Changelog for
silk-devel-3.16.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Feb 17 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 3.16.1
* Fix bugs in rwstats, rwuniq, rwbagcat, rwsender, rwreceiver,
rwflowpack, and flowcap.
Sun Oct 22 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 3.16.0
* rwstats
+ When the primary value is a distinct count, compute the number of
distinct items across all bins and print each bin\'s percentage of
the total distinct count.
+ Fix bugs that may occur when computing distinct counts and not
all distinct counts fit into memory.
* rwuniq
+ Fix bugs that may occur when computing distinct counts and not
all distinct counts fit into memory.
* flowrate plug-in
+ Change how the flowrate plug-in handles flow records whose
duration is zero in order to fix bizarre looking output in
rwstats. The plug-in now assumes each of these flow records has
a duration of 400 microseconds (0.4 milliseconds).
+ Add the --flowrate-zero-duration switch which allows the user to
set the duration that the plug-in uses for flow records whose
given duration is zero.
* rwrandomizeip
+ Read flow records from the standard input if the number of
non-switch arguments is zero.
+ Write the flow records to the standard output if the number of
non-switch arguments is zero or one.
* rwswapbytes
+ Read flow records from the standard input if the number of
non-switch arguments is zero.
+ Write the flow records to the standard output if the number of
non-switch arguments is zero or one.
* rwflowpack, flowcap
+ Change processing of NetFlow v9 records so that, when SiLK is
compiled against libfixbuf 1.8.0, the OUT_BYTES and OUT_PKTS
values are used when the IN_BYTES and IN_PKTS values are 0.
* flowcap
+ Print the probe definitions to the log file when the log-level is
set to debug.
* rwflowpack, rwflowappend, flowcap, rwsender, rwreceiver, rwpollexec
+ Change how daemons invoke subprocesses in order to avoid creating
subprocesses that deadlock and never complete.
+ Modify start-up scripts to be more in line with the rules in the
Linux Standard Base.
* Plug-ins
+ Add manual pages for the cutmatch, conficker-c, and app-mismatch
+ No longer install the uniq-distproto plug-in since its
functionality is available as --values=distinct:protocol.
Thu May 11 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 3.15.0
* Add Aggregate Bag tools that are similar to the traditional
SiLK Bag tools but support multiple fields in the key and counter.
* Add a new plug-in to compute a hash value using the same
algorithm as YAF\'s getFlowKeyHash utility.
* Add --output-path and --xargs switches to some tools.
* Remove support for fixbuf releases prior to libfixbuf-1.7.0.
* Make additional changes and bug fixes.
- Update to version 3.14.0
* Add new IPset file format for IPv6 flow records.
* Allow the installer of SiLK to choose the default IPset file
format written by SiLK.
* Allow rwsetcat to count the IPs in an IPset stream without
loading the IPset into memory.
* Add a work-around for NetFlow v9 records from a SonicWall device.
- Update to version 3.13.0
* Add support for compressing files with \"Snappy\" compression when
the Snappy library and header are found during configuration.
* Add support for the SILK_COMPRESSION_METHOD environment variable
that provides a default value for the --compression-method switch.
* Increase array size used by rwcount on 64-bit platforms.
- Update to version 3.12.2
* In rwgeoip2ccmap, restore support for processing binary input.
* Add a --sort-counters switch to rwbagcat.
* Make additional changes and bug fixes.
- Update to version 3.12.1
* Make substantial changes to the handling of IPFIX and NetFlow v9
records to decrease per-record processing time.
Sat Jul 4 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 3.10.2
Fri Jan 2 13:00:00 2015
- initial package, version 3.10.0