Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-acts_as_list-0.9.12-lp150.6.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed May 02 2018 updated to version 0.9.12 see installed [#]# [v0.9.11]( (2018-03-19) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Setting `position: nil` on update returns `Column \'position\' cannot be null` instead of putting the item at the start or the end of the list, like it does on create. [\\#302]( - Switching to Semaphore [\\#301]( - Dropping jruby support [\\#300]( - Rails 5.2.0 [\\#299]( - Cannot update record position when scoped to enum [\\#298]( - `add\\_new\\_at: :top` does not work [\\#296]( - remove\\_from\\_list causing \"wrong number of arguments \\(given 2, expected 0..1\\)\" [\\#293]( - Passing raw strings to reorder deprecated in Rails 5.2 [\\#290](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Fix Test Suite [\\#306]( ([brendon]( - Add frozen\\_string\\_literal pragma to ruby files [\\#305]( ([krzysiek1507]( - Use symbols instead of SQL strings for reorder \\(for Rails 5.2\\) [\\#294]( ([jhawthorn](
* Tue Mar 20 2018 updated to version 0.9.11 see installed
* Mon Nov 20 2017 updated to version 0.9.10 [#] Closed issues:
* Make insert_at respect position when creating a new record #287
* Why does acts_as_list override rails validation on it\'s own field? #269
* Wed Oct 04 2017 updated to version 0.9.9 [#] Merged pull requests:
* Added fixed values option for scope array #286 (hooverlunch)
* Fri Sep 29 2017 updated to version 0.9.8 Closed issues: Deadlocking in update_positions count query #285 Updating the position fails uniqueness constraint. #275
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 0.9.7 see installed [#]# [v0.9.6]( (2017-07-05) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - undefined method `+\' for nil:NilClass [\\#278]( - Enum does not scope correctly [\\#277]( - Can we don\'t use remove\\_from\\_list when destroy a lot objects? [\\#276]( - The NoUpdate code rely\'s on AS::Concern [\\#273]( - ActiveRecord associations are no longer required \\(even though belongs\\_to\\_required\\_by\\_default == true\\) [\\#268]( - Unique constraint violation on move\\_higher, move\\_lower, destroy [\\#267](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Fix Fixnum deprecation warnings. [\\#282]( ([patrickdavey]( - Fix update to scope that was defined with an enum [\\#281]( ([scottmalone]( - Refactor update\\_all\\_with\\_touch [\\#279]( ([ledestin]( - Remove AS::Concern from NoUpdate [\\#274]( ([brendon]( - Use `ActiveSupport.on\\_load` to hook into ActiveRecord [\\#272]( ([brendon]( [#]# [v0.9.5]( (2017-04-04) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - acts\\_as\\_list\\_class.maximum\\(position\\_column\\) is causing the entire table to lock [\\#264]( - Be more precise with unscope-ing [\\#263](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Use bottom\\_position\\_in\\_list instead of the highest value in the table [\\#266]( ([brendon]( - Be more surgical about unscoping [\\#265]( ([brendon](
* Wed Apr 05 2017 updated to version 0.9.5 see installed [#]# [v0.9.4]( (2017-03-16) [Full Changelog](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Optimize first? and last? instance methods. [\\#262]( ([marshall-lee](
* Fri Mar 17 2017 updated to version 0.9.4 see installed [#]# [v0.9.3]( (2017-03-14) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Rails 5.1.0.beta1 deprecation [\\#257]( - Move item X after item Y [\\#256]( - Is there way to specify the position when creating a resource? [\\#255](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Don\'t update a child destroyed via relation [\\#261]( ([brendon]( - No update list for collection classes [\\#260]( ([IlkhamGaysin]( - Fix deprecation introduced in ActiveRecord 5.1.0.beta1. Closes \\#257 [\\#259]( ([CvX]( - Refactor column definer module [\\#258]( ([ledestin](
* Tue Mar 14 2017 updated to version 0.9.3 see installed [#]# [v0.9.2]( (2017-02-07) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Getting invalid input syntax for uuid [\\#253](
* Tue Feb 14 2017 updated to version 0.9.2 see installed [#]# [v0.9.1]( (2017-01-26) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - DEPRECATION WARNING on rails 5.0 as of acts\\_as\\_list 0.9 [\\#251]( - highter\\_items returns items with the same position value [\\#247]( - Broken with unique constraint on position [\\#245](
*Merged pull requests:
* - fixes \\#251 table\\_exists? deprecation warning with Rails 5.0 [\\#252]( ([zharikovpro]( [#]# [v0.9.0]( (2017-01-23) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - warning: too many arguments for format string [\\#239]( - Broken tests related to time comparison [\\#238]( - Shuffling positions is halting the callback chain [\\#234]( - Reorder positions [\\#233]( - Tests break when upgrading from 0.7.2 to 0.7.4 [\\#228]( - RE \\#221 needing a test [\\#226]( - Adding to existing model with data and methods don\'t work [\\#209]( - Position is set incorrectly when circular dependencies exist [\\#153](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Revert \"Updates documentation with valid string interpolation syntax\" [\\#250]( ([brendon]( - Updates documentation with valid string interpolation syntax [\\#249]( ([naveedkakal]( - Comply to tests warnings [\\#248]( ([randoum]( - insert\\_at respects unique not null check \\(\\>= 0\\) db constraints [\\#246]( ([zharikovpro]( - acts\\_as\\_list\\_no\\_update [\\#244]( ([randoum]( - Update [\\#243]( ([rahuldstiwari]( - Fixed tests to prevent warning: too many arguments for format string [\\#242]( ([brendon]( - Be explicit about ordering when mapping :pos [\\#241]( ([brendon]( - Improve load method [\\#240]( ([brendon]( - Fix non regular sequence movement [\\#237]( ([tiagotex]( - Add travis config for testing against multiple databases [\\#236]( ([fschwahn]( - Extract modules [\\#229]( ([ledestin](
* Mon Jan 23 2017 updated to version 0.9.0 see installed [#]# [v0.8.2]( (2016-09-23) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - We\'re a repo now, no longer a fork attached to rails/acts\\_as\\_list [\\#232]( - Break away from rails/acts\\_as\\_list [\\#224]( - Problem when inserting straight at top of list [\\#109](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Show items with same position in higher and lower items [\\#231]( ([jpalumickas]( - fix setting position when previous position was nil [\\#230]( ([StoneFrog](
* Sat Oct 08 2016 updated to version 0.8.2 see installed [#]# [v0.8.1]( (2016-09-06) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Rubinius Intermittent testing error [\\#218]( - ActiveRecord dependency causes rake assets:compile to fail without access to a database [\\#84](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Refactor class\\_eval with string into class\\_eval with block [\\#215]( ([rdvdijk](
* Sat Sep 10 2016 updated to version 0.8.1 see installed [#]# [v0.8.0]( (2016-08-23) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Behavior with DB default seems unclear [\\#219](
*Merged pull requests:
* - No longer a need specify additional rbx gems [\\#225]( ([brendon]( - Fix position when no serial positions [\\#223]( ([jpalumickas]( - Bug: Specifying a position with add\\_new\\_at: :top fails to insert at that position [\\#220]( ([brendon]( [#]# [v0.7.7]( (2016-08-18) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Issue after upgrading to 0.7.5: No connection pool with id primary found. [\\#214]( - Changing scope is inconsistent based on add\\_new\\_at [\\#138]( - Duplicate positions and lost items [\\#76](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Add quoted table names to some columns [\\#221]( ([jpalumickas]( - Appraisals cleanup [\\#217]( ([brendon]( - Fix insert\\_at\\_position in race condition [\\#195]( ([danielross](
* Fri Aug 19 2016 updated to version 0.7.7 see installed [#]# [v0.7.6]( (2016-07-15) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - add\\_new\\_at nil with scope causes NoMethodError [\\#211](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Add class method acts\\_as\\_list\\_top as reader for configured top\\_of\\_list [\\#213]( ([krzysiek1507]( - Bugfix/add new at nil on scope change [\\#212]( ([greatghoul](
* Fri Jul 15 2016 updated to version 0.7.6 see installed
* Fri Jul 01 2016 updated to version 0.7.5 see installed [#]# [Unreleased]( [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Undefined instance variable AATTscope\\_changed since 0.7.3 [\\#199]( [#]# [v0.7.4]( (2016-04-15) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Releasing a new gem version [\\#196](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Fix scope changed [\\#200]( ([brendon](
* Sat May 21 2016 updated to version 0.7.4 see installed
* Thu Apr 14 2016 updated to version 0.7.3 no changelog found
* Wed May 06 2015 updated to version 0.7.2 no changelog found
* Sat May 02 2015 updated to version 0.7.0 no changelog found
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 0.6.0
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Sun Feb 23 2014 updated to version 0.4.0
* Mon Aug 26 2013 updated to version 0.3.0
* Sat Apr 13 2013 updated to version 0.2.0
* Wed Dec 05 2012 initial package (version 0.1.9)