Changelog for gambas3-gb-db-mysql-3.12.2-lp150.5.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Jan 12 2019 update to version 3.12.2 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sat Jan 05 2019 update to version 3.12.1 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Fri Dec 28 2018 update to version 3.12.0 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sun Aug 12 2018 update to version 3.11.4 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Thu May 17 2018 update to version 3.11.3 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sun May 13 2018 update to version 3.11.2 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Wed May 09 2018 update to version 3.11.1 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Tue May 08 2018 update to version 3.11.0 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Wed Jan 10 2018 disabled qt4 on Tumbleweed
* Sat Dec 02 2017 added fix-prefer-qt5.patch- added fix-support-the-lack-of-gb_qt4.patch- split build into gambas3 and gambas3-tw to solve dependencies between openssl 1.0.0 (qt4) and 1.1.0 (mysql)
* Thu Nov 23 2017 added fix-archiver-now-uses-a-predictable-file-order.patch- added fix-sort-the-internal-project-class-list.patch
* Wed Nov 15 2017 added fix-adapt-to-poppler-058.patch
* Fri Jul 28 2017 update to version 3.10.0 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Wed Mar 15 2017 reworked fix-gcc6.patch
* Tue Jan 03 2017 update to version 3.9.2 This release fixes most of the serious bugs found since the release of Gambas 3.9.1. See the Release Notes for the details:
* Mon Sep 05 2016 update to version 3.9.1 This release fixes most of the serious bugs found since the release of Gambas 3.9.0. See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sat Aug 20 2016 update to version 3.9.0 See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sat Feb 13 2016 try out optimization in main/gbx/ update and reorg man pages
* Mon Dec 21 2015 update to version 3.8.4 This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.3. Here is some important changes:
* No crash anymore when running the IDE through a terminal server, or on old desktops that do not manage some X11 properties.
* Support for time-only values on recent PostgreSQL databases.
* Support for PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentications in See the Release Notes for the details:
* Wed Nov 04 2015 update to version 3.8.3 This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.2. It includes a few enhancements and optimizations too:
* Source files can now be dragged & dropped in the IDE project tree.
* Project directories are now movable.
* Support for line cap style, line join style and fill rule in the IDE image editor.
* Array accessors are faster. See the Release Notes for the details:
* Fri Oct 23 2015 changed source to /code/gambas/branches/3.8/- refined spec
* Mon Oct 05 2015 update to version 3.8.2 This release includes all bugs fixes since the release of Gambas 3.8.1. It includes a few enhancements too:
* Support for dark themes.
* New logo, project, mime types and control icons based on the breeze theme look.
* Project creation is now based on customizable project templates.
* Logical set operations on selections in the image editor.
* Relative paths now can refer to files located in the main project, in the current component, or in components crossed by stacked function calls.
* The ODBC component is usable now. See the Release Notes for the details:
* Sat Sep 05 2015 update to version 3.8.1
* Sat Aug 01 2015 update to version 3.8.0 Here are the main changes in this new version:
* The text editor has been entirely rewritten in Gambas. It is located in a new component named gb.form.editor. That way, GTK+ programs now have a text editor with syntax highlighting for free.
* Support for QT5. The new gb.qt5, gb.qt5.opengl and gb.qt5.webkit components have the same interface as the QT4 components.
* Automatic support for KDE & Unity tray icon DBus protocols. Just use the TrayIcon class as before, and the new protocol will be automatically used if a DBus system tray icon is detected. Otherwise, the old X11 protocol is used.
* Important fixed in UTF-8 string handling.
* Searching inside native arrays is faster.
* The SQLite3 driver has been rewritten and is faster now.
* And of course tons of bug fixes... See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Sun Mar 29 2015 update to version 3.7.1 This release includes all bugs fixed since the release of Gambas 3.7.0, and the ability to open projects installed from the Gambas \"farm\" directly from the IDE welcome window. [DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT]
* BUG: Create the example directory if it does not exist when installing a non-example software having the \'example\' tag.
* BUG: Removing a connection now removes the template file too.
* BUG: Remove a debugging message.
* NEW: Add an \'Installed softwares\' button in the welcome dialog
* NEW: Always center the farm client window. [INTERPRETER]
* BUG: Stream read ahead does not have to wait for the descriptor to be ready for reading.
* BUG: Do not read ahead file descriptors ready to read opened using the \".xx\" special name.
* BUG: Shell$() now quotes quotes correctly. [GB.DB.MYSQL]
* BUG: Don\'t crash when removing something from the metadata cache. [GB.DB.SQLITE3]
* BUG: Detect primary key only with \'table_info\' pragma. Consequently, fields declared as \"INTEGER\" will not be incorreclty taken as a default primary key anymore. [GB.GTK]
* BUG: Fix a crash when calling Dialog.SaveFile() with a void Dialog.Path.
* BUG: TextBox: Setting the Pos property during a KeyPress event now works in all cases. [GB.GTK3]
* BUG: Fix a crash when calling Dialog.SaveFile() with a void Dialog.Path.
* BUG: TextBox: Setting the Pos property during a KeyPress event now works in all cases. [GB.REPORT2]
* BUG: Remove a bug on drawing grayscale preview in ReportView.
* BUG: Restore the report scaling after drawing in the DocumentView.
* BUG: Replace deprecated Image.Gray() by Image.Desaturate().
* BUG: Refresh the print button icon correctly.
* Thu Mar 26 2015 added r6993-r7000.patch
* Sat Mar 14 2015 update to version 3.7.0 This new release fixes 267 bugs, adds 299 new features and 7 optimizations. Some of the main changes are:
* A new software repository made with Gambas for Gambas. It allows to publish and install Gambas software.
* Databases now can be initialized from templates automatically generated by the IDE.
* Array accessors are now faster.
* The MySQL database driver is faster.
* The child process interface has been fixed and optimized.
* New SDL2 component.
* New scanner management component.
* New version of the report component. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Wed Nov 12 2014 update to version 3.6.2 This releases fixes the annoying bugs still present in the 3.6.1 release. The IDE online help was also updated with the new wiki look. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Sat Nov 01 2014 update to version 3.6.1 This releases fixes many problematic bugs still present at 3.6.0 release. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Thu Oct 16 2014 update to version 3.6.0 This new release fixes 459 bugs, adds 465 new features and 22 optimizations. Some of the main changes are: - A new open project dialog in the IDE. - Support for session management. - Offline help automatically downloaded from the wiki. - Single-file mode for the IDE. - Support for transparent windows. - Shadowed text drawing routines. - New controls: Spinner, SwitchButton, DirBox, FontBox. - gb.gtk3 is a new GUI component based on GTK+ 3. - gb.inotify is a new component to monitor filesystem events with Linux inotify interface. - gb.markdown is a new component that implements the Gambas Markdown syntax. - The component has been entirely rewritten in Gambas and fixed. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Sun Sep 21 2014 added llvm35.patch
* Mon Jul 07 2014 update to version 3.5.4 This releases includes the following bug fixes backported from the development version... See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Sat May 24 2014 cleanup spec file (spec-cleaner)
* Wed Apr 09 2014 update to version 3.5.3 This releases includes the following bug fixes backported from the development version... See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Sat Jan 11 2014 update to version 3.5.2 This releases includes 67 bug fixes backported from the development version. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Thu Nov 14 2013 update to version 3.5.1 This release must be used instead of the 3.5.0 version, because it fixes the IDE packager. But there are some bug fixes and new features related to the bug fixes too.
* Now, if a project uses the gb.gui component, then the packager will create two extra meta-packages: one for Qt4 support, the other for GTK+ support. The Qt4 meta-package depends on the application package and the gb.qt4 binary package. The GTK+ meta-package depends on the application package and the gb.gtk binary package.
* If OpenGL is used, the corresponding GUI opengl support packages (gb.qt4.opengl and gb.gtk.opengl) are added to the dependencies.
* The gb.desktop.gnome component is now visible and explicitely checkable, so that it becomes an explicit dependency when creating a binary package with the packager.
* Finally, you can now specify the package version number: this must be used when you make and deliver several different packages of the same software release. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Tue Oct 29 2013 changes due to specification updates in
* Thu Oct 17 2013 update to version 3.5.0 This new release fixes more than 230 bugs and adds more than 270 new features. Note that many of these bugs have already been backported to the 3.4.x versions. Here is a summary of the main changes: Development environment
* The menu editor has been fixed.
* A new image editor is provided.
* The database editor now can remember an arbitrary number of SQL requests for each connection.
* Subversion support has been fixed.
* If the IDE raises an unexpected Gambas error, all modified files are automatically saved before quitting.
* Web application can be debugged by the IDE through the embedded http server component gb.httpd. Interpreter & compiler
* Application.Priority is a new property that allows to define the scheduling priority of the current process (or task).
* MATCH is a new operator that automatically load the gb.pcre component to implement PCRE pattern matching.
* Global error handler support. See Application.
* ARM support has been fixed, and Gambas should be reliable now on that architecture.
* New .[xxx] and !xxx syntax that can be used inside a WITH...END WITH structure as array accessor shortcuts. Components
* gb.clipper is a new component based on the Clipper library.
* gb.openssl is a new component to wrap cryptographic functions of libcrypto from the OpenSSL project.
* FileProperties is a new control that displays the properties of a specific file or directory.
* ImageView is a new control that allows to view an image inside a scrolled view, at different zoom levels.
* SliderBox is a new control that displays a Slider and a SpinBox, both being synchronized.
* Horizontal toolbars now can grow vertically if there is not enough space for toolbar elements.
* gb.gmp is a new component based on the Gnu Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library that implements BigInt and Rational numbers.
* The gb.image component has new methods to apply balance effects to an image.
* now is based on GStreamer 1.0. The MediaPlayer control now can take a screenshot of the current video frame.
* gb.openal is a new component based on the OpenAL 3D audio library.
* gb.opengl.sge is new component that implements a simple OpenGL game engine based on the MD2 format.
* gb.xml.rpc is now far more reliable. Compatibility All Gambas 3.x versions will be backward-compatible, i.e. a program written in Gambas 3.x version will be able to run unchanged with any Gambas 3.y version, provided that y > x. But the contrary is false! a program written with a specific Gambas 3.x version will not run with an older version. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Mon Jul 22 2013 update to version 3.4.2 This release fixes many annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.4.1. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes:
* Thu May 30 2013 merged llvm-3.3.patch into gb_jit.patch
* Wed May 29 2013 added llvm-3.3.patch and man-pages.tgz
* Mon Mar 25 2013 update to version 3.4.1 This release fixes many annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.4. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.
* Fri Mar 15 2013 use regular llvm dist package, added gb_jit.patch
* Sun Feb 24 2013 changed no-date-time(.patch) handling- added addFilter(\"no-manual-page-for-binary\")
* Sun Feb 10 2013 update to version 3.4.0 This new release fixes about 240 bugs and adds about 270 new features. The main changes are:
* A custom terminal font is now provided with the IDE.
* Better subversion support in the IDE.
* Patch support in the IDE.
* A new gb.args component that replaces gb.option.
* A new gb.maps component for displaying Google Maps, OpenStreetMap... inside your application.
* Support for the freedesktop shared MIME database.
* The old drawing API has been deprecated. Now everything is based on Cairo for GTK+.
* Many controls are now implemented in Gambas and shared between GUI components.
* A new fast blur method in the Image class.
* The webkit component now has full support for DOM parsing and editing. See the Release Notes for the list of all new features and bug fixes.
* Wed Nov 21 2012 update to version 3.3.4 This release fixes thirty-nine bugs found in Gambas since the release of the 3.3.3 version.
* Thu Oct 11 2012 update to version 3.3.3 [INTERPRETER]
* BUG: Fix symbol table search that could sometimes fail with non ASCII characters. [COMPILER]
* BUG: Error messages are correctly printed when warnings are disabled. [DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT]
* BUG: Clicking on the \"Fixed font\" check box in the Text property editor does not crash anymore.
* BUG: Fix conversion of multiple array declarations on the same line in Gambas 2 projects. [GB.DESKTOP]
* BUG: Writing the Desktop.ActivateWindow property works now. [GB.REPORT]
* BUG: Set the default Height and Width of the report controls back to 0 cm, because it was not backward-compatible. [GB.QT4.WEBKIT]
* BUG: Fix WebHitTest.Editable property declaration.
* Mon Oct 01 2012 update to version 3.3.2 [DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT]
* BUG: Fix a possible crash during automatic completion.
* NEW: Update czech translation. [EXAMPLES]
* NEW: Update czech translation for: GNUBoxWorld, WebBrowser, MoviePlayer, Gravity, Painting. [WIKI CGI SCRIPT]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [WEB SITE MAKER]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.GTK]
* BUG: Fix the Control.Grab() method. [GB.FORM]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.FORM.DIALOG]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.FORM.MDI]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.NET.POP3]
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.REPORT]
* BUG: Reactivate the OnePiece property because some report stopped working correctly.
* NEW: Update czech translation. [GB.WEB]
* NEW: Session.CookiePath is a new property that allows to define the URL path of the session cookie.
* Fri Sep 28 2012 update to version 3.3.1 This release fixes some last-minute annoying bugs of Gambas 3.3. You should really use it instead of the 3.3.0 version.
* BUG: Use a GridView instead of a ListView for automatic completion, so that we get rid of the Qt4 \"gray ListView\" bug.
* BUG: When scanning classes, detect the value of constants.
* NEW: ScrollArea.Shadow is now a dynamic property.- update to version 3.3.0 This new release fixes more than 250 bugs and adds more than 250 new features. The main changes are:
* A far more reliable packager.
* Automatic local variable declaration.
* TODO/FIXME/NOTE comments listing.
* Bookmarks in text and code editor.
* Background tasks.
* Compilation warnings on unused variables, unused functions and overridden symbols.
* Support for complex numbers based on a new gb.complex component.
* A new component that adds new container datatypes to Gambas.
* Support for tablets and pens in GUI components.
* The gb.gsl component now implements polynomials, matrices, vectors and complex numbers completely.
* Arithmetic operators work with polynomials, matrices, vectors and complex numbers.
* A new gb.mime component that allows to encode and decode MIME messages.
* A new component that implements a POP3 client.
* Tue Jul 24 2012 update to version 3.2.1 This release fixes some annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.2.
* BUG: When a top-level source directory actually several components, compile the sub-components
* the main components. This is especially important with gb.xml and gb.xml.rpc.
* BUG: Do not leak memory if the _unknown method raised an error.
* BUG: Make the interpreter compile when FFI has been disabled.
* BUG: Like can be used in a Case expression just after the Case keyword only.
* BUG: Fix bad casting of strcmp() return value to boolean. The same security flaw has been found in MySQL recently. See
* NEW: Support for the Mate desktop in Desktop.Open, Desktop.OpenTerminal and Desktop.Passwords.
* BUG: Fix bad casting of strcmp() return value to boolean in the Font management.
* BUG: Panel with an explicit background color now have their own X11 window so that they can cover any over controls.
* BUG: The child search method now takes clientX and clientY into account. Consequently, clicking on TabStrip tab buttons work correctly again.
* BUG: The component is now compatible with the new way of arguments handling, and does not crash anymore.
* BUG: ScrollView internal visible flag is correctly set, and so the Hovered property returns the right value.
* BUG: Remove an apparently useless type definition, and fix compilation on recent Linux kernels.
* Tue Jul 03 2012 update to version 3.2.0 This new release fixes more than 100 bugs and adds more than 100 new features. The main new feature of Gambas 3.2 is the new Just-In-Time compiler made by Emil Lenngren, that can make a function or an entire class up to 100 times faster! Otherwise the other main changes are:
* gb.gtk.opengl is a new component that allows to use OpenGL in GTK+ applications.
* is a new component based on GStreamer.
* gb.ncurses is a new component based on the ncurses library made by Tobias Boege.
* gb.xml has been entirely rewritten from scratch by Adrien Prokopowicz.
* gb.xml.html is a new HTML generator component based on gb.xml.
* The IDE now has an integrated profiler.
* New ON GOTO and ON GOSUB instructions.
* New Base64() and UnBase64() conversion functions. See the Release Notes for the details.
* Tue Jun 19 2012 added no-date-time.patch and poppler_20.patch- reorganized spec file
* Sun Apr 22 2012 update to version 3.1.1
* This release fixes some annoying bugs that were still present in Gambas 3.1. Use it instead of the 3.1.0 version. See the Release Notes for the list of bug fixes.
* Tue Apr 10 2012 update to version 3.1.0 This new release is a big Easter egg that fixes more than 150 bugs and adds more than 120 new features. All Gambas 3.x versions will be backward-compatible. Beware that this is taken into account by the IDE packager only since Gambas 3.1! The Easter egg includes the following main new features:
* A usable and reliable packager.
* Undo & redo support in the form editor.
* ASP-like webpage support.
* A GOSUB instruction.
* A faster interpreter stack.
* A working gb.db.form component.
* A new GridView control made in Gambas.
* A new gb.gsl component that will provide an interface to the GNU Scientific Library.
* Sun Jan 01 2012 update to version 3.0.0 There were many many last minute changes since the last release candidate, but I like being near the danger. :-) A few noticeable points:
* The special mathematical functions of glibc are correctly detected and used now.
* Floating point numbers should be printed in a better way.
* French, Czech and Catalan translations were updated. And two security holes were closed:
* String hashing algorithm has been randomized. See that document for the details.
* In the IDE, you cannot get the project version by running a program (what a stupid idea!). Now you get it from a text file located in a parent directory of the project.
* Sun Dec 25 2011 update to version 2.99.7 This release is the last release candidate of Gambas 3 before the final release, that is planned for 31 Dec 2011. As many bugs as possible were fixed, and a few last-minute new features were implemented. Mainly:
* A new \"Gambas\" highlighting theme for the IDE.
* A new TabPanel control, that is a TabStrip with thin borders.
* The ability to define the connection timeout in the database component.
* is almost finished.
* Fri Dec 02 2011 added libtool to BuildRequires, needed for openSUSE_Factory repo
* Tue Nov 01 2011 update to version 2.99.6 This release is the sixth release candidate of Gambas 3. Thirty-one bugs were fixed, with some important ones inside the interpreter, and the component was updated.
* Mon Oct 10 2011 update to version 2.99.5 This release is the fifth release candidate of Gambas 3. More than thirty bugs were fixed, and some little enhancements and optimization were provided:
* Czech, french and russian translations were updated.
* Interpreter collection were fixed.
* String binary comparison, string locale-aware comparison, event handler search and string array search were optimized.
* Stock icons were updated, and a new Application theme named \"Gambas\" refer to them.
* Key.Code now always return zero to indicate that a modifier key was pressed.
* Sat Sep 24 2011 update to version 2.99.4 This release is the fourth release candidate of Gambas 3. More that 60 bugs were fixed, and the following new features were added:
* Better support for LXDE.
* A trick that allows the interpreter to watch existing file descriptors obtained through external function calls.
* Many interpreter optimizations, especially in the String class.
* Support for connections to local sockets in the gb.db.mysql component.
* Clean-up of the following components:, gb.pdf, gb.v4l.
* Catalan, spanish and french translations were updated.
* Tue Sep 06 2011 update to version 2.99.3 This release is the third release candidate of Gambas 3. More than seventy bugs were fixed everywhere, and the following new features were implemented:
* Two new menu entries in code editor and text editor to switch selected text to upper case or lower case.
* Two new functions added to the form editor: embedding the selected controls inside a newly created container, and removing a container without removing the children.
* The interpreter is now strict when checking symbol overrides through inheritance.
* Support for LXDE desktop in the gb.desktop component.
* Desktop.RunAsRoot() runs a command as root, by using the graphical \"su\" utility of the current desktop.
* The Action class has been optimized, making the IDE start faster.
* Proxy configuration in gb.qt4.webkit.
* A new method to evaluate JavaScript in the WebView control.
* WebView.UserAgent is a new property to define a custom user agent string for a specific WebView control.
* Support for HttpOnly cookies in gb.web component.