Changelog for ruby2.4-rubygem-capybara-3.12.0-14.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Dec 08 2018 updated to version 3.12.0 see installed [#] Version 3.12.0 Release date: 2018-11-28 [#]## Added
* Support Ruby 2.6 endless range in Result#[] and query `:between` option
* Pre-registered headless firefox driver :selenium_headless [Andrew Havens]
* Selenium driver now defaults to clearing `sessionStorage` and `localStorage`. To disable pass `clear_local_storage: false` and/or `clear_session_storage: false` when creating Capybara::Selenium::Driver instance in your driver registration [#]## Fixed
* Raise error if only :x or :y are passed as an offset to click methods [#]## Removed
* Support for RSpec < 3.5
* Thu Nov 22 2018 updated to version 3.11.1 see installed
* Tue Nov 20 2018 updated to version 3.11.1 [#]## Fixed
* Fixed :link_or_button XPath generation when it has had an expression filter added [#] Fixes since version 3.11.0 [#]## Added
* Ability for node filters to set detailed error messages
* `Capybara::HTML` Will use `nokogumbo` for HTML parsing if installed
* `Selector#locator_filter` added to allow for dynamic locator in selectors [#]## Fixed
* Node filters are evaluated in the context of the Selector they are used in to ensure the correct options are used
* Tue Nov 06 2018 updated to version 3.10.1 [#]## Fixed
* Fix `aria-label` and `test_id` matching for `link_or_button` selector type - Issue #2125
* Fixed crash in element path creation for matcher failure messages - Issue #2120
* Mon Oct 29 2018 updated to version 3.10.0 [#]## Added
* :class filter can now check for class names starting with !
* Selector `xpath`/`css` expression definitions will get filter names from block parameters if not explicitly provided
* `any_of_selectors` assertions and matchers to complement `all_of_selectors` and `none_of_selectors` [#]## Fixed
* Selector `css` expression definiton declared filters now work again
* Cleaned up warnings [Yuji Yaginuma]
* Workaround installation of rspec matcher proxies under jruby by reverting to the old solution not using prepend, so jruby bugs are not hit - Issue #2115 Changes since version 3.9.0: [#]## Added
* Selenium with Chrome removes all cookies at session reset instead of just cookies from current domain if possible
* Support for Regexp for system :id and :class filters where possible
* `using_session` now accepts a session object as well as the name of the session for users who manually manage sessions
* The `:field` selector will now find `type = \"hidden\"` fields if the `type: \"hidden\"` filter option is provided
* Thu Sep 27 2018 updated to version 3.8.2 [#]## Fixed
* Fixed negated class selector option - Issue #2103
* Sun Sep 23 2018 updated to version 3.8.1 [#]## Fixed
* Filling in of date fields with a string when using selenium chrome regression [Micah Geisel]- New features/fixes since 3.8.0 [#]## Added
* Workaround geckodriver 0.22 issue with undefined pause durations
* :element selector ignores XML namespaces [#]## Fixed
* Added Errno::ECONNRESET to the errors which will allows https server detection
* Mon Sep 17 2018 updated to version 3.7.2 Release date: 2018-09-12 [#]## Fixed
* Fix MatchQuery based matchers when used on a root element found using any type of parent/ancestor query - Issue #2097
* Fix Chrome/FF HTML5 drag simulation for elements (a, img) which default to draggable - Issue #2098 [#] Version 3.7.1 Release date: 2018-09-05 [#]## Fixed
* Restored ability to pass symbol as the CSS selector when calling `has_css?`/`have_css`/etc - Issue #2093
* Wed Sep 05 2018 updated to version 3.7.0 see installed [#] Version 3.7.0 Release date: 2018-09-02 [#]## Added
* `Capybara.disable_animation` can be set to a CSS selector to identify which elements will have animation disabled [Michael Glass]
* `Capybara.default_normalize_ws` option which sets whether or not text predicates and matchers (`has_text?`, `has_content?`, `assert_text`, etc) use `normalize_ws` option by default. Defaults to false. [Stegalin Ivan]
* Selector based predicates, matchers, and finders now support the `:normalize_ws` option for the `:text`/`:exact_text` filters. Defaults to the `Capybara.default_normalize_ws`setting above.
* Element `choose`/`check`/`uncheck`/`attach_file`/`fill_in` can now operate on the element they\'re called on or a descendant if no locator is passed. [#]## Fixed
* All CSS styles applied by the `Element#attach_file` `:make_visible` option will now have `!important` priority set to ensure they override any other specified style.
* Firefox file inputs are only manually cleared when necessary.
* Thu Aug 16 2018 updated to version 3.6.0 Release date: 2018-08-14 [#]## Added
* Workaround geckodriver/firefox send_keys issues as much as possible using the Selenium actions API
* Workaround lack of HTML5 native drag and drop events when using Selenium driver with Chrome and FF >= 62
* `Capybara.predicates_wait` option which sets whether or not Capybaras matcher predicate methods (`has_css?`, `has_selector?`, `has_text?`, etc.) default to using waiting/retrying behavior (defaults to true)
* Sat Aug 04 2018 update to version 3.5.1 Release date: 2018-08-03 [#]## Fixed
* Fixed misspelled method name `refute_matches_elector` => `refute_matches_selector`
* Thu Aug 02 2018 update to version 3.5.0 Release date: 2018-08-01 [#]## Added
* text predicates and matchers (`has_text?`, `has_content?`, `assert_text`, etc) now support a `normalize_ws` option [#]## Fixed
* `attach_file` with Selenium and local Firefox 62+ now correctly generates only one change event when attaching multiple files
* Tue Jul 24 2018 update to version 3.4.2 Release date: 2018-07-24 [#]## Fixed
* `match_xxx` selectors and `matches_xxx?` predicates work correctly with elements found using a sibling selector - Issue #2073
* Sun Jul 22 2018 updated to version 3.4.1 see installed [#] Version 3.4.1 Release date: 2018-07-20 [#]## Fixed
* `Session#evaluate_script` now strips the script in `Session` rather than only in the Selenium driver
* Fri Jul 20 2018 Update to version 3.4.0 [#] Fixed
* Make selenium driver :backspace clear stategy work even if caret location is in middle of field content [Champier Cyril]
* Selenium issue with fieldset nested in disabled fieldset not being considered disabled
* Session#evaluate_script and Element#evaluate_script now strip leading/trailing whitespace from scripts [Ian Lesperance] [#] Added
* Work around Selenium lack of support for file_detector with remote geckodriver
* #within_frame locator is optional when only one frame exists
* Capybara.test_id option that allows for matching the Capybara provided selector types on an arbitrary attribute (defaults to nil), set to your test id attribute (\'data-test-id, etc) if using test id attributes in your project
* Wed Jun 27 2018 updated to version 3.3.1 see installed [#] Version 3.3.1 Release date: 2018-06-27 [#]## Fixed
* `selenium-webdriver` version check [ahorek]
* Selenium driver correctly responds to `disabled?` for fieldset elements - Issue #2059 [Thomas Walpole]
* Mon Jun 25 2018 updated to version 3.3.0 see installed [#] Version 3.3.0 Release date: 2018-06-25 [#]## Added
* RackTest driver now handles 307/308 redirects
* `execute_async_script` can now be called on elements to run the JS in the context of the element
* `:download` filter option on `:link\' selector
* `Window#fullscreen`
* `Element#style` and associated matchers [#]## Changed
* Minimum \"supported\" `selenium-webdriver` is raised to 3.5.0 (but you really should be using newer than that) [#]## Fixes
* Selenium driver with Firefox workaround for clicking on table row -
* :class and :id filters applied to CSS based selectors now correctly handle the CSS comma
* Selenium driver handles namespaces when generating an elements `#path` - Issue #2048
* Mon Jun 04 2018 updated to version 3.2.1 see installed [#] Version 3.2.1 Release date: 2018-06-04 [#]## Fixes
* Only split CSS selectors when :class or :id options are given. Restores 3.1.1 functionality for now but the underlying issue will require a larger fix, hopefully coming soon. - Issue #2044 [Thomas Walpole]
* Fri Jun 01 2018 updated to version 3.2.0 see installed [#] Version 3.2.0 Release date: 2018-06-01 [#]## Changed
* Ruby 2.3.0+ is now required
* `ElementNotFound` errors raised in selector filters are interpreted as non-matches [#]## Added
* New global configuration `default_set_options` used in `Capybara::Node::Element#set` as default `options` hash [Champier Cyril]
* `execute_javascript` and `evaluate_javascript` can now be called on elements to run the JS in the context of the element [Thomas Walpole]
* Filters in custom selectors now support a `matcher` Regexp to handle multiple filter options [Thomas Walpole]
* `:element` selector type which will match on any attribute (other than the reserved names) passed as a filter option [Thomas Walpole]
* `:class` filter option now supports preceding class names with `!` to indicate not having that class [Thomas Walpole]
* `:class` and `:id` filter options now accept `XPath::Expression` objects to allow for more flexibility in matching [Thomas Walpole]
* `Capybara.disable_animation` setting which triggers loading of a middleware that attempts to disable animations in pages. This is very much a beta feature and may change/disappear in the future. [Thomas Walpole]
* Fri May 25 2018 updated to version 3.1.1 see installed [#] Version 3.1.1 Release date: 2018-05-25 [#]## Fixes
* Ensure keystrokes are sent when setting time/date fields to a string with the Selenium driver [Thomas Walpole]
* Wed May 16 2018 updated to version 3.1.0 see installed [#] Version 3.1.0 Release date: 2018-05-10 [#]## Added
* Support for using `select` with text inputs associated with a datalist element
* `type` filter on `:button` selector
* Support for server operating in https mode
* Selenium driver now uses JS to fill_in/set date and time fields when passed date or time objects [Aleksei Gusev, Thomas Walpole]
* Mon Apr 30 2018 updated to version 3.0.3 see installed [#] Version 3.0.3 Release date: 2018-04-30 [#]## Fixes
* Issue in `check` where the locator string could not be omitted
* Selenium browser type detection when using remote [Ian Ker-Seymer]
* Potential hang when waiting for requests to complete [Chris Zetter]
* Fri Apr 13 2018 updated to version 3.0.2 see installed [#] Version 3.0.2 Release date: 2018-04-13 [#]## Fixes
* Fix expression filter descriptions in some selector failure messages
* Fix compounding of negated matechers - Issue #2010
* Sat Apr 07 2018 updated to version 3.0.1 see installed [#] Version 3.0.1 Release date: 2018-04-06 [#]## Changed
* Restored ability for `Capybara.server=` to accept a proc which was accidentally removed in 3.0.0
* Fri Apr 06 2018 updated to version 3.0.0 see installed
* Tue Feb 13 2018 updated to version 2.18.0 see installed [#]Version 2.18.0 Release date: 2018-02-12 [#]## Fixed
* Firefox/geckodriver setting of contenteditable childs contents
* Ignore Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError when quitting driver [Tim Connor] [#]## Removed
* Headless chrome modal JS injection that is no longer needed for Chrome 64+/chromedriver 2.35+
* Wed Jan 03 2018 Updated to version 2.17.0 Release date: 2018-01-02 [#]Added - have_all_of_selectors, have_none_of_selectors RSpec matchers for parity with minitest assertions [Thomas Walpole] [#]Fixed - Allow xpath 3.x gem [Thomas Walpole] - Issue when drivers returned nil for current_path and a matcher was used with a Regexp [Thomas Walpole] - Error message when visible element not found, but non-visible was [Andy Klimczak]
* Tue Nov 21 2017 updated to version 2.16.1
* Fix rack_test driver for rack_test 0.7.1/0.8.0 [Thomas Walpole]
* accept_prompt response text can contain quotes when using selenium with headless chrome [Thomas Walpole]
* Fri Nov 17 2017 updated to version 2.16.0 Release date: 2017-11-13 [#] Added - Attempt to move element into view when selenium doesn\'t correctly do it - See PR #1917 [Thomas Walpole] - current_path matchers will now autodetect path vs url based on string to be matched. Deprecates :only_path in favor of :ignore_query option [Thomas Walpole] - Session#evaluate_async_script [Thomas Walpole] [#] Fixed - Default prompt value when using headless Chrome works correctly [Thomas Walpole] - Support new modal error returned by selenium-webdriver 3.7 for W3C drivers [Thomas Walpole] - Calling respond_to? on the object passed to Capybara.configure block - Issue #1935
* Mon Oct 09 2017 updated to version 2.15.4 Release date: 2017-10-07 [#] Fixed
* Visiting an absolute URL shouldn\'t overwrite the port when no server or always_include_port=false - Issue #1921
* Wed Oct 04 2017 updated to version 2.15.3 Release date: 2017-10-03 [#] Fixed
* Visiting \'/\' when Capybara.app_host has a trailing \'/\' - Issue #1918 [Thomas Walpole] Changelog of version 2.15.2: Release date: 2017-10-02 [#] Fixed
* Include within scope description in element not found/ambiguous errors [Thomas Walpole]
* Raise error when no activation block is passed to modal methods if using headless chrome [Thomas Walpole]
* Don\'t retry element access when inspecting [Ivan Neverov]
* Don\'t override a specified port (even if it is default port) in visited url [Thomas Walpole]
* Mon Aug 07 2017 Update to 2.15.1
* attach_file with no extension/MIME type when using the :rack_test driver [Thomas Walpole]
* Thu Aug 03 2017 Update to 2.14.3.
* Fix retrieval of session_options for HaveSelector matcher descriptions
* Fri Jun 23 2017 Update to 2.14.3. No changelog found.
* Tue Jun 13 2017 updated to version 2.14.2 see installed [#] Version 2.14.2 Release date: 2017-06-09 [#]## Fixed
* Workaround for system modals when using headless Chrome now works if the page changes [#] Version 2.14.1 Release date: 2017-06-07 [#]## Fixed
* Catch correct error when unexpected system modals are discovered in latest selenium [Thomas Walpole]
* Update default `puma` server registration to encourage it to run in single mode [Thomas Walpole]
* Suppress invalid element errors raised while lazily evaluating the results of `all` [Thomas Walpole]
* Added missing `with_selected` option to the :select selector to match `options`/`with_options` options - Issue #1865 [Bartosz Nowak]
* Workaround broken system modals when using selenium with headless Chrome
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 2.14.0 see installed
* Fri Mar 17 2017 updated to version 2.13.0 see installed [#]Version 2.13.0 Release date: 2017-03-16 [#]## Added
* Selenium driver supports returning element(s) from evaluate_script [Thomas Walpole]
* rack_test driver supports click on checkboxes and radio buttons to change their states [Thomas Walpole]
* Support RSpec equivalent assertions and expectations for MiniTest [Thomas Walpole] [#]## Foxed
* Editing of content editable children with selenium
* Fri Feb 17 2017 updated to version 2.12.1 see installed [#]Version 2.12.1 Release date: 2017-02-16 [#]## Fixed
* Disable lazy Capybara::Results evaluation for JRuby due to ongoing issues
* Wed Jan 25 2017 updated to version 2.12.0
* Fri Dec 09 2016 updated to version 2.11.0 see installed [#2].11.0 Release date: 2016-12-05 [#]## Added
* Options for clearing session/local storage on reset added to the Selenium driver
* Window size changes wait for the size to stabilize
* Defined return value for most actions
* Ignore specific error when qutting selenium driver instance - Issue #1773 [Dylan Reichstadt, Thomas Walpole]
* Warn on selenium unknown errors rather than raising when quitting driver [Adam Pohorecki, Thomas Walpole]
* Capybara::Result#each now returns an `Enumerator` when called without a block - Issue #1777 [Thomas Walpole] [#]## Fixed
* Selenium driver with Chrome should support multiple file upload [Thomas Walpole]
* Fix visible: :hidden with :text option behavior [Thomas Walpole]
* Thu Dec 01 2016 updated to version 2.10.2 see installed [#2].10.2 Release date: 2016-11-30 [#]## Fixed
* App exceptions with multiple parameter initializers now re-raised correctly - Issue #1785 [Michael Lutsiuk]
* Use Addressable::URI when parsing current_path since it\'s more lenient of technically invalid URLs - Issue #1801 [Marcos Duque, Thomas Walpole]
* Fri Oct 28 2016 updated to version 2.10.1 see installed [#2].10.1 Release date: 2016-10-08 [#]## Fixed
* App errors are now correctly raised with the explanatory cause in JRuby [Thomas Walpole]
* Capybara::Result optimization disabled in JRuby due to issue with lazy enumerator evaluation [Thomas Walpole] See: [#2].10.0 Release date: 2016-10-05 [#]## Added
* Select `