Changelog for
qtpass-1.2.3-lp150.4.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Oct 13 2018 Herbert Graeber
- For reprodicibilty QT_HASH_SEED has to be set to 0
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Make RCC calls reproducible
* Tue Jun 05 2018 update to 1.2.3 - Add support for OTP code generation on Linux as requested in [#327] #394 (Noettore) - Revert scroll bar changes #393 (destanyol) - Fix High Dpi Support. Works now under Windows and KDE/Plasma. [#392] (hgraeber) - Duplicate prefix in installation of tests directory in v1.2.2. [#389] - Compilation error on FreeBSD member access into incomplete type [#388]- remove patch qtpass-highdpi.patch because now in upstream
* Wed May 09 2018 Remove the qtpass-highdpi.patch, merged upstream
* Wed May 09 2018 update to 1.2.2 - Clipboard clearing timer is not reset when new passwords are copied to the clipboard #309 - Removal of files outside of password-store #300 #363 - Lots of fixes and refactoring. #364 #376 #378 #381 #382 #384 [#386] - Fix & make clearClipboard more robust #359 - Multiple question marks while trying to delete password #385 - No button icons and text in \"menu bar\" #383 - Entire program is huge on High DPI screen on Linux #369 - Parallel make issue in qtpass-1.2.1: ld: cannot find -lqtpass [#350] - No password entry prompt #343 - Can\'t install on OS X Sierra #337 - No icon on MacOS #333 - Font and spacing used for URL links on right in main window absurdly large #329 - QtPass don\'t display all lines with templates #273 #358 - Update #354 and add two entries in FAQ about the language #353 - Fix nested template argument list compile error #346 - Honor PREFIX during tests install #345
* Wed Feb 28 2018 Convert to license to SPDX-3.0- Use %license
* Thu Jan 04 2018 update to 1.2.1
* All passwords that have been generated with QtPass prior to 1.2.1 should be regenerated and changed.
* Version 1.2.0 leaks passwords
* When importing settings from 1.1.5 or older, clipboard settings revert to No Clipboard
* Add Catalan translation
* Wed Nov 15 2017 Fix HighDPI
* Thu Nov 09 2017 update to 1.2.0
* Many UX improvements
* Improved process management
* Extraction of library and main function
* Added sftp, ftps, webdav and webdavs as supported links
* PRNG issues on Windows fixed- cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner
* Sun Feb 26 2017 Install rudimentary manual page provided as part of the tarball
* Sun Feb 26 2017 Cleanup recommends
* Add recommend for password-store, but leave the recommends for gpg2 and pwgen for the case password-store is not installed
* Recommend git-core instead of git, because the latter pulls other unneeded packages like git-cvs and git-svn
* Sun Feb 26 2017 Switch to Qt5
* Fri Dec 02 2016 update to 1.1.6 - Better seeder for qrand() as noted in #238 this is not a proper fix. Use of the build-in fallback password generator is discouraged. - Short fullname would hang QtPass keypair generation process for infinite time #202 - keygendialog email and name validition (issue 202) #203 - Lookup validity field to check if keys are valid #201 - view box is trimming whitespace #210 - QtPass starts by searching for -psn_0_12345 on macOS #213 - Allow ssh links #211 - Increase maximum password length to 255 #209 - Updated German Translation #206 - Better seeder for qrand() as noted in #238 - Italian translation #204 - Translated for Simplified Chinese. #208
* Thu Oct 20 2016 update to 1.1.5 - Allow ssh:// links #211 - View box no longer trims whitespace #210 - Increase maximum password length to 255 #209 - Full translation to Simplified Chinese. #208 - Password generation options and templates #207 #98 - Updated German Translation #206 - Italian translation #204 - KeygenDialog email and name validation #202 #203 - Lookup validity field to check if keys are valid #201 - Fixed a spelling error #200 - Windows build with Qt 5.7 (almost half the size now)
* Tue Sep 27 2016 update to 1.1.4 - PREFIX is now really a prefix #185 - Encoding issues #192, #131, #101 and #91 fixed in #198 and #199 - Re-assign permissions when adding users #161 - French translations - Completed Dutch and German translations
* Sat Jun 11 2016 update to 1.1.3 - Clipboard now cleared when quitting or killing application #171 - Wait till processes done on edit #177 - Hide content now works when using templates #160 - Added warning started work on #161 #150- changes from 1.1.2 - Fix build issues with MSVC2015 on Windows #175 - Deletion of empty folders when using git fixed #181 - Trimming of values in templates #182 - Updated translations, completed Dutch and German
* Tue Apr 05 2016 update to 1.1.1 - Same name for file and folder #159 (fixed up-stream) - Use --secure for pwgen and more configurable options #168 - Some UI tweaks #158 - Some translation updates #162 - Remove Debian packaging #166 - Clear text input: use system icon instead of x #84 - Bind a key to the clear action #142 - Flat icon bd742d6 for more modern look - Minor cleanup and FAQ changes
* Sun Feb 21 2016 install desktop file and icon
* Fri Jan 29 2016 update to 1.1.0 - Fixed qrand initialisation (used to generate predictable passwords) #129 - System Icons on Buttons #124 - Doubleclick on treeView #124 - Updated config layout #124 - Good (fallback) icons #143 - Translation fixes and additions
* Sun Jan 03 2016 update to 1.0.6 - Updated german translation #125 #126 #134 - Fixed qrand always generating the same sequence of passwords [#129] - Fixed deleted record can be retrieved bug #117 - On-demand copy to clipboard feature #119 - Always on top feature #118 - Fixed timer issue #122 (introduced in #119)- use proper CXXFLAGS- ran spec-cleaner
* Thu Nov 19 2015 update to 1.0.5 - Auto hiding of content doesn\'t need clipboard 76dacca - Auto content hiding timer gets stopped when starting new task 1fa596d a8fa7b2 - Remove template widgets when starting new task 4e7ac13 - Using pwgen won\'t add a carriage return to password anymore [#115] - Output of git commands won\'t (always) show in red anymore #111 - Tab order of templated fields is correctly set 2f9c6f7 - SingleApplication communication problem workaround 3fc1dc7 - Translation building system updated and further removal of duplicate and unneeded bits - Use example template format from passff as default 107dbff 5ec97c7 - CI building windows installer
* Thu Nov 05 2015 update to 1.0.4 - Support for RightToLeft languages #108 - FreeBSD fixes 2ed0093 7c26329 - Windows \"hidden\" folder fix #63 - Minor cleanup work 4302cc0 f6d68f4 8b6a533 - Some work on the language creation/update mechanics 741c4b7 and other minor tweaks.
* Sun Oct 25 2015 update to 1.0.3 - Spanish translations added #103 - Use pass show password instead of unsafe fallback pass password #105 - Get PREFIX variable from qmake or env #106 - Templating skips parsing colon in urls unless specifically added prefix to template.
* Fri Sep 25 2015 update to 1.0.2 - Fixed modulus zero exception in password generation #102 - Installation prefix selection #100 - Made IP urls clickable by simplifying regex #97 - Added trailing newline if missing #93
* Tue Aug 11 2015 update to 1.0.1 - Correct focussing of filter input #89 - Templates for password input - Show password title in in input window - Clear the text field(s) after X seconds #86 - User list look and colour scheme #82 - Auto push/pull options for git #83 - Commit deletes to git #81 - Git init of repositories #72 - Yubikey Neo linux info added to FAQ #73
* Wed Aug 05 2015 update to 1.0.0 - Chinese translations - Hungarian translations - German translations
* Fri Jul 31 2015 update to 0.9.2 - Filter expired keys and show creation and expiry date of keys #70 - Fixed stupid sigsev on empty profile names found by AATTsigio - Minor tweaks for usability- changes from 0.9.1 - pwgen and git options not available when not applicable - git removal of files (when applicable) #57 - filtering of unusable keys in user dialog
* Sun Jul 19 2015 update to 0.9.0 - Fixed first run order issues - Dutch translation updated - Interface margins redefined- changes from 0.8.6 - Now compiling with older C++ compilers (removed C++11 dependency) - Now working with Qt 4.4+ (removed Qt 5.2 dependency) - pwgen integration #68 - minor clipboard related fix
* Mon Jul 13 2015 initial version