Changelog for
ruby2.1-rubygem-webmock-testsuite-3.3.0-6.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Jan 19 13:00:00 2018
- Updated to version 3.3.0
* Better formatting of outputted request stub snippets, displayed on failures due to unstubbed requests. - Thanks to Olia Kremmyda
Thu Jan 4 13:00:00 2018
- Updated to version 3.2.1
[#] Fixed Ruby warning under Ruby 2.5
Wed Jan 3 13:00:00 2018
- Updated to version 3.2.0
[#] Automatically disable WebMock after Rspec suite - Thanks to Michał Matyas
[#] Fixed bug when handling redirection using Curb - Thanks to Olia Kremmyda
Mon Nov 20 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 3.1.1
* Warning message is displayed only once when adding query params to URIAddressablePattern.
Mon Oct 9 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 3.1.0
* http.rb 3.0.0 compatibility
Thanks to Piotr Boniecki
* Typhoeus 1.3.0 support
Thanks to NARUSE, Yui
* Added support for matching partial query params using hash_excluding
Thanks to Olexandr Hoshylyk
* Added MRI 2.3+ frozen string literal compatibility
Thanks to Pat Allan
* Ensured that HTTPClient adapter does not yield block on empty response body if a block is provided
Thanks to NARUSE, Yui
* Fixed issue with to_timeout incorrectly raising HTTP::ConnectionError instead of HTTP::TimeoutError when using http.rb
Thanks to Rick Song
* Fixed problem with response.connection.close method being undefined when using http.rb
Thanks to Janko Marohnić
* Fixed problem with matching Net::HTTP request header values assigned as numbers.
Thanks to Felipe Constantino de Oliveira for reporting the issue.
* Fixed problem with Net::HTTP adapter converting empty response body to nil for non 204 responses.
Thanks to Jeffrey Charles for reporting the issue.
Thu Apr 13 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 3.0.1
see installed
[#]# 3.0.1
* Suppressed \\`warning: \\`&\' interpreted as argument prefix\\`
Thanks to [Koichi ITO](
[#]# 3.0.0
* Dropped support for Ruby 1.9.3
* Using Ruby >= 1.9 hash key syntax in stub suggestions
Thanks to [Tarmo Tänav](
* Add at_least matchers for fakeweb-style expectations
Thanks to [Joe Marty](
* Fix against \"can\'t modify frozen String\' error when Ruby option `frozen_string_literal` is enabled.
Thanks to [Chris Thomson](
* Handling `read_timeout` option in Net::HTTP in Ruby >= 2.4
Thanks to [Christof Koenig](
* `RequestRegistry` fix for `RuntimeError - can\'t add a new key into hash during iteration`
Thanks to [Chung-Yi Chi](
Mon Jan 2 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 2.3.2
see installed
[#]# 2.3.2
* Restored support for Ruby 1.9.3 to comply with semantic versioning.
Thanks to [Jordan Harband]( for reporting the problem.
Fri Dec 16 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.3.1
see installed
Mon Dec 5 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.3.0
see installed
[#]# 2.3.0
* Added support for Ruby 2.4
Thanks to [Koichi ITO](
* Dropped support for Ruby 1.9.3
[#]# 2.2.0
* Added `refute_requested` as an alias for `assert_not_requested`
Thanks to [Michael Grosser](
* Raising `Net::OpenTimeout` instead of `Timeout::Error` if available when a request stub is declared `to_timeout`
Thanks to [Gabe Martin-Dempesy](
[#]# 2.1.1
* Added support for handling status messages in Excon responses.
Thanks to [Tero Marttila]( for reporting the issue.
Sat Jun 4 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.1.0
see installed
[#]# 2.1.0
* Added support for `on_debug` callback in Curb.
Thanks to [Pavel Jurašek](
* Added support for PATCH requests using Curb.
Thanks to [Pavel Jurašek](
Sat May 21 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.0.3
see installed
Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.24.3
see installed
[#]# 1.24.3
* Allow Net:HTTP headers keys to be provided as symbols if `RUBY_VERSION` >= 2.3.0
Thanks to [Alex Kestner](
* Fixed the issue with parsing query to a hash with nested array i.e. `a[][b][]=one&a[][c][]=two`
Thanks to [Tim Diggins]( for reporting the issue.
Thanks to [Cedric Pimenta]( for finding the solution.
* Added a clear message on an attept to match a multipart encoded request body.
WebMock does\'t support requests with multipart body... yet.
* `WebMock.disable_net_connect` `:allow` option, provided as regexp, matches https URIs correctly.
* `WebMock.disable_net_connect` `:allow` option can be set as a url string with scheme, host and port.
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => \'\')
Thanks to [Gabriel Chaney]( for reporting the issue.
Fri Mar 4 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.24.2
see installed
[#]# 1.24.2
* Improve parsing of params on request
Thanks to [Cedric Pimenta](
Wed Mar 2 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.24.1
see installed
[#]# 1.24.1
* HTTPClient adapter supports reading basic authentication credentials directly from Authorization header.
Thanks to [Michiel Karnebeek](
[#]# 1.24.0
* Enabled support for Curb > 0.8.6
Fri Feb 19 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.23.0
see installed
[#]# 1.23.0
* `WebMock.disable_net_connect` accepts `:allow` option with an object that responds to `#call`, receiving a `URI` object and returning a boolean:
blacklist = [\'\', \'\', \'\']
allowed_sites = lambda{|uri|
blacklist.none?{|site| }
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => allowed_sites)
RestClient.get(\'\', \'/\') # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get(\'\', \'/\') # ===> Failure
RestClient.get(\'\', \'/\') # ===> Failure
Thanks to [Pablo Brasero](
* Support for HTTPClient stream responses with body chunks
Thanks to [Cedric Pimenta](
Thu Jan 21 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.22.6
see installed
[#]# 1.22.6
* Fixes [issue]( around
WebMock restricting [Addressable](
version, based on Ruby 1.8.7 for all versions of Ruby.
This change inverts that, and forces Ruby 1.8.7 users to specify in thier
Gemfile an Addressable version < 2.4.0.
Thanks to [PikachuEXE]( and
[Matthew Rudy Jacobs](
[#]# 1.22.5
* Fixes [bug]( where WebMock tries
to alias a method that is deprecated in Ruby Versions > 1.9.2 (\'sysread\' for class \'StringIO\')
Thanks to [Marcos Acosta]( for discovering this bug.
[#]# 1.22.4
* Adds support for JSONClient (a subclass of HTTPClient)
Thanks to [Andrew Kozin](
* Adds support for Ruby 2.3.0
Thanks to [Charles Pence](
* Adds support for [http]( versions >= 1.0.0
Thanks to [Alexey Zapparov](
* Fixes support for Ruby 1.8.7 by restrciting Addressable version < 2.4.0
Thanks to [Matthew Rudy Jacobs](
Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.22.3
see installed
[#]# 1.22.3
* Return \"effective_url\" attribute in Typhoeus::Response
Thanks to [Senya](
Fri Oct 30 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.22.2
see installed
[#]# 1.22.2
* Fix: prevents adding an extra =true to urls with parameters without values
Thanks to [David Begin](
Wed Oct 14 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.22.1
see installed
[#]# 1.22.1
* Adds Rack as a development dependency and removes require rack/utils in main lib.
Thanks to [Keenan Brock](
[#]# 1.22.0
All the credit for preparing this release go to [David Begin](!
* Adds [Manticore]( support.
Thanks to [Mike Knepper](, [David Abdemoulaie](
* Update to Show a hash diff for requests that have stubs with a body.
Thanks to [yurivm](
* Update to mirror Net::HTTP handling of headers as symbols
* Update to ignore non-comparable-values error when sorting
query values, because sorting is just a convience.
Thanks to [Magne Land](
* Covert Boolean values to Strings when using them to define
the body of a request.
Thanks to [Krzysztof Rygielski](
* Fixes WebMock\'s parsing Multibyte characters
Thanks to [Zhao Wen](
* Updates to be compatible with httpclient 2.6.0
* Converts keys from symbols to strings when for QueryMapper.to_query
Thanks to [Ramon Tayag](
* Restricts http.rb version to 0.7.3 for Ruby 1.8.7
* Fixes issue emulating em-http-request\'s handling of multiple requests.
Thanks to [Matt Palmer](
* WebMock requires only the necessary parts of crack to avoid pulling in safe_yaml
Thanks to [Johannes Schlumberger](
Mon Mar 30 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.21.0
Sat Feb 7 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.20.4
* Fixed support for `hash_including` matcher in RSpec 3
[#]# 1.20.3
* `with` method raises error if provided without options hash and without block
* `with` and `to_return` raise an error if invoked with invalid keys in options hash.
[#]# 1.20.2
* WebMock provides a helpful error message if an incompatible object is given as response body.
[#]# 1.20.1
* `assert_requested` and `assert_not_requested` accept `at_least_times` and `at_most_times` options
* Silenced `instance variable undefined` warnings in Curb adapted.
[#]# 1.20.0
* Add support for on_missing callback of Curb::Easy
* Add at_least_times and at_most_times matchers
Sun Oct 12 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 1.19.0
* Fixed issue with Excon adapter giving warning message when redirects middleware was enabled.
* Fixed issue with `undefined method \'valid_request_keys\' for Excon::Utils:Module`
* Fixed query mapper to encode `\'one\' => [\'1\',\'2\']` as `\'one[]=1&one[]=2\'`.
* Improved cookies support for em-http-request
* Fix HTTP Gem adapter to ensure uri attribute is set on response object.
* Fixed HTTPClient adapter. The response header now receives `request_method`, `request_uri`, and `request_query` transferred from request header
* Query mapper supports nested data structures i.e. `{\"first\" => [{\"two\" => [{\"three\" => \"four\"}, \"five\"]}]}`
* Fixed compatibility with latest versions of Excon which don\'t define `VALID_REQUEST_KEYS` anymore.
* Request method is always a symbol is request signatures. This fixes the issue of WebMock not matching Typhoeus requests with request method defined as string.
* Stubbing instructions which are displayed when no matching stub is found, can be disabled with `Config.instance.show_stubbing_instructions = false`
- adapt to new rubygem packaging
Sun May 18 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 1.18.0
* Updated dependency on Addressable to versions >= 2.3.6
* Added support for matching uris using RFC 6570 (URI Templates)
uri_template = \"{id}/\"
stub_request(:any, uri_template)
Thanks to [Max Lincoln](
* Fixed content length calculation for Rack responses with UTF8 body
Thanks to [Oleg Gritsenko](
* Add missing Curl::Easy aliases
Thanks to [Hwan-Joon Choi](
* HTTP Gem >= 0.6.0 compatibility
Thanks to [Aleksey V. Zapparov](
* Minitest 4 and 5 compatibility.
Thanks to [SHIBATA Hiroshi](
Fri Mar 21 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 1.17.4
* Update matchers for RSpec 3\'s matcher protocol
Sat Feb 22 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 1.17.3
* Fixed issue with Rack response removing \'Content-Type\' header
* Support for chunked responses in Curb
* Fixed handling of request body passed as a hash to ``
Mon Jan 20 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 1.17.1
* Added missing license statements.
* HTTP gem support!
* Limited Excon gem requirement to version < 0.30 until the compatibility with version > 0.30.0 is fixed.
* Fixed issue where empty query key caused a `TypeError`
Mon Dec 16 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.16.1
* Fixed \"NameError: uninitialized constant WebMock::Response::Pathname\" issue.
Thanks to [Alex Stupakow and Karen Wang]( for the fix.
Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.16.0
* Allow a Pathname to be passed as a Response body
stub_request(:get, /
body: Rails.root.join(\'test/fixtures/foo.txt\')
Thanks to [Ben Pickles](
* `hash_including` matcher can be initialized with empty keys to match any values.
stub_request(:post, \"\").with(:body => hash_including(:a, :b => {\'c\'}))\'\', \'{\"a\":\"1\",\"b\":\"c\"}\', :content_type => \'application/json\')
Thanks to [Stefano Uliari](
Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.15.2
* Fixed `hash_including` to accept a splat of solitary keys.
Thanks to [Tamir Duberstein]( and [](
Sun Oct 20 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.15.0
* Excon >= 0.27.5 compatibility.
Thanks to [Brian D. Burns](
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.14.0
* Handling non UTF-8 characters in query params.
Thanks to [Florian Dütsch]( for reporting the issue.
* Added support for `request_block` param in Excon
Thanks to [Dmitry Gutov]( for reporting the issue.
* Fixed compatibility with latest Curb
Thanks to [Ian Lesperance]( and [Matthew Horan](
* Triggering errbacks assynchronously in em-http-request adapter.
Thanks to [Ian Lesperance]( and [Matthew Horan](
* Handling query params with a hashes nested inside arrays.
Thanks to [Ian Asaff](
* Changed NetConnectNotAllowedError to inherit from Exception to allow it to bubble up into a test suite.
Thanks to [Daniel van Hoesel](
* HTTPClient adapter is thread safe.
Thanks to [Tom Beauvais](
Sat Jul 20 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.13.0
* Net::HTTP::Persistent compatibility.
WebMock doesn\'t disconnect previously started connections upon a request anymore.
* Fixed issue with handling Addressable::URI with query params passed to `Net::HTTP.get_response`
Thanks to [Leif Bladt](
* Fixed HTTPClient adapter to not raise an error if a request with multipart body is executed.
Fri Jun 28 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.12.2
* Fixed issue with handling request.path when Addressable::URI is passed to #request instead of URI with Ruby 2.0.
Thanks to [Leif Bladt](
* Accept integers as query param values in request stubs
i.e. `stub_request(:get, /.
*/).with(:query => {\"a\" => 1})`
Thanks to [Mitsutaka Mimura](
* Fixed Minitest < 5.0 compatibility
Thanks to [Alex Tomlins]( for reporting the issue.
* Not using Gem spec anymore to check loaded Curb version.
* `WebMock.disable_net_connect!` now accepts array of regexps as allow param:
i.e. `WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow => [/, /])`
Thanks to [Bastien Vaucher](
* Fixed `on_header` Curb callback behaviour in Curb adapter
Thanks to [Joel Chippindale](
* Fixed aws-sdk compatibility with Ruby 2.0, by supporting `continue_timeout` accessor on Net::HTTP socket.
Thanks to [Lin Jen-Shin](
* Fixed WebMock::Server to not give \"log writing failed. can\'t be called from trap context\" warning with Ruby 2.0
Thanks to [Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi](
* Added support for EM-HTTP-Request streaming data off disk feature.
Thanks to [Lin Jen-Shin](
Tue Mar 5 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.11.0
* Excon >= 0.17 support.
* \'+\' in request path is treated as plus, but in query params always as a space.
Sun Mar 3 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 1.10.1
* \'+\' in request body is still treated as a space. This fixes a bug introduced in previous version.
* Fixed issue: response body declared as Proc was not evaluated again on subsequent requests.
* \'+\' in query params is not treated as space anymore and is encoded as %2B
* added `remove_request_stub` method to the api to allow removing unused stubs i.e.
stub_get = stub_request(:get, \"\")
* `assert_requested` and `assert_not_requested` raise an error if a stub object is provided together with a block.
* Fixed issue with unavailable constant Mutex in Ruby < 1.9
* Added support for Excon\'s :response_block parameter
* Fix \'rack.errors\' not being set for Rack apps
* Added support for minitest assertions count
* Fixed issues with registering http requests in multi-threaded environments
* Bumped Crack version to >=0.3.2
* Fixed issues in Typhoeus 0.6. Defaulted method to GET when no method specified.
Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.9.0
* Added support for Typhoeus >= 0.5.0 and removed support for Typhoeus < 0.5.0.
Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.8.11
* Fix excon adapter to handle `:body => some_file_object`
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.8.10
* em-http-request fix. After request callbacks are correctly invoked for 3xx responses,
when :redirects option is set.
Thanks to [Myron Marston]( for reporting that issue.
* Fixed compatibility with Net::HTTP::DigestAuth
Thanks to [Jonathan Hyman]( for reporting that issue.
* Fixed problem in em-http-request 0.x appending the query to the client URI twice.
Thanks to [Paweł Pierzchała](
Sun Aug 26 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.8.9
* Fixed problem with caching nil responses when the same HTTPClient instance is used.
Thanks to [Myron Marston](
* Added support for Addressable >= 2.3.0. Addressable 2.3.0 removed support for multiple query value notations and broke backwards compatibility.
Wed Nov 16 13:00:00 2011
- Update to 1.7.7, too many changes to report here.
Mon Jun 14 14:00:00 2010
- additional changes from version 1.2.2
- Fixed problem where ArgumentError was raised if query params
were made up of an array e.g. data[]=a&data[]=b.
Thanks to Steve Tooke
- additional changes from version 1.2.1
- Changed license from GPL to MIT
- Fixed gemspec file. Thanks to Razic
- additional changes from version 1.2.0
- RSpec 2 compatibility. Thanks to Sam Phillips!
- :allow_localhost => true\' now permits as well as
\'localhost\'. Thanks to Mack Earnhardt
- Request URI matching in now 2x faster!
- additional changes from version 1.1.0
- [VCR]( compatibility. Many
thanks to Myron Marston for all suggestions.
- Support for stubbing requests and returning responses with
multiple headers with the same name. i.e multiple Accept
- When real net connections are disabled and unstubbed request is
made, WebMock throws WebMock::NetConnectNotAllowedError instead
of assertion error or StandardError.
- Added WebMock.version()
- additional changes from version 1.0.0
- Added support for [Patron](
- Responses dynamically evaluated from block (idea and
implementation by Tom Ward)
- Responses dynamically evaluated from lambda (idea and
implementation by Tom Ward)
- Response with custom status message
- Raising timeout errors (suggested by Jeffrey Jones)
(compatibility with Ruby 1.8.6 by Mack Earnhardt)
- External requests can be disabled while allowing localhost
(idea and implementation by Mack Earnhardt)
- Fixed issue where Net::HTTP adapter didn\'t work for requests
with body responding to read (reported by Tekin Suleyman)
- Fixed issue where request stub with headers declared as nil was
matching requests with non empty headers
Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro
Thu Feb 18 13:00:00 2010
- created package