Changelog for ruby2.4-rubygem-mini_racer-0.2.4-lp151.12.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Nov 06 2018 updated to version 0.2.4
* FIX: deadlock releasing context when shared isolates are used
* FEATURE: include js backtrace when snapshots do not compile
* Mon Oct 29 2018 updated to version 0.2.3
* Drop all conditional logic from Mini Racer compilation for clang, always rely on MacOS being High Sierra or up
* Thu Sep 27 2018 updated to version 0.2.2
* WORKAROUND: RUBY_PLATFORM is hardcoded on Ruby compile and can not be trusted for feature detection, use a different technique when checking for macOS Mojave- Since version 0.2.1
* FEATURE: Mojave macOS support
* Mon Sep 17 2018 updated to version 0.2.0 - Changelog from upstream:
* FEATURE: context#call to allow for cheaper invocation of functions
* FIX: rare memory leak when terminating a long running attached function
* FIX: rare segfault when terminating a long running attached function
* FIX: Reimplement Isolate#idle_notification using idle_notification_deadline, API remains the same AATTignisf
* Account for changes in the upstream V8 API AATTignisf
* Support for libv8 6.7 - Drop v8.patch as the patch was integrated in the source code by upstream - Add fix_shebangs.patch to get rid of /usr/bin/env shebangs
* Thu Feb 08 2018 updated to version 0.1.15 see installed CHANGELOG 23-08-2017 - 0.1.15 - bump dependency of libv8 to 6.3
* Mon Sep 11 2017 updated to version 0.1.14 see installed CHANGELOG 23-08-2017 - 0.1.14 - libv8 erronuously bumped to beta, reverted change 23-08-2017 - 0.1.13 - Fix: amend array buffer allocator to use v8 6.0 compatible allocator AATTignisf
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 0.1.12 see installed CHANGELOG 18-07-2017 - 0.1.12 - Feature: upgrade libv8 to 5.9 - Fix: warning when runnin with ruby warnings enabled (missed AATTdisposed initialize) 18-07-2017 - 0.1.11 - Feature: upgrade libv8 to 5.7 13-07-2017 - 0.1.10 - Fix leak: memory leak when disposing a context (20 bytes per context) - Feature: added #heap_stats so you can get visibility from context to actual memory usage of isolate - Feature: added #dispose so you reclaim all v8 memory right away as opposed to waiting for GC - Feature: you can now specify filename in an eval eg: eval(\'a = 1\', filename: \'my_awesome.js\')
* Thu Mar 16 2017 updated to version 0.1.9 see installed CHANGELOG 09-03-2017 - 0.1.9 - Perf: speed up ruby/node boundary performance when moving large objects
* Tue Feb 14 2017 updated to version 0.1.8 see installed CHANGELOG 06-02-2017 - 0.1.8 - Fix: Include math.h to fix use of undeclared identifier floor with rbx. See #51
* Wed Nov 16 2016 updated to version 0.1.7 see installed CHANGELOG 02-11-2016 - 0.1.7 - Fix: if for some reason an isolate was forked don\'t free it and raise a warning instead to avoid hanging process
* Sat Oct 29 2016 updated to version 0.1.6 see installed CHANGELOG 25-10-2016 - 0.1.6 - Fix: timeout behavior was incorrect, in some cases stop could be called on already stopped contexts
* Mon Oct 17 2016 updated to version 0.1.5 see installed CHANGELOG 10-10-2016 - 0.1.5 - Support for snapshots, shared isolates, runtime flags thanks to AATTwk8 - Fix timeout behavior when it occurs in an attached Ruby method
* Sat Jul 09 2016 initial version 0.1.4