Changelog for libcxsparse-3_1_9-3.1.9-70.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jul 10 2017 Fix RPM groups.- Trim pointless trailing line whitespace from descriptions. % must be encoded as %%.- Trim past-time history from suistesparse_config description.
* Sun Jun 11 2017 Update to version 4.5.5
* minor fix to SuiteSparse/Makefile for \'make install\'- Update to version 4.5.4
* minor update to SPQR for ACM TOMS submission- Update to version 4.5.3
* minor changes to Makefiles- Update to version 4.5.2
* licensing simplified (no other change); refer to PACKAGE/Doc/License.txt for the license for each package.- Update to version 4.5.1
* update to Makefiles. Version 4.5.0 is broken on the Mac. That version also compiles
*.so libraries on Linux with underlinked dependencies to other libraries in SuiteSparse. For example, AMD requires SuiteSparse_config. The links to required libraries are now explicitly included in each library, in SuiteSparse 4.5.1.
* minor change to CHOLMOD/Check/cholmod_write.c, when compiling with options that disable specific modules- Update to version 4.5.0
* better Makefiles for creating and installing shared libraries
* CHOLMOD now uses METIS 5.1.0, which is distributed with SuiteSparse
* fix for MATLAB R2015b, which changed how it creates empty matrices, as compared to prior versions of MATLAB. This change in MATLAB breaks many of the mexFunctions in prior versions of SuiteSparse. If you use MATLAB R2015b, you must upgrade to SuiteSparse 4.5.0 or later.- Update to version 4.4.7
* note that this minor update fails on the Mac, so its listed on my web page as a \'beta\' release.
* Improved the Makefiles of all packages. They now create
*.so shared libraries (
*.dylib on the Mac). Also, there is now only a single file. It now determines your system automatically, and whether or not you have METIS and CUDA. It also automatically detects if you have the Intel compiler or not, and uses it if it finds it. There should be no need to edit this file for most cases, but you may need to for your particular system. With this release, there are almost no changes to the source code, except for the VERSION numbers defined in the various include
*.h files for each package.- Use faster openblas.
* Remove blas-instead-of-openblas-SuiteSparse_config_mk.patch- Remove upstream-included no-removal-of-suitesparse_config-output.patch
* Sat Dec 05 2015 Update to version 4.4.6
* SPQR 2.0.2: changed default tol when A has infs, from inf to realmax (~1e308)
* Wed Nov 18 2015 Package forgotten C++ includes (
*.hpp), too.- Adjust download link
* Wed Sep 23 2015 Update to version 4.4.5 + CHOLMOD 3.0.6:
* minor fix to CHOLMOD (-DNGPL did not work as expected)
* added MATLAB interface for row add/delete (lurowmod) + KLU 1.3.3: Fix for klu_dump.c (debugging case only) + UFcollection: added additional stats for matrix collection + AMD: changed the license. Was LGPL only, now either LGPL or BSD, at the user\'s option. See AMD/Doc/License.txt for details.
* Wed Apr 01 2015 Update to version 4.4.4 + CHOLMOD version number corrected. In 4.4.3, the CHOLMOD_SUBSUB_VERSION string was left at \'4\' (it should have been \'5\', for CHOLMOD 3.0.5). This version of SuiteSparse corrects this glitch. + Minor changes to comments in SuiteSparse_config. + SPQR version 2.0.1 released (minor update to documentation)
* Tue Jan 27 2015 Fix linking config- Add linking tests
* Tue Jan 20 2015 Update to version 4.4.3 + CHOLMOD 3.0.5: minor bug fix to MatrixOps/cholmod_symmetry- Update to version 4.4.2 + CHOLMOD 3.0.4: serious bug fix in supernodal factorization, introduced in CHOLMOD 3.0.0 (SuiteSparse 4.3.0). Can cause segfault, and has no user workaround.- Upstream SuiteSparse preferes OpenBLAS, added patch blas-instead-of-openblas-SuiteSparse_config_mk.patch to use BLAS as SuiteSparse 4.4.1 did
* Mon Nov 10 2014 Update to version 4.4.1 + Minor update: two bug fixes (affecting Windows only) for CHOLMOD and KLU
* Wed Oct 22 2014 Update to version 4.4.0 + (added GPU acceleration to CHOLMOD and SPQR. Up to 10x faster than a multicore CPU.) Not yet working in the package + changed to a consistent method for all of SuiteSparse, for malloc/calloc/realloc, and printf, using SuiteSparse_config.
* Sun Jun 22 2014 Fix libraries linking [bnc#883683]
* Sun Nov 10 2013 Update to version 4.2.1 + no changelog available- Fix Groups to respect new standards
* Fri Nov 02 2012 shlib naming: libsuitesparseconfig-4_0_2, not -4.0.2
* Thu Aug 23 2012 need to escape % in comments -- Fedora builds choked on them
* Thu Aug 16 2012 also re-fix bnc#746867:
* cholmod from suitesparse should be GPL-2.0 and/or LGPL-2.0 licensed
* Wed Aug 15 2012 fix bnc#775418: SuiteSparse does not ship library which contains the symbol SuiteSparse_time
* it\'s because latest SuiteSparse prefers NTIMER.(try to depreciate) so when there\'s NTIMER avaiable, tic/toc will not be enabled.
* easy solution is to use \"-lSuiteSparse\" in the UMFPACK_LIBS variable in the affected packages like Octave.
* but this seems to affect many packages in science repo, so I just add a patch comment #IF NTIMER off.
* add sub-package libsuitesparse_config which is formly known as UFconfig.
* also add provides/obsoltes of UFconfig.
* add patch0 to prevent removal of .o after .a is built. we still need .o to make shared
* Tue Jul 31 2012 Update to version 4.0.2
* no changelog available.
* Wed Jun 06 2012 fix bnc#751746.
* Mon Jun 04 2012 Update to version 4.0.0. Major changes:
* added GPU support for CHOLMOD
* Renamed UFconfig to SuiteSparse_config- Fix licenses (some libraries are LGPL-2.1+, some are GPL-2.0+, and one is both).- Change descriptions to upstream versions- Build csparse package- Clean up spec file
* Remove hard-coded library versions everywhere. Each library version only needs to be changed in two places, which are right next to each other- Move README to -devel package and remove now-empty base package- Changed group to match lapack/blas group (which this package is essentially an extension of)
* Sun Feb 19 2012 fix timestamp error in changelog, dont know why it omit zero in time format.
* Sat Feb 18 2012 add rpmlintrc to shut up false positives (after inquiry by MargueriteSu)
* Fri Feb 17 2012 fix libraries version tags of suitesparse-devel requires.
* Wed Feb 15 2012 fix bug#746867. cholmod is licensed under GPL-2.0 and LGPL-2.0 only, GPL-2.0 only prevents other components to be licensed under a high version of the same license.
* Tue Feb 07 2012 Apply shared library policy
* Sat Feb 04 2012 update to version 3.7.0
* Wed Dec 21 2011 updated to latest version 3.2.0- added gcc4.3.2 fix for spqr.hpp- changed source to bz2 archive