Changelog for libpjsip-devel-2.5.5.ring-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Oct 20 14:00:00 2016
PJSIP 2.5.5
- List of Enhancements
-- common:
--- #1881 Visual Studio 2015 support
-- pjlib, pjlib-util:
--- #1894 Improve ioqueue performance on multithreadeded environment
--- #1909 GUID implementation for Android
-- pjmedia, pjmedia-audiodev:
--- #1847 Upgrade libsrtp version and support for AES-256 crypto
--- #1888 Support for WebRTC Acoustic Echo Cancellation
--- #1896 Update default audio device backends
--- #1897 Support Ffmpeg 2.8
--- #1904 Support for Opus codec
--- #1907 Remove pjmedia
* circular dependency
-- pjsip, pjsua-lib:
--- #1892 Add pjsua/pjsua2 callback to notify incoming re-INVITE without offer
--- #1908 Support opening speaker only in pjsua/pjsua2
--- #1913 Add callback for address change notification from STUN keep alive
--- #1914 Ignore STUN error after pjstun_get_mapped_addr2()
--- #1915 Add API pjsip_udp_transport_start2()
-- pjsua2, swig:
--- #1879 Set Video Codec Param using PJSUA2 API
- List of Bugs
-- common:
--- #1882 Miscellaneous fixes
-- pjlib, pjlib-util:
--- #1889 DNS parser returns error on parsing RR type OPT
--- #1912 Build error on Alpine linux (musl libc)
-- pjnath:
--- #1891 ICE negotiation fails after each component has successful connectivity check
--- #1903 Crash when cleaning STUN response cache
-- pjmedia, pjmedia-audiodev:
--- #1884 Audio stutter on remote side after disconnecting stream from microphone in the conference bridge
--- #1887 No output frame returned by iLBC encoder on iOS when using multiple frames per packet
-- pjmedia-videodev:
--- #1880 Incorrect orientation after switching video capture or when using back camera
-- pjsip, pjsua-lib:
--- #1311 Locking account to specific TCP/TLS listener will cause registration loop (thanks Tony Million for the report)
--- #1883 Crash in decrementing transport reference count
--- #1885 Race conditions in event subscription
--- #1886 Fixed destruction of locked mutex in SIP dialog
--- #1893 iOS application getting killed after pjsua fail to release a disconnected transport
--- #1895 Terminate subscription when receiving non 2xx Notify response without Retry-After header
--- #1898 Transport may never gets destroyed when connected event comes while transport is shutting down
--- #1899 Create stream for inactive media to allow keep-alive and RTCP traffics
--- #1901 Fix crash when async_cnt is set to a value greater than one for SIP TLS transport
--- #1902 Crash when endpoint has multiple worker threads and SIP TCP transport is disconnected during incoming call handling
--- #1905 Fixed assertion in call redirection
-- pjsua2, swig:
--- #1911 Callback onCallSdpCreated() (pjsua2) doesn\'t modify the SDP
--- #1916 onCreateMediaTransport() callback might not be called on PJSUA2
- List of Tasks
-- #1841 Review Android audio output latency
-- #1906 Remove PortAudio source from package

Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2016
- Initial version of Ring specific PJSIP version