Changelog for python3-Sphinx-1.5.2-70.3.noarch.rpm :
Sun Jan 22 13:00:00 2017
- update to version 1.5.2:
+ Incompatible changes

* Dependency requirement updates: requests 2.4.0 or above
(refs: #3268, #3310)
+ Features added

* #3241: emit latex warning if buggy titlesec (ref #3210)

* #3194: Refer the $MAKE environment variable to determine ``make`` command

* Emit warning for nested numbered toctrees (refs: #3142)

* #978: `intersphinx_mapping` also allows a list as a parameter

* #3340: (LaTeX) long lines in :dudir:`parsed-literal` are wrapped like in
:rst:dir:`code-block`, inline math and footnotes are fully functional.
+ Bugs fixed

* #3246: xapian search adapter crashes

* #3253: In Py2 environment, building another locale with a non-captioned
toctree produces ``None`` captions

* #185: References to section title including raw node has broken

* #3255: In Py3.4 environment, autodoc doesn\'t support documentation for
attributes of Enum class correctly.

* #3261: ``latex_use_parts`` makes sphinx crash

* The warning type ``misc.highlighting_failure`` does not work

* #3294: ``add_latex_package()`` make crashes non-LaTeX builders

* The caption of table are rendered as invalid HTML (refs: #3287)

* #3268: Sphinx crashes with requests package from Debian jessie

* #3284: Sphinx crashes on parallel build with an extension which raises
unserializable exception

* #3315: Bibliography crashes on latex build with docclass \'memoir\'

* #3328: Could not refer rubric implicitly

* #3329: emit warnings if po file is invalid and can\'t read it. Also writing
mo too

* #3337: Ugly rendering of definition list term\'s classifier

* #3335: gettext does not extract field_name of a field in a field_list

* #2952: C++, fix refs to operator() functions.

* Fix Unicode super- and subscript digits in :rst:dir:`code-block` and
parsed-literal LaTeX output (ref #3342)

* LaTeX writer: leave ``\"`` character inside parsed-literal as is (ref #3341)

* #3234: intersphinx failed for encoded inventories

* #3158: too much space after captions in PDF output

* #3317: An URL in parsed-literal contents gets wrongly rendered in PDF if
with hyphen

* LaTeX crash if the filename of an image inserted in parsed-literal
via a substitution contains an hyphen (ref #3340)

* LaTeX rendering of inserted footnotes in parsed-literal is wrong
(ref #3340)

* Inline math in parsed-literal is not rendered well by LaTeX (ref #3340)

* #3308: Parsed-literals don\'t wrap very long lines with pdf builder
(ref #3340)

* #3295: Could not import extension

* #3285: autosummary: asterisks are escaped twice

* LaTeX, pass dvipdfm option to geometry package for Japanese documents
(ref #3363)
- update to version 1.5.1:
+ Features added

* #3214: Allow to suppress \"unknown mimetype\" warnings from epub builder
using :confval:`suppress_warnings`.
+ Bugs fixed

* #3195: Can not build in parallel

* #3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has \'self\'

* #3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by
untranslated it_IT)

* #3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13

* #3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive

* #3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14)

* #3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation

* #3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed

* #3228: ``build_sphinx`` command crashes when missing dependency

* #2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to
Hiroshi Ohkubo.

* #3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page.
- update to version 1.5:
+ Incompatible changes

* latex, package fancybox is not longer a dependency of sphinx.sty

* Use ``\'locales\'`` as a default value of `locale_dirs`

* latex, package ifthen is not any longer a dependency of sphinx.sty

* latex, style file does not modify fancyvrb\'s Verbatim (also available as
OriginalVerbatim) but uses sphinxVerbatim for name of custom wrapper.

* latex, package newfloat is not used (and not included) anymore (ref #2660;
it was used since 1.3.4 and shipped with Sphinx since 1.4).

* latex, literal blocks in tables do not use OriginalVerbatim but
sphinxVerbatimintable which handles captions and wraps lines(ref #2704).

* latex, replace ``pt`` by TeX equivalent ``bp`` if found in ``width`` or
``height`` attribute of an image.

* latex, if ``width`` or ``height`` attribute of an image is given with no
unit, use ``px`` rather than ignore it.

* latex: Separate stylesheets of pygments to independent .sty file

* #2454: The filename of sourcelink is now changed. The value of
`html_sourcelink_suffix` will be appended to the original filename (like

* ``sphinx.util.copy_static_entry()`` is now deprecated.
Use ``sphinx.util.fileutil.copy_asset()`` instead.

* ``sphinx.util.osutil.filecopy()`` skips copying if the file has not been
changed (ref: #2510, #2753)

* Internet Explorer 6-8, Opera 12.1x or Safari 5.1+ support is dropped
because jQuery version is updated from 1.11.0 to 3.1.0 (ref: #2634, #2773)

* QtHelpBuilder doens\'t generate search page (ref: #2352)

* QtHelpBuilder uses ``nonav`` theme instead of default one
to improve readability.

* latex: To provide good default settings to Japanese docs, Sphinx uses
``jsbooks`` as a docclass by default if the ``language`` is ``ja``.

* latex: To provide good default settings to Japanese docs, Sphinx uses
``jreport`` and ``jsbooks`` as a docclass by default if the ``language``
is ``ja``.

* ``sphinx-quickstart`` now allows a project version is empty

* Fix :download: role on epub/qthelp builder. They ignore the role because
they don\'t support it.

* ``sphinx.ext.viewcode`` doesn\'t work on epub building by default.
``viewcode_enable_epub`` option

* ``sphinx.ext.viewcode`` disabled on singlehtml builder.

* Use make-mode of ``sphinx-quickstart`` by default. To disable this, use
``-M`` option

* Fix ``genindex.html``, Sphinx\'s document template, link address to itself to
satisfy xhtml standard.

* Use epub3 builder by default. And the old epub builder is renamed to epub2.

* Fix ``epub`` and ``epub3`` builders that contained links to ``genindex`` even
if ``epub_use_index = False``.

* ``html_translator_class`` is now deprecated.
Use `Sphinx.set_translator()` API instead.

* Drop python 2.6 and 3.3 support

* Drop epub3 builder\'s ``epub3_page_progression_direction`` option (use

* #2877: Rename ``latex_elements[\'footer\']`` to

* #2983: Rename ``epub3_description`` and ``epub3_contributor`` to
``epub_description`` and ``epub_contributor``.

* Remove themes/basic/defindex.html; no longer used

* Sphinx does not ship anymore (but still uses) LaTeX style file ``fncychap``

* #2435: Slim down quickstarted

* The ``sphinx.sty`` latex package does not load itself \"hyperref\", as this
is done later in the preamble of the latex output via ``\'hyperref\'`` key.

* Sphinx does not ship anymore a custom modified LaTeX style file ``tabulary``.
The non-modified package is used.

* #3057: By default, footnote marks in latex PDF output are not preceded by a
space anymore, ``\\sphinxBeforeFootnote`` allows user customization if needed.

* #2986: ``themes/basic/defindex.html`` is now deprecated

* Emit warnings that will be deprecated in Sphinx 1.6 by default.
Users can change the behavior by setting the environment variable
PYTHONWARNINGS. Please refer :ref:`when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed`.
+ Deprecated
+ These features are removed in Sphinx-1.6:

* LDML format support in i18n feature

* ``sphinx.addnodes.termsep``

* Some functions and classes in ``sphinx.util.pycompat``:
``zip_longest``, ``product``, ``all``, ``any``, ``next``, ``open``,
``class_types``, ``base_exception``, ``relpath``, ``StringIO``, ``BytesIO``.
Please use the standard library version instead;
+ If any deprecation warning like ``RemovedInSphinxXXXWarning`` are displayed,
please refer :ref:`when-deprecation-warnings-are-displayed`.
+ Features added

* #2951: Add ``--implicit-namespaces`` PEP-0420 support to apidoc.

* Add ``:caption:`` option for sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.

* #2471: Add config variable for default doctest flags.

* Convert linkcheck builder to requests for better encoding handling

* #2463, #2516: Add keywords of \"meta\" directive to search index

* ``:maxdepth:`` option of toctree affects ``secnumdepth`` (ref: #2547)

* #2575: Now ``sphinx.ext.graphviz`` allows ``:align:`` option

* Show warnings if unknown key is specified to `latex_elements`

* Show warnings if no domains match with `primary_domain` (ref: #2001)

* C++, show warnings when the kind of role is misleading for the kind
of target it refers to (e.g., using the `class` role for a function).

* latex, writer abstracts more of text styling into customizable macros, e.g.
the ``visit_emphasis`` will output ``\\sphinxstyleemphasis`` rather than
``\\emph`` (which may be in use elsewhere or in an added LaTeX package). See
list at end of ``sphinx.sty`` (ref: #2686)

* latex, public names for environments and parameters used by note, warning,
and other admonition types, allowing full customizability from the
``\'preamble\'`` key or an input file (ref: feature request #2674, #2685)

* latex, better computes column widths of some tables (as a result, there will
be slight changes as tables now correctly fill the line width; ref: #2708)

* latex, sphinxVerbatim environment is more easily customizable (ref: #2704).
In addition to already existing VerbatimColor and VerbatimBorderColor:
- two lengths ``\\sphinxverbatimsep`` and ``\\sphinxverbatimborder``,
- booleans ``\\ifsphinxverbatimwithframe`` and ``\\ifsphinxverbatimwrapslines``.

* latex, captions for literal blocks inside tables are handled, and long code
lines wrapped to fit table cell (ref: #2704)

* #2597: Show warning messages as darkred

* latex, allow image dimensions using px unit (default is 96px=1in)

* Show warnings if invalid dimension units found

* #2650: Add ``--pdb`` option to command

* latex, make the use of ``\\small`` for code listings customizable (ref #2721)

* #2663: Add ``--warning-is-error`` option to command

* Show warnings if deprecated latex options are used

* Add sphinx.config.ENUM to check the config values is in candidates

* math: Add hyperlink marker to each equations in HTML output

* Add new theme ``nonav`` that doesn\'t include any navigation links.
This is for any help generator like qthelp.

* #2680: `sphinx.ext.todo` now emits warnings if `todo_emit_warnings` enabled.
Also, it emits an additional event named `todo-defined` to handle the TODO
entries in 3rd party extensions.

* Python domain signature parser now uses the xref mixin for \'exceptions\',
allowing exception classes to be autolinked.

* #2513: Add `latex_engine` to switch the LaTeX engine by

* #2682: C++, basic support for attributes (C++11 style and GNU style).
The new configuration variables \'cpp_id_attributes\' and \'cpp_paren_attributes\'
can be used to introduce custom attributes.

* #1958: C++, add configuration variable \'cpp_index_common_prefix\' for removing
prefixes from the index text of C++ objects.

* C++, added concept directive. Thanks to mickk-on-cpp.

* C++, added support for template introduction syntax. Thanks to mickk-on-cpp.

* #2725: latex builder: allow to use user-defined template file (experimental)

* apidoc now avoids invalidating cached files by not writing to files whose
content doesn\'t change. This can lead to significant performance wins if
apidoc is run frequently.

* #2851: ``sphinx.ext.math`` emits missing-reference event if equation not found

* #1210: ``eqref`` role now supports cross reference

* #2892: Added ``-a`` (``--append-syspath``) option to ``sphinx-apidoc``

* #1604: epub3 builder: Obey font-related CSS when viewing in iBooks.

* #646: ``option`` directive support \'.\' character as a part of options

* Add document about kindlegen and fix document structure for it.

* #2474: Add ``intersphinx_timeout`` option to ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx``

* #2926: EPUB3 builder supports vertical mode (``epub3_writing_mode`` option)

* #2695: ``build_sphinx`` subcommand for setuptools handles exceptions as same
as ``sphinx-build`` does

* #326: `numref` role can also refer sections

* #2916: `numref` role can also refer caption as an its linktext

* #3008: ``linkcheck`` builder ignores self-signed certificate URL

* #3020: new ``\'geometry\'`` key to ``latex_elements`` whose default uses
LaTeX style file ``geometry.sty`` to set page layout

* #2843: Add :start-at: and :end-at: options to literalinclude directive

* #2527: Add ``:reversed:`` option to toctree directive

* Add ``-t`` and ``-d`` option to ``sphinx-quickstart`` to support templating
generated sphinx project.

* #3028: Add ``{path}`` and ``{basename}`` to the format of

* new ``\'hyperref\'`` key in the ``latex_elements`` dictionary (ref #3030)

* #3022: Allow code-blocks in footnotes for LaTeX PDF output

* #2513: A better default settings for XeLaTeX

* #3096: ``\'maxlistdepth\'`` key to work around LaTeX list limitations

* #3060: autodoc supports documentation for attributes of Enum class. Now
autodoc render
just the value of Enum attributes instead of Enum attribute representation.

* Add ``--extensions`` to ``sphinx-quickstart`` to support enable arbitrary
extensions from command line (ref: #2904)

* #3104, #3122: ``\'sphinxsetup\'`` for key=value styling of Sphinx LaTeX

* #3071: Autodoc: Allow mocked module decorators to pass-through functions

* #2495: linkcheck: Allow skipping anchor checking using

* #3083: let Unicode no-break space act like LaTeX ``~`` (fixed #3019)

* #3116: allow word wrap in PDF output for inline literals (ref #3110)

* #930: sphinx-apidoc allow wildcards for excluding paths.
Thanks to Nick Coghlan.

* #3121: add ``inlineliteralwraps`` option to control if inline literal
word-wraps in latex

* #3095: Add :confval:`tls_verify` and :confval:`tls_cacerts` to support
self-signed HTTPS servers in linkcheck and intersphinx

* #2215: make.bat generated by sphinx-quickstart can be called from another
dir. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.

* #3185: Add new warning type ``misc.highlighting_failure``
+ Bugs fixed

* #2707: (latex) the column width is badly computed for tabular

* #2799: Sphinx installs roles and directives automatically on importing
sphinx module. Now Sphinx installs them on running application.

* `sphinx.ext.autodoc` crashes if target code imports
* from mock modules
by `autodoc_mock_imports`.

* #1953: ``Sphinx.add_node`` does not add handlers the translator installed
by ``html_translator_class``

* #1797: text builder inserts blank line on top

* #2894: quickstart main() doesn\'t use argv argument

* #2874: gettext builder could not extract all text under the ``only``

* #2485: autosummary crashes with multiple source_suffix values

* #1734: Could not translate the caption of toctree directive

* Could not translate the content of meta directive (ref: #1734)

* #2550: external links are opened in help viewer

* #2687: Running Sphinx multiple times produces \'already registered\' warnings

* #2810: Problems with pdflatex in an Italian document

* Use ``latex_elements.papersize`` to specify papersize of LaTeX in Makefile

* #2988: linkcheck: retry with GET request if denied HEAD request

* #2990: linkcheck raises \"Can\'t convert \'bytes\' object to str implicitly\"
error if linkcheck_anchors enabled

* #3004: Invalid link types \"top\" and \"up\" are used

* #3009: Bad rendering of parsed-literals in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.4.4

* #3000: ``option`` directive generates invalid HTML anchors

* #2984: Invalid HTML has been generated if `html_split_index` enabled

* #2986: themes/basic/defindex.html should be changed for html5 friendly

* #2987: Invalid HTML has been generated if multiple IDs are assigned to a

* #2891: HTML search does not provide all the results

* #1986: Title in PDF Output

* #147: Problem with latex chapter style

* #3018: LaTeX problem with page layout dimensions and chapter titles

* Fix an issue with ``\\pysigline`` in LaTeX style file (ref #3023)

* #3038: ``sphinx.ext.math
*`` raises TypeError if labels are duplicated

* #3031: incompatibility with LaTeX package ``tocloft``

* #3003: literal blocks in footnotes are not supported by Latex

* #3047: spacing before footnote in pdf output is not coherent and allows

* #3045: HTML search index creator should ignore \"raw\" content if now html

* #3039: English stemmer returns wrong word if the word is capitalized

* Fix make-mode Makefile template (ref #3056, #2936)

* #2432: Fix unwanted
* between varargs and keyword only args.
Thanks to Alex Grönholm.

* #3062: Failed to build PDF using 1.5a2 (undefined ``\\hypersetup`` for
Japanese documents since PR#3030)

* Better rendering of multiline signatures in html.

* #777: LaTeX output \"too deeply nested\" (ref #3096)

* Let LaTeX image inclusion obey ``scale`` before textwidth fit
(ref #2865, #3059)

* #3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref #3083)

* fix latex inline literals where ``< > -`` gobbled a space

* #3069: Even if ``\'babel\'`` key is set to empty string, LaTeX output
contains one ``\\addto\\captions...``

* #3123: user ``\'babel\'`` key setting is not obeyed anymore

* #3155: Fix JavaScript for `html_sourcelink_suffix` fails with IE and Opera

* #3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation.
Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.

* #3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash

* #3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or
multipleline cpp signatures (ref #3072)

* #3128: globing images does not support .svgz file

* #3015: fix a broken test on Windows.

* #1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass.
Thanks to Erik Bray.

* #3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies

* #3024, #3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log
message cannot be encoded into console encoding.
+ Testing

* To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists.
- fix dependencies
- link check are not possible in offline build

Sat Nov 26 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.9:

* #2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can\'t build man because doc/man

* #3058: Using the same \'caption\' attribute in multiple \'toctree\'
directives results in warning / error

* #3068: Allow the \'=\' character in the -D option of

* #3074: \"add_source_parser()\" crashes in debug mode

* #3135: \"sphinx.ext.autodoc\" crashes with plain Callable

* #3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same
as Python\'s regular expression.

* #3093: gettext build broken on substituted images.

* #3093: gettext build broken on image node under \"note\" directive.

* imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation

* #3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first
section title

* #3164: Change search order of \"sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram\"

Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.8:

* #2996: The wheel package of Sphinx got crash with ImportError
- changes from version 1.4.7:

* #2890: Quickstart should return an error consistently on all error

* #2870: flatten genindex columns\' heights.

* #2856: Search on generated HTML site doesnt find some symbols

* #2882: Fall back to a GET request on 403 status in linkcheck

* #2902: jsdump.loads fails to load search index if keywords starts
with underscore

* #2900: Fix epub content.opf: add auto generated orphan files to

* #2899: Fix \"hasdoc()\" function in Jinja2 template. It can detect
\"genindex\", \"search\" collectly.

* #2901: Fix epub result: skip creating links from image tags to
original image files.

* #2917: inline code is hyphenated on HTML

* #1462: autosummary warns for namedtuple with attribute with
trailing underscore

* Could not reference equations if \":nowrap:\" option specified

* #2873: code-block overflow in latex (due to commas)

* #1060, #2056: sphinx.ext.intersphinx: broken links are generated
if relative paths are used in `intersphinx_mapping`

* #2931: code-block directive with same :caption: causes warning of
duplicate target. Now `code-block` and `literalinclude` does not
define hyperlink target using its caption automatially.

* #2962: latex: missing label of longtable

* #2968: autodoc: show-inheritance option breaks docstrings

Sun Aug 28 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.6:

* Incompatible changes
+ #2867: linkcheck builder crashes with six-1.4. Now Sphinx
depends on six-1.5 or later

* Bugs fixed
+ applehelp: Sphinx crashes if \"hiutil\" or \"codesign\" commands not
+ Fix \"make clean\" abort issue when build dir contains regular
files like \"DS_Store\".
+ Reduce epubcheck warnings/errors:
- Fix DOCTYPE to html5
- Change extension from .html to .xhtml.
- Disable search page on epub results
+ #2778: Fix autodoc crashes if obj.__dict__ is a property method
and raises exception
+ Fix duplicated toc in epub3 output.
+ #2775: Fix failing linkcheck with servers not supporting
identidy encoding
+ #2833: Fix formatting instance annotations in ext.autodoc.
+ #1911: \"-D\" option of \"sphinx-build\" does not override the
\"extensions\" variable
+ #2789: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` generates wrong hyperlinks if
the inventory is given
+ parsing errors for caption of code-blocks are displayed in
document (ref: #2845)
+ #2846: \"singlehtml\" builder does not include figure numbers
+ #2816: Fix data from builds cluttering the \"Domain.initial_data\"
class attributes

Fri Jul 15 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.5:

* Incompatible changes
+ latex, inclusion of non-inline images from image directive
resulted in non-coherent whitespaces depending on original image
width; new behaviour by necessity differs from earlier one in
some cases. (ref: #2672)
+ latex, use of \"\\includegraphics\" to refer to Sphinx custom
variant is deprecated; in future it will revert to original
LaTeX macro, custom one already has alternative name

* Features added
+ new config option \"latex_keep_old_macro_names\", defaults to
True. If False, lets macros (for text styling) be defined only
with \"\\sphinx\"-prefixed names.
+ latex writer allows user customization of \"shadowed\" boxes
(topics), via three length variables.
+ woff-format web font files now supported by the epub builder.

* Bugs fixed

* jsdump fix for python 3: fixes the HTML search on python > 3

* #2676: (latex) Error with verbatim text in captions since Sphinx

* #2629: memoir class crashes LaTeX. Fixed \"by
latex_keep_old_macro_names=False\" (ref 2675)

* #2684: `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` crashes with six-1.4.1

* #2679: \"float\" package needed for \"\'figure_align\': \'H\'\" latex

* #2671: image directive may lead to inconsistent spacing in pdf

* #2705: \"toctree\" generates empty bullet_list if \":titlesonly:\"

* #2479: `sphinx.ext.viewcode` uses python2 highlighter by default

* #2700: HtmlHelp builder has hard coded index.html

* latex, since 1.4.4 inline literal text is followed by spurious

* #2722: C++, fix id generation for var/member declarations to
include namespaces.

* latex, images (from image directive) in lists or quoted blocks did
not obey indentation (fixed together with #2671)

* #2733: since Sphinx-1.4.4 \"make latexpdf\" generates lots of
hyperref warnings

* #2731: `sphinx.ext.autodoc` does not access propertymethods which
raises any exceptions

* #2666: C++, properly look up nested names involving constructors.

* #2579: Could not refer a label including both spaces and colons
via `sphinx.ext.intersphinx`

* #2718: Sphinx crashes if the document file is not readable

* #2699: hyperlinks in help HTMLs are broken if `html_file_suffix`
is set

* #2723: extra spaces in latex pdf output from multirow cell

* #2735: latexpdf \"Underfull \\hbox (badness 10000)\" warnings from
title page

* #2667: latex crashes if resized images appeared in section title

* #2763: (html) Provide default value for required \"alt\" attribute
for image tags of SVG source, required to validate and now
consistent w/ other formats.

Sat Jun 18 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.4:

* #2630: Latex sphinx.sty Notice Enviroment formatting problem

* #2632: Warning directives fail in quote environment latex build

* #2633: Sphinx crashes with old styled indices

* Fix a \"\\begin{\\minipage}\" typo in sphinx.sty from 1.4.2 (ref:

* #2622: Latex produces empty pages after title and table of

* #2640: 1.4.2 LaTeX crashes if code-block inside warning directive

* Let LaTeX use straight quotes also in inline code (ref #2627)

* #2351: latex crashes if enumerated lists are placed on footnotes

* #2646: latex crashes if math contains twice empty lines

* #2480: `sphinx.ext.autodoc`: memory addresses were shown

* latex: allow code-blocks appearing inside lists and quotes at
maximal nesting

* depth (ref #777, #2624, #2651)

* #2635: Latex code directives produce inconsistent frames based on
viewing resolution

* #2639: Sphinx now bundles iftex.sty

* Failed to build PDF with framed.sty 0.95

* Sphinx now bundles needspace.sty

* #2666: C++, properly look up nested names involving constructors.
- changes from version 1.4.3:

* #2530: got \"Counter too large\" error on building PDF if large
numbered footnotes existed in admonitions

* \"width\" option of figure directive does not work if \"align\" option
specified at same time (ref: #2595)

* #2590: The \"inputenc\" package breaks compiling under lualatex and

* #2540: date on latex front page use different font

* Suppress \"document isn\'t included in any toctree\" warning if the
document is included (ref: #2603)

* #2614: Some tables in PDF output will end up shifted if user sets
non zero \\parindent in preamble

* #2602: URL redirection breaks the hyperlinks generated by

* #2613: Show warnings if merged extensions are loaded

* #2619: make sure amstext LaTeX package always loaded (ref:
d657225, 488ee52, 9d82cad and #2615)

* #2593: latex crashes if any figures in the table
- changes from version 1.4.2:

* Features added
+ Now :confval:`suppress_warnings` accepts following
configurations (ref: #2451, #2466):
o \"app.add_node\"
o \"app.add_directive\"
o \"app.add_role\"
o \"app.add_generic_role\"
o \"app.add_source_parser\"
o \"image.data_uri\"
o \"image.nonlocal_uri\"
+ #2453: LaTeX writer allows page breaks in topic contents; and
their horizontal extent now fits in the line width (with shadow
in margin). Also warning-type admonitions allow page breaks and
their vertical spacing has been made more coherent with the one
for hint-type notices (ref #2446).
+ #2459: the framing of literal code-blocks in LaTeX output (and
not only the code lines themselves) obey the indentation in
lists or quoted blocks.
+ #2343: the long source lines in code-blocks are wrapped (without
modifying the line numbering) in LaTeX output (ref #1534,

* Bugs fixed
+ #2370: the equations are slightly misaligned in LaTeX writer
+ #1817, #2077: suppress pep8 warnings on generated by
+ #2407: building docs crash if document includes large data image
+ #2436: Sphinx does not check version by :confval:`needs_sphinx`
if loading extensions failed
+ #2397: Setup shorthandoff for turkish documents
+ #2447: VerbatimBorderColor wrongly used also for captions of PDF
+ #2456: C++, fix crash related to document merging (e.g.,
singlehtml and Latex builders).
+ #2446: latex(pdf) sets local tables of contents (or more
generally topic nodes) in unbreakable boxes, causes overflow at
+ #2476: Omit MathJax markers if :nowrap: is given
+ #2465: latex builder fails in case no caption option is provided
to toctree directive
+ Sphinx crashes if self referenced toctree found
+ #2481: spelling mistake for mecab search splitter. Thanks to
Naoki Sato.
+ #2309: Fix could not refer \"indirect hyperlink targets\" by
+ intersphinx fails if mapping URL contains any port
+ #2088: intersphinx crashes if the mapping URL requires basic
+ #2304: auto line breaks in latexpdf codeblocks
+ #1534: Word wrap long lines in Latex verbatim blocks
+ #2460: too much white space on top of captioned literal blocks
in PDF output
+ Show error reason when multiple math extensions are loaded (ref:
+ #2483: any figure number was not assigned if figure title
contains only non text objects
+ #2501: Unicode subscript numbers are normalized in LaTeX
+ #2492: Figure directive with :figwidth: generates incorrect
+ The caption of figure is always put on center even if \":align:\"
was specified
+ #2526: LaTeX writer crashes if the section having only images
+ #2522: Sphinx touches mo files under installed directory that
caused permission error.
+ #2536: C++, fix crash when an immediately nested scope has the
same name as the current scope.
+ #2555: Fix crash on any-references with unicode.
+ #2517: wrong bookmark encoding in PDF if using LuaLaTeX
+ #2521: generated Makefile causes BSD make crashed if
sphinx-build not found
+ #2470: \"typing\" backport package causes autodoc errors with
python 2.7
+ \"sphinx.ext.intersphinx\" crashes if non-string value is used for
key of `intersphinx_mapping`
+ #2518: `intersphinx_mapping` disallows non alphanumeric keys
+ #2558: unpack error on devhelp builder
+ #2561: Info builder crashes when a footnote contains a link
+ #2565: The descriptions of objects generated by
\"sphinx.ext.autosummary\" overflow lines at LaTeX writer
+ Extend pdflatex config in sphinx.sty to subparagraphs (ref:
+ #2445: `rst_prolog` and `rst_epilog` affect to non reST sources
+ #2576: \"sphinx.ext.imgmath\" crashes if subprocess raises error
+ #2577: \"sphinx.ext.imgmath\": Invalid argument are passed to
+ #2556: Xapian search does not work with Python 3
+ #2581: The search doesn\'t work if language=\"es\" (spanish)
+ #2382: Adjust spacing after abbreviations on figure numbers in
LaTeX writer
+ #2383: The generated footnote by `latex_show_urls` overflows
+ #2497, #2552: The label of search button does not fit for the
button itself

Wed May 18 14:00:00 2016
- texlive(xcolor.sty) needed for python3-Sphinx-latex

Sun May 8 14:00:00 2016
- specfile:

* changed to https for source url

* updated source url to

Thu Apr 21 14:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.4.1:

* Incompatible changes
+ The default format of `today_fmt` and `html_last_updated_fmt` is
back to strftime format again. Locale Date Markup Language is
also supported for backward compatibility until Sphinx-1.5.

* Translations
+ Added Welsh translation, thanks to Geraint Palmer.
+ Added Greek translation, thanks to Stelios Vitalis.
+ Added Esperanto translation, thanks to Dinu Gherman.
+ Added Hindi translation, thanks to Purnank H. Ghumalia.
+ Added Romanian translation, thanks to Razvan Stefanescu.

* Bugs fixed
+ C++, added support for \"extern\" and \"thread_local\".
+ C++, type declarations are now using the prefixes \"typedef\",
\"using\", and \"type\", depending on the style of declaration.
+ #2413: C++, fix crash on duplicate declarations
+ #2394: Sphinx crashes when html_last_updated_fmt is invalid
+ #2408: dummy builder not available in Makefile and make.bat
+ #2412: hyperlink targets are broken in LaTeX builder
+ figure directive crashes if non paragraph item is given as
+ #2418: time formats no longer allowed in today_fmt
+ #2395: Sphinx crashes if unicode character in image filename
+ #2396: \"too many values to unpack\" in genindex-single
+ #2405: numref link in PDF jumps to the wrong location
+ #2414: missing number in PDF hyperlinks to code listings
+ #2440: wrong import for gmtime. Thanks to Uwe L. Korn.

Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2016
- specfile:

* require python3-imagesize
- update to version 1.4:
(long list of changes, see for

Mon Feb 29 13:00:00 2016
- Removed obsolete fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch
- update to version 1.3.6:

* #1873, #1876, #2278: Add ``page_source_suffix`` html context variable. This should be
introduced with :confval:`source_parsers` feature. Thanks for Eric Holscher.

* #2265: Fix babel is used in spite of disabling it on ``latex_elements``

* #2295: Avoid mutating dictionary errors while enumerating members in autodoc
with Python 3

* #2291: Fix pdflatex \"Counter too large\" error from footnotes inside tables of contents

* #2292: Fix some footnotes disappear from LaTeX output

* #2287: ``sphinx.transforms.Locale`` always uses rst parser. Sphinx i18n feature should
support parsers that specified source_parsers.

* #2290: Fix ``sphinx.ext.mathbase`` use of amsfonts may break user choice of math fonts

* #2324: Print a hint how to increase the recursion limit when it is hit.

* #1565, #2229: Revert new warning; the new warning will be triggered from version 1.4 on.

* #2329: Refresh environment forcely if source directory has changed.

* #2019: Fix the domain objects in search result are not escaped

Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2016
- Add fix_some_testcase_error_with_pygments-2.1.1.patch
Fixes tests with python3-Pygments 2.1.1.
Should be in next release.

Mon Jan 25 13:00:00 2016
- Add additional latex requirements.

Sun Jan 24 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.3.5:

* Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings in LaTeX and texinfo

* Fix filenames were not shown on warnings of citations

* Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings in LaTeX and texinfo

* Fix line numbers was not shown on warnings of indecies

* #2026: Fix LaTeX builder rais error if parsed-literal includes

* #2243: Ignore strange docstring types for classes, do not crash

* #2247: Fix #2205 breaks make html for definition list with
classifiers that contains regular-expression like string

* #1565: Show warning if Pygments throws an ErrorToken

* #2211: Fix paragraphs in table cell doesn\'t work in Latex output

* #2253: \":pyobject:\" option of \"literalinclude\" directive can\'t
detect indented body block when the block starts with blank or
comment lines.

* Fix TOC is not shown when no \":maxdepth:\" for toctrees (ref: #771)

* Fix warning message for \":numref:\" if target is in orphaned doc
(ref: #2244)

Wed Jan 20 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 1.3.4:

* #2134: Fix figure caption with reference causes latex build error

* #2094: Fix rubric with reference not working in Latex

* #2147: Fix literalinclude code in latex does not break in pages

* #1833: Fix email addresses is showed again if latex_show_urls is
not None

* #2176: sphinx.ext.graphviz: use instead of to embed

* #967: Fix SVG inheritance diagram is not hyperlinked (clickable)

* #1237: Fix footnotes not working in definition list in LaTeX

* #2168: Fix raw directive does not work for text writer

* #2171: Fix cannot linkcheck url with unicode

* #2182: LaTeX: support image file names with more than 1 dots

* #2189: Fix previous sibling link for first file in subdirectory
uses last file, not intended previous from root toctree

* #2003: Fix decode error under python2 (only) when \"make linkcheck\"
is run

* #2186: Fix LaTeX output of \\mathbb in math

* #1480, #2188: LaTeX: Support math in section titles

* #2071: Fix same footnote in more than two section titles =>

* #2040: Fix UnicodeDecodeError in sphinx-apidoc when author
contains non-ascii characters

* #2193: Fix shutil.SameFileError if source directory and
destination directory are same

* #2178: Fix unparseable C++ cross-reference when referencing a
function with :cpp:any:

* #2206: Fix Sphinx latex doc build failed due to a footnotes

* #2201: Fix wrong table caption for tables with over 30 rows

* #2213: Set
in the classic theme to fit with

* #1815: Fix linkcheck does not raise an exception if warniserror
set to true and link is broken

* #2197: Fix slightly cryptic error message for missing index.rst

* #1894: Unlisted phony targets in quickstart Makefile

* #2125: Fix unifies behavior of collapsed fields (\"GroupedField\"
and \"TypedField\")

* #1408: Check latex_logo validity before copying

* #771: Fix latex output doesn\'t set tocdepth

* #1820: On Windows, console coloring is broken with colorama
version 0.3.3. Now sphinx use colorama>=0.3.5 to avoid this

* #2072: Fix footnotes in chapter-titles do not appear in PDF output

* #1580: Fix paragraphs in longtable don\'t work in Latex output

* #1366: Fix centered image not centered in latex

* #1860: Fix man page using \":samp:\" with braces - font doesn\'t

* #1610: Sphinx crashes in japanese indexing in some systems

* Fix Sphinx crashes if mecab initialization failed

* #2160: Fix broken TOC of PDFs if section includes an image

* #2172: Fix dysfunctional admonition \\pyAATTlightbox in
sphinx.sty. Thanks to jfbu.

* #2198,#2205: \"make gettext\" generate broken msgid for definition

* #2062: Escape characters in doctests are treated incorrectly with
Python 2.

* #2225: Fix if the option does not begin with dash, linking is not

* #2226: Fix math is not HTML-encoded when :nowrap: is given
(jsmath, mathjax)

* #1601, #2220: \'any\' role breaks extended domains
behavior. Affected extensions doesn\'t support resolve_any_xref
and resolve_xref returns problematic node instead of None.
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain is one of them.

* #2229: Fix no warning is given for unknown options

Thu Jan 7 13:00:00 2016
- Tests fail with python3-buildservice-tweak

Sat Dec 5 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 1.3.3:

* #2012: Fix exception occurred if \"numfig_format\" is invalid

* #2142: Provide non-minified JS code in
*.js\" for
source distribution on PyPI.

* #2148: Error while building devhelp target with non-ASCII document.

Sun Nov 29 13:00:00 2015
- specfile:

* remove python3-Sphinx_work_around_the_lack_of_HTMLParserError.patch
included upstream
- update to version 1.3.2:

* #1935: Make \"numfig_format\" overridable in latex_elements.

* #1976: Avoid \"2.0\" version of Babel because it doesn\'t work with
Windows environment.

* Add a \"default.css\" stylesheet (which imports \"classic.css\") for

* #1788: graphviz extension raises exception when caption option is

* #1789: \":pyobject:\" option of \"literalinclude\" directive
includes following lines after class definitions

* #1790: \"literalinclude\" strips empty lines at the head and tail

* #1802: load plugin themes automatically when theme.conf use it as
\'inherit\'. Thanks to Takayuki Hirai.

* #1794: custom theme extended from alabaster or sphinx_rtd_theme
can\'t find base theme.

* #1834: compatibility for docutils-0.13: handle_io_errors keyword
argument for cause TypeError.

* #1823: \'.\' as for sphinx-apidoc cause an unfriendly
error. Now \'.\' is converted to absolute path automatically.

* Fix a crash when setting up extensions which do not support

* #1784: Provide non-minified JS code in \"sphinx/search/

* #1822, #1892: Fix regression for #1061. autosummary can\'t generate
doc for imported members since sphinx-1.3b3. Thanks to Eric Larson.

* #1793, #1819: \"see also\" misses a linebreak in text output. Thanks
to Takayuki Hirai.

* #1780, #1866: \"make text\" shows \"class\" keyword twice. Thanks to
Takayuki Hirai.

* #1871: Fix for LaTeX output of tables with one column and

* Work around the lack of the HTMLParserError exception in Python

* #1949: Use \"safe_getattr\" in the coverage builder to avoid
aborting with descriptors that have custom behavior.

* #1915: Do not generate smart quotes in doc field type annotations.

* #1796: On py3, automated .mo building caused UnicodeDecodeError.

* #1923: Use babel features only if the babel latex element is

* #1942: Fix a KeyError in websupport.

* #1903: Fix strange id generation for glossary terms.

* Fix: \"make text\" will crush if a definition list item has more
than 1 classifiers as:

* \"make text\" will crush if a definition list item has more than 1
classifiers as:

* Fixed #1855: make gettext generates broken po file for definition
lists with classifier. \"term : classifier1 : classifier2\".

* #1855: make gettext generates broken po file for definition lists
with classifier.

* #1869: Fix problems when dealing with files containing non-ASCII
characters. Thanks to Marvin Schmidt.

* #1798: Fix building LaTeX with references in titles.

* #1725: On py2 environment, doctest with using non-ASCII characters
causes \"\'ascii\' codec can\'t decode byte\" exception.

* #1540: Fix RuntimeError with circular referenced toctree

* #1983: i18n translation feature breaks references which uses
section name.

* #1990: Use caption of toctree to title of \\tableofcontents in

* #1987: Fix ampersand is ignored in \":menuselection:\" and
\":guilabel:\" on LaTeX builder

* #1994: More supporting non-standard parser (like recommonmark
parser) for Translation and WebSupport feature. Now
node.rawsource is fall backed to node.astext() during docutils

* On Py2 environment, that is generated by sphinx-quickstart
should have u prefixed config value for \'version\' and \'release\'.

* #2102: On Windows + Py3, using \"|today|\" and non-ASCII date format
will raise UnicodeEncodeError.

* #1974: UnboundLocalError: local variable \'domain\' referenced
before assignment when using `any` role and `sphinx.ext.intersphinx` in same time.

* #2121: multiple words search doesn\'t find pages when words across
on the page title and the page content.

* #1884, #1885: plug-in html themes cannot inherit another plug-in
theme. Thanks to Suzumizaki.

* #1818: `sphinx.ext.todo` directive generates broken html class
attribute as \'admonition-\' when :confval:`language` is specified with non-ASCII linguistic area like
\'ru\' or \'ja\'. To fix this, now \"todo\" directive can use \"`:class:\" option.

* #2140: Fix footnotes in table has broken in LaTeX

* #2127: MecabBinder for html searching feature doesn\'t work with
Python 3. Thanks to Tomoko Uchida.

Mon Oct 12 14:00:00 2015
- Add python3-Sphinx_work_around_the_lack_of_HTMLParserError.patch
Fixes building on Python 3.5.
Should be in next upstream release
Upstream Issue:
Upstream Patch:

Fri Sep 4 14:00:00 2015
- Split latex-related stuff into its own subpackage so we can
depend on the necessary latex components.

Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2015
- Added python-six as a requirement, not only as build requirement
- Update to 1.3.1
+ Bugs fixed

* see
for complete list of fixed bugs
- additional dependencies required by 1.3.1
+ python-Babel
+ python-alabaster
+ python-snowballstemmer
+ python-sphinx_rtdtheme
+ python-mock
+ python-six
- Update to 1.3
+ Incompatible changes

* Roles ref, term and menusel now don’t generate emphasis nodes
anymore. If you want to keep italic style, adapt your stylesheet.

* Role numref uses %s as special character to indicate position of
figure numbers instead # symbol.

* Dependency requirement updates: docutils 0.11, Pygments 2.0

* The gettext_enables config value has been renamed to

* #1735: Use instead of http protocol. It was
used for sphinx.ext.intersphinx and some documentation.

* update bundled for setuptools-7.0 that requires Python
2.6 or later.

* Dropped support for Python 2.5, 3.1 and 3.2.

* Dropped support for docutils versions up to 0.9.

* Removed the sphinx.ext.oldcmarkup extension.

* The deprecated config values exclude_trees, exclude_dirnames and
unused_docs have been removed.

* A new node, sphinx.addnodes.literal_strong, has been added, for text
that should appear literally (i.e. no smart quotes) in strong
font. Custom writers will have to be adapted to handle this node.

* PR#269, #1476: replace tag by . User customized
stylesheets should be updated If the css contain some styles for tt>
tag. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya.

* #1543: templates_path is automatically added to exclude_patterns to
avoid reading autosummary rst templates in the templates directory.

* Custom domains should implement the new Domain.resolve_any_xref
method to make the any role work properly.

* gettext builder: gettext doesn’t emit uuid information to generated
pot files by default. Please set True to gettext_uuid to emit uuid
information. Additionally, if the python-levenshtein 3rd-party package is
installed, it will improve the calculation time.

* gettext builder: disable extracting/apply ‘index’ node by
default. Please set ‘index’ to gettext_enables to enable extracting index

* PR#307: Add frame to code-block in LaTeX. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya.
+ Features added

* Add convenience directives and roles to the C++ domain: directive
cpp:var as alias for cpp:member, role :cpp:var as alias for :cpp:member,
and role any for cross-reference to any C++ declaraction. #1577, #1744

* The source_suffix config value can now be a list of multiple suffixes.

* Add the ability to specify source parsers by source suffix with the
source_parsers config value.

* #1675: A new builder, AppleHelpBuilder, has been added that builds
Apple Help Books.

* #1346: Add new default theme;
Add ‘alabaster’ theme.
Add ‘sphinx_rtd_theme’ theme.
The ‘default’ html theme has been renamed to ‘classic’. ‘default’
is still available, however it will emit notice a recommendation that
using new ‘alabaster’ theme.

* Added highlight_options configuration value.

* The language config value is now available in the HTML templates.

* The env-updated event can now return a value, which is interpreted as
an iterable of additional docnames that need to be rewritten.

* #772: Support for scoped and unscoped enums in C++. Enumerators in
unscoped enums are injected into the parent scope in addition to the enum

* Add todo_include_todos config option to quickstart conf file, handled
as described in documentation.

* HTML breadcrumb items tag has class “nav-item” and “nav-item-N” (like
nav-item-0, 1, 2...).

* New option sphinx-quickstart --use-make-mode for generating Makefile
that use sphinx-build make-mode.

* #1235: i18n: several node can be translated if it is set to
gettext_additional_targets in Supported nodes are:

* #1227: Add html_scaled_image_link config option to, to
control scaled image link.

* #1597: Added possibility to return a new template name from

* PR#314, #1150: Configuration values are now checked for their type. A
warning is raised if the configured and the default value do not have the
same type and do not share a common non-trivial base class.

* Add support for Python 3.4.

* Add support for docutils 0.12

* Added sphinx.ext.napoleon extension for NumPy and Google style
docstring support.

* Added support for parallel reading (parsing) of source files with the
sphinx-build -j option. Third-party extensions will need to be checked
for compatibility and may need to be adapted if they store information in
the build environment object. See env-merge-info.

* Added the any role that can be used to find a cross-reference of any
type in any domain. Custom domains should implement the new
Domain.resolve_any_xref method to make this work properly.

* Exception logs now contain the last 10 messages emitted by Sphinx.

* Added support for extension versions (a string returned by setup(),
these can be shown in the traceback log files). Version requirements for
extensions can be specified in projects using the new needs_extensions
config value.

* Changing the default role within a document with the default-role
directive is now supported.

* PR#214: Added stemming support for 14 languages, so that the built-in
document search can now handle these. Thanks to Shibukawa Yoshiki.

* PR#296, PR#303, #76: numfig feature: Assign numbers to figures,
tables and code-blocks. This feature is configured with numfig,
numfig_secnum_depth and numfig_format. Also numref role is
available. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya.

* PR#202: Allow ”.” and “~” prefixed references in :param: doc fields
for Python.

* PR#184: Add autodoc_mock_imports, allowing to mock imports of
external modules that need not be present when autodocumenting.

* #925: Allow list-typed config values to be provided on the command
line, like -D key=val1,val2.

* #668: Allow line numbering of code-block and literalinclude
directives to start at an arbitrary line number, with a new lineno-start

* PR#172, PR#266: The code-block and literalinclude directives now can
have a caption option that shows a filename before the code in the
output. Thanks to Nasimul Haque, Takeshi Komiya.

* Prompt for the document language in sphinx-quickstart.

* PR#217: Added config values to suppress UUID and location information
in generated gettext catalogs.

* PR#236, #1456: apidoc: Add a -M option to put module documentation
before submodule documentation. Thanks to Wes Turner and Luc Saffre.

* #1434: Provide non-minified JS files for jquery.js and underscore.js
to clarify the source of the minified files.

* PR#252, #1291: Windows color console support. Thanks to meu31.

* PR#255: When generating latex references, also insert latex
target/anchor for the ids defined on the node. Thanks to Olivier

* PR#229: Allow registration of other translators. Thanks to Russell

* Add app.set_translator() API to register or override a Docutils
translator class like html_translator_class.

* PR#267, #1134: add ‘diff’ parameter to literalinclude. Thanks to
Richard Wall and WAKAYAMA shirou.

* PR#272: Added ‘bizstyle’ theme. Thanks to Shoji KUMAGAI.

* Automatically compile
*.mo files from
*.po files when
gettext_auto_build is True (default) and
*.po is newer than
*.mo file.

* #623: sphinx.ext.viewcode supports imported function/class aliases.

* PR#275: sphinx.ext.intersphinx supports multiple target for the
inventory. Thanks to Brigitta Sipocz.

* PR#261: Added the env-before-read-docs event that can be connected to
modify the order of documents before they are read by the environment.

* #1284: Program options documented with option can now start with +.

* PR#291: The caption of code-block is recognised as a title of ref
target. Thanks to Takeshi Komiya.

* PR#298: Add new API: add_latex_package(). Thanks to Takeshi Komiya.

* #1344: add gettext_enables to enable extracting ‘index’ to gettext
catalog output / applying translation catalog to generated

* PR#301, #1583: Allow the line numbering of the directive
literalinclude to match that of the included file, using a new
lineno-match option. Thanks to Jeppe Pihl.

* PR#299: add various options to sphinx-quickstart. Quiet mode option
- -quiet will skips wizard mode. Thanks to WAKAYAMA shirou.

* #1623: Return types specified with :rtype: are now turned into links
if possible.
+ Bugs fixed

* see
for complete list of fixed bugs

Tue Sep 9 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 1.2.3:
+ Features added

* #1518: `sphinx-apidoc` command now have a `--version` option to show version
information and exit

* New locales: Hebrew, European Portuguese, Vietnamese.
+ Bugs fixed

* #636: Keep straight single quotes in literal blocks in the LaTeX build.

* #1419: Generated i18n sphinx.js files are missing message catalog entries
from \'.js_t\' and \'.html\'. The issue was introduced from Sphinx-1.1

* #1363: Fix i18n: missing python domain\'s cross-references with currentmodule
directive or currentclass directive.

* #1444: autosummary does not create the description from attributes docstring.

* #1457: In python3 environment, make linkcheck cause \"Can\'t convert \'bytes\'
object to str implicitly\" error when link target url has a hash part.
Thanks to Jorge_C.

* #1467: Exception on Python3 if nonexistent method is specified by automethod

* #1441: autosummary can\'t handle nested classes correctly.

* #1499: With non-callable `setup` in a, now sphinx-build emits
user-friendly error message.

* #1502: In autodoc, fix display of parameter defaults containing backslashes.

* #1226: autodoc, autosummary: importing by automodule will invoke
setup process and execute `sys.exit()`. Now sphinx avoids SystemExit
exception and emits warnings without unexpected termination.

* #1503: py:function directive generate incorrectly signature when specifying
a default parameter with an empty list `[]`. Thanks to Geert Jansen.

* #1508: Non-ASCII filename raise exception on make singlehtml, latex, man,
texinfo and changes.

* #1531: On Python3 environment, docutils.conf with \'source_link=true\' in the
general section cause type error.

* PR#270, #1533: Non-ASCII docstring cause UnicodeDecodeError when uses with
inheritance-diagram directive. Thanks to WAKAYAMA shirou.

* PR#281, PR#282, #1509: TODO extension not compatible with websupport. Thanks
to Takeshi Komiya.

* #1477: gettext does not extract nodes.line in a table or list.

* #1544: `make text` generate wrong table when it has empty table cells.

* #1522: Footnotes from table get displayed twice in LaTeX. This problem has
been appeared from Sphinx-1.2.1 by #949.

* #508: Sphinx every time exit with zero when is invoked from command.
ex. `python build_sphinx -b doctest` return zero even if doctest
- Update to 1.2.2:
- PR#211: When checking for existence of the html_logo file, check the full
relative path and not the basename.
- PR#212: Fix traceback with autodoc and __init__ methods without docstring.
- PR#213: Fix a missing import in the setup command.
- #1357: Option names documented by option are now again allowed to not start
with a dash or slash, and referencing them will work correctly.
- #1358: Fix handling of image paths outside of the source directory when
using the “wildcard” style reference.
- #1374: Fix for autosummary generating overly-long summaries if first line
doesn’t end with a period.
- #1383: Fix Python 2.5 compatibility of sphinx-apidoc.
- #1391: Actually prevent using “pngmath” and “mathjax” extensions at the
same time in sphinx-quickstart.
- #1386: Fix bug preventing more than one theme being added by the entry
point mechanism.
- #1370: Ignore “toctree” nodes in text writer, instead of raising.
- #1364: Fix ‘make gettext’ fails when the ‘.. todolist::’ directive is
- #1367: Fix a change of PR#96 that break
sphinx.util.docfields.Field.make_field interface/behavior for item argument

Tue Jul 15 14:00:00 2014
- Fix tests

Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2014
- Fix hardcoded python version typo

Fri Feb 14 13:00:00 2014
- Drop junk files

Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2014
- Update to version 1.2.1
- Fix update-alternatives usage
- Removed sphinx-setup_command_unicode.patch (upstream)
- Totally reworked the build, docs are now build from BUILDROOT as Sphinx
has it\'s own way of invoken 2to3
- Dropped python3-Sphinx-docs.patch (not needed anymore)

Tue Sep 24 14:00:00 2013
- Add sphinx-docutils-0.10.patch
Patch is already committed upstream, will be in release 1.2
- Change suggests to recommends, suggests are not well supported

Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- Fix update-alternatives and support upgrade from previous versions

Tue May 7 14:00:00 2013
- fix building under openSUSE 12.1, 12.2:
BuildRequires: python3-2to3 should be explicitly stated

Tue Apr 30 14:00:00 2013
- Apply update-alternatives for binaries and man-pages

Tue Nov 20 13:00:00 2012
- Build and install man-pages
- Name Python3 binaries consistently:
+ Fix in to have correct egg-info data

Tue Nov 6 13:00:00 2012
- Remove obsolete SUSE version checks
- Don\'t package locale files twice

Wed May 23 14:00:00 2012
- python3-Sphinx package added