Changelog for libfbclient-devel- :

* Sat Sep 22 2018 update to version (commit cff6cf566de4)
* CORE-5837: inconsistent results when working with GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS
* CORE-5755: no error if the GRANT target object does not exist
* CORE-5840: ignoring reference privilege
* CORE-5436: [FB3 SC] Server hangs (under load test)
* CORE-5843: wrong handling of failures of TRANSACTION START trigger
* CORE-5847: \"Malformed string\" instead of key value in PK violation error message
* CORE-5788: Security Patch: Replacement of use of SHA-1 in the SRP Client Proof with SHA-256
* CORE-5846: CREATE VIEW issues \"Implementation of text subtype 512 not located\"
* CORE-5852: there is no check of existance generator and exception when privileges are granted
* CORE-5863: classic process crashes when client disconnected
* CORE-5869: sweep can\'t move OIT value over 2^32, when Next already greater than 2^32
* CORE-5870: ISQL\'s \"show database\" command works wrong with 64-bit numbers
* CORE-5872: database validation reports false errors ...
* Improvement CORE-5853: Forward-compatible expressions LOCALTIME and LOCALTIMESTAMP
* CORE-5844: Firebird freeze for new connections
* CORE-5865: alignment error on x86_64
* CORE-5881: network server ignores any error that took place in KeyHolderPlugin when establishing initial callback with client
* CORE-5876: provide name of udf function for \"arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation\"
* CORE-5884: initial global mapping from srp plugin does not work
* CORE-5893: gbak may crash database when mixing alias with full database name
* CORE-5899: memory leak in GBAK code when used as service
* CORE-5900: banned during engine shutdown threads cause unwanted delays when shutting server
* CORE-5886: Nbackup does not work after 32K of backups iterations
* CORE-5902: add Firebird Event fails with error \"... Failed to establish a secondary connection ...\"
* CORE-5904: an attempt to create global mapping with long (> SQL identifier length) FROM field fails
* CORE-5860: support auth_plugin_list dpb/spb item from application to client
* CORE-5793: error returned from DbCryptPlugin::setKey() is not shown
* CORE-5908: enhance dynamic libraries loading related error messages
* CORE-5823: no permission for SELECT access to blob field in stored procedure
* CORE-5841: no permission for SELECT access to TABLE PLG$SRP in newer snapshot
* CORE-5905: inconsistencies with PSQL FUNCTION vs UDF
* CORE-5911: connection could hung after no activity for 60 seconds
* CORE-5764: installation of Firebird 3.0.3 on SLES 12 SP3 fails with \"Could not find acceptable ICU library\"
* CORE-5913: add context variables with compression and encryption status of current connection- unicode-handle-new-SUSE-ICU-version-hack.patch: adapt to new ICU hack in Factory- drop (preset in upstream now): allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch Allow-to-enforce-IPv4-or-IPv6-in-URL-like-connection.patch An-attempt-to-fix-CORE-5764-need-feedback-on-snapsho.patch Fixed-a-code-somewhy-accepted-by-gcc6.patch- refresh: add-pkgconfig-files.patch disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch fbguard-allow-creating-a-guard-pidfile.patch Provide-sized-global-delete-operators-when-compiled-.patch use-C-98-on-SLE11.patch use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch
* Sun May 27 2018 update to version (commit a106ac4345f6)
* CORE-5790: user with DROP DATABASE privilege can\'t drop database
* CORE-5791: ODS for windows builds and linux-x64 (on the one side) and linux-x86 (on the other side) does not match
* create MonitoringData early to avoid races later
* CORE-5796: gstat may produce faulty report about presence of some none-encrypted pages in database
* CORE-5801: all database blobs can be acceses by any user (id iteration may be used for unauthorized access)
* fix leak of ThreadSync instance when module (for. ex. engine) is unloaded before worker threads gone
* fix deadlock at PluginSet::next
* CORE-5436: [FB3 SC] Server hangs (under load test)
* CORE-5804: multiple error in REVOKE operator (partial)
* fix access violations at EDS subsystem
* CORE-5815: server hangs for 60/120 seconds if client exits during database encryption key transfer callback
* CORE-5819: attachment might not gone after it was DELETEd FROM MON$ATTACHMENTS
* CORE-5822: wrong error returned to client when WireCrypt=Disabled is used
* CORE-5829: gsec does not release user manager plugin
* CORE-5830: encryption Interface crashing Firebird process when working on big db file (6.7GB)
* CORE-5824: segmentation fault during install on Linux
* CORE-5831: not user friendly output of gstat at encrypted database
* CORE-5833: DDL triggers for some object types (views, exceptions, roles, indexes, domains) are lost in backup-restore process- update work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch- update use-C-98-on-SLE11.patch
* Mon Apr 09 2018 fix SLE15 build (mistake in xinetd %if-dance)
* Mon Apr 09 2018 update to version (commit c6e64d1898ac)
* CORE-5765: Missing directives in Firebird.pas
* CORE-5769: Database crypt plugin sample on Pascal is broken
* CORE-5776: \"Input parameter mismatch\" error after altering external function into PSQL function
* CORE-5772: Client hangs when working with events under high load
* CORE-405: Garbage vs indices/constraints
* fix thread priority for attachmentShutdownThread (it was run at lowest priority)
* CORE-5780: Server hangs when client tries to send too long DB encryption key(s)
* CORE-5773: PSQL cursor doesn\'t see inserted record
* CORE-5778: fails if -path argument contains \"firebird\"
* CORE-5746: Remove the restriction on create/delete, enable/disable the system indexes in system tables
* CORE-5783: execute statement ignores the text of the SQL-query after a comment of the form \"-\"- replace unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch with more universal solution cherry-picked from upstream master branch: An-attempt-to-fix-CORE-5764-need-feedback-on-snapsho.patch Fixed-a-code-somewhy-accepted-by-gcc6.patch- handle xinetd games played recent versions of SLE/openSUSE:
* install firebird.xinetd into /usr/share/firebird/misc on SLE15 (xinetd no longer available there)
* provide /etc/xinetd.d directory on >= 1500 (no longer guaranteed to be present there)
* keep things as there are on < 1500
* Sat Mar 03 2018 fix version string in specfile- Make-the-generated-code-compatible-with-gcc-6-in-C-1.patch delete (in upstream tarball now)- use-C-98-on-SLE11.patch compatibility patch for SLE11 where gcc 4.3 does not support - stc=gnu++03 (applied only on SLE11)
* Sat Mar 03 2018 update to version (commit 0b6c4e549ea6)
* CORE-5591: engine hangs soon after some errors during transaction start
* CORE-5536: connections compressed/encrypted in Attachment::getInfo() tags
* CORE-5062: slow changes on domain
* CORE-5605: incorrect check for existing MAP in a case when pre-FB3 security database is used
* CORE-5613: SuperServer could hung when changing physical backup state under high load
* improvement CORE-5614: physical backup merge stage could run too long, especially with huge page cache
* CORE-5610: provide info about database (or alias) which was in use during \"Error during sweep: connection shutdown\"
* CORE-5618: part of the pages of the second level blobs is not released when deleting relations
* CORE-5638: wrong result with index on case-insensitive collation using NUMERIC-SORT
* improvement CORE-5648: avoid serialization of isc_attach_database calls issued by EXECUTE STATEMENT implementation
* CORE-5649: isc_add_user / isc_modify_user produce unusable user record
* CORE-5650: segfault when procedure dropped on classic server
* CORE-5645: wrong transaction can be passed to external engine
* CORE-5600: invalid blob id when add a new blob column of type text and update another field
* CORE-5615: Firebird 3 crashing randomly
* CORE-5651: problem migrating users to V3.0
* CORE-5654: mixed intermediate build files for plugins examples
* CORE-5653: very slow restore from gbak containing a huge small blobs via classic
* CORE-5630: can\'t create the shadow file
* CORE-5629: gstat output does not include datetime of analysis
* improvement CORE-5660: make flush of big number of dirty pages faster
* CORE-5624: using backslash in alias on linux does not work
* CORE-5659: bad PLAN generated for query on Firebird v3.0
* CORE-5547: server crashes while compiling stored procedure with nested references to query-based computed fields
* CORE-3295: estimate the actual record compression ratio in the optimizer
* CORE-5673: unique constraint not working in encrypted database on first command
* CORE-5667: regression in 3.0+: message \"CTE \'X\' has cyclic dependencies\" appear when \'X\' is alias for resultset and there is alias for resultset and there is previous CTE part with the same name \'X\' in the query
* CORE-5618: part of the pages of the second level blobs is not released when deleting relations
* improvement CORE-5674: allow unused Common Table Expressions
* CORE-5655: isc_info_sql_relation_alias reports incorrect alias for CTE or nested queries
* CORE-5676: consider equivalence classes for index navigation
* CORE-5675: isc_vax_integer() and isc_portable_integer() wrong work with short negative numbers
* CORE-5677: RDB$PAGES is dirty after error after phase 3 of create_relation
* CORE-5681: AV when external statement is executed and local transaction is rolled back
* CORE-5684: error \'no current record for fetch operation\' is raised while deleting record from MON using ORDER BY clause
* CORE-5686: Firebird 3.0.2 allows any protocol version >= 10 to connect, including interbase protocol 14
* CORE-5685: sometimes it is impossible to cancel\\kill connection executing external query
* CORE-5598: block size exceeds implementation restriction error while inner joining large datasets with a long key using the HASH JOIN plan
* CORE-5695: position function does not consider the collation for blob
* CORE-5694: duplicate values in columns with a unique constraint
* CORE-5704: avoid UPDATE of RDB$DATABASE by ALTER DATABASE statement when possible
* CORE-5706: trace config with misplaced \"{\" lead firebird to crash
* CORE-5707: begin and end of physical backup in the same transaction could crash engine
* CORE-5712: access to the name of DB encryption key
* CORE-5713: field alias disapears in complex query
* CORE-5720: sweep in Firebird 3 in CS mode could run too slow when there is big load on server
* CORE-5721: information items isc_info_length and fb_info_crypt_state have same code
* improvement CORE-5727: make faster engine response on cancel\\shutdown signals when scanning long list of pointer pages
* CORE-5719: FB >= 3 crashes when restoring backup made by FB 2.5
* CORE-5730: Connection to server hangs when working with encrypted databases
* CORE-5735: Additional keyholder opens unauthorized connections to encrypted database
* CORE-5737: Invalid parameters of gds transaction in ISQL
* CORE-5743: Query parsing failed
* CORE-5745: GRANT privileges error during database restore
* CORE-5747: User can grant USAGE privilege by himself
* CORE-5753: Parser allows to use GRANT OPTION for FUNCTION and PACKAGE
* CORE-5754: ALTER TRIGGER check privilege for alter database instead of table
* CORE-5742: Incorrect error message in iSQL when trying to create database with wrong password
* CORE-5756: regression: FB crashes when trying to recreate table that is in use by DML
* CORE-5757: deadlock with events
* CORE-5760: server process crashes while restoring database
* CORE-5762: wrong transaction number in RDB$PAGES relation may cause infinite recusrion in engine and segfault
* other fixes for untracked bugs
* documentation enhancements- update unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch to handle ICU >= 60
* Fri Jul 28 2017 update to version (commit 92b66a3a3216)
* CORE-5576: bugcheck on queries containing WITH LOCK clause
* CORE-5579: request synchronization error in the GBAK utility (restore)
* CORE-5580: signature of packaged functions is not checked for mismatch with [NOT] DETERMINISTIC attribute
* CORE-5570: negative infinity (double) shown incorrectly without sign in isql
* CORE-5588: DbInfo interface is not passed to ancillary instances of plugin
* convert statements, procedures and functions parameters (CHAR and VARCHAR) to UTF8 in trace log
* Fri Jun 30 2017 update to version (commit faf9ead0a392)
* CORE-2853: page 14194, page type 5 lock conversion denied (215)
* CORE-5517: Classic server periodically raise \"Global mapping memory overflow\" and need to be restarted to accept new connections
* CORE-5533: Crash on 3.0 and 4.0 when DB contains database level trigger
* CORE-5535: Garbage value in RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE in RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS after altering function
* CORE-5540: Every other execution of embedded isql slow
* CORE-5542: Database-level triggers related to TRANSACTION events (i.e. start, commit and rollback) do not take in account their POSITION index
* CORE-5549: Errors building / running FB on non-SSE enabled HW
* CORE-5526: External routines receives parameters with incorrect length or datatype
* CORE-5527: External routines does not receive default values for they output parameters
* CORE-5553: Database cannot be encrypted if DatabaseAccess is set to None
* CORE-5550: Computed decimal field in a view has wrong RDB$FIELD_PRECISION
* CORE-5555 : 3.0 error handling for SELECT WITH LOCK breaks compatibility with 2.5
* CORE-5562: Firebird crashes when UDF gets loaded and unloaded frequently
* CORE-5543: Restore of pre ODS 11.1 database can leave RDB null
* CORE-5566: Server crashes while restoring backup if the shadow file already exists
* CORE-5567: Direct system table modifications are not completely prohibited
* CORE-5569: ISQL incorrectly pads UNICODE_FSS/UTF8 columns when they use a collation- drop \"--disable-binreloc\" (no longer needed)- add a check to fail in prep phase if extern/SfIO wasn\'t removed (bsc#763446)
* Wed May 10 2017 update to version (commit f7afcd4be5e6)
* untracked: race condition when two different events could use same instance of unused Rvnt
* CORE-5528: internal Firebird consistency check (limbo impossible (184), file: vio.cpp line: 2379)
* untracked: missed piece in 64-bit transaction numbers support
* Tue Apr 11 2017 update to version (commit 40a7c45b2739)
* untracked: memory leak in fbintl
* CORE-5416: FB does not release memory after load tests
* Tue Mar 28 2017 update to version (commit 6269acdad63b)
* CORE-5456: Migrating Firebird 2.5.2 to 3.0.1 gbak restore crashes at the end always (reworked)
* CORE-5457: Bugcheck 167 (invalid SEND request) (reworked)
* CORE-5498: Cannot create connection for DB Events
* CORE-5472: Problems with dbcrypt key transfer
* CORE-5503: Classical server has a maximum of 64 connections when using systemd init scripts
* CORE-5489: Bad performance for NULLs filtering inside a navigational index scan (partial fix)
* CORE-5415: [security3.fdb] wrong page type page 22 is of wrong type (expected pointer, found index root)
* CORE-5510: 3+ versions may send status vector with more then 20 items to old clients and cause disconnect
* Tue Mar 14 2017 update to version (commit cba6f4d99f20)
* CORE-5496: Creating SRP SYSDBA with explicit admin (-admin yes in gsec or grant admin role in create user) creates two SYSDBA accounts
* CORE-5501: Unclear gstat\'s diagnostic when damaged page in DB file appears encrypted
* Tue Feb 21 2017 update to version (commit 42bc7b05172d)
* hide password in fbtracemgr argument list
* CORE-5481: available indices are not used in some cases if ORDER BY expression is a filtered one (temporary fix, more complete solution WiP)
* CORE-5484: Database on NFS share is unavailable when accessed using mount point path
* CORE-5458: Connections fail due to dead NFS mount points
* fix write error handling in gbak (gh#79)
* rework CORE-5456 / CORE-5457 by reverting back to the v2.5 logic. Previous attempts succeeded only partially
* improvement CORE-5475: Provide ability to filter out info and warnings from trace log
* improvement CORE-4486: Trace: provide filter to INCLUDE / EXCLUDE errors by their mnemonical names- explicitely require %insserv_prereq (needed for upcoming rpm)
* Wed Feb 08 2017 update to version (commit e222ceaf25de)
* do not enforce -std=c+11 on Linux
* CORE-5448: FB3 - crash (consistency check) when creating view on table which has column with character set none, database default charset is utf8, and utf8 default collation is \'unicode\'
* CORE-5472: problems with dbcrypt key transfer
* CORE-5470: Trace INCLUDE_FILTER with [[:WHITESPACE:]]+ does not work when statement contains newline is issued
* CORE-5474: \'Restrict UDF\' is not effective, because is dynamically linked against libc
* CORE-5447 - EXECUTE STATEMENT with a statement with \"Unexpected end of command\" error is reported with wrong column number- Do-not-enforce-std-c-11-on-Linux.patch: drop (in upstream now)
* Mon Jan 30 2017 update to version (commit 079dafd348cb)
* CORE-5459: make validation detect and fix data page error when DP marked as secondary contains primary record version(s)
* CORE-5464: AV in fbclient when reading blob stored in incompatible encoding
* CORE-5456: Migrating Firebird 2.5.2 to 3.0.1 gbak restore crashes at the end always
* CORE-5457: internal Firebird consistency check (invalid SEND request (167), file: JrdStatement.cpp line: 325)
* untracked: preserve the alias after the relation/procedure node copying
* improvement CORE-5434 : Read-only transactions in SuperServer could avoid immediate write of Header and TIP pages after change- Do-not-enforce-std-c-11-on-Linux.patch: fix SLE11 SP4 build
* Tue Jan 17 2017 update to version (commit 94818ef4f02b)
* untracked bug in (unexpected operator)
* CORE-5425: Server hangs under load test
* CORE-5421: Performance degradation in FB 3.0.2 compared to FB 2.5.7
* CORE-5435: Badly selective index could be used for extra filtering even if selective index is used for sorting
* CORE-5414: Error restoring on FB 3.0 from FB 2.5: bugcheck 221 (cannot remap)
* CORE-5422 : Decompression overran buffer after rollback
* improvement BETWEEN operand/clause not supported for COMPUTED columns
* improvement CORE-1095: support BETWEEN predicate for select expressions
* performance optimizations
* update docs
* Mon Dec 19 2016 update to version (commit 39af593a74fe)
* CORE-5410: Dependencies are not stored when using some type of contructions in subroutines
* CORE-5392: BUCHECK 179(decompression overran buffer) or unexpected lock conflict may happen during record version backout
* CORE-5417: Engine could hang up if auto-sweep is starting while database is shutting down
* Fri Nov 25 2016 update to version (commit 8b3c6b40f75d)
* CORE-5393: Bad optimization of some operations with views containing subqueries
* CORE-5382: Incorrect processing (truncation) of SQL statement with length 10MB+1
* CORE-5350: Assert in CachedMasterInterface::set
* CORE-5204: Build the Linux code with --enable-binreloc
* performance improvement: small per-relation cache of physical number of data pages (performance)
* performance improvement: 30-35ms latencies in CS under concurrent load
* Mon Nov 07 2016 update to version (commit bd045430c6b5)
* CORE-5257: Enable nested keys in plugin configuration
* CORE-5381: Regression: could not execute query (select from view with nested view)
* CORE-5384: Plugin manager fails to provide appropriate config information when name of configuration file is set in plugins.conf
* CORE-5383 - Dependencies in package not recognised
* CORE-5390 - ISQL crashes corrupting memory when statement length is greater than 10 MB
* clarify the documentation of DATEADD function
* Mon Oct 24 2016 update to version (commit c2812e739c0f)
* CORE-5351: LEFT JOIN incorrectly pushes UDF into the inner stream causing wrong results
* CORE-5355: XpbBuilder fails to create new TPB
* CORE-5337: The subquery in the insert list expressions ignore the changes made earlier in the same executable block
* CORE-5367: Regression: (boolean) parameters as search condition no longer allowed
* CORE-5366: Regression: could not use CASE expression with more
* than 255 conditions
* CORE-5359: MessageMetadata\'s getScale returns int and MetadataBuilder\'s setScale want unsigned
* CORE-5314: UDFs declared with large varchars take excessive time to execute
* CORE-5379: Regression service API for isc_spb_sts_table
* CORE-1894 - Circular dependencies between computed fields crashes the engine
* improvement CORE-5374: Make database name available to crypt plugin
* add support for linux/m68k platform
* Mon Sep 19 2016 update to version (commit abb1bdddbc26)
* CORE-5347: Races when initializing wire compression
* follow-up to CORE-5326
* CORE-5348: Databases created at build process are owned by Windows administrator, not SYSDBA
* CORE-5142 : Error \"no current record to fetch\" if some record is to be deleted both by the statement itself and by some trigger fired during statement execution
* CORE-5322 : Cascade deletion in self-referencing table could raise \"no current record for fetch operation\" error)
* CORE-5341: User collate doesn\'t work with blobs
* do not segfault in a case of unexpected exception
* documentation enhancements
* Mon Sep 05 2016 update to version (commit e6ccdd8502a7)
* CORE-5327: internal Firebird consistency check (cannot find tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2307)
* CORE-5305: CASCADE UPDATE fails for self-referencing FK
* CORE-5329: Database gets partially corrupted in the \"no-reserve\" mode
* avoid hangup in SS when error happens at system attachment initialization time
* CORE-5335: Segfault in remote server
* CORE-5248: avoid NULL in RDB$ROLES.RDB$SECURITY_CLASS which made it possible for everyone to drop any role
* CORE-5339: Assertion in createDatabase() when doing overwrite check
* CORE-5326: encrypting a database crashes host process when background encryption gets ready while no connection is established to that database
* performance improvement of nback locking
* improvement CORE-5266: Allow statement \'create OR ALTER user sysdba password ...\' to initialize empty securityN.fdb
* Mon Aug 01 2016 update to version (commit d1210a78e6b2)
* CORE-5304: Regression: Can not restore database with table contains field CHAR(n) and UTF8 character set
* CORE-5302: Performance regression when bulk inserting into table with indices
* better fix for CORE-5264 (to unlock a raw device DB is not working)
* CORE-5270: FBSVCMGR does not produce error while attempting to shutdown a database without specified timeout (prp_force_shutdown N)
* Mon Jul 18 2016 update to version (commit f060d8381f85)
* CORE-5292: Database corrupted when trying to encrypt it but appropriate key is missing
* CORE-5296: Error in network protocol when performing callback to client for database crypt key
* CORE-5277 (follow-up): Parameters with multibyte character sets allow to bypass the character limit of varchar fields
* CORE-5294: Memory leak when use SHOW GRANTS on new empty database
* Fix regression in TCS/FB_SQL_SUBFUNC_1
* CORE-5284: Firebird fails to build with USE_VALGRIND
* CORE-5236: IN/ANY/ALL predicates may cause sub-optimal (late filtering) execution of joins
* CORE-5246: String truncation error while selecting from MON$ tables if some user-defined context variable exceeds 255 bytes in length
* CORE-5308: ISQL hangs in BLOBVIEW command
* CORE-5307: Random \'invalid transaction handle\' errors are returned from the engine
* CORE-5304: Regression: Can not restore database with table contains field CHAR(n) and UTF8 character set
* CORE-5264: To unlock a raw device DB is not working
* CORE-5313: Data type unknown error with LIST
* allow to use the BULK_INSERT hack with others commands
* Wed Jun 29 2016 update to version (commit 962064505703)
* CORE-5257: Enable nested keys in plugin configuration
* CORE-5213: Database may get decrypted after changing couple of bytes in database header w/o \'agreement\' from crypt plugin
* CORE-5265:
* CORE-5268: Nested OR conditions may lead to incorrest results
* CORE-5225: Authentication end with first plugin that has the user but auth fails; should continue with next plugin
* CORE-5278: A number of SPB parameters fail in FB 3 & 4
* fix assertions similiar to mentioned in CORE-5273
* CORE-5277: Parameters with multibyte character sets allow to bypass the character limit of varchar fields
* fb_config --embedlibs returns \"-lfbembed\", but there is no anymore
* CORE-5279: Granting access rights to view is broken
* CORE-5275: Expression index may become inconsistent if CREATE INDEX was interrupted after b-tree creation but before commiting
* CORE-5285: Segfault when attachment is closed before it\'s request/statement/etc
* CORE-5289: Small memory leak when resultset is empty
* CORE-5154: Services API don\'t work with non-ascii database names (ported from aafemt/firebird). Also add some missing tags that might require transliteration
* CORE-5295: Validation could read after the end-of-file when handle multifile database
* additional fix for CORE-4645 (internal Firebird consistency check (cannot find tip page (165), file: tra.cpp line: 2375))- work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: update to current code
* Tue May 31 2016 make libfbclient2 require libib_util as it\'s needed for embedded connections- fix Group tag for libfbclient2 and libib_util subpackages- improve libib_util subpackage description- libfbclient-devel cannot be used as a direct replacement for libfbembed-devel so it\'s better to stop pretending so- some packages have (unnecessary) explicit build requirement for firebird-devel whose contents was merged into libfbclient-devel; add corresponding Provides and Obsoletes
* Tue May 31 2016 update to version (commit bae264d54176)
* CORE-5231: EXECUTE STATEMENT: BLR error if more than 256 output parameters exist
* CORE-5241: affected rows are not counted for some update operations with views
* fix of possible buffer overflow when reading /etc/mtab
* CORE-5244: wrong error message when trying to execute SELECT statement using isc_dsql_execute_immediate
* CORE-5234: access violation on UDF crashes server
* CORE-5249: incorrect use of readlink() system call- packaging updates:
* move and intl/ into firebird package as these are also needed by embedded connections
* include /etc/firebird/firebird.conf.d/
*.conf into configuration
* move the directive restricting DatabaseAccess to /srv/firebird into a separate config file in firebird-server subpackage so that it doesn\'t affect embedded-only installs- do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch: replaced by 50-server.conf
* Fri May 13 2016 update to version (commit d435669c70ed)
* localization updates
* CORE-5203: Single CPU core fully utilized with Trace session
* CORE-5180: Do not require root rights to build linux package (follow-up)
* CORE-5167: allow implicit conversion between boolean and string
* CORE-5193: precedence problem with operator IS
* CORE-5207: ISQL -X may generate invalid GRANT USAGE statements for domains
* CORE-5205: add a switch to build linux binaries with builtin libtommath
* CORE-5201: return nonzero result code when restore fails on activating and creating deferred user index
* CORE-5183: line/column numbering may be twisted if syntax is used
* CORE-5120: Firebird 3.0 + fbclient 3.0 - POST_EVENT won\'t work
* CORE-5216: Provide location context (line/column numbers) for runtime errors raised inside EXECUTE BLOCK.
* CORE-5217: ISQL -x may crash while exporting an exception with message text length > 127 bytes
* CORE-5218: explicitly defined names for NOT NULL constraints are not exported into script by ISQL -x
* CORE-5220: ISQL -X: double quotes are missed for COLLATE of CREATE DOMAIN statement when is from any non-ascii charset
* CORE-5222: SELECT WITH LOCK may raise unexpected update conflict errors under concurrent load
* prevent stack trace (line/column info) from overriding the real error\'s SQLSTATE
* CORE-5224: Transaction id tags for services API do not support new 48 bit transaction ids
* CORE-5229: allow to enforce IPv4 or IPv6 in URL-like connection string
* CORE-5226: incorrect result set (missing records) may be returned by the ORDER plan query navigating on a descending index
* CORE-5228: restore may hang if the database contains more than 4 billion records
* add new constants to the Pascal interface
* CORE-5232: 32-bit Locks on Big-Endian Systems Lead To Deadlock
* fix page numbers datatype
* fix problems reported by PVS-Studio static code analysis- drop patches obsoleted by upstream:
* allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch
* Allow-to-enforce-IPv4-or-IPv6-in-URL-like-connection.patch- pass init script path to scriptlet macros- require explicit version of autoconf for build
* Fri May 06 2016 Make-the-generated-code-compatible-with-gcc-6-in-C-1.patch: fix build with gcc6 (bsc#964466)- Provide-sized-global-delete-operators-when-compiled-.patch: avoid the need for -fno-sized-deallocation option with gcc6 (bsc#964466)- Allow-to-enforce-IPv4-or-IPv6-in-URL-like-connection.patch: extend URL-like connection string syntax to allow ennforcing IPv4 or IPv6- build with -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks (needed with gcc6)- minor specfile cleanup
* Fri Apr 22 2016 specfile whitespace cleanup
* Wed Apr 20 2016 reorganize subpackages
* only common files for all installations left in main package
* separate firebird-server for server related files
* separate firebird-utils for management utilities
* separate firebird-examples for sample database and API samples
* separate libib_util and libib_util-devel
* rename libfbclient2-devel to libfbclient-devel
* split files from firebird-devel to new -devel and -examples
* update dependencies between subpackages
* add tags for safer upgrade from version 2.5- update package summaries and descriptions- fix /usr/include/firebird/firebird directory- fix file permissions- rename isql to isql-fb and gstat to gstat-fb to avoid conflicts- add README.SUSE
* Tue Apr 19 2016 update to version (final, commit 1767a517f9c9)
* fixes: CORE-5136, CORE-5189 (follow-up), CORE-5194 and untracked
* improve documentation- specfile cleanup- refresh all patches
* Fri Apr 08 2016 update to version (commit a42261cd6a9d)
* fixes: CORE-4645, CORE-5067 (follow-up), CORE-5143, CORE-5146, CORE-5165, CORE-5166, CORE-5179, CORE-5181, CORE-5182, CORE-5184, CORE-5189 and untracked
* improvement of migration from older versions
* documentation and examples- allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch: update
* Wed Mar 23 2016 update to version (commit f0eac3c55243)
* fixes: CORE-5134, CORE-5147, CORE-5149, CORE-5153, CORE-5155, CORE-5157, CORE-5159, CORE-5161, CORE-5162
* avoid GBAK\'s mandatory runtime dependency on ICU
* Fri Mar 11 2016 update to version
* fixes: CORE-5097, CORE-5112, CORE-5122, CORE-5130, CORE-5133, CORE-5140, CORE-5144 and untracked
* optimizer improvements
* updated examples
* updated documentation
* Tue Feb 23 2016 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2923, CORE-4885, CORE-4996, CORE-5044, CORE-5067, CORE-5075, CORE-5077, CORE-5078, CORE-5082, CORE-5087, CORE-5088, CORE-5089, CORE-5092, CORE-5093, CORE-5097, CORE-5101, CORE-5102, CORE-5104, CORE-5105, CORE-5107, CORE-5110, CORE-5112 and untracked
* CORE-5083: Provide method to correcty set offsets in implemented by user IMessageMetadata
* CORE-5100: Improve control over database crypt keys
* updated docs- work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: refresh
* Mon Jan 11 2016 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4708, CORE-5047, CORE-5053, CORE-5056, CORE-5060, CORE-5061 and untracked
* add an option to isc_database_info to return the number of free pages in a database
* CORE-5063: make \"show database\" command to show numbers of used and free pages in database
* CORE-2493: Append the IP address of the remote host to error messages in firebird.log for TCP connections
* Sat Dec 26 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4179, CORE-4680 (partial), CORE-4840, CORE-4842, CORE-4862, CORE-4964, CORE-4978, CORE-4990, CORE-4991, CORE-4997, CORE-4998, CORE-4999, CORE-5002, CORE-5008, CORE-5009, CORE-5014, CORE-5015, CORE-5016, CORE-5017, CORE-5020, CORE-5026, CORE-5029, CORE-5032, CORE-5033, CORE-5034, CORE-5039, CORE-5041, CORE-5042, CORE-5043, CORE-5049 and untracked
* add pascal support to object oriented API
* code cleanup
* documentation improvements- work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: refresh
* Wed Nov 11 2015 work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: add another SLE11 SP3 g++ workaround (fixes i586 SLE11 SP3 build)
* Mon Nov 09 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4292, CORE-4680, CORE-4914, CORE-4928, CORE-4938, CORE-4947, CORE-4950, CORE-4951, CORE-4952, CORE-4954, CORE-4968, CORE-4969, CORE-4970, CORE-4972, CORE-4977, CORE-4980, CORE-4982, CORE-4984 and untracked
* memory pools improvement
* new option for DROP SHADOW command to leave the shadow file in the filesystem
* CORE-4965: extend transactiion id space over 2^32 transactions
* memory consumption improvements
* stricter permissions handling
* documentation improvements- work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: update to current source
* Tue Sep 29 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2882, CORE-2883, CORE-4585, CORE-4902, CORE-4909, CORE-4917, CORE-4921, CORE-4928, CORE-4929, CORE-4940, CORE-4943 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-2881, CORE-4923, CORE-4935, CORE-4936, CORE-4939
* change default page size to 8 KB
* update documentation
* code cleanup
* Mon Aug 31 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3545, CORE-4870, CORE-4890, CORE-4899, CORE-4911 and untracked
* Mon Aug 17 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4811, CORE-4872, CORE-4876, CORE-4879, CORE-4881, CORE-4882, CORE-4884, CORE-4887, CORE-4889, CORE-4897, CORE-4904, CORE-4906, CORE-4909 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-1999, CORE-4880, CORE-4898
* code cleanup
* documentation updates
* Fri Jul 24 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3548, CORE-4107, CORE-4276, CORE-4277, CORE-4279, CORE-4710, CORE-4781, CORE-4811, CORE-4846, CORE-4848, CORE-4854, CORE-4855, CORE-4859, CORE-4860, CORE-4861, CORE-4864, CORE-4865, CORE-4871, CORE-4872, CORE-4876 and untracked
* apply methods used for cross security database authentication to the trace
* SharedDatabase and SharedCache config options replaced by a single option ServerMode
* Mon Jun 29 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4707, CORE-4740, CORE-4802, CORE-4817, CORE-4831, CORE-4836, CORE-4839 and untracked
* gsec marked as deprecated
* Tue Jun 09 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-214, CORE-4369, CORE-4561, CORE-4618, CORE-4740, CORE-4756, CORE-4782, CORE-4785, CORE-4788, CORE-4789, CORE-4794, CORE-4795, CORE-4798, CORE-4806, CORE-4807, CORE-4809, CORE-4811, CORE-4819, CORE-4821 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-4791
* updated documentation
* Mon May 11 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3234, CORE-4755, CORE-4760, CORE-4774, CORE-4781, CORE-4786 and untracked
* added missing include files- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: update for new ICU versions
* Mon Apr 27 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4752, CORE-4753, CORE-4754, CORE-4759, CORE-4766, CORE-4767, CORE-4768 and untracked
* prevent some operations on system tables
* Sun Apr 19 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1379, CORE-1605, CORE-2932, CORE-3373, CORE-4583, CORE-4712, CORE-4715, CORE-4725, CORE-4729, CORE-4731, CORE-4733, CORE-4738, CORE-4743, CORE-4744, CORE-4747 and untracked
* code cleanup
* Mon Mar 30 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4719 and untracked
* feature CORE-4722: aggregate linear regression functions
* status vector rework
* code cleanup- add-pkgconfig-files.patch: refresh- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: refresh
* Mon Mar 23 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4713, CORE-4714 and untracked
* look for security database in the right location
* feature Feature CORE-4717: aggregate statistical functions COVAR_SAMP, COVAR_POP and CORR
* updated new API
* code cleanup
* updated documentation- work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: refresh
* Sun Mar 15 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4571, CORE-4671, CORE-4683, CORE-4696, CORE-4698, CORE-4702, CORE-4704, CORE-4705, CORE-4706 and untracked
* minor improvements
* code cleanup
* Sat Feb 21 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4075, CORE-4382, CORE-4383, CORE-4653, CORE-4670, CORE-4673, CORE-4675, CORE-4683, CORE-4684, CORE-4685, CORE-4688, CORE-4694 and untracked
* improvement: CORE-4671
* core support for scrollable DSQL cursors
* code cleanup and minor refactoring
* FB_API_VER increased to 30
* Mon Jan 26 2015 work-around-g-problem-in-SLE11.patch: handle another build failure with old g++- reorder subpackages in specfile to avoid broken OBS warning- raise memory constraint to prevent random build failures
* Mon Jan 26 2015 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2848, CORE-4384, CORE-4572, CORE-4605, CORE-4610, CORE-4624, CORE-4644, CORE-4655, CORE-4656, CORE-4659, CORE-4662, CORE-4665, CORE-4668 and untracked
* code cleanup
* API updates
* initial cmake support
* Mon Dec 29 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1550, CORE-3632, CORE-4161, CORE-4259, CORE-4280, CORE-4437, CORE-4438, CORE-4471, CORE-4472, CORE-4503, CORE-4539, CORE-4571, CORE-4572, CORE-4618, CORE-4622, CORE-4631, CORE-4634, CORE-4639, CORE-4646, CORE-4651, CORE-4652 and untracked
* CORE-4607: Add support for having >1 UserManager in firebird.conf and use them from SQL
* minor improvements
* code cleanup- recognize-__aarch64__-as-well-as-ARM64-for-64-bit-AR.patch: removed (not actually needed)
* Sun Nov 30 2014 add explicit xz build requirement (needed for SLE11)
* Sun Nov 30 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4581, CORE-4618, CORE-4623 and untracked
* CORE-733: compress data over network
* CORE-4526: support SQL2008 OFFSET and FETCH clauses
* encryption enhancements- use xz compressed tarball
* Mon Nov 24 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4604 and untracked
* Sun Nov 16 2014 add workaround for SLE11 build problem
* Sat Nov 15 2014 update to version
* fixes: untracked
* improvements: CORE-3226
* add support of powerpc64le platform- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch: removed (in upstream now)- look-for-sem_open-in-libpthread-as-well.patch: removed (in upstream now)- refresh the rest of the patches
* Mon Nov 10 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4595, CORE-4599 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-4590
* Sat Nov 01 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4586 and untracked
* improvements: page cache performance
* Sat Oct 18 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4557, CORE-4565, CORE-4566, CORE-4568, CORE-4570, CORE-4573, CORE-4574, CORE-4575, CORE-4576, CORE-4578, CORE-4582
* improvements: CORE-3526, CORE-4562, CORE-4564
* language independent API
* code refactoring
* Mon Sep 29 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2897, CORE-3400 (?), CORE-4555 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-4538, CORE-4556, CORE-4562
* code refactoring
* Mon Sep 01 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4498, CORE-4500, CORE-4505, CORE-4506, CORE-4510, CORE-4522, CORE-4530 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-4484, CORE-4487, CORE-4528
* code cleanup and refactoring
* optimization- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: update to fix the build- do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch: refresh- install init script as executable- explicitely mention baselibs.conf as source
* Thu Jul 24 2014 update to version
* fix build
* fixes: CORE-4488 and untracked
* many gcc warnings resolved
* Mon Jul 14 2014 update to version
* fixes: CORE-735
* code cleanup
* Mon Jul 07 2014 update to version
* fixes and improvements: CORE-1377, CORE-1482, CORE-1550, CORE-1846, CORE-2004, CORE-2063, CORE-2119, CORE-2165, CORE-2208, CORE-2224, CORE-2303, CORE-3242, CORE-3305, CORE-3362, CORE-3365, CORE-3370, CORE-3881, CORE-3931, CORE-4118, CORE-4154, CORE-4162, CORE-4178, CORE-4252, CORE-4261, CORE-4270, CORE-4271, CORE-4273, CORE-4275, CORE-4281, CORE-4283, CORE-4285, CORE-4286, CORE-4290, CORE-4297, CORE-4298, CORE-4300, CORE-4301, CORE-4302, CORE-4303, CORE-4304, CORE-4307, CORE-4309, CORE-4310, CORE-4313, CORE-4315, CORE-4317, CORE-4318, CORE-4319, CORE-4320, CORE-4321, CORE-4322, CORE-4326, CORE-4327, CORE-4330, CORE-4331, CORE-4334, CORE-4344, CORE-4345, CORE-4346, CORE-4353, CORE-4357, CORE-4360, CORE-4365, CORE-4366, CORE-4371, CORE-4372, CORE-4373, CORE-4374, CORE-4375, CORE-4376, CORE-4379, CORE-4380, CORE-4381, CORE-4386, CORE-4387, CORE-4388, CORE-4394, CORE-4395, CORE-4396, CORE-4398, CORE-4403, CORE-4415, CORE-4417, CORE-4418, CORE-4419, CORE-4422, CORE-4425, CORE-4430, CORE-4431, CORE-4432, CORE-4433, CORE-4434, CORE-4435, CORE-4440, CORE-4443, CORE-4444, CORE-4445, CORE-4447, CORE-4451, CORE-4453, CORE-4457, CORE-4461, CORE-4462, CORE-4464, CORE-4468, CORE-4469, CORE-4470, CORE-4475, CORE-4477, CORE-4478, CORE-4480- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch: add explicit $null into Required-Stop- recognize-__aarch64__-as-well-as-ARM64-for-64-bit-AR.patch: recognize __aarch64__ for 64-bit ARM as well- add-missing-old-style-constants-for-Linux-HPPA-and-L.patch: in upstream now- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch: in upstream now- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: refresh
* Mon Nov 18 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4236, CORE-4240, CORE-4258, CORE-4259, CORE-4260, CORE-4262, CORE-4263, CORE-4265, CORE-4267, CORE-4268 and untracked
* minor code cleanup and refactoring
* Thu Nov 07 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4200, CORE-4235 (additional), CORE-4237, CORE-4241, CORE-4244, CORE-4247, CORE-4250, CORE-4251 and untracked
* fix man-in-themiddle attack on ATTACH packet
* code cleanup
* use autoconf 2.69 as base (but allow older)
* enhance documentation- unicode-handle-the-ICU-version-hack-from-SuSE.patch: handle OpenSuSE ICU version hack- look-for-sem_open-in-libpthread-as-well.patch: refresh- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch: refresh- add-pkgconfig-files.patch: refresh
* Fri Oct 04 2013 raise memory constraint to 2 GB as some builds are randomly falling for no apparent reason and some builds have used up to 1222 MB
* Fri Oct 04 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2648 (follow-up), CORE-3921, CORE-4134 (follow-up), CORE-4145, CORE-4163, CORE-4185 (replaced wrong fix), CORE-4201, CORE-4202, CORE-4203, CORE-4205, CORE-4206, CORE-4211, CORE-4212, CORE-4215, CORE-4216, CORE-4219, CORE-4225, CORE-4227, CORE-4229, CORE-4234, CORE-4235, CORE-4237 and untracked
* improvements: CORE-4199, CORE-4218, CORE-4222
* improved error reporting
* support both old and new debuginfo format
* removed obsolete scripts
* code cleanup- add-pkgconfig-files.patch: refresh- allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch: refresh- disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch: refresh- don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch: refresh- use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch: refresh
* Sun Sep 01 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3944, CORE-3989, CORE-4153, CORE-4160, CORE-4165, CORE-4166, CORE-4167, CORE-4173, CORE-4180, CORE-4184, CORE-4185, CORE-4198 and untracked
* increased plan buffer size in isql
* support for records longer than 64 KB
* increased sort record limit to 1 MB
* enable support for the Cobol pre-compiler in libfbclient and libfbembed
* code refactoring and cleanup
* Mon Aug 05 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4005, CORE-4144, CORE-4149, CORE-4155, CORE-4156, CORE-4158, CORE-4159, CORE-4164 and untracked
* improvement: CORE-4148- use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch: refresh
* Fri Jul 19 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2660 (reintroduced), CORE-3704 CORE-4120, CORE-4136, CORE-4140, CORE-4142 and untracked
* code and utils cleanup
* Thu Jul 04 2013 update to version (Alpha 1)
* fixes: CORE-2912, CORE-3963, CORE-4119, CORE-4121, CORE-4122, CORE-4125, CORE-4126, CORE-4127, CORE-4131, CORE-4132, CORE-4134, CORE-4135, CORE-4137 and untracked
* make dialect 3 default when creating database using OO API, keep legacy behavior in ISC API
* code refactoring and cleanup
* enhanced documentation
* Sun Jun 16 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3942 and untracked
* improved documentation and examples- update constraints:
* lower required memory to 1 GB
* add disk constraint (4 GB)
* Sat Jun 01 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4101, CORE-4102, CORE-4108 and untracked
* code cleanup- add _constraints to guarantee 4 GB of RAM for build
* Thu May 16 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-4083, CORE-4094, CORE-4100 and untracked
* rollback of patch for CORE-2709, reworked fixes for CORE-1188, CORE-3052 and CORE-3239 (both changes affect the stored index keys for compound indices
* changed package routines syntax to not need (nor accept) a semi-colon after \"END\"
* added ALTER GENERATOR (as ALTER SEQUENCE) for consistency with the others SEQUENCE/GENERATOR commands
* enhanced documentation
* Wed May 01 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3935, CORE-3993, CORE-4084, CORE-4091, CORE-4093 and untracked
* CORE-3621: add FROM FIRST/LAST clause to NTH_VALUE
* enhanced documentation- do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch: refresh
* Mon Apr 15 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3943, CORE-4073, CORE-4081, CORE-4082 and untracked
* added support for changing configuration (client and embedded) from API
* renamed aliases.conf to databases.conf
* Finished the 16-bit -> 32-bit conversion for SQL, BLR, buffer and message sizes
* add interface support for scrollable DSQL cursors
* allow build against ICU 5.11
* code refactoring and cleanup- add-missing-old-style-constants-for-Linux-HPPA-and-L.patch: add missing old-style constants for HPPA and Alpha Linux- add-support-for-aarch64-platform-64-bit-ARM.patch: add support for aarch64 platform (64-bit ARM)- refresh and rename patches to git style: firebird-3.0.0-chown.patch -> allow-creating-buildRoot-as-non-root-user.patch firebird-3.0.0-gpidfile.patch -> fbguard-allow-creating-a-guard-pidfile.patch firebird-3.0.0-init.patch -> use-killproc-in-stop-branch-of-SuSE-init-script.patch firebird-3.0.0-xinetd.patch -> disable-xinetd-service-by-default.patch firebird-3.0.0-config.patch -> do-not-use-DatabaseAccess-Full-in-default-config.patch firebird-3.0.0-sem.patch -> look-for-sem_open-in-libpthread-as-well.patch firebird-3.0.0-pkgconfig.patch -> add-pkgconfig-files.patch firebird-3.0.0-runlevel.patch -> don-t-start-firebird-in-runlevel-2-on-SuSE.patch
* Tue Apr 02 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1604, CORE-3243, CORE-3269, CORE-3360, CORE-3575, CORE-3817, CORE-3995, CORE-4036, CORE-4061, CORE-4066, CORE-4067, CORE-4068, CORE-4070, CORE-4071 and untracked
* build warnings cleanup
* code refactoring and cleanup
* improve config file syntax- firebird-3.0.0-sem.patch: firebird-3.0.0-pkgconfig.patch: refresh ( ->
* Sun Mar 03 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3908, CORE-3990, CORE-4051
* improvements: CORE-4047
* C++ API fixes and improvements
* code cleanup
* modified IStatement interface in new API
* Sat Feb 16 2013 update to version
* fixes: few untracked
* code cleanup
* Fri Feb 01 2013 update to version
* fixes: few untracked
* minor performance optimizations
* migrate external triggers to the new message-based style- fix License tag in specfile
* Fri Jan 18 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3612, CORE-4038
* code cleanup
* Thu Jan 03 2013 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3932, CORE-3995 and few untracked
* code cleanup
* Tue Dec 18 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3034, CORE-3935, CORE-3993, CORE-4004, CORE-4006, CORE-4010, CORE-4011
* code refactoring and cleanup
* Sun Dec 02 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1295, CORE-3981, CORE-3986, CORE-3988, CORE-3992, CORE-4002
* improvements: CORE-3994
* Mon Nov 19 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3965, CORE-3973, CORE-3977, CORE-3978, CORE-3981, CORE-3979, CORE-1245 (updated)
* update tests and examples
* Sun Nov 04 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3964, CORE-3966, CORE-3967
* CORE-3972: Allow the selection of SQL_INT64, SQL_DATE and SQL_TIME in dialect 1
* code cleanup
* documentation cleanup
* dialect 1 related cleanup
* Sun Oct 14 2012 update to version
* CORE-3947: CORE-3947 - Wrong results when the column with collation using option (NUMERIC-SORT=1) is in where clause
* CORE-3946: UNICODE collations do not work with ICU 49
* Mon Oct 01 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3929, CORE-3934, CORE-3940, CORE-3941, untracked
* Mon Sep 17 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3916, CORE-3924, one untracked
* improvements: CORE-3919, CORE-675
* features: CORE-2187, CORE-2780, CORE-3656, CORE-3779
* Tue Sep 04 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1188, CORE-3052, CORE-3239, CORE-3546, CORE-3740, CORE-3902, CORE-3912
* features: CORE-3291, CORE-3638
* Sat Aug 18 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-3596, CORE-3740 and some untracked
* Fri Aug 03 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-2668, CORE-3656, CORE-3820, CORE-3883, CORE-3899 and some untracked
* trace: enable per-table stats at transaction level
* Tue Jul 24 2012 update to version
* Various fixes
* Mon Jul 23 2012 do not require firebird-server in firebird, provide it (all server binaries are in main package now)
* Mon Jul 16 2012 update to version
* Cross-build support + android port: work in progress, currently can build fbclient for android
* Remove legacy OldSetClauseSemantics compatibility option
* Improved log messages
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup- update License tag- firebird-3.0.0-runlevel.patch don\'t start the daemon in runlevel 2- firebird-3.0.0-pkgconfig.patch firebird-3.0.0-sem.patch: refresh
* Fri Jun 22 2012 update to version
* Changes in CryptoManager
* Improvements to the UDR engines
* CORE-3594: Include expected and actual string length into error message
* Use FB_ prefix for environment variables
* Modify firebird.conf at install time according to choice of server architecture
* Copy libfbclient.dylib to Firebird SuperServer Framework Libraries to support the ODBC driver
* CORE-2666: Make it possible to use API to do remote backups/restores
* Reworked lock manager synchronization
* Various fixes
* Code and build cleanup
* Sun Jun 03 2012 update to version
* CORE-3861: Make it possible to encrypt database
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup- firebird-3.0.0-shebang.patch: removed (committed to upstream)
* Mon May 14 2012 update to version
* Various fixes
* Trace improvements
* Code cleanup- firebird-3.0.0-gpidfile.patch: allow creating a pidfile for fbguard as well- firebird-3.0.0-init.patch: use killproc and guard pidfile for \"stop\" branch
* Wed May 02 2012 update to version
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup- temporary fix for \"stop\" branch of init script- update firebird-3.0.0-sem.patch
* Mon Apr 16 2012 update to version
* Prepare for possibility to have more than 255 streams
* Allow DEBUG build to work with pre-FB3 BLR code
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup and refactoring
* Mon Apr 02 2012 update to version
* System to UTF8 conversion on non-Windows systems
* Finished with conversions of all strings in both kinds of SPBs (attach/start) to UTF8
* Various fixes
* Code optimization
* Code cleanup and refactoring
* Fri Mar 16 2012 update to version
* ODS has been changed, databases must be recreated
* CORE-672: \"Over the wire\" connection encryption
* Lock database file when opening it
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup
* Wed Feb 15 2012 update to version
* Removed READ/WRITE BLOB sql commands
* Include a new type of validation error: unknown blob type
* Various fixes
* Code cleanup
* Mon Jan 30 2012 update to version
* Make qli understand -n again for the almost useless function of suppressing the one-line welcome banner
* Cleaned up and slightly refactored the XDR logic
* Code cleanup
* Various fixes
* Tue Jan 17 2012 update to version
* remove the outdated RPC support
* remove support for the remote protocol versions prior to v10
* restrict ALTER/DROP permissions to the object owners only (for domains, charsets, collations, generators and exceptions)
* add more indices to avoid full table scans on system tables- removed obsolete firebird-3.0.0-libs.patch (in upstream now)- declare BuildRoot only when needed (< 1130)- define version in one place rather than two
* Mon Jan 09 2012 add libtommath0-devel to BuildRequires
* Mon Jan 02 2012 update to version
* fixes: CORE-1898, CORE-3238, CORE-3372, CORE-3646, CORE-3658, CORE-3677
* make GEN_UUID return a compliant RFC-4122 binary UUID and introduce CHAR_TO_UUID2 and UUID_TO_CHAR2 to convert UUIDs from/to string also complying with the RFC
* increase password length from 8 characters
* allow multiple waiting requests per owner
* import LibTomMath library required for SRP to work- refreshed patches (libs, sem, pkgconfig)
* Tue Dec 20 2011 update to version
* fixes: CORE-927, CORE-3382, CORE-3683, CORE-3545, CORE-3683, CORE-3690, CORE-3692, CORE-3694, CORE-3862 and some untracked- fix include directory in pkg-config file- add pkg-config to BuildRequires
* Sun Dec 04 2011 update to version
* various fixes
* unwind the trigger requests as soon as possible- provide pkg-config file for libfbclient- set --prefix to /usr (shouldn\'t influence anything anyway)
* Thu Nov 10 2011 update to version
* removed firebird-3.0.0-race.patch (no longer needed)
* Refactored legacy (UDF) function creation
* Extend ISQL\' SHOW FUNCTION to take packages and parameter\'s datatype of non-legacy functions into account
* Tue Nov 01 2011 firebird-3.0.0-race.patch: fix race condition when finalizing dbb (upstream 56304)
* Mon Oct 31 2011 update to version
* Feature CORE-3626: Subfunctions in PSQL and EXECUTE BLOCK
* Improvement CORE-3639: Allow the use of multiple WHEN MATCHED / NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE, as per the SQL 2008 specification.
* Feature CORE-3619: Window function FIRST_VALUE
* Feature CORE-3620: Window function LAST_VALUE
* Feature CORE-3621: Window function NTH_VALUE
* Tue Oct 18 2011 update to version
* Fri Sep 30 2011 fix init script, rename the patch (lsb -> init, removed varrun)- remove --enable-superserver
* Thu Sep 29 2011 initial package for Firebird 3.0