Changelog for telegraf-1.6.0-2.8.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Apr 24 2018 Fix dependency package: The dependency package contained the telegraf source code which has overwritten the patched files.
* Wed Apr 18 2018 Release 1.6.0
* Release Notes - The mysql input plugin has been updated fix a number of type convertion issues. This may cause a field type error when inserting into InfluxDB due the change of types. - To address this we have introduced a new metric_version option to control enabling the new format. For in depth recommendations on upgrading please reference the mysql plugin documentation. - It is encouraged to migrate to the new model when possible as the old version is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. - The postgresql plugins now defaults to using a persistent connection to the database. In environments where TCP connections are terminated the max_lifetime setting should be set less than the collection interval to prevent errors. - The sqlserver input plugin has a new query and data model that can be enabled by setting query_version = 2. It is encouraged to migrate to the new model when possible as the old version is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. - An option has been added to the openldap input plugin that reverses metric name to improve grouping. This change is enabled when reverse_metric_names = true is set. It is encouraged to enable this option when possible as the old ordering is deprecated. - The new http input configured with data_format = \"json\" can perform the same task as the, now deprecated, httpjson input.
* New Inputs http - Thanks to AATTgrange74 ipset - Thanks to AATTsajoupa nats - Thanks to AATTmjs & AATTlevex
* New Processors override - Thanks to AATTKarstenSchnitter
* New Parsers dropwizard - Thanks to AATTatzoum
* Features [#3551]: Add health status mapping from string to int in elasticsearch input. [#3580]: Add control over which stats to gather in basicstats aggregator. [#3596]: Add messages_delivered_get to rabbitmq input. [#3632]: Add wired field to mem input. [#3619]: Add support for gathering exchange metrics to the rabbitmq input. [#3565]: Add support for additional metrics on Linux in zfs input. [#3524]: Add available_entropy field to kernel input plugin. [#3643]: Add user privilege level setting to IPMI sensors. [#2701]: Use persistent connection to postgresql database. [#2846]: Add support for dropwizard input format. [#3666]: Add container health metrics to docker input. [#3687]: Add support for using globs in devices list of diskio input plugin. [#2754]: Allow running as console application on Windows. [#3703]: Add listener counts and node running status to rabbitmq input. [#3674]: Add NATS Monitoring Input Plugin. [#3702]: Add ability to select which queues will be gathered in rabbitmq input. [#3726]: Add support for setting bsd source address to the ping input. [#3346]: Add Ipset input plugin. [#3719]: Add TLS and HTTP basic auth to prometheus_client output. [#3618]: Add new sqlserver output data model. [#3559]: Add native Go method for finding pids to procstat. [#3722]: Add additional metrics and reverse metric names option to openldap. [#3769]: Add TLS support to the mesos input plugin. [#3546]: Add http input plugin. [#3781]: Add keep alive support to the TCP mode of statsd. [#3783]: Support deadline in ping plugin. [#3765]: Add option to disable labels in prometheus output for string fields. [#3808]: Add shard server stats to the mongodb input plugin. [#3713]: Add server option to unbound plugin. [#3804]: Convert boolean metric values to float in datadog output. [#3799]: Add Solr 3 compatibility. [#3797]: Add sum stat to basicstats aggregator. [#3626]: Add ability to override proxy from environment in http response. [#3853]: Add host to ping timeout log message. [#3773]: Add override processor. [#3814]: Add status_code and result tags and result_type field to http_response input. [#3880]: Added config flag to skip collection of network protocol metrics. [#3927]: Add TLS support to kapacitor input. [#3496]: Add HTTP basic auth support to the http_listener input. [#3452]: Tags in output InfluxDB Line Protocol are now sorted. [#3631]: InfluxDB Line Protocol parser now accepts DOS line endings. [#2496]: An option has been added to skip database creation in the InfluxDB output. [#3366]: Add support for connecting to InfluxDB over a unix domain socket. [#3946]: Add optional unsigned integer support to the influx data format. [#3811]: Add TLS support to zookeeper input. [#2737]: Add filters for container state to docker input.
* Bugfixes [#1896]: Fix various mysql data type conversions. [#3810]: Fix metric buffer limit in internal plugin after reload. [#3801]: Fix panic in http_response on invalid regex. [#3973]: Fix socket_listener setting ReadBufferSize on tcp sockets. [#1575]: Add tag for target url to phpfpm input. [#3868]: Fix cannot unmarshal object error in DC/OS input. [#3648]: Fix InfluxDB output not able to reconnect when server address changes. [#3957]: Fix parsing of dos line endings in the smart input. [#3754]: Fix precision truncation when no timestamp included. [#3655]: Fix SNMPv3 connection with Cisco ASA 5515 in snmp input. [#3981]: Export all vars defined in /etc/default/telegraf. [#4004]: Allow grok pattern to contain newlines.
* Fri Mar 23 2018 Release 1.5.3
* Bugfixes [#3729]: Set path to / if HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX matches full path. [#3739]: Remove userinfo from url tag in prometheus input. [#3778]: Fix ping plugin not reporting zero durations. [#3807]: Fix memory leak in postgresql_extensible. [#3697]: Disable keepalive in mqtt output to prevent deadlock. [#3786]: Fix collation difference in sqlserver input. [#3871]: Fix uptime metric in passenger input plugin. [#3851]: Add output of stderr in case of error to exec log message.
* Mon Feb 12 2018 Add feature_passive_amqp_exchange.patch:
* This patch allows to enable the exchange passive mode for the AMQP consumer plugin. This is required for RabbitMQ servers that rely on that (like the openSUSE ones)
* Upstream pull request is not possible because it requires you to sign a CLA, but it\'s requested here:
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Release 1.5.2
* Bugfixes [#3684]: Ignore empty lines in Graphite plaintext. [#3604]: Fix index out of bounds error in solr input plugin. [#3680]: Reconnect before sending graphite metrics if disconnected. [#3693]: Align aggregator period with internal ticker to avoid skipping metrics. [#3629]: Fix a potential deadlock when using aggregators. [#3697]: Limit wait time for writes in mqtt output. [#3698]: Revert change in graphite output where dot in field key was replaced by underscore. [#3710]: Add timeout to wavefront output write. [#3725]: Exclude master_replid fields from redis input.