashes if the section having only images + #2522: Sphinx touches mo files under installed directory that caused permission error. + #2536: C++, fix crash when an immediately nested scope has the same name as the current scope. + #2555: Fix crash on any-references with unicode. + #2517: wrong bookmark encoding in PDF if using LuaLaTeX + #2521: generated Makefile causes BSD make crashed if sphinx-build not found + #2470: \"typing\" backport package causes autodoc errors with python 2.7 + \"sphinx.ext.intersphinx\" crashes if non-string value is used for key of `intersphinx_mapping` + #2518: `intersphinx_mapping` disallows non alphanumeric keys + #2558: unpack error on devhelp builder + #2561: Info builder crashes when a footnote contains a link + #2565: The descriptions of objects generated by \"sphinx.ext.autosummary\" overflow lines at LaTeX writer + Extend pdflatex config in sphinx.sty to subparagraphs (ref: [#2551]) + #2445: `rst_prolog` and `rst_epilog` affect to non reST sources + #2576: \"sphinx.ext.imgmath\" crashes if subprocess raises error + #2577: \"sphinx.ext.imgmath\": Invalid argument are passed to dvisvgm + #2556: Xapian search does not work with Python 3 + #2581: The search doesn\'t work if language=\"es\" (spanish) + #2382: Adjust spacing after abbreviations on figure numbers in LaTeX writer + #2383: The generated footnote by `latex_show_urls` overflows lines + #2497, #2552: The label of search button does not fit for the button itself
Wed May 18 14:00:00 2016 - texlive(xcolor.sty) needed for python3-Sphinx-latex
Sun May 8 14:00:00 2016 - specfile:
* changed to https for source url
* updated source url to
Thu Apr 21 14:00:00 2016 - update to version 1.4.1:
* Incompatible changes + The default format of `today_fmt` and `html_last_updated_fmt` is back to strftime format again. Locale Date Markup Language is also supported for backward compatibility until Sphinx-1.5.
* Translations + Added Welsh translation, thanks to Geraint Palmer. + Added Greek translation, thanks to Stelios Vitalis. + Added Esperanto translation, thanks to Dinu Gherman. + Added Hindi translation, thanks to Purnank H. Ghumalia. + Added Romanian translation, thanks to Razvan Stefanescu.
* Bugs fixed + C++, added support for \"extern\" and \"thread_local\". + C++, type declarations are now using the prefixes \"typedef\", \"using\", and \"type\", depending on the style of declaration. + #2413: C++, fix crash on duplicate declarations + #2394: Sphinx crashes when html_last_updated_fmt is invalid + #2408: dummy builder not available in Makefile and make.bat + #2412: hyperlink targets are broken in LaTeX builder + figure directive crashes if non paragraph item is given as caption + #2418: time formats no longer allowed in today_fmt + #2395: Sphinx crashes if unicode character in image filename + #2396: \"too many values to unpack\" in genindex-single + #2405: numref link in PDF jumps to the wrong location + #2414: missing number in PDF hyperlinks to code listings + #2440: wrong import for gmtime. Thanks to Uwe L. Korn.
Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016 - specfile:
* require python3-imagesize - update to version 1.4: (long list of changes, see for details)
Mon Feb 29 13:00:00 2016 - Removed obsolete fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch - update to version 1.3.6:
* #1873, #1876, #2278: Add ``page_source_suffix`` html context variable. This should be introduced with :confval:`source_parsers` feature. Thanks for Eric Holscher.
* #2265: Fix babel is used in spite of disabling it on ``latex_elements``
* #2295: Avoid mutating dictionary errors while enumerating members in autodoc with Python 3
* #2291: Fix pdflatex \"Counter too large\" error from footnotes inside tables of contents
* #2292: Fix some footnotes disappear from LaTeX output
* #2287: ``sphinx.transforms.Locale`` always uses rst parser. Sphinx i18n feature should support parsers that specified source_parsers.
* #2290: Fix ``sphinx.ext.mathbase`` use of amsfonts may break user choice of math fonts
* #2324: Print a hint how to increase the recursion limit when it is hit.
* #1565, #2229: Revert new warning; the new warning will be triggered from version 1.4 on.
* #2329: Refresh environment forcely if source directory has changed.
* #2019: Fix the domain objects in search result are not escaped
Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2016 - Add fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch Fixes tests with python3-Pygments 2.1.1. Should be in next release. See