Changelog for tcpreplay-4.2.6-16.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Sep 11 14:00:00 2017
- Trim history recap in description.

Mon Jul 31 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 4.2.6:

* Test fails on sparc64 (#393)
- Changes for version 4.2.5:

* Fix issues found by scan-build (#384)

* Improve --portmap help message (#381)

* AFL detected security crash in fuzz feature (#380)

* Coverity static scan detected issues (#374)

* Fuzz should not be overwritting Layer 3 (#372)

* Add --fuzz-factor option to specify fuzz ratio (#371)

* Warnings when building on old distributions (#368)

* Fix more Lintian detected spelling errors (#365)

* Fuzz test failure on ARM and MIPS (#364)
- Changes for version 4.2.4:

* Fix Lintian detected spelling errors (#362)
- Changes for version 4.2.3:

* Archive (remove) QuickTX until maintainer found (#357)

* Ubuntu precise 32bit_build (#356)
- Changes for version 4.2.2:

* Archive (remove) QuickTX (#357)

* Missing symbol pcap_version on macOS 10.12.4 (#356)
- Changes for version 4.2.1:

* Fix reporting of rates < 1Mbps (#348)

* Option --unique-ip not working properly (#346)
- Changes for version 4.2.0:

* MAC rewriting capabilities (#313)

* Fix several issues identified by Coverity (#305)

* Packet destortion --fuzz-seed option by Gabriel Ganne (#302)

* Add --unique-ip-loops option to modify IPs every few loops

* Netmap startup delay increase (#290)

* tcpcapinfo buffer overflow vulnerablily (#278)

* Update git-clone instructions by Kyle McDonald (#277)

* Allow fractions for --pps option (#270)

* Print per-loop stats with --stats=0 (#269)

* Add protection against packet drift by Guillaume Scott (#268)

* Print flow stats periodically with --stats output (#262)

* Include Travis-CI build support by Ilya Shipitsin (#264) (#285)

* tcpreplay won\'t replay all packets in a pcap file with --netmap

* First and last packet times in --stats output (#239)

* Switch to wire speed after 30 minutes at 6 Gbps (#210)

* tcprewrite fix checksum properly for fragmented packets (#190)
- Drop no longer needed patch (already in upstream):

* 278-fail-if-capture-has-a-packet-that-is-too-large.patch
- Use %make_install macro
- Update dependencies to support (libnl3 and dbus-1)

Thu Mar 16 13:00:00 2017
- 278-fail-if-capture-has-a-packet-that-is-too-large.patch:
buffer overflow in tcpcapinfo utility triggered by too large
packet (CVE-2017-6429 bsc#1028234)

Mon Nov 21 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 4.1.2

* increase max packet size to 65549 (CVE-2016-6160 bsc#987846)

* minor build fixes

Wed Feb 3 13:00:00 2016
- add upstream changelog to docs
- minor specfile cleanup

Sun Jan 31 13:00:00 2016
- Install LICENSE
- Use url for source
- Add gpg signature
- Make building more verbose
- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner

Thu Jan 28 13:00:00 2016
- run specfile through cleaner service to silence check scripts

Tue Jan 12 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 4.1.1

* various fixes

* performance improvements

* add --duration option which lets the user set the number of
seconds to transmit

* do not require --loop for --unique-ip

* tun/tap support

* support multiple CIDR ranges with tcprewrite

Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2015
- upgrade to version 4.1.0

* Quick TX bypass module for Linux Kernel - allows Tcpreplay to
bypass the kernel network stack and write directly to the
network driver (disabled for now)

* add a flag to customize netmap delay

* add a loop delay option

* fix: segfault in tcpliveplay on x86_64

* fix: sometimes unable to interrupt with Ctrl-C

Tue Nov 25 13:00:00 2014
- upgrade to version 4.0.5

* various bugfixes; for details see

Wed May 28 14:00:00 2014
- upgrade to version 4.0.4

* performance enhancements

* IP flow / Netflow features

* support netmap network drivers

* new API

* ARM support

* new DLT support
- tcpreplay-3.4.4-overflow.patch:
delete (no longer needed)

Mon Nov 18 13:00:00 2013
- dynamic linking of libraries (fix build on >= 12.3)

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2011
- initial package
- patch for buffer overflow in cidr2iplist()