Changelog for
firebird-32bit- :
Sun Sep 23 14:00:00 2018
- one more attempt to work around >= 15.0 xinetd craziness
Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2018
- adjust install phase to 15.0 and Factory not installing xinetd
(and SLE15 not having it at all)
Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2018
- apply patch another-workaround-for-ICU-59.patch also in
Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2018
- update to upstream version (commit 468c0d628d56)
* CORE-5801: fix access rights for BLOBs
* backport access violation fixes
* fix inconsistency in request/transaction state after error
* CORE-5847: \"Malformed string\" instead of key value in PK
violation error message
* CORE-5853: forward compatible expressions LOCALTIME and
* CORE-5910: Server crash after kill in EDS manager destructor
* CORE-5823: No permission for SELECT access to blob field in
stored procedure
* CORE-5841: No permission for SELECT access to TABLE PLG$SRP in
newer snapshot
Sat Mar 3 13:00:00 2018
- update to upstream version (commit 4c24a30ae3a0)
* improve gcc6 compatibility
* CORE-5591: engine hangs soon after some errors during
transaction start
* CORE-5640: new connections to database are slow when multiple
connects happen at the same moment
* CORE-5641: segfault when exiting classic server with running
sweep thread
* CORE-5650: segfault when procedure dropped on classic server
* CORE-5643: message \"Operating system call munmap failed. Error
code 12\" can appear in firebird.log under heavy load
* CORE-5629: gstat output does not include datetime of analysis
* CORE-5624: using backslash in alias on linux does not work
* CORE-3596: client library cannot connect to the non-ASCII host
* improvement CORE-5674: allow unused Common Table Expressions
* CORE-5655: isc_info_sql_relation_alias reports incorrect alias
for CTE or nested queries
* CORE-5675: isc_vax_integer() and isc_portable_integer() wrong
work with short negative numbers
* CORE-5681: AV when external statement is executed and local
transaction is rolled back
* CORE-5684: error \'no current record for fetch operation\' is
raised while deleting record from MON using ORDER BY clause
* CORE-5685: sometime it is impossible to cancel/kill connection
executing external query
* fix race condition when many attachments creates event session
at the same moment
* additional protection for old CORE-3046
* CORE-4565: GDSCODE can have value = 0 in WHEN-section under
some concurrent env., only in SC or CS (not in SS)
* fix ISQL plan
* CORE-5014: interrupt of aux connection during TCP setup phase
causes unclear error messages in firebird.log (partial)
* CORE-5017: interrupt of aux connection during TCP setup phase
causes server exit due to unhandled exception (partial)
* CORE-5757: deadlock with events
* CORE-5762: wrong transaction number in RDB$PAGES relation may
cause infinite recusrion in engine and segfault
- another-workaround-for-ICU-59.patch:
work around ICU 59 changes
Fri Jul 28 14:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit 7ba5ca721da0)
* CORE-5582: Segmentation fault in TRA_detach_request
* CORE-5579: request synchronization error in the GBAK utility
Fri Jun 30 14:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit b9c18ff20ed5)
* untracked: fix order of call fb_shutdown and global destructors
* CORE-5543: Restore of pre ODS 11.1 database can leave RDB null
* CORE-5566: Server crashes while restoring backup if the shadow file already
- add a check to fail in prep phase if extern/SfIO wasn\'t removed
Wed May 10 14:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit a3bc499d34bc)
* CORE-5521: Race condition between event notification and event
* CORE-5522: Engine could freeze up to 2 minutes and raise
deadlock error when updating RDB$INDICES if it contains
* CORE-5528: internal Firebird consistency check (limbo
impossible (184), file: vio.cpp line: 2379)
* CORE-5530: Random AV at client application using events when
connection was broken
Tue Mar 28 14:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit 8f1a9b863ab3)
* CORE-5415: [security3.fdb] wrong page type page 22 is of wrong type
(expected pointer, found index root)
Tue Feb 21 13:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit 8972856d2de5)
* CORE-5470: Trace INCLUDE_FILTER with [[:WHITESPACE:]]+ does not
work when statement contains newline is issued
* fix write error handling in gbak (gh#79)
* improvement CORE-5475: Provide ability to filter out info and
warnings from trace log
- explicitely require %insserv_prereq (needed for upcoming rpm)
Wed Feb 8 13:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit 73e5a36f5eb2)
* CORE-5419: Index garbage collection on varchar column causes
server to hang
* Add fb_shutdown() call to the isql and gpre. It allows
isql_embed and grpe_embed to avoid 3 sec delay on exit.
* CORE-5474: \'Restrict UDF\' is not effective, because is
dynamically linked against libc
Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2017
- update to upstream version (commit 9c327517177f)
* CORE-5428: Rare segfault when preparing request working with a
table with triggers
* CORE-5429: Segfault when attachment is abandoned for some
reason during sweep thread startup
* CORE-5422: Decompression overran buffer after rollback
* gh#74: don\'t use SONAME for
Mon Dec 19 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 785e8292d3bd)
* CORE-5417 : Engine could hang up if auto-sweep is starting
while database is shutting down
* CORE-5418: Inconsistent output when retrieving the server log
via Services API
Fri Nov 25 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 2ae6bb411b3f)
* CORE-5387: Memory leak - a lot of 4Kb-sized regions remain
mapped till the death of the process
* CORE-5401: High load in touch thread
Mon Oct 24 14:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 068c16213929)
* CORE-4742: gfix -shut single -force 0 ..... not working as
documented with 2.5.3 & 2.5.4
Mon Sep 5 14:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 579508b9601c)
* CORE-5318: Bug in ESQL applications
Mon Aug 1 14:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 19003d704a3e)
* additional fix for CORE-4645 (internal Firebird consistency
check (cannot find tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2375)
* CORE-5295: Validation could read after the end-of-file when
handle multifile database
* CORE-5236: IN/ANY/ALL predicates may cause sub-optimal (late
filtering) execution of joins
- build with -fno-strict-aliasing
Fri Jun 24 14:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 0616219ddf0d)
* CORE-4870: Incorrect number of affected rows for UPDATE against
* CORE-5241: Affected rows are not counted for some update
operations with views
* CORE-5240: Restore database with large page buffer - connection
lost to database
* CORE-4817: ISQL doesn`t show number of affected rows for \"MERGE
... WHEN MATCHING\" in case when this number surely > 0
* CORE-5275: Expression index may become inconsistent if CREATE
INDEX was interrupted after b-tree creation but before
- fix gcc6 (factory) build
- minor specfile cleanup
Fri May 13 14:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 6d5e8b4b70d6)
* prevents deadlocks involving the header page and some data
pages (due to disabled AST delivery) (follow-up to CORE-5067)
* replace old ChangeLog with URL to GitHub
* CORE-5201: return nonzero result code when restore fails on
activating and creating deferred user index
* CORE-5217: ISQL -x may crash while exporting an exception with
message text length > 127 bytes
* CORE-5218: explicitly defined names for NOT NULL constraints
are not exported into script by ISQL -x
* CORE-5216: provide location context (line/column numbers) for
runtime errors raised inside EXECUTE BLOCK
* prevent stack trace (line/column info) from overriding the real
error\'s SQLSTATE
* CORE-5226: incorrect result set (missing records) may be
returned by the ORDER plan query navigating on a descending
* CORE-1746: Expression index can be created while doing inserts
into table
Wed Mar 23 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version (commit 28709e9f975a)
* CORE-5157: Server goes into infinite loop when data is sent
from client to the service in small packets
* CORE-5161: Unique index could be created on non-unique data
Fri Mar 11 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version
* a follow-up fix for CORE-3024
* CORE-5117: Firebird embedded could crash on unload if was used
as pure client only
* CORE-5122: Expression index may not be used by the optimizer if
created and used in different connection charsets
* CORE-4645: internal Firebird consistency check (cannot find
tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2375)
Tue Feb 23 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version
* gcc6 compatibility fix
* CORE-5078: \"Invalid BLOB ID\" error
* CORE-5067: Blocking new connections as a consequence of the too
long sweep security2.fdb
* avoid crashing in TRA_update_counters() with not initialized
Database object
* CORE-5087: Database shutdown can cause server crash if
multiple attachments run EXECUTE STATEMENT
* fix for very old bug in clumplets processing code
* unwind the cache if checkCancelState(true) is called directly
* CORE-5110: False PK\\FK violation could be reported when
attachment used isc_dpb_no_garbage_collect flag
* corrected an old commit re. optimization of the system requests
Wed Jan 13 13:00:00 2016
- update to upstream version
* CORE-5068: gbak with invalid parameter crashes FB
* CORE-3024: Error \"no current record for fetch operation\" after
Sat Dec 26 13:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4983: Server crashes during execution of unprepared
* fix processing of asynchronous errors if they\'re thrown
directly via checkCancelState()
* fix request leakage caused by modified indices
Sun Nov 15 13:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* fix recent regression in optimizer (untracked)
* CORE-4978: Improved validation and fix of lost data pages
* CORE-4680: Possible deadlock in firebird connect
* mark port as disconnecting to avoid reporting (expected)
network errors
* CORE-4982: Server crashes during select
* CORE-4656: Server could hang during chasing dead record version
* feature CORE-1999: add TimeStamp in the every line output gbak
* Forward compatibility with ODS12 - don\'t put into backup
relation constraints of system relations (which was introduced
by ODS12). It allows to backup fb3 database using gbak v2.5 and
later restore such backup by v3 engine
Tue Sep 29 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4908: Firebird 2.5.3 hangs on simultaneous connection to
the Services API and database
allows to specify
matching to \'RDB$[[:DIGIT:]]
* CORE-4921: Predicate IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM is not pushed into
unions/aggregates thus causing sub-optimal plans
* follow-up fix for CORE-4904
* CORE-4927: IIF function prevents the condition from being
pushed into the union for better optimization
* CORE-4909: MERGE / HASH JOINs produce incorrect results when
VARCHAR join keys differ only by trailing spaces
* CORE-4937: View/subselect with \"union\" does not use computed
index (partial fix)
* CORE-4943: Dialect 1 casting date to string breaks when in the
presence a domain with a check constraint
Mon Aug 17 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4876: fbsvcmgr shows wrong options for some Trace API
services in help screen
* CORE-4904: Index corruption when add data in long-key-indexed
* CORE-4905 - Invalid internal BLR filter conversion
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* reworked fix for CORE-4615: Classic Server could hung with
(near) 100% CPU load
* CORE-4276: Error on create table with \"CHARACTER SET DOS775\"
* CORE-4865: Online validation could wrongly report double
allocated pages
* CORE-4867: Server crash when preparing a query with PLAN clause
at some CTE
* CORE-4869: Segfault when cleaning metadata cache
* CORE-3548: GFIX returns an error after correctly shutting down
a database
Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4786: Problematic key value (when attempt to insert
duplicate in PK/UK) is not shown where length of key >= 127
* CORE-4788: Superclassic server hangs when receiving network
* CORE-4785: Bad packet of op_execute kills the server
* CORE-4789: Prohibit ability to cast timestamps that out of
valid range to varchar
* Fixed -s(tandalone) switch in posix server
* CORE-4822: MERGE JOIN cannot be used for DBKEY based
* CORE-4809: HASH/MERGE JOIN is not used for more than two
streams if they are joined via USING/NATURAL clauses and join
is based on DBKEY concatenations
* CORE-214: Count ( DISTINCT ... ) is too slow
* C++11 compilation fixes from LibreOffice
* CORE-4830: Memory leak in SuperServer
Mon Apr 27 14:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4700: Mistake in GDS_DROP_DATABASE
* CORE-4671: Release internal temporary blobs early to free some
memory/disk space
* CORE-4713: \"BLOB not found\" error at rollback after insert
into table with expression index
* CORE-4747: Error \"invalid BLOB ID\" can occur when retrieving
argument is not specified
* CORE-4753: Firebird hangs in embed mode
* CORE-4754: Manipulations with GTT from several attachments
(using ES/EDS and different roles) leads to: \"internal Firebird
consistency check (invalid SEND request (167), file:
JrdStatement.cpp line: 325)
* CORE-4759: request synchronization error when build expression
* CORE-4761: Db on connect triggers fail to execute some time
* CORE-4752: EXECUTE STATEMENT using BLOB parameters results in
\"Invalid BLOB ID\" error
* Minor adjustments to the join order selection
* Feature CORE-4707: Implement ability to validate tables and
indices online
Sat Feb 21 13:00:00 2015
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4558: SuperServer dies when client is disconnected
abnormally during the index navigational scan
* CORE-4384: Problems when a table grows beyond 65535 pointer
* CORE-4670: Constraint violation error may be swallowed in some
* CORE-4671: Release internal temporary blobs early to free some
memory / disk space
* CORE-4673: Computed index based on a computed column stores
NULL for all its keys
* CORE-4676: Crash on unexpected client disconnection with opened
* CORE-4075: Server bugchecks or crashes on exception in
calculated index
* CORE-4624: Firebird handles \':\' characters in mount table
entries invalid
* CORE-4644: Get open database errors under heavy concurrent load
* CORE-4690: DISTINCT vs non-DISTINCT affects the result of IN
* CORE-4383: Index and BLOBs garbage collection doesn\'t work for
* CORE-4382: User savepoints are not released on commit
* fixed DBKEY retrieval after implicit CHAR<->VARCHAR conversions
Sun Dec 7 13:00:00 2014
- recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch:
removed (not actually needed)
Sun Dec 7 13:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* update changelog
* CORE-3305: \"BLOB not found\" error after creation/altering of
the invalid trigger
Wed Dec 3 13:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4630: Segfault in server caused by bad packet (bnc#908127)
* CORE-4631: Lock manager \"out of room\" error hides the real
cause of this problem
Mon Dec 1 13:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4615: Classic Server could hung with (near) 100% CPU load
* CORE-4616: Server crashes while accessing context variables
* CORE-4627: Deadlock with TIP page lock and monitoring lock
* CORE-4618: Rollback doesn`t undo changes when MERGE statement
updates the same target rows multiple times and PLAN MERGE is
- recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch:
fix (#ifdef vs. #if)
- add-pkgconfig-files.patch:
- remove commit id line from all patches
Sat Nov 15 13:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4595: fbguard lock file permission
* CORE-4599: REPLACE function works incorrectly with multibyte
* CORE-4604: EXECUTE STATEMENT rise varchar char_length() size
* add support for powerpc64le platform
* add some patches from SUSE packages
- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch:
removed (in upstream now)
- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch:
removed (in upstream now)
- fix-build-on-architectures-where-char-is-unsigned.patch:
removed (in upstream now)
- fix-libdir-on-ppc64-architecture.patch:
removed (in upstream now)
- recognize-also-__aarch64__-for-64-bit-ARM.patch:
check for __aarch64__ in addition to ARM64 (not sure if needed)
- refresh the rest of the patches
Sat Oct 18 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4566: Incorrect size of the output parameter/argument when
execute block, procedure or function use system field in
metadata charset
* CORE-4578: INPUT file not properly closed
Mon Sep 29 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4532: Server crashes while reserving a table under high
Mon Sep 1 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4500: Firebird crashes after unsuccessful remapping of the
lock table\'s shared memory
* CORE-4530: DB_KEY based join of two tables may be ineffective
Mon Jul 7 14:00:00 2014
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4283: Resource temporarily unavailable errors while
simultaneously registering events
* add support for ARM64-linux (commented out)
* CORE-4297: Gfix crashed when description of limbo transaction
have size large than 1KB
* CORE-4300: Server terminates abnormally when iscDatabaseInfo()
is called with buffer size = 0
* CORE-4298: fbsvcmgr doesn\'t recognise sts_record_versions and
other sts switches
* CORE-4302: Descending index could be very inefficient for some
* CORE-4299: \"Inappropriate self-reference of column\" when using
\"with check option\" with extract(...)
* CORE-2165: Unnecessary 1 index read may occur when using
strict inequality condition
* CORE-3881: Extend the error reported for index/constraint
violations to include the problematic key value
* CORE-4319: Engine crashes when trace config contains line
\"connection_id=NN\" and we attempt to connect to non-existent
* Correct DefaultDbCachePages to include the value for
* CORE-4327: Error in QLI when copying NULL blobs between
* detailed error reporting for conflicts during reading in
NORECVER transactions
* CORE-4353: Sorting records are larger than really necessary
* Corrected gfix messages to avoid user\'s panic
* CORE-4372: Deadlock is possible when two data pages contains
record fragments pointing to each other
* CORE-2848: \"lock conversion denied\" or \"lock denied\" error
* CORE-4252: Add table name to text of validation contraint
error message, to help identify error context
* CORE-4386: Report more details for \"object in use\" errors
* CORE-4303: Possible races while Service destruction
* CORE-4433 : GlobalRWLock could not downgrade EX lock to SH if
readers is present
* CORE-4437: Add support for the RETURNING clause to Embedded SQL
* CORE-4438: Add support for UPDATE OR INSERT statement to
Embedded SQL
* CORE-4443: Use fast file grow on those Linux systems which
supports it
* CORE-4444: Engine could hung and block all attachments in out
of disk space condition during physical backup
* CORE-4445: Extend main database file faster when physical
backup state changed from stalled to merge
* CORE-4460: Expressions containing some built-in functions may
be badly optimized
* avoid an AST overhead for heavily-loaded systems with many
* CORE-4417i: gbak: cannot commit index ; primary key with german
* CORE-4461: nbackup prints error messages to stdout instead
* CORE-4452: Can`t create two collations with different names if
autoddl =OFF
* CORE-4475: attempt to create lock files directory fails during
- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch:
only uncomment parts commented out in upstream and recognize
__arch64__ as well as ARM64
- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch:
add explicit $null for Required-Stop
- fix-libdir-on-ppc64-architecture.patch:
add ppc64le
- firebird.spec:
add baselibs.conf as Source, install init script as executable
Mon Nov 18 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* Attachments marked as shutdown may still be running (before
they reach the rescheduling point), so they should not be
accounted as already gone
* CORE-4236: Database shutdown is reported as successfully
completed before all active connections are in fact interrupted
* CORE-4267: Server crashes while sweeping the database
Thu Nov 7 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4244: Problem with creation procedure which contain adding
text in DOS864 charset
* CORE-4250: AV in guardian at process shutdown
* CORE-4251: Guardian service could write garbage after the end
of message in the Event Log
* CORE-4247 - Delete \"where current of\" cursor fails for tables
with newly added fields
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* better cleanup on disconnect
* add another symbol naming convention for ICU
* CORE-4210: Preserve comments for output parameters after
altering procedures
* CORE-4211: Embedded engine hangs for 5 seconds when closing
* CORE-4212: Dropping FK on GTT crashes server
* CORE-4214: GTT should not reference permanent relation
* CORE-4204: Error when compiling the procedure containing the
statement if (x = (select ...))
* CORE-4215: Execution of SET STATISTICS INDEX statement could
block or slow execution of concurrent attachments
* Fixed 2.5.3 regression, introduced by one of previous commits -
deadlock when starting transaction using SQL operator
* CORE-3921: \"record disappeared (186), file: vio.cpp line: 408\"
* CORE-4224: Database replace through services API fails
* CORE-4225: Server crashes when attempting to trace activity on
database having a db-level trigger
* Correction for fix for bug CORE-4134: The patch wrongly
disabled manual sweep to run when database is shutdown.
Auto sweep is still disabled to run on such database.
* CORE-4201: Computed field returns null value inside BI trigger
* CORE-4233: In PSQL modules with declared cursors engine could
assign value to the wrong variable
* Additional fix for CORE-2648 : Nbackup\'s delta file ignored
Forced Writes database setting
* CORE-4145 - Memory leak when preparing Execute Block which uses
Sun Sep 1 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* postfixes for CORE-3935 & CORE-3944: help avoid
segfaults/deadlocks when shutting down firebird
* CORE-4198: Incorrect \"token unknown\" error when the SQL string
ends with a hex number literal
* Enable support for the Cobol pre-compiler in libfbclient and
libfbembed should anyone want to compile it and use it
- add-pkgconfig-files.patch:
fix fbembed.pc to refer to -lfbembed rather than -fbclient
Mon Aug 5 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4005: wrong error message with recursive CTE
* CORE-4144: Error \"context already in use (BLR error)\" when
preparing a query with UNION
* CORE-4143: Leak memory in fbembed.dll
Fri Jul 19 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4136: Sharp-S character treated incorrectly in
UNICODE_CI_AI collation
* CORE-4139: Error \"invalid stream\" can be raised in some cases
while matching a computed index
* CORE-3704: Add new context variables to the SYSTEM namespace
* CORE-4134: Race condition when auto-sweep is started
* CORE-4135: In SS sweep blocks establishment of concurrent
Thu Jul 4 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4121: Segfault when engine is shutting down inside blob
get/put function invoked from UDF
* untracked: fixed possible crash due to the wrong request
pointer remaining in tdbb after sub-request execution
* CORE-4123: Firebird crash when executing an stored procedure
called by a trigger that converts string to upper
* CORE-4127: Server crashes instead of reporting the error \"key
size exceeds implementation restriction\"
* CORE-2912: exception when upper casing string with lowercase y
trema (code 0xFF in ISO8859_1)
* CORE-4125: Using COLLATE UNICODE_CI_AI in WHERE clause (not
indexed) is extremely slow
* CORE-4118: Expression index may be not used for derived fields
or view fields
* untracked: prevent starting a lot of threads when forced
shutdown is in progress
* CORE-4137: Wrong metadata output script generate by isql /
CHARACTER SETISO8859_1 sintaxe error
* CORE-3874: Computed column appears in non-existant rows of left
* untracked: better protection against AST delivery during
Sun Jun 16 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4113: EXECUTE BLOCK prepare fails (workaround)
* CORE-3942: Restore from gbak backup using service doesn\'t
report an error
* CORE-4117: Ignoring computed by field as Exception parameter
* Fixed memory leak followed by AV (introduced at fix for
Sun Jun 2 14:00:00 2013
- resolve file conflicts between packages
* add explicit mutual conflict between -superserver and -classic
* remove fbguard from -classic (it is shared between SS and SC)
- update constraints:
* lower required memory to 1 GB
* add disk constraint (4 GB)
Sat Jun 1 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4101: firebird.log contains \"I/O error during \"write\"
operation\" records but database works correctly
* CORE-4102: Bad optimization of OR predicates applied to unions
* CORE-3993: disable AST delivery at final steps of attachemnt
* CORE-4107: Wrong resultset (subquery + derived table + union)
- add _constraints to guarantee 4 GB of RAM for build
Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4094: Wrong parameters order in trace output
* CORE-4083 - Full outer join in derived table with coalesce
* CORE-4100 : Automatic sweep could be run when there is no need
for it
Wed May 1 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* postfix for CORE-3935 and CORE-3993: avoid opening same
database file twic
* CORE-4093: Server crashes while converting an overscaled
numeric to a string
Mon Apr 15 14:00:00 2013
- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch:
add support for aarch64 platform (64-bit ARM)
- fix-build-on-architectures-where-char-is-unsigned.patch:
fix build on architectures where char is unsigned (e.g. aarch64)
- remove packaged config.guess and config.sub so that libtoolize
can provide its versions
- move all patches to git-style:
firebird-2.5.1-chown.patch -> allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch
firebird-2.5.2-gpidfile.patch -> fbguard-allow-creating-a-guard-pidfile.patch
firebird-2.5.2-init.patch -> use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch
firebird-2.5.1-disable.patch -> disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch
firebird-2.5.1-config.patch -> do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch
firebird-2.5.2-pkgconfig.patch -> add-pkgconfig-files.patch
firebird-2.5.2-runlevel.patch -> don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch
ppc64-libdir.patch -> fix-libdir-on-ppc64-architecture.patch
firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch -> Fixed-CORE-3431-ISQL-pads-UTF-8-data-incorrectly.patch
firebird-2.5.2-isqllocale.patch -> isql-fix-output-if-charset-is-different-from-locale.patch
firebird-2.5.2-isqlwidth.patch -> isql-fix-buffer-overflow-when-set-width-sets-bigger-.patch
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3360: update ... returning ... raises -551 (no perm to
update) for a column present only in the returning clause
* CORE-3995: Slight problem with GBAK parameter checking (update)
* CORE-4045: Server crashes during database shutdown
* CORE-4036: Bugcheck or database corruption when attempting to
store long incompressible data into a table
* CORE-4047 - Increase number of input parameters for External
Functions (UDFs) to 15
* CORE-1604 (Error at database creation by user with non-ascii
* CORE-3243 (CURRENT_USER and MON$USER don\'t work properly)
Fri Mar 8 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4058: Remote Stack Buffer Overflow in Firebird SQL Server
Sun Mar 3 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4051: Memory leak when sorting big records
* CORE-4054: role not passed on external execute stmt
* CORE-4055: Dialect is not set in internal connections to
security database
* CORE-3908: Engine leaks memory and crashes when lot of
autonomous transactions have been started and finished
* CORE-3990: Fix broken EDIT in isql
Fri Feb 1 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* fixed (untracked) recently introduced deadlock
* minor performance optimizations
*.spec: fix License tag
Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* CORE-4020: Instantiate cpl applet methods with LPARAM instead
of long
* CORE-4038: Broken optimization for the stored dbkeys
Thu Jan 3 13:00:00 2013
- update to upstream version
* fix the user savepoint logic regression
* CORE-3995: Slight problem with GBAK parameter checking
* fixed the crash that appears after PublicHandle became an
inherited class
* fix for an untracked crash
* CORE-3944: SuperClassic crashes when running script that delete
attachments and move database to offline
* avoid use of already dropped attachment in system transaction
* CORE-3932: can create but cant delete user with username
containing double quotes with gsec
* fixed untracked potential null pointer dereference
Tue Dec 18 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* fixed the partially disabled interruptions (2.5.1 regression)
* CORE-4004: Sometimes long-running operations cannot be
interrupted by asynchronous shutdown / cancellation requests
* CORE-3034 (Bugcheck 300 (can\'t find shared latch))
* avoid garbage to be written to the shadow\'s header page
* allow to catch async exceptions coming while result set is
being fetched
* CORE-4010: Fetch cannot be subsequently interrupted via DELETE
* CORE-3935: Could not connect to production via TCP after delete
from mon$attachments issued on
* database on the same
* CORE-3993: Server terminates or crashes while shutting down a
database with in-progress attachments
Sun Dec 2 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3988: Engine crashed when trace or audit is active
* CORE-3986: GSEC couldn\'t change user password after fix for
* Additional fixes for CORE-3981 (Sub-optimal predicate checking
while selecting from a view)
* Make sure relation\'s flags are loaded from disk before analyze
* CORE-3989: Bad performance / slow response when many concurrent
sorts are executed
* more reliable AST handling during the database cleanup
* CORE-3994: Improve the limbo transactions scan at the end of
the sweep
* CORE-3998: Parametrized execute statement fails
* CORE-1295: Bad optimization of queries with DB_KEY
* CORE-4002: Error message \"index unexpectedly deleted\" in
database trigger on commit transaction
Mon Nov 19 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3970: Trace uses imprecise timer in POSIX
* CORE-3977: DELETE FROM MON$STATEMENTS does not interrupt a
longish fetch
* CORE-3978: Invalid transaction counters may be reported in
firebird.log during the sweep
* CORE-1245: Incorrect column values with outer joins and views
(more generic solution)
* CORE-3981: Sub-optimal predicate checking while selecting from
a view
* CORE-3979: Server crashes while unwinding changes in an
autonomous transaction
Sun Nov 4 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* fixed regression introduced with backport of fix for CORE-3902
* Avoid a sweep pass for temporary tables, as the sweeper always
sees those tables as empty, but even setting them up as empty
has a non-zero cost
* CORE-3969 : Memory leak when doing a lot of iterations FBSVCMGR
with action_trace_start, _list and _stop
Sun Oct 14 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3946: UNICODE collations do not work with ICU 49
Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3934: Value of log_sweep parameter in trace configuration
is ignored by trace plugin (assumed always true)
* CORE-3940 : I/O error during \"GetFileSize\" operation for file
Mon Sep 17 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3656: Support for sweep information in Trace API
* CORE-3916: gfix & \"Index x is corrupt (missing entries) in
table ...\" all indexes on large tables
* CORE-3924: Bugcheck 291 (cannot find record back version) if
GTT is modified concurrently using at least one read-committed
read-only transaction
* 2.5.2 passed QA, bump version to 2.5.3
Tue Sep 4 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3902: Derived fields may not be optimized via an index
* CORE-3911: updated fix
* CORE-3675 and CORE-3853: incompatibilities when using database
created by 2.5.1 on 2.5.2 without backup/restore
* CORE-3912: segfault in superclassic
* CORE-3786: better diagnostic
Sat Aug 18 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* Fixed the server crash in Stack::assign()
* Corrected the arguments of nbak
Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3895: High memory usage when PSQL code SELECT\'s from stored procedure
which modified some data
- add libatomic-ops-devel on non x86 arches
- set libdir on powerpc correctly
Mon Jul 16 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3875: GBak does not check correctly parameters and backups
random database with -B \":\"
* CORE-3879: Make fb_lock_print a bit more handy
* CORE-3656: Support for sweep information in Trace API
* CORE-2668: Write note into log when automatic sweep is started
* Enabled per-table runtime stats for sweeper (necessary for
* CORE-3884: Server crashes on preparing empty query when trace
is enabled
* CORE-3238: Makes GEN_UUID return a compliant RFC-4122 binary
* CORE-3887: CHAR_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_CHAR works different in
big/little endian architectures - problem similar to CORE-2898
- firebird-2.5.2-pkgconfig.patch:
Mon Jun 25 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* Optimizer level solution for CORE-2790/CORE-3449
* Copy libfbclient.dylib to Firebird SuperServer Framework
Libraries to support the ODBC driver
* CORE-2666: Make it possible to use API to do remote
* Release backup state lock at latch timeout, else lock state
accounting becomes inconsistent
* CORE-3873: Server crashes while switching to the shadow if the
disk I/O fault happens while flushing the cache
* CORE-3860: Trace API: Faulty database filter crashes server
- firebird-2.5.2-runlevel.patch:
don\'t start the daemon in runlevel 2
Wed Jun 6 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* Rolled back the ODS level solution for CORE-2709 as it causes
cross-version compatibility issues (CORE-3853) as well as
functional regressions (CORE-3675). Another solution is likely
to be committed instead.
* CORE-3769: The message \'Unknown tag (4) in isc_svc_query()
results\' appears when fbtracemgr is interrupted by Ctrl-C
Sun Jun 3 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3855: Blobs, inserted into GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE ON
COMMIT DELETE ROWS, could be placed into newly allocated
pages even if there is enough free place on some existing
data page
* isql: fix output if charset is different from locale
* Backported fix of timed semaphores in 32-bit build
- firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch:
- firebird-2.5.2-isqllocale.patch:
backported isql fix of output if locale different from charset
- firebird-2.5.2-isqlwidth.patch:
backported fix for buffer overflow in isql if column width set
wider that its natural size
Fri May 25 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3611: Wrong data while retrieving from CTEs (or derived
tables) with same column names
* CORE-3557: AV in engine when preparing query against dropping
table (a post-fix)
* add interpreter specification to generated scripts
* fix broken isql history with libedit 3.0
* CORE-3612: send errors to stderr
- firebird-2.5.1-shebang.patch:
delete (committed to upstream)
- remove extern/SfIO from the source tarball: while it is probably
covered by an open source license (EPL), the file stdio.h itself
contains only an unfriendly copyright notice without any
reference to the license; as it is needed only on Solaris, it
seems easier to simply remove it
- use standardized tags for licence
Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- spec file formatting
- add copyright to spec file
Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- Switching to new Firebird version (2.5) and spec file. This
obsoletes the previous changes file from version 2.1.
Mon May 14 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3539: TRACE: add ability for logging ERRORs that occur in
runtime (lock conflicts, PK/UK/FK violations et al)
* Trace errors raised by failed ON TRANSACTION ROLLBACK and ON
* CORE-3598: TRACE: add statistics of actions that were after
transaction finished
* CORE-3814: SuperClassic server crashes when performing a
database shutdown (FW=OFF)
* fix regression introduced by patch for CORE-3777
* CORE-3844: Validation not detects one specific case of index
* CORE-3841: Corrupted database after inserting rows
* CORE-3839: Values disappearing from index
* CORE-3845 : Interruption of \'heavy query\' leads to 0 ms (zero
duration) in it`s statistics in trace log
Tue May 8 14:00:00 2012
- firebird-2.5.2-isqlalign.patch:
replace locale based patch with backport from firebird 3.0
- firebird-2.5.2-gpidfile.patch:
allow creating a pidfile for fbguard as well
- firebird-2.5.2-init.patch:
use killproc and guard pidfile for \"stop\" branch
Wed May 2 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3819: Wrong service name to port address resolution in
database connection string
* CORE-3825: If an autocommit transaction (i.e. transaction
started with isc_tpb_autocommit option) run DDL using EXECUTE
STATEMENT it will produce a bugcheck 287 (Too many savepoints)
* Make the conf. parameter DummyPacketInterval more accurate
* CORE-3834: Usage of a NATURAL JOIN with a derived table crashes
the server
- temporary fix for \"stop\" branch of init script
Mon Apr 16 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3806: Wrong data returned if a sub-query or a computed
field refers to the base table in the ORDER BY clause
* CORE-3807: Error \"Invalid expression in the select list\" can be
unexpectedly raised if a string literal is used inside a GROUP
BY clause in a multi-byte connection
* CORE-3686: Incorrect (zero) values are reported for \"acquire
blocks\" and \"mutex wait\" counters in the fb_lock_print output
* CORE-3810 : isql: zero divide + coredump when use \"-pag 0\"
command switch & set heading on inside .sql script
* Rolled back the optimization committed recently due to the
found regressions
* CORE-3812 : Connection lost to database during massive dropping
and altering primary keys of tables
* Do not ignore possible OS level errors even if they seem
unlikely to happen
Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-2286: Selecting from MON$CALL_STACK within a Trigger or SP
sometimes return 0 rows
* CORE-3569: CHAR(32767) present in XSQLVAR with length 32765
* CORE-3195: Concatenation to CHAR(32766/7) impossible
* CORE-3625: MON$IO_STATS doesn\'t report page writes performed
asynchronously (at the AST level)
* CORE-3092: ROW_COUNT is not cleared before the singleton INSERT
* CORE-1992: bad BLR -- invalid stream for union select
* untracked AV due to CORE-3649
* Undo patch for CORE-3468
* CORE-3791: Performance degrades when actively working with
databases bigger than the available RAM amount
* CORE-3770: fbtracemgr loads CPU up to ~55% when no activity is
* CORE-3799: with caller privileges option don\'t work with
autonomous transaction option
* CORE-3801: Warnings could be put twice in status-vector
* CORE-3802: Firebird runs out of memory while restoring database
Mon Mar 12 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-2457: UNICODE_CI internal gds software consistency
* CORE-3762: gsec returns 0 return code on some errors
* CORE-3649: gbak deletes backup file even if error happens
when it\'s already successfully closed
* CORE-3777: Conversion error from string when using GROUP BY
* CORE-3721: Multiuser server startup (/etc/init.d) script
picks up the ISC_ variables if set
- remove dependency of firebird-devel on firebird
Wed Feb 29 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3761: Conversion error when using a blob as an argument
for the EXCEPTION statement
* CORE-3778: AV at connection shutdown
* CORE-1997: Broken foreign key handling for multi-segmented
index using multi-level collations
* CORE-2457: UNICODE_CI internal gds software consistency check
Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3750: Error increasing limits on posix
Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3732: Segfault when closing attachment to database
* CORE-3730: isc_dsql_exec_immed2() loses input parameter value with
* CORE-3733: GBAK fails to fix system generators while restoring
* CORE-3736: WITH LOCK clause is allowed for users with read-only
rights on some table, thus blocking others from updating this table
* Stop db triggers in qli
- declare BuildRoot only when needed (< 1130)
- define version in one place rather than two
Mon Jan 16 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* add system indices to avoid full table scans on system tables
* CORE-3722: IS NOT DISTINCT FROM NULL doesn\'t use index
* CORE-3727: Support C preprocessor flags in firebird build system
* CORE-3599: Don\'t allow to drop RDB$ADMIN role
- removed obsolete firebird-2.5.2-libs.patch (in upstream now)
Mon Jan 2 13:00:00 2012
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3862: Multiple update installs can cause problems
* CORE-3697: String truncation error when selecting from a VIEW with
UNION inside
* CORE-3683: Wrong results if the recursive query contains an embedded
GROUP BY clause
* CORE-3671: JVM Access Violation when using Firebird Embedded
* CORE-3238: Make GEN_UUID return a compliant RFC-4122 binary UUID
and introduce CHAR_TO_UUID2 and UUID_TO_CHAR2 to convert UUIDs
from/to string also complying with the RFC
* CORE-3677: Stop utilities to export entrypoints
* CORE-3646: Segmentation fault in Linux
* CORE-3658: FBSVCMGR connects to server as OS user name rather than
value of ISC_USER environment variable
Wed Dec 14 13:00:00 2011
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3490: Concurrency problem when using named cursors
* CORE-3690: Wrong warning message for ambiguous query
* CORE-3680: EXECUTE BLOCK statement and ISC_DSQL_EXECUTE2() problem
* CORE-927: Grants don\'t work for procedures used inside views
* CORE-3692: Cannot drop a NOT NULL constraint on a field
participating in the UNIQUE constraint
* CORE-3601 - Incorrect TEXT BLOB charset transliteration on VIEW with
- add libtool and pkg-config to BuildRequires
Tue Nov 29 13:00:00 2011
- fixed include directory in pkg-config files
- set --prefix to /usr (shouldn\'t influence anything anyway)
Mon Nov 28 13:00:00 2011
- provide pkg-config files for libfbclient and libfbembed
Thu Nov 10 13:00:00 2011
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3646: Segmentation fault in multi-threaded program when using
2.5.x client library on Linux
* CORE-3650: Recreation of collation leads to FB \"death\"
* CORE-3557: AV in engine when preparing query against dropping table
* CORE-3579: Can\'t drop table when computed field depends on later
* created another field
Mon Oct 31 13:00:00 2011
- update to upstream version
* CORE-3636: Firebird 2.5.1 server crashes with Trace API
* CORE-3631: Duplicate records with NULLs checked incorrectly
* CORE-3627: Server crashes with access violation when inserting
row into table with unique index
* CORE-3600: temp files fb_query_xxxx remains after ISQL has been
* CORE-3612: gfix-related services may loose error value in status
vector in isc_service_start()
* CORE-3610: Can insert DUPLICATE keys in UNIQUE index
Tue Oct 18 14:00:00 2011
- compatibility with upstream tarball
Fri Sep 30 14:00:00 2011
- fixes in init script, removed unneeded patch
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- fix baselibs.conf ( moved to firebird)
Thu Sep 29 14:00:00 2011
- add /srv/firebird directory
- restrict DatabaseAccess to /srv/firebird in default configuration
- move libib_util back to main server package (it depends on it)
- mark xinetd config file as config
- build with system editline
- don\'t fail install/upgrade if user or group creation fails
- rename isql and gstat to avoid conflict with other packages
Tue Sep 27 14:00:00 2011
- common firebird-devel for header files and
- separate firebird-superserver package
- separate firebird-classic package
- build firebird-doc as noarch if possible (suse_version > 1110)
- restart on update (in postun)
- remove full version from patch names
- disable xinetd service by default
- move misc to _datadir
Mon Sep 26 14:00:00 2011
- moved to BuildService
- removed %debug_package
- build libfbclient2-32bit
- move to main package
- restart on update
- fixed typo init init script
Mon Sep 19 14:00:00 2011
- update to
Fri Jun 24 14:00:00 2011
- update to
Wed May 25 14:00:00 2011
- update to
- remove init scripts for other distributions
- simplify user/group creation
Tue May 17 14:00:00 2011
- update to
- compile against system ICU
- shared libraries moved into a subpackage
- create /var/run/firebird in init script
- add Short-Description into the init script
- fixed interpreter specification in support scripts
- full path tu useradd and groupadd in pre-install script
Sat Mar 19 13:00:00 2011
- update to
Mon Jan 17 13:00:00 2011
- update to
Sun Nov 7 13:00:00 2010
- add useradd and groupadd to dependencies
Fri Oct 15 14:00:00 2010
- update to (2.5.0 Release)
Wed Aug 4 14:00:00 2010
- fixed typo in specfile (BuildRoot)
Mon Aug 2 14:00:00 2010
- create firebird user and group in preinstall script
Sun Aug 1 14:00:00 2010
- update to
Tue Jun 1 14:00:00 2010
- update to
Wed May 12 14:00:00 2010
- update to
Fri Apr 2 14:00:00 2010
- update to
Sat Mar 20 13:00:00 2010
- update to
Sat Feb 6 13:00:00 2010
- update to
Mon Jan 4 13:00:00 2010
- update to
Sun Dec 6 13:00:00 2009
- update to
Thu Nov 12 13:00:00 2009
- update to
Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2009
- update to
Thu Oct 8 14:00:00 2009
- update to
- small fixes to files sections
Thu Sep 24 14:00:00 2009
- first version of the package