Changelog for
coredns-1.2.6-11.2.i586.rpm :
* Tue Dec 11 2018 Marco Vedovati
- Include source tarballs for each of the used golang packages created with _service. + beorn7-perks.tar.xz + golang-protobuf.tar.xz + matttproud-golang_protobuf_extensions.tar.xz + mholt-caddy.tar.xz + miekg-dns.tar.xz + prometheus-client_golang.tar.xz + prometheus-client_model.tar.xz + prometheus-common.tar.xz + prometheus-procfs.tar.xz- Remove makearchive script, previously used to create a single source tarball. -
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Marco Vedovati - Initial package creation version 1.2.6