Changelog for
libroot-graf3d-gl5-5.34.36-26.5.i586.rpm :
* Sat Jan 27 2018 Add systemd service files for Leap 15 and Tumbleweed
* Sat Jan 27 2018 Add patch root-mariadb-10.2.patch to fix compilation with mariadb >= 10.2 mariadb 10.2 has dropped my_global.h which was used by root
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Update root-gcc6.patch to root-gcc7.patch to also fix build for gcc7
* Mon Jul 18 2016 Disable vc, it fails on ppc64 and the static lib is deleted anyway
* Thu Jul 14 2016 Add patch root-gcc6.pach Fixed compilation with gcc6. Patch taken from ROOT-8180
* Thu Apr 14 2016 Update to version 5.34.36
* Core TObject instances allocated as part of an array and made part of a collection, as for example the TCanvas instances into the global list of instances, are not longer deleted if the content of the collection is deleted. Technically the element of the array are now treated by collections as if they have been allocated on the stack. This fixes the issue described at (ROOT-7846).
* I/O Resolve an issue when space is freed in a large ROOT file and a TDirectory is updated and stored the lower (less than 2GB) freed portion of the file (ROOT-8055).
* Montecarlo Re-introduced method TPythia6:Pytune()
* TTree Fix (ROOT-7423) TTreeCache may not stop the learning phase when asynchronous prefetching is enabled. Fix the issue described in the (following forum post(, where a some order of calls to TTree::Scan and TTree::Write resulted in invalid output. Repair setting the branch address of a leaflist style branch taking directly the address of the struct. (Note that leaflist is nonetheless still deprecated and declaring the struct to the interpreter and passing the object directly to create the branch is much better).
* Graphics TGraph::GetHistogram() was resetting the TimeDisplay attribute of axis. The problem was reported here. When painting a TH3 as 3D boxes, TMarker3DBox ignored the max and min values specified by SetMaximum() and SetMinimum(). The problem was reported here. When using time format in axis, TGaxis::PaintAxis() may in some cases call strftime() with invalid parameter causing a crash. This problem was reported here. TASImage When the first or last point of a wide line is exactly on the window limit the line is drawn vertically or horizontally. This problem was mentioned here Make sure that TLatex text strings containing \"\\\" (ie: rendered using TMathText) produce an output in PDF et SVG files. New version of libpng (1.2.55) as requested here.
* TNetXNGFileStager Fix (ROOT-7703) This restores the behavior of Locate() to that found with TXNetFileStager: Rather than return only the xrootd server\'s reply, the endpoint hostname is looked up and Locate() returns the full url, including the path.
* TWebFile Fix (ROOT-7809) Returns an error for a redirect which does not specify the new URI, rather than going into a loop. Fix (ROOT-7817) Avoid a crash under some circumstances when trying to open an invalid path.
* SQL Fix TPgSQLStatement::SetBinary to actually handle binary data (previous limited to ascii).
* Sun Oct 04 2015 Update to version 5.34.34 ( version 5.34.31 did not exist)
* I/O Fix the issue described at (ROOT-7500): crash due to change in base class which versioned derived class.
* TTree Fix (ROOT-6885) This affects very large TChain with friend trees.
* JSROOT Upgraded to latest JSROOT version 3.8
* RooFit Patch on behalf of our LHCb P2VV friends.
* Montecarlo Fix [hack] to support Pythia8 > 200- Remove root-gcc5-1.patch as it is included in this release
* Thu Aug 06 2015 Fix build with gcc5, add patch root-gcc5-1.patch which will be included upstream in the next release
* Fri Jun 26 2015 Update to version 5.34.32 (version 5.34.31 did not exist)
* Build Pythia6 not found with CMake (ROOT-7333) Fixes in .license and .credits commands (ROOT-7311) bindexplib.exe support for x64
* I/O. Properly handle the reload/recreate of TClass for STL containers (fixes ROOT-7239) Fix the ordering of the keys in a TFile being written; in particular fixing the result of GetKey and FindKey which were no longer returning the lastest cycle for a TFile being written since v5.34/11.
* Graphics In the animated gif it is now possible to specify the delay between the last image and the fist image in case of infinite loop (ROOT-7263). 2D stats painting now takes the stats format into account when painting Integral. This problem was mentioned here. Fix ROOT-6703.
* Proof In TProofPerfAnalysis, add functionality to save derived objects created / drawn during the calls. Add support for aliases (ROOT-7392) Consolidate support for trees in sub-directories
* Tree Fixes a regression: allow supported URLs to contain wildcards in TChain Add (ROOT-7296). Fixes a crash possible after using TChain::AddBranchToCache with the automatic cache creation enabled (ROOT-7015).
* Sat Apr 25 2015 Update to version 5.34.30 (version 5.34.29 did not exist)
* Core TextInput: prevent history file clashes from concurrent processes (ROOT-6539).
* I/O. Properly skip the content of base class onfile that have been removed from the in-memory class layout. Properly support TStreamerInfo written by ROOT v4.00.
* Graphics The axis titles in case of a TTree x:y:z plot with the option COLZ were not correct. New option \"Rotate scene\" in the \"Extras\" tab of the GL Viewer. It allows to do a real rotation instead of a wobbling when the \"Auto Rotator\" is launched. Implement TStyle::SetLineScalePS() to control le global basic line width in TTeXDump. When a TGraph2D was entirely in the plane Z=0 the 3D could not be defined.
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Update to version 5.34.28
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Update to version 5.34.24
* Graphics With the Cocoa backend on Mac, the PDF and PS output produced miss-aligned exponents because the GetTextExtend method behaved differently in batch mode and \"screen\" mode. This is now fixed. In TTextDump the text color was ignored. It was always black.
* MathCore New version of TStatistic class
* Vc Update to the new version, 0.7.4 (the same as in the ROOT 6 branches)
* IO
* Set the default for Davix to enable Davix.GSI.GridMode, to be consistent with the comment in the default system rootrc. GridMode is needed to use https with usual grid https endpoints such as SEs. ROOT-6897
* Hist Remove TH1::Clone and use (as before 5.34.23) TObject::Clone for cloning histogram Use TH1::Copy instead of TH1::Clone in TH1 and TProfile::RebinAxis
* Core Put dictionary generated code into the ROOTDict namespace against a bug in MSVC 12, 13
* RooStats Fix a problem in the BernsteinCorrection
* Sun Nov 09 2014 Update to version 5.34.23
* Core Fix thread_local declaration (affecting gcc 4.7) Many changes to improve thread safety.
* Math Fix for ROOT-6879: TMinuit destructor when gROOT has been already deleted
* Histograms Fix TAxis::Copy function did not correctly handle the case where not all bins had labels. Implement TH1::Clone() Fix for ROOT-6838: memory leak in fftw classes
* TTree Fix compilation on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite), see ROOT-6856]
* Graphics Fix for ROOT-6561: The character positioning was not correct with the cocoa backend. In some cases an extra point was drawn when a TGraph2D was drawn with P, P0 or PCOL. The hollow fill style was not rendered correctly by TTexDump. (ROOT-6841) It was possible to interactively zoom outside the histograms\' limits. Protections have been added. Fix an issue with E0 option and log scale. Better line width matching with screen and pdf output (ROOT-6858)
* Http Imported new version of http server and jsroot (Sergey Linev)
* Sat Oct 11 2014 Update to version 5.34.22
* Build System Fix for ROOT-6700: Splash screen not shown with CMake builds with cocoa
* I/O. Fix reading large files (2Gb+) containing a memberwise streamed classes with bases.
* Hist Fix TH1::Rebin for ROOT-6706 Fix several thread safety problems in the handling of TFormulas.
* MathCore Fix Anderson-Darling 2 samples test (ROOT-6666) Add Anderson-Darling test for binned data (histograms) (ROOT-6069)
* Graphics Implement typographically correct minus sign for axis labels and stats. New drawing option \"violin\" for 2D histograms.
* TTree Prevent the possible implicit invalidation of a TTree\'s TTreeCache pointer, e.g. found with GetCacheRead(), after the cache has been explicitly requested with SetCacheSize(-1) (ROOT-6698)
* Roofit Fix fitting of RooChebyshev in 2 separate ranges (ROOT-6664)
* XNet Fix for wrong ReadV size from dCache ROOT-6639.
* Fri Sep 12 2014 Update to version 5.34.21
* Build System Polished a number of issues related to the CMake builds. The -pthread flag is now property set Improved FindPythia6.cmake Fixed warnings caused by assert() with NDEBUG The build area usable for running tests without the need of -Dtesting=ON Added new targets to support the release process (version, dist, distsrc)
* GUI Added the mouse event information in the ROOT browser status bar (as in the TCanvas).
* I/O Support for TTreePerfStat and multiple TTree. Disable the loading of the I/O rules form the file which could lead to a linear increase in time needed to open a ROOT file when opening many files. Fix ROOT-6645: problem in creating TTree when using TClass::IgnoreTObject.
* PyRoot Fix end of processes issues (ROOT-6547).
* NetxNG Several fixes for XRootD v4 following tests from LHCb and ATLAS- Changes in version 5.34.20
* Thread support Update making ROOT I/O thread safe. This includes many changes including a complete change in the way IsOnHeap is calculated (requires valgrind-root.supp to hide valgrind false positive), the removal of StreamerInfo re-compilation, the addition of missing locks and the addition of the use of atomics and thread_local keyword, the merge CINT and ROOT locks, the extension of caching to avoid need for locks, performance improvements in TThread, clarification and extension of the interface to access elements details for a StreamerInfo and removal of more global variables. IsOnHeap The new algorithm relies on \"TObject::operator new” writing a special values into memory in order to have TObject\'s constructor determine if the object was made on the heap. This leads valgrind to issue: ==9273== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==9273== at 0x4E83982: TObject::TObject() (TObject.cxx:74) which is suppressed by $ROOTSYS/etc/valgrind-root.supp. A false positive happens only if an object derived from TObject is created on the stack and the stack happen to have the value 0x99999999 where the operator new would have wrote it. The consequence of a false positive is a double delete if, in addition, this object is an histogram or tree and this object was registered with a TFile object also allocated the stack. TVirtualStreamerInfo interface changes The existing interface: virtual TStreamerElement
*GetElem(Int_t id) const; virtual Int_t GetOffset(Int_t id) const; now always takes an id which is the index of the, potentially covering more than one real data member, elements in the optimized list of elements. virtual TStreamerElement
*GetElement(Int_t id) const; virtual Int_t GetElementOffset(Int_t id) const; are new an always take an id which is the index of the StreamerElement in the complete list (the non split list).
* Cint Fix ROOT-6542.
* Core Fix ROOT-6445: TThread initialization prevent TApplication::Terminate() without user input.
* TTree Add support for turn on and customizing the TTreeCache from the environment and .rootrc (see commit 2201cac9)
* Graphics Fix ROOT-6470: The marker definition in the TeX output generated by TTeXDump was misplaced. Implement the option FUNC for 2D histograms.
* Proof, NetxNG Add support for XRootD 4
* Fri Jul 11 2014 Update to version 5.34.19
* Core Fix compiler warning in TArray (ROOT-5864.). Prevent out-of-bounds access in TClass::EscapeChars. (ROOT-6239.).
* I/O Fix memory leak in TKeyXML (ROOT-6139.). Prevent random behavior in case of corrupted file (fNbytesFree)(ROOT-6240.). Allow TBranch::DropBaskets to drop the write basket if it is empty. Add support for multi-dimensional array in Cintex (when dictionary is generated via genreflex) (ROOT-6243.). Better error handling and object deletion in TKey (fixes ROOT-5648. and ROOT-5649.).
* TTree TTreePerfStats now calculated properly the unzipping time for its given TTree only. Fix TTreeCache learning when used by TTree::Draw (problem with SetEntryRange) ; this solves ROOT-6103.
* Proof Disable by default memory checks during event loop as they can impact significantly performance with fast I/O devices (no impact for CPU intensive tasks). They can be enabled by setting the parameter PROOF_MemLogFreq or the env PROOF_MEMLOGFREQ to the checking period in terms of events. Lite: reduce default number of old session logs kept in the sandbox to 1, to avoid filling up the sandbox. Server side: add support unix secondary groups in group access control. Fix memory leak in TProofDraw due to double histogram cloning. Affects repeated queries with large histograms.
* RooFit Fix the computation of fit parameter errors in weighted extended maximum likelihood fits
* RooStats Improve StandardHypoTestInvDemo macro to add option (enableDetailedOutput) to save the fit result informations for every generated toy event in the output result file. Fix also the running with Proof.
* HistFactory Fix initialisation of data member of some classes (e.g. ShapeSys)
* Vc Upgrade to latest Vc version (0.7.3)
* TMath Add a new more accurate (although a factor of 2 slower) implementation of TMath::RMS. See ROOT-5545)
* GUI The \"Move Opaque\" way to place interactively objects on canvas, has been extended to all objects. Implement the Guide Lines to place object on the canvas. The transparency sliders change the transparency only for the edited object. For a fine adjustment at the pixel level, the arrow keys can be used to move object on pad. The zoom on axis and on 2D histogram has be improved. A shaded area is shown instead on simple lines. Also it is possible to zoom a 2D histogram with a shaded rectangle.
* Graphics TGaxis::SetMaxDigits() was not active on standalone TGaxis. With the Cocoa backend on Mac the text string were a bit too large compared to the TTF rendering. Fix (ROOT-6305.). Add color setters allowing the transparency definition. Fix some alignment issue in TLegend. TLatex interface to TMathText did not work in case the text size was specified in dots.
* Math Import from master version a new improved version of Minimizer interface. Introduce a new class ROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer for implementing some common method of the MInimizer class. This new class is used by several GSL minimisers. Add the parameter bound values in FitResult. Improve MinimizerOptions class. Use it as the container for the options in ROOT::Math::Minimizer. poly several improvements and fixes to GeneticMinimizer
* Minuit2 add a new method to set the name of an existing parameter (ROOT-5387).
* GenVector Fix a bug in VectorUtill::RotateZ
* Hist Improve the merging of histogram with user defined binning (ROOT-5542) Fix a bug when some of the merged histogram have zero entries (ROOT-5509) Fix a bug when merging histograms without bin limits with histogram with bin limits. Fix the projections of TProfile2D to TProfile, by implementing TProfile2D::ProfileX(Y) and the projections TProfile3D to TProfile2D by implementing TProfile3D::Project3DProfile (ROOT-6620) Improve the title of the created histograms in SetShowProjections Merge from the master a new version of TUnfold (v.17) Fix TH1::Fit to draw only the function when fitting an histogram already plotted in a pad. (See RootTalk-18071)
* Net New HTTP Server package A new HTTP Server package has been introduced. The idea behind such server is to provide direct access to the data from a running ROOT application. Any object can be streamed when requested and delivered to the browser. To start http server, at any time create instance of the THttpServer class like: serv = new THttpServer(\"http:8080\"); This will start civetweb-based http server on port 8080. Then, one should be able to open address \"http://localhost:8080\" in any modern browser and browse objects created in application. By default, the server can access files, canvases and histograms via gROOT. All such objects can be displayed with JSRootIO graphics. At any time one could register other objects with the command: TGraph
* gr = new TGraph(10); gr->SetName(\"gr1\"); serv->Register(\"graphs/subfolder\", gr); If the object content is changing in the application, like for example histograms being continuously filled, one could enable the monitoring flag in the browser, then the object view will be regularly updated. Introduce GZIP compression on the server side. Now one can request JSON (or any other data) in zipped form like: wget http://localhost:8080/Canvases/c1/root.json.gz This solves problem with JSON using over network - such compressed file is about the same size as binary buffer. For that particular canvas (from hsimple.C example) root.json 12994 bytes root.json?compact=3 8695 bytes root.json.gz?compact=3 2071 bytes It is factor 4 less data, transmitted between server and client. \"root.bin\" request has also been modified. Now it is just data produced by TBufferFile without any additional headers.One can also compress such data with gzip: wget http://localhost:8080/Canvases/c1/root.bin.gz
* Build Do not parse rootlogon.C during make htmldoc (ROOT-4394).
* Mon Apr 21 2014 properly obsolete root-bin package
* Fri Apr 18 2014 rename root-bin to root and let it recommend all libroot packages except of the bindings, as well as some root-plugins, this should prevent bugreports as Bug #868085- remove sqlite-no-static.patch, it\'s applied upstream for some while now and no longer needed
* Sun Mar 16 2014 Update to version 5.34.18
* Build System Fix build problem on OSX 10.9 with the new Xcode 5.1 and clang-503.0.38 (undefined symbol TStreamerInfo::WriteBufferAux
* Graphics Implement this option `pads`. This option is equivalent to the one in `THStack`. It allows to draw all the `TGraphs` in separated pads. Introduce the flag `CanvasPreferGL` in ``. So OpenGL can be use by default. The default value for this flag is 0 (no OpenGL). Fix size issues with the FTGL text. Make `TMathText` work with FTGL
* Hist TH2Poly: implement a simple version of \"Scale\"
* Core TUrl: Fix bug inadvertently introduced in 5.34/15 preventing PROOF from working at all.
* Proof See Core (important) Fixed bug ROOT-5337 preventing proper use of existing TH2, TH3 histograms with the draw functionatlty.
* Fri Mar 07 2014 Recommend instead of Require -devel packages for libroot-
*- Also Recommend -devel packages for root-plugin-
* Wed Feb 26 2014 Update to version 5.34.17 (5.34.16 doesn\'t exist)
* I/O Fix schema evolution for std::map when one of the type (key or value) is a class and changed (\'was renamed\'). This fixes ROOT-6064.
* Graphics The histogram drawing option \"9\" as been removed. It is not needed anymore since the line compression has been implemented in `TPadPainter`.
* Mon Feb 24 2014 Add freetype-devel to fix compilation error in Factory- Do not enable C++11 support for SLES
* Thu Feb 13 2014 Add root-plugin-netxng- FTGL headers are gone- Enable C++11 support if possible- Update to version 5.34.15
* Platform support On OSX >= 10.8 use by default the Cocoa backend instead of X11. The Cocoa backend works much better on Retina displays. To build the X11 version configure with --disable-cocoa.
* CINT / genreflex Enable Intel compiler icpc in genreflex (ROOT-5848).
* Core Fixed the implementation of TClass::InheritsFrom(const char
*) when the class does not have a dictionary.
* I/O Fix the reading of the case where the last branch/data member of a class in no longer in memory, and is the source of a rule, it was inadervently marked as not-to-be read (effectively preventing the execution of the rule). (ROOT-5831).
* TTree Prevent spurrious warning (TRefTable::Add: SetParent must be called before adding) when a TRef-ed object is stored in the TTree list of user info. Extended TTreeIndex and TTreeFormula to support 64 integers.
* Graphics TPad::Print() really works on TCanvas only. A protection has been added in case it is called on a pure TPad. Implement the Candle Plots (Box Plots) for 2D histograms.
* Hist Add an error message in TH1::GetBinWidth/GetBinLowEdge when called from a TH2/TH3 histograms. (ROOT-5049)
* Pythia6 and Pythia8 Fix in Pythia6 for longer than 8 char beam names, like: \"gamma/mu+\" Fix in Pythia8 to allow initialisation for beams with different energies, and add some useful information printing methods.
* Mon Jan 27 2014 Remove libroot-static, as we need statuc xrootd libraries which we dont have
* Sun Jan 26 2014 Add missing BuildRequires for xrootd-cl-devel
* Tue Dec 17 2013 Update to version 5.34.14
* Net Import of TDavixFile plugin for the DavIx HTTP/WEBDAV access library. The TDavixFile will replace TWebFile for HTTP file access as it supports all possible HTTP/WEBDAV features, including the writing of files. To compile this plugin use the $ROOTSYS/build/unix/ script to install libdavix. To turn this plugin on by default edit $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc and set: Davix.UseOldClient: no. Import of the TNetXNGFile plugin, which uses the Next Generation (NG) xrootd client code. To compile this plugin use the $ROOTSYS/build/unix/ script to install xrootd >= 3.3.5, needed by the NG plugin.
* MathCore Add a protection to create the Minimizer classes in multiple threads (Fix ROOT-5335)
* Graphics New option \"noclear\"in THStack::Draw() (Fix ROOT-5241). SVG output: some markers did not show in Google-Chrome
* Hist Add a new function TH1::Chisquare (see ROOT-4722). Add in TGraph::Chisquare the possibility to compute the chi-square in the given function range. The default is now to use all graph points (different than 5.34.13). Fix a bug in TAxis::SetBinLabel, when updating a bin label (Fix ROOT-5025). Improve TH2::FillRandom to use the integral of the function in the bin. Make a check that it can be used only for TF2 functions (Fix ROOT-5608). Implement for all TProfile classes SetBinLengths. (Fix ROOT-5611)
* CINT / Reflex Pass \"--gccxmlopt\" to gccxml also with --print; allow lcg-g++-
* (ROOT-5810, f145436)
* Tue Dec 17 2013 Add /usr/include/root/ESTLType.h to libroot-core-devel it\'s needed for geant4-vmc
* Mon Dec 02 2013 Update to version 5.34.13
* I/O Fix an issue with the file generated by MakeProject when std::set or std::multimap are involved. This fixes ROOT-5730
* Graphics In TColor::SetPalette predefined palettes were redefined even if it was not necessary. Better way to handle the string input in the Pad toolbar.
* Wed Nov 20 2013 Update to version 5.34.12
* Platform support Completed OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) port, roottest runs now without errors to completion.
* I/O Add TBuffer::ReadVersionNoCheckSum to allow reading the version of classes that were always versioned but used to have a version number equal to zero (and no byte counte was stored).
* TTree Fix a problem when a TTree alias was used in a boolean expression. In some circumstances the branch(es) used in the alias would not be loaded properly leading to random results (i.e. passing the result on the previous entries\' value).
* Graphics In TGaxis: In some case the format use to build the axis labels was incorrect. (cf: Jira report ROOT-5635). New static function to change the position of the \"power of 10\" near the axis.
* Sun Nov 03 2013 Update to version 5.34.11
* Platform support Added support for OSX 10.9 (Mavericks). OSX 10.9 comes only with the clang compilers and the new libc++ C++ run-time library. As libc++ is not compatible with libstdc++, third party C++ libraries have to be recompiled on 10.9 to be able to be used with ROOT.
* Core Fix thread safety of the creation of a TThread was an already running thread. Reduce the risk of out-of-order execution of file and socket closing (compared to when the libraries are unloaded) by using atexit. Extend TInterpreter interface with a DeleteVariable() method so that all RooFits interpreter interactions can now be handled through the abstract interface. Fix end of process issues when a TApplication object is not [created and then] deleted before the end of main. ROOT-5620 and GENSER-157
* I/O I/O protocol \"xroot://\" now also supported and doing same as \"root://\". Properly call an I/O rule that applies to a whole object that is split (deficiency introduced in v5.34/10). This fixes ROOT-5483 Fix a memory leak while reading a std::vector. This fixes ROOT-5539. Fix thread safety of TGenCollectionProxy\'s iterator creation. Fix a memory issue when cloning some file with freed-up blocks. This fixes ROOT-5616
* TTree Fix spurrious issue when same name was twice in branch name. This fixes ROOT-5628
* RooFit (with substantial contributions from M. Schiller) Various speedups in core code in management of expression trees (faster lookup of nodes, cloning of expression trees etc...) Make RooAbsArg::setExpensiveObjectCache() virtual so that cache association of RooRealVar objects never happens. Fixes ROOT-5502 Trim verbosity of algorithms that optimize likelihood calculations prior to fit: nodes evaluated in cache-and-track mode are only reported if there are less than 20, otherwise only the number of such nodes is reported Add option to optimize calculation of likelihoods represented by stacks of RooHistFuncs stored in a RooRealSum by evaluating them as a genuine binned likelihood, rather than as a probability density function with an extended likelihood term. To activate this feature, the RooRealSumPdf must have a boolean attribute \"BinnedLikelihood\" set. Modify workspace strategy for importing functions and pdfs with embbeded datasets (such a RooHistPdf). Now store datasets that were not already imported in workspace in a separate \'embedded datasets namespace\' that is also visible to the user. Previously such imported datasets were inivisible. Extend string buffer size of RooDataSet ctor with importSlices() argument Bug fix in RooRealIntegral in classification of exclusive lvalue branches Add horizontal morphing option to RooMomentMorph [ M. Baak ] Modify RooCintUtils to route all interpreter interactions through TInterpreter rather than calling CINT functions directly. This unifies the RooFit code with that in the master branch that now works with cling rather than cint. Make RooAbsReal::plotOn() version taking a RooLinkedList of arguments a public method Fix potential race condition bidirectional memory-mapped pipe used for multi-core likelihood parallelization Fixes to SumW2Error() option of RooAbsPdf::plotOn() RooHistPdf now has analytical integrals over subranges RooFit::Minimizer() option now recognized by RooAbsReal::chi2FitTo() In RooRandom() allow internal generator to be modified by user In RooRandom::uniform() for arrays use TRandoms RndmArray method for greater speed. Optimize histfactory classes PiecewiseInterpolation and FlexibleInterpVar for speed Fix in handling of extended likelihood terms when using SumW2Error correction for weighted unbinned data
* PROOF Import improvements in TProofBench: recording and display of the maximum rate during query, CPU efficiency calculation for PROOF-Lite runs, better measurement of wall time. MInor fixes in the new dataset manager mostly for multi-dataset processing
* Graphics In TLatex some operators like #minus #plus #mp #hbar ... ignored the color defined by the operator #color. In TLatex: implement #minus and #plus typographically better than the standard \"-\" and \"+\". Make sure all greek and math symbols are printed correctly by TTexDump. Implement dummy operators #mbox and #hbox to improve the compatibility between TLatex, TMathText and TTexDump. In TMathText: implement \\frac using \\over. In TMathText: Treat \\mbox as \\hbox to improve the compatibility with TTexDump. TLegend: The line attribute of objects in the legend were not taken into account with the option \"e\". In case of automatic computation of the legend items\' size, the text size was wrong if the font precision was set to 3. Improve the spacing between lines. Due to the way the vertical text centring is done (bounding based) the spacing between lines may appeared irregular in some cases. The error bar in the legend (option \"E\") didn\'t have the line attributes when drawn alone (without option \"L\"). In PDF files, italic greek characters were not correct for non null text angle.
* Eve Bugfix in TEveStraightLineSet::ComputeBBox() -- existence of markers was not checked before creating a null bounding box. This lead to objects with no lines (only markers) being skipped during rendering, effectively making them invisible.
* Sat Sep 07 2013 Add root-plugins-sql-sqlite package- Update to version 5.34.10
* Core Improve TFormula performance when it calls C++ functions
* I/O Add proper for custom collection (i.e class that have a CollectionProxy but are not STL collections). Fix support of iotype=Double32_t in Cintex when this was the only used of Double32_t seen by genreflex
* TTree Fix the reading a 8 bit integer by TTree::ReadFile and TTree::ReadStream
* Eve Consolidate handling of TGFileBrowser
* TEveBrowser::fFileBrowser member, see ROOT-5294. Fix TEveTrackPropagator::LineIntersectPlane, see ROOT-5373.
* Proof Fix PROOF-Lite crash at destruction reported in ROOT-5280. Import patch to fix fatal bug in xproofd affecting setups using authentication introduced in 5-34-06 (synptom: session do not start). Modification of output sending protocol to control memory usage as described in PROOF-30.
* Graphics TGraph::Draw() needed at least the option AL to draw the graph axis even when there was no active canvas or when the active canvas did not have any axis defined. This was counter-intuitive. Now if TGraph::Draw() is invoked without parameter and if there is no axis defined in the current canvas, the option ALP is automatically set. TH1s were drawn improperly in \"Logx\" mode if \"X\" axis starts at negative values (see Jira report ROOT-4505). Fix some misplacements of characters in TLatex formulae (with TASImage). New class TTeXDump to generate PGF/TikZ vector graphics output Allow parenthesis in PDF and PS file names.
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Update to version 5.34.09
* Core. Add TInterpreter::SetClassSharedLibs to extend and replace G__set_class_autoloading_table
* I/O. Fix the handling of rule that specify a version range \"[1-]\" but applies to a classes with a specified version numbered. It now properly applies to all schemas. Prevent out-of-bounds access when switching a TBuffer from Read to Write mode. Fix spurrious (fatal) removal of duplicate part of branch names. Since v5-34-06 (specifically commit b454e81), a TTree fails to save the content of a branch that is part of a split STL collection and whose name (of the data member) match some other component of the branch name (and the two must be separted my at least one level). For example out.OBJ.vec.OBJect or TH1DMEtoEDM_MEtoEDMConverter_MEtoEDMConverterRun_TEST.obj.MEtoEdmObject.object. When reading the file back in v5-34-06, 07 or 08, this will result in the data not being written and the missing data not being noticed in any way by the I/O .. but of course, it is not being read. When reading the file back with v5-34-05 or below, this can result in error messages like: Error in : Could not find the StreamerInfo with a checksum of 0x20000 for the class \"TH1F\" in output.root. Issue an error/warning when the source field of a I/O customization rule is not a list of \"type name\" No longer ignore rules that target an existing member but do not have it as a source; instead this rule signal that the input should be ignored. Issue a Fatal error when TTree::BranchOld is called for a non-TObject class. Fix ROOT-5297 by fixing the implementation of TClass\'s MoveAddressInRepository. Fix several issues found by running clang\'s AddressSanitizer
* CINT. Fix rootcint -I / defined_in on Windows for histfactory (a079afe).
* Proof Import fixes for TProofBench in dynamic startup mode. TProofBench needs to know the maximum number of workers and to setup the context for the benchmark run. For this it was relying on TProof::GetParallel and TProof::GetListOfSlaveInfos. The information obtained was not correct in the case of a dynamic worker setup. This patch fixes several small issues related to this which are also relevant for the dynamic addition of workers.
* Wed Jun 05 2013 Update to version 5.34.08
* Proof Import some fixes from the master, mostly related to dynamic startup. Import fix for the processing rate and local sub-merging (thanks to B. Butler, M. Swiatlowski). Import improvement in worker log naming and handling, relevant for the dynamic mode. Import fix for potential issue with the generation of the TProofBench PAR files.
* Sat Apr 27 2013 Update to version 5.34.07
* I/O Repair support for std::bitset (broken in v5-34-06).
* Tue Apr 23 2013 Reenable Ruby bindings- Update to version 5.34.06
* Core Prevent silent potential data corruption when reaching more than 16777215 references objects and increase the maximum number of references object to 16777215
*65535. This addresses the Savannah report #97630 and #93360. In TPRegexp::Compile() do not call Optimize() if regexp compilation has failed. Add a static flag \'Bool_t TPRegexp::fgThrowAtCompileError\' that allows callers to intercept a faulty regexp being passed to Compile(). When this flag is in effect, a failed regexp compilation throws a std::runtime_error. Add member function \'Bool_t TPRegexp::IsValid() const\' that returns true if the object holds a valid compiled representation of the regexp. Add support in genreflex for data member that are arrays and are source or target of an I/O customization rule TClonesArray::Delete now deletes properly the content of the objects even when they are reprenting an emulated class.
* IO Allow the implicit conversion from any type of numerical STL collection to any other type of numerical STL collection (e.g. vector to list) Implement the implicit rule for matching pair (based on being able to convert their content) hadd now enables Cintex (if it has been built) so that library that are autoloaded and have a Reflex dictionary are effectively used. This fixes Savannah Report #100759. In genreflex add support for some the I/O rule element to be optional (in particular source and target) Extent/correct the detection of renamed classes Implementation the streamerInfo actions for kBits Improve performace of reading a vector of non-class type by 25% (i.e. std::vector). Improve performance of reading a branch with an std::list by 25% by migrating to using the StreamerInfoAction and by implementing the access to iterator (creation, copy, increment, delete) via template function (rather than reallying on the slow mechanism using \'At\' (and its use of the fEnv) ...) Remove inadvertent match between 2 unrelated STL collection containing objects. Add the concept of implicit rules to (centrally) support automatic translation of STL collection from numeric type to other numeric type or for when the contained class has some rules. Currently enabled only when the target is an std::vector. Fix the Conversion of a Double32 or Float16 inside a collection of object to another type (the previous implemetation was not supporting the customization of the factor nor the number of bits).
* TTree In SetBranchAddress, use the result of CheckBranchAddressType to decide whether to actually use the address or not. This avoid mis-using the user\'s pointer (but also might make invalid/awkward code fails). To prevent the check (and hence for the use a pointer no matter what), the user needs to cast the pointer to a void
*. SetBranchAddress now returns an error code. In TTree::SetBranchAddress, properly reset the TargetClass when the address is changed (back) to the original type. Issue an error message if the class type of the argument to TTree::SetBranchAddress can not be determined (missing dictionary but having only a typeid). Correct the behavior when attempting to create a branch with split level zero with an object that requires the use a TBranchObject (for example TVector3). See the ROOT Forum #15975 Properly handle the evolution of an STL container containing a class with contains sub-object. Extend the output of TTree::Print(debugInfo) to include the action sequence information (and add support for the sub option \'func\' that also prints the function\'s (mangled) name.
* Math Put explicit template instantiations from ChebyshevPol.h in implementation file, to avoid duplicate symbols that prevented static linking from succeeding.
* Net The class TS3WebFile was modified to support also reading files hosted by Google using the S3 protocol. Its TFile plugin was also modified to reflect this.
* Proof Import patch #46634 removing the dependence on the XRootD header XrdSutAux.hh Import patch #48766 fixing a possible double-delete when a selector is processed by object. Import patch #48939 fixing problem in pq2-verify. Import patch #49113 fixing a possible crash in submerger mode due to missing protection.
* PyROOT Support for python3.3.
* GL Make camera state streamable. See tutorials/eve/camera_restore.C
* Eve TEveRGBAPalette: fix bug in palette color interpolation.
* RooFit Fix for the notorious \'proxy error\' problem that would crash toy studies of complex models after a couple of hours of running Eliminated most memory leaks Support up to 9 arguments in RenameVariables() argument of RooWorkspace::import() Introduce new generic MultiArg() named argument that can be passed to any RooFit function taking named argument with the purpose of extending the maximum number of accepted named arguments. Since MultiArg() can be nested inside RooMultiArg() there is now no technical limitation on the numer of named arguments that can be passed In RooCategory interpert the null-range as the default range so categories behave analogous to RooAbsReals when used with ranges In RooPlot avoid drawing of stray entry in first bin when user has TH1::DefaultSumW2() set to kTRUE Improve robustness of likelihood offsetting procedure that is enable via the Offset(kTRUE) argument to RooAbsPdf::createNLL() or RooAbsPdf::fitTo() In RooWorkspace allow to access snapshot contents as RooArgSet [ JIRA-ROOT-178 ] Fix bug in parallelized likelihood calculations (NumCPU(n)) for models that have extended likelihood components in one bin. With this fix likelihood parallization will work robustly for all known HistFactory-style models Add new strategies to parallelize likelihood calculations over multiple cores. New strategies allow to distribute whole pdf components over cores instead of splitting them internally. This is particularly efficient for small components (with few associated dataset entries). The new \'hybrid\' parallelization option will automatically select this strategy for small components, while keeping the \'BulkPartition\' internal splitting for larger components In RooMinuit improve retrieval of MINOS status code Update RooNovosibirsk with analytical integral (M. Petric -JIRA-ROOT-5013) In RooProfileLL fix crash in call to bestFitObs() prior to calling getVal() [ JIRA-ROOT-4884 ] Allow Bool_t datatypes in TTrees to be associate with RooRealVars in RooDataSets [ JIRA-ROOT-179 ] Fix RooAbsData::addColumn() for datasets that are internally represented as a composit dataset, i.e datasets from RooSimultaneous::generate() [ JIRA-ROOT-4771 ] In RooFitResult::createHessePdf() fix variable mapping problem in info message [JIRA-ROOT-4993 ] Fix chi^2 calculation when empty bins are present in RooCurve::calculateChi2() [ JIRA-ROOT-4826 ] Fix RooAbsReal copy ctor - include plot label as well [ JIRA-ROOT-4987 ] Fix possible hangup in NumCPU() multi-core parallization of likelihood when complex errors occur on the server-side
* HistFactory Fix broken schema evolution of class HistFactory::Measurement with full backward compatibility
* RooStats In ModelConfig add sanity check that objects passed to SetNuisanceParameters(), SetPOI() etc are genuine variable objects and not functions
* Sun Feb 17 2013 Do not muck with /etc/; instead use a separate file in /etc/ This way, deletion of ROOT also removes the entry properly again.
* Sun Jan 27 2013 Update to version 5.34.04
* Core Fixes two thread safety issues affecting accessing TClonesArray objects in more than one thread (see revision #47726). Import patch #48132 fixing an issue in TUnixSystem::RedirectOutput; this resolves the Savannah report #96935.
* I/O Prevent a segmentation fault at the time a TFile is closed and/or deleted if it contains a TTree that is stored in a subdirectory. Prevent infinite loop when encountering unzipping error. This resolves the Savannah report #99523. Import patch #48115 in TFileMerger basically skipping, for non-mergeable objects, the check on recurrent names. This should fix the Savannah report #99015.
* Proof Import patch #46864 fixing a crash in TStatus::Add in the case of missing files. This was a regression introduced by branch patch #45751 (import of #45283). Import patch #46992 addressing a possible crash after finalisation. Import patch #47067 fixing possible (random) failure of test 22. Import patch #47235 fixing a file permission issue in afdsmgrd. Import patch #47238 fixing a few issues preventing proper cleaning of the \'data\' directory when running stressProof in Proof-Lite. Import patch #47251 fixing an issue with unexpected settings in TStatus::fBits. Import patch #47270 adding notification of the estimated time left (and, at the end, of the processing time) also when running in batch mode. Import patch #47367 fixing an issue with TDSet::Validate. Import patch #47444 to not print all progress messages during the merging phase in non-tty mode (avoid filling up the logs with useless info). Import patch #47451 to add flexibility in defining directories for PAR packages. Import patches #47528 and #47573 to support specifying the check version option in TProof::EnablePackage. Import patch #47664 fixing an undefined variable in TSelEventGen (proofbench PAR package). Import patch #47729 fixing a backward incompatibility introduced by patch #45751. Import patch #47832 to make sure that the fSlaves list contains always ALL workers, even those which did not initially startup; this way GetListOfSlaveInfos can be used to find out which workers had problems starting up. Import patch #47833 to make sure that the XrdProofClient instance is always defined when calling MapClient. This was not done for example when using the weak authentication protocol \'host\', or similar protocols not requiring a real authentication token. Import patches #48060 and #48239 introducing an improved dataset management model where the PROOF (ROOT) dataset manager is a light frontend to the experiment file catalogs; TDataSetManagerFile is still used as local cache of the experiment information or to store the work-in-progress status of the dataset manager daemon. This model is expected to solve the scalability issues observed currently at AAFs. The patches include the new class TDataSetManagerAliEn with the first concrete implementation of experiment catalog interface and a new version of afdsmgrd able to cope with the new dataset model. Import patch #48063 fixing fixing possible deadlock in session startup. Import patch #48068 fixing some issues in TProofBench. Import patches #48086 and #48099 fixing some building issues. Import patch #48104 fixing fixes failure in TProofBench. Import patch #48122 turning-off role checking for localhost connections (not required and limiting daemon test applications). Import patches #48016 and #48127 with several fixes in xproofd. Import patch #48130 adding the executable \'ptest\' which can be used to test the status of the daemon. Import patches #48130 and #48141 to support building ROOT using an untagged xrootd (e.g. the trunk). Import patch #48166 reducing verbosity during merge of TProofOutputFile in no debug mode. Import patches #48211 and #48226 to fix possible deadlocks associated with the handling of asynchronous timers.
* Tree Import patch #47057 in TTree::Merge to make sure that things are really written out to disk before attempting any reading; solves an issue in TFileMerger when the merged file is written to a xrootd backend. TTree::ReadFile and TTree::ReadStream now skip empty lines and commented out line (starting with #) before looking for a description. (This fixes the most recent part of the Savannah report #28084). In TTree::ReadFile and TTree::ReadStreama allow colon (:) as the separator for the list of branch and types even in the case of a comma separated file. This resolves the Savannah report #99528.
* Graphics Import the TMathText class. In the following example the white spaces were ignored. TFileMerger::AddObjectNames(const char
*names) Fit parameters with very long names destroyed the stats display. Import new palettes from the trunk. New drawing option \"SC\" for TPie to draw the labels with the slices\' colours. Modify the Clear function in order to be able to reuse a TGraph2D after a Clear is performed. In TGraph2D::GetHistogram() the lower and higher axis limits are always different.
* PyROOT Reworked GIL release to be as close to the C++ call as possible
* Hist Fix a bug in fitting TGraphAsymErrors when including error in x (see Forum #15564) Improve TAxis::SetRange with the possibility to include/exclude also underflow and overflow bins (see issue #97331) Fix a bug in re-using the stored fit function in the histogram for fitting a second time
* Minuit Fix a problem in TMinuitMinimizer when all parameters are fixed (see #99058)
* RooFit Fix a bug,introduced in 5.34.01, when generating the correct number of events when using the Extended() option (#98832) Import in RooPoisson the implementation of the analytical integral for the mean
* RooStats Fix an issue in FactorizePdf (see Forum #15694) Fix a memory leak in SPlot (#99400) Add functions in RooStatsUtils to factorize the pdf and to remove constraint terms. Speed-up the SimpleLikelihoodRatio evaluation by avoiding to evaluate the constraints Fix the AsymptoticCalculator to try to use same binning for Asimov data set as observed data Add support for generating same toys for alternate hypothesis at each point to get more stable bands
* HistFactory Add ability to use multiple shape-factors in a single sample, to use multiple asimov datasets and improved histfactory navigation. Add new hist2workspace executable
* Sun Dec 09 2012 Make sure %fdupes is not called on /etc- Remove redundant %clean section- Use find -exec {} + multi-file operation
* Sun Dec 09 2012 Run ldconfig in all packages that provide .so.X shared libraries
* Thu Dec 06 2012 Trim Requires list: the devel packages also require the libraries
* Thu Dec 06 2012 Require of -devel package to every libroot-
* package Either you are using cint, then you need the -devel package, or you are compiling your own program, then you need the -devel package too.- Install FindRoot CMake Module
* Tue Dec 04 2012 Add patch to remove __DATE__ and __TIME__ from source
* Sun Nov 25 2012 Added filters for fixing error \"devel-file-in-non-devel-package\"
* Sun Oct 28 2012 spec file cleanup- changes file cleanup- Use external LZMA library
* Sun Oct 28 2012 remove patch root-glibc.patch as it was included upstream- update to version 5.34.03
* Build System Fix in ACliC for builds with --enable-soversion on MacOS X.
* IO Fix for reloading TClass via Cintex (This fixes Savannah issue #97765.
* TTree In the case where the content of STL collection has one of its member removed, avoid mistakenly trying to read if SetAddress is called more than once on that branch. In TTreeSQL prevent a spurrious duplicate column error (Fixes Savannah issues #98126.
* RooFit Fix a bug in level-2 optimization of likelihoods involving pdfs containing products of conditional pdfs Import weight variable of imported dataset if no weight variable is specified (Savannah #95641) When importing TH1s in a RooDataHist omit \'average bin density\' correction factor as that proves to be very uninuitive (Savannah #96153) In RooStreamParser fix parsing issue for variables starting with an \'i\' (Savannah #82458) Allow to import RooPlots in workspace with crashing (Savannah #94239) Fix crash in reading of RooVectorDataStore of variabes with weights stored (Savannah #94908) RooProduct and RooAddition now accept multiple copies of the same input argument, e.g. a
*a or a+a (Savannah #94925) In fitTo() only invoke SUMW2 afterburner if there are >0 free parameters (Savannah #92332) Fix documentation of RooFormulaVar (Savannah #93498) In RooAbsData::splot() don\'t add extra weight variable when split()-ting binned datasets (Savannah #93867) Fix dynamic updated of mapped binning of RooLinearVar (Savannah #82087)
* RooStats Fix a bug in re-defining the same set in ModelConfig::DefineSetInWS Fix a memory leak in using the test statistics detailed output Fix the computation of p-values in ProfileLikelihoodCalculator::GetHypoTest for multi-dimensional models (with more than one parameter of interest)
* FFTW Fix bug #97707 in TFFTComplexReal::SetPoint(ipoint, c)
* MathCore Fix a bug in the Fitter class in setting a different error scale for likelihood fits (see post #15368)
* Graphics Implementation of MacOS X back-end finished. When GetX(YZ)axis were called on a TGraph2D, the frame limit and plotting options were changed. Thick dashed lines were not correct in TASImage files
* GL Make sure to pass identity matrix to TGeoCompositeShape::PaintComposite() when transformation is not included in boolean operation. Enable automatic scaling of surface normals when transformation matrix is a scaling transformation. Add option preventing GL viewer to disregard very small objects. Call TGLLogicalShape::SetIgnoreSizeForCameraInterest(kTRUE); Fix a bug in CSG operations that manifested with gcc-4.7 (only with optimization on). Move enums from global namespace: EOverlap moved to Rgl namespace; EClipType moved into class TGLClip as EType; EPosition and EManip type were not used and have been removed. Fix a bug in arc-ball camera rotation mode (when camera center was moved from window center).
* EVE Fix an issue in Eve shutdown sequence.
* Fri Oct 26 2012 Change name from \"root-system\" to \"root\"- Add copyright comment to spec file
* Thu Sep 27 2012 add patch root-glibc.patch to fix build with glibc >= 2.16- update to version 5.34.02
* Build System When checking if \"-std=c++11\" compiler option exists use the compiler that is selected via --with-cxx.
* Thread In Thread::Join, avoid a dead lock/race condition that sometimes prevented the TFilePrefetcher from properly finishing.
* Meta Making sure that when we lookup for an existing entry we look for an exact match (as oppose to doing a lookup of the unqualified name) to avoid unrelated nested typedef/names to over-ride global scope classes that are marked for autoloading (r42421).
* I/O Avoid spurious error message when reading an existing file with a class inheriting from std::string (r45117) Corrected the calculation of the number of read calls in TRFIOFile (See the forum post on the subject. Fixed by revision 45140). Add protection against corrupted ROOT File (wrong length stored in the file header) (Revision 45170). Fix file->Get(\"Lumi/physics;2\") to properly retrieve the 2nd cycle (revision 45243). Implement TChain::RemoveFriend to avoid leaving the TChain in an unstable state (See the forum post on the subject. Fixed by revision 46069).
* Proof Import patches #45846, #45847 and #45849 fixing a few consistency issues (honoring \'workers=N\' when passed as option in PROOF-Lite, parallel dataset verification when PROOF is sequential). Import patches #45876, #45823 and #45827 fixing, in stressProof, sandbox cleaning and adding some switches to better control log saving an path in case of failures. The patch also adds the correct switches in test/CMakeList.txt for cmake -based test running. Import patch #45759 fixing possible double delete in TProofDraw. Import patches #45283, #45289, #45318, #45348, #45367, #45570, #45610, #45614, #45615, #45632, #45634, #45282, #45696, #45697, #45718 and #45740 automatizing the usage of file-based technology to handle outputs (see Handling Outputs). Import patch #45664 fixing an issue with afdsmgrd build in the case a \'--prefix=\' was passed. Import patches #45283 (parts), #45318, #45607, #45610, #45613, #45614 (parts), #45630, #45632 (parts) and #45643 fixing several issues: - consolidation of username definition in the automatic LOCALDATASERVER setting (by xproofd); - fix for TProof::GetUser (Savannah issue #92533) - use of LOCALDATASERVER in ProofAux.C, fixing potential failures of stressProof - fix for potential segv in the destructors of TPacketizerUnit and TVirtualPacketizer - fix issue with merging elements in ProcFileElements which was causing spurious failures in stressProof, test #19 Import patches #45568 and #45597 fixing a few issues in PROOF-Lite. Import patches #45092 and #45093 adding functions to retrieve environment information from the nodes, typically from the master (datadir or some env settings). Warning: This change in binary incompatible. Import patch #45181 fixing a crash in xproofd when using security.
* Graphics The time axis behavior should now be correct along time zone and summer saving time. A fix has been done with the of Philippe Gras (CEA Saclay. IRFU/SEDI) and Julian Sitarek (IFAE). Time axis transported from a time zone to an other in a ROOT file are correct too. A new example test have been introduced to test the time axis (timeonaxis3.C)
* GUI Prevent the use of a global by TGLabel before it is initialized (revision #46073
* EVE Avoid crash in TEveTrack::TEveTrack(TEveMCTrack
*) constructor when PDG code is unknown. fCharge is set to 0 in this case.
* RooFit Fix a bug in RooBernsteing for degree 1 polynomial (#97190)
* RooStats Fix a bug in using the correct one-sided test statistics in the AsymptoticCalculator (see corresponding discussion on RooStats mailing list) Fix a bug in SimpleInterval Improve LikelihoodIntervalPlot for drawing 2D contours Fix the evaluation of the likelihood for ConditionalObservables Fix setting a second time the nuisance pdf in the ToyMCSampler. This bug affect the HybridCalculator when using different nuisance pdf\'s for the null and alternate models. Fix generation of AsymptoticCalculator::GenerateAsimovData for counting models containing several observables
* HistFactory Import changes described in revision 45703 Import changes to have model built without a data tag selected
* Hist Update projection methods to re-set binning on a previously existing histogram (#94101 and #95808)
* Minuit Apply some fixes in TMInuitMinimizer: fix resetting the configuration in a second Minos run and fix the number of contour points.
* Sat Jul 14 2012 remove --disable-clarens option as it was removed- update to version 5.34.01
* Core Avoid risk of executing the tear down routines twice at process termination when -q is used and there is no input file descriptor. (revision 44838). Fix linking of qtcint.dll when explicitly linking is required (see the related forum post).
* I/O Fail gracefully instead of segfaulting on broken files in GetStreamerInfoList (Fixes Savannah #5439). Avoid seg fault when deleting a reseted TMemFile (revision 44749). Avoid seg in I/O operation if you change the prefetch settings after the cache is created (revision 44755). Add an explicit \'Close\' for the read cache so that we can insure that all the (concurrent) outstanding connection/use of the TFile are closed before closing the file.
* TTree Restore support for the TTreeCache use case where the lifetime of the TTreeCache is explicitly managed by the user and detach from the TFile/TTree via a call to: file.SetCacheRead(0); Fixes issue in TChainIndex that made reading the first entry of the 2nd and subsequent files in the TChain not beeing properly reading when using the index. (Fixes Savannah #94910). Avoid an unnecessary flushing of the TTreeCache after the first time it filled (revision 44750)
* Proof Import patch #44606 adding support for gcc4.7 in afdsmgrd (version 1.0.3). Import patch #44701 with several important fixes in xproofd. Patch is server side only; only the upgrade of xproofd (or linXrdProofd) are required.
* RooFit Fix bug in binned generation of extended pdf (patch #44630 )
* HistFactory Fix a problem for pyroot and an issue in creating directory (patch #44579 ).
* Hist Fix bug in merging histograms and profile when first histogram to merge is empty (bug #95190 and #94295) Enable TBrowser to access THnSparse with more than 16 axes (r44827).
* THtml Set ROOTSYS in makehtml by calling root instead of root.exe (bug #95635, r44726)
* OpenGL If creation of frame-buffer object for saving of a screenshot fails, fallback to using back-buffer. This can be disabled via the following rootrc setting: OpenGL.SavePictureFallbackToBB: off Latest SLC5, SLC6 intel/mesa drivers seem to often lie that they support FBOs and then fail when asked to provide it. Provide switching between standard and arc-ball rotation in TGLViewer (keybinding \'a\'). Allow setting of non-standard coordinate systems (arbitrary up and forward direction) via new function TGLViewer::ReinitializeCurrentCamera().
* EVE Add new type of track path-mark - TEvePathMatk::kLineSegment. This is to be used for silicon strip detectors rec-hits, especially for low pT tracks where searching for closest point of approach to a line segment is more robust that searching for intersection with a plane. Add support for somewhat continuous energy loss along track propagation. This only makes sense if many path-marks are set for a given track, see TEveTrack::fDpDs.
* Thu Jul 05 2012 use propper directory marcros (%_inccludedir, %_libdir, ...)- package some more needed header files
* Wed Jun 20 2012 disable ruby and clarens as it breaks packaging
* Tue Jun 12 2012 update to latest upstream version 5.34.00
* see for changes- add all -devel packages as dependencie to root-system, as the .so files are needed by cint to find the libraries
* Fri May 25 2012 update to latest upstream version 5.32.03
* Build System Port to gcc 4.7 in both c++03 and c++11 mode.
* Core Fix a (10 year) old issue with wrong MacOS X TZ reporting (which for OSX included the DST). Now we return purely the geographical TZ offset from UTC independent of DST (as for all other platforms). On MacOS X correctly return the physical memory in GetSysInfo(). Enable AltGr on Windows (r44098, bug #94123).
* I/O In TFileMerger and hadd when objects can not be merged do not overwrite the last object in the set with the first (but rather, appending it to the output file like the others elements of the set). This fixes Savannah #93193 In TSeqCollection::Merge (and hence in TFileMerger), do not append non-mergeable object but rather add a copy of the original. This fixes Savannah issue #93401. In TFileMerger and hadd, re-enable the warning about non-mergeable objects.
* Tree Fix circular TTree when its contains objects. This fixes Savannah issue #93282.
* TreeViewer Fix a problem with array names (e.g. fVertex[]) as reported on the forum.
* Proof Import patch #42921 to add also to TXUnixSocket the possibility to disable reconnections via the variable TXSocket.Reconnect (0 disable reconnections; default is 1) . Import patches #42775, #42788, #42882 and #42883 enabling parallel dataset verification. Import patches #43101, #43884 and #43886 adding in proofbench full support for dataset generation on external storage. Import patch #43567 fixing a few issues with dataset verification of back-ends different from xrootd.
* Mon Apr 09 2012 update to latest upstream version 5.32.02- move .so files into devel packages- add root-plugin-
*-devel package, to also package alot of the unpackaged files- do some cleanup
* Tue Mar 06 2012 installed the libs in %_prefix/%_lib instead of %_prefix/lib- removed the two double listed files in the factory build
* Mon Mar 05 2012 Update to latest upstream version 5.32.01
* Sun Feb 19 2012 Update to latest upstream version 5.32.00
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Upgraded the patches (5.28.00b)
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version (5.28.00a)
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Fix \"no hashsum checks of downloaded content, thus allowing downloading and installation of malicious content\" Implemented check against static sha256sums distributed with package (Closes: #545240) - Fix \"generates incorrect package with python-support from experimental\" Packages now make sym-links in /usr/lib, so pythons\' loader should be able to find it. Hence, the sym-link is gone. (Closes: #517320) - Fix \"bashism in debian/rules\" replaced echo -e with printf (Closes: #535421) - Fix \"libroot5.18 has circular Depends on root-plugin-proof\" Fixed by new library structure (Closes: #524991) - Fix \"root-system-rootd fails to install\" Do not modify rootd user in pre-installation. (Closes: #498398) - Fix \"should this package be orphaned?\" New upload w/bug fixes (Closes: #543737) - Fix \"root-system new version available\" New version (Closes: #515568) - Fix \"[INTL:ja] please add Japanese po-debconf template translation (ja.po)\" Added translation (Closes: #546187) - Fix \"Package is missing most of its files\" Fixed by rebuilt (Closes: #515091) - Fixed by rebuilt - Fix \"h2root crashes on amd64\" Fixed by upstream\'s introduction of libminicern (Closes: #518926) - Fix \"No symlink into /usr/lib/root\" Fixed by new directory structure - libraries in /usr/lib - and libQt is a plug-in and should not be linked to directly by developer. (Closes: #525142) - Fix \"include Math/ProbFuncMathCore.h fails with CINT\" Removed relative path components, since CINT should know where to look.(Closes: #534202) - root-system-rootd does it\'s set-up of the user and group in postinst, thereby removing the need to pre-depend on adduser, etc.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Fix \"root-system - FTBFS: error: unrecognized command line option \"- m32\"\" Removed the -m32 flag for s390 builds (Closes: #517575) - Fix \"root-system_5.18.00-2.3+b1(mips/unstable): FTFBS on mips. Undefined symbol.\" Use krb5_c_valid_cksumtype instead of private valid_cksumtype (Closes: #529998) - Fix \"FTBFS: krb5auth/src/Krb5Auth.cxx:424: error: \'valid_cksumtype\' was not declared in this scope\" See above. (Closes: #533964) - Fix \"root-system - FTBFS: Attempts at guessing your architecture failed.\" Put stuff into relevant files - still need to see that it actuall works on s390 (Closes: #487935) - Fix \"root-system_5.18.00-2(sparc/unstable): FTBFS, `debian/tmp/usr/bin/olbd\': No such file or directory\" Re-enabled built of XRootD stuff on sparc. Hopefully it will work. (Closes: #493345) - Fix \"[debconf_rewrite] Debconf templates and debian/control review\" Adopted all recommendations - thanks. (Closes: #514827) - Fix \"root-system new version available\" Build newer version (Closes: #515568) - Fix \"returns errors when using graphics\" Fixed by proper rebuild (Closes: #515632) - Added new package libroot-net-bonjour that contains zeroconf service declaration and discovery classes. - Build-depend on libglew instead of using built-in code. - Moved TFileMerger back to proofplayer and made proofplayer a callable extension rather than a plug-in.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Moved TFileMerger from proof/proofplayer to tree/treeplayer. - Moved TXMLEngine from io/xml to io/io
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Made virtual base class TVirtualGeoOverlap and use that where appropriate. This makes the libGeomPainter a true plug-in.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Discovery of s390x implemented - should check if this works also in terms of code (Closes: #487935) - Do not modify rootd user after creation. Perhaps this fixes [#498398] - FTBFS with GCC 4.4: wrong #elif - fixed upstream (Closes: #505015) - can FTBFS due to incomplete calls to open - fixed upstream (Closes: #502873) - incomplete ftgl-dev => libftgl-dev transition fixed (Closes: #498677)
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Moved root-plugin-graf3d-gl to libroot-graf3d-gl and libroot-graf3d-dev, since the code needs to be callable for custom EVE implementations of quads, etc. - Fixed problem with startup URL - points to http://localhost/doc/root/html - implies recommendation of a web-server. Aparently, the TGHtml gui element does not really know how to resolve relative links from a \"file:///\" URL. - Added \"--etcdir\" option to root-config script - should be useful for VMC and the like implementations.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version (Closes: #478956) - Added prober build dependencies on fortran compiler on all platforms (Closes: #429186) - With the kind help of Thiemo Seufer , Dirk Van Hertem , and Boris we managed to get ROOT to compile on mips/mipsel. This is a new ROOT platform too. (Closes: #434855, #425257) - Fixed GSL version recognision. (Closes: #450507, #450508) - ROOT now builds against Qt 4. (Closes: #476324) - Fixed download URL of TTF files (Closes: #451510) - Split package root-system-xrootd into 2 packages: root-system-xrootd and root-plugin-net-xrootd. - Follow new source directory structure in package structure. Several new packages that split older libroot package. - libroot-proof replaces root-plugin-proof
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n- english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #514827 - [Debconf translation updates] - Galician. Closes: #515481 - Vietnamese. Closes: #515596 - Swedish. Closes: #515939 - Basque. Closes: #516013 - Italian. Closes: #516445 - Spanish. Closes: #517177 - Portuguese. Closes: #517185 - German. Closes: #517381 - Russian. Closes: #517492 - Czech. Closes: #517536 - Finnish. Closes: #518187 - French. Closes: #517806
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Non-maintainer upload to fix pending l10n issues. - Remove extra space in debconf templates. Closes: #488136 - Debconf translations: - German. Closes: #488135 - Portuguese. Closes: #488582 - Russian. Closes: #489490 - Danish translation file renamed to da.po - Finnish. Closes: #491740 - Czech. Closes: #492494 - Basque. Closes: #492528 - Galician. Closes: #492612 - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #492720 - Italian. Closes: #493960
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Fixed problem with libroot-python-dev being uninstallable on ubuntu.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fix configure to allow GSL > 1.9 (Closes: #450507) - Builds on hppa, mips, mipsel (Closes: #434855, 425257) - All linux platforms will use gfortran by default (Closes: #429186) - Use proper GCC 4 I/O bits fixed upstream (Closes: #441333) - ttf-root-installer: Suggest proper URL for font downloading (Closes: #451510) - Add missing libRooFitCore to libroot-roofit package.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixes to Qt discovery and code in qtgsi. - Better support for MIPS (thanks to Thiemo Seufer of Debian)
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Upstream fix to TGX11::DrawPolyMarker.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Do not try to make libFTGL nor put it in the libRGL.rootmap file, since we use the system libftgl_pic.a to link in the functionality.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Forgot top copy over the changes in makelist script, so that standard library container dictionaries was missing.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New development release. - Add proper fortran dependencies and discovery code (Closes: #429186). - Add archicture discovery for mips (Closes: #434855). - Add archicture discovery for hppa (Closes: #425257).
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fix missing lib
* for precompiled dictionaries of standard library containers, like vector, map, etc.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version. This is a production version, so it\'s targeted at unstable. - Fix some stuff on dependencies and the like. - Updated README.Debian for new package names. - Added gfortran switch for amd64 et al (Closes: #429186).
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Attempt to fix broken Python dependencies on Ubuntu.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 [Kevin] Corrected some english in the control file - [Kevin] Removed root-system dependency on libroot. - [Kevin] Removed postinst stubs for root-system-{rootd,proofd} - [Kevin] Removed various directories from root-system. - [Kevin] Fixed script name in /etc/init.d/root-system-{rootd,proofd}. Perhaps it\'s time to look into \'upstart\' scripts? - Fixed package names in README.Debian.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Previous source package broken due to tar-balls not unpacked. - Fixes for new lib
*.rootmap instead of global system.rootmap. - Fixes for new scheme of configuring\'s search path. - Split off unuran into it\'s own package libroot-unuran, since it is GPL\'ed.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New version. - New source package name to please FTP-masters.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New release. take out /usr/lib/root/ from /etc/root/system.rootrc as it may cause problems. Should have no consequence to the users.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fix to Qt plug-in to allow fixed directory builds.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added man page for xrd. - [Kevin] Fixed some broken dependencies in the [X]Proofd packages. I moved the libXrdProofd library into the root-plugin-xproof package as it seems to be used by the client only. - [Kevin] Fixed up some man pages. - [Kevin] Fixed some spelling errors in descriptions.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 [Kevin] Fixed up the README.Debian file for an imminent upload to experimental. - [Kevin] Removed some autotools generated files from the libAfterImage directory in the source package. - [Kevin] Corrected a typo in the debian/rules clean target.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 [Kevin] Use system libungif if possible. - [Kevin] Removed some files left after clean in libAfterImage. - [Kevin] Fixed up the initd scripts with Required-{start,stop}
* Thu Mar 17 2011 [Kevin] Fix missing install of libSpectrum and libFitPanel. - [Kevin] Fix duplicate build-depends - [Kevin] Fix missing install of - [Kevin] Fix unpacking of tar-balls for asimage and xrootd. - [Kevin] Fix init missing info.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream development version. - [Kevin] Remove cruft left behind after removing ttf-root-installer - [Kevin] Install RadioNuclides.txt - [Kevin] Fix build dependency on python-support.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - [Kevin] First attempt at complying with the Python policy. - Python seems ok. We install for one version only - the one we were compiled against. - Made init.d scripts use LSB functions (except start-stop-daemon is still used, since the normal one isn\'t OK). daemons depend on lsb-base.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 copyrights fixed by Fons. - Try to fix TBrowser option.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed reference to CINT copyright statement and license. - Fixed some problems in the xrootd build. - Fixed a bug in some reflex code. - Added 32x32 xpm icon. - Make sure python scripts do not contain a she-bang. - RSA and ALICE license issues have been solved, but Fons hasn\'t uploaded the new files yet. The Krb5 export restriction is still unresolved. The old Zip license issue should have been solved, but the change to the license statement has been put in CVS yet. Hence, the copyright file contains the old license and coppyright statements.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added the package `libroot-tmva\', to avoid bad dependencies. - Fixed problem with PostGreSQL plugin missing - Permanently fixed man page problems in RPMs (added glob star to all man pages in the file lists). - Some other minor fixes. - Better desktop integration for both RPMs and DEBs. - Added `-fail-on-missing\' to make the building fail if a dependency isn\'t found. - Added third-party copyrights and licenses to the copyright file.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Added TMVA to the libroot package. - Also put GDML files into the libroot-python package. - Upstream should have fixed a number of copyright statements. - It seems that the RSA problem persists - sigh!
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixes to allow compilation with prefix != /usr for RPMs
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed to RPM building. Make sure SYSV init scripts is installed. - Make sure we use the same configure arguments when we make the spec file, as are used by the spec file. - Add this changelog to the spec file. - Build-depend on GSL. - Build more packages by default. - Fixes to RPM SYSV init scripts - Fixed to ttf-root-installer RPM post install and pre remove scripts.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixes to RPM creation.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added libraries libReflex and libCintex to libroot, and the corresponding headers and development libraries to libroot-dev. The Python scripts are added to libroot-dev. This means, that ROOT now always build-depends and depends on Python. - Added gccxml as a Suggests to libroot-dev for `rootcint -gccxml\'. - The library libCintex is temporary. - Added krb5-user | heimdal-clients as build-dependency for root-plugin-krb5. The configure script need to know where kinit is. The same packages are also added as run-time dependency. - Fixed root-rootd and root-xrootd and root-proofd to not bark when upgrading and the servers are not running. Thanks to Kevin. - Fixed some minor mistakes in `ttf-root-installer.copyright\'. Again, Thanks to Kevin.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Minor fixes. Typos in the font generation script, lingering temp file, remove build code, lingering source directory, better copyright file, and so on. - Fixes to ODBC interface to use SQL{U}LEN consistently where specified by the ODBC prototypes. This should remove any problems with i386/ia64/amd64/windows.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 fixes to Proof library loading. Missing `#include \"config.h\"\' added. - Fix to ODBC plugin. - Added print-out to - Fixed symbol.ttf font in TImageDump. - Fixed FSF address in root-common.copyright
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version. - New scheme to make package file lists. - Using new GPL\'ed `symbol.tff\' - Fix it so that the font installer package doesn\'t overwrite and delete the already installed `symbol.ttf\'. - Fixed free font table in TTF.cxx to include the GPL\'ed symbol.ttf.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added plugin package root-plugin-odbc - ODBC database connectivty. - [Kevin] Fixed spelling errors in description of libroot-mathmore - [Kevin] Fixed call to dh_makeshlibs - [Kevin] Fixed maxdb build on amd64 - [Kevin] Fixed some dependencies of root-plugin-peac and root-proofd - [Kevin] Fixed some code problems in SapDB code (again!) - Leave in `symbol.ttf\' in the root-common package, because it will soon be replaced by a GPL\'ed one. - Added a specific copyright file for root-common due to the new symbol.ttf font.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Various fixes from Kevin - Added overrides for various extension packages
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed a problem with transition of libroot-fftw to root-plugin-fftw3
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Package libroot-fftw made a plugin by Fons. Now it\'s called root-plugin-fftw. - Small fixes from Kevin. - Default ZipMode is now 1 (checked in debian/rules). - Implemented a configure switch to use system Zlib.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added new package libroot-fftw, and libroot-fftw-dev. Extension packages with libraries to interface FFTw.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added packages libroot-mathmore5.11 and libroot-mathmore-dev. - Also build libMathCore. This is put in libroot5.11 and libroot-dev.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed installation of PROOF configuration examples to new location.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Some fixes upstream
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version. No changes to the debian part.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Removed dangling code directory in `minuit2/src\' - Set `Root.Zlib=1\' in `/etc/root/system.rootrc\' per default. - Fixed some minor bugs in wrapper scripts and SYSV init scripts.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Initial release. (Closes: #325306: RFP: root -- An object oriented data analysis framework - Debian Bug report logs)
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added some lintian overrides. - Moved some shared configuration files to root-common. - Fixed problems in init scripts. - Fixed problem with wrappers using `root-config\'. - Removed some unused configuation scripts. - Install xinetd files as examples. - Removed /usr/share/root/proof/etc/
*.sample and install them as examples instead. - Made `Replaces\' and `Conflicts\' dependencies on older packages be version specific to static version numbers. We don\'t want libroot-roofit to conflict with root-plugin-rootfit for all time.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 [Kevin] Fixed a problem with symlinks in root-xrootd. - [Kevin] Made a wrapper script that calls proofserv with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to the plugin directory. This should be fixed upstream. - [Kevin] Made wrapper scripts that calls xrdpwdadmin and xrdgsiproxy with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to plugin-script. - [Kevin] Fixed problem in man page of xrdcp. - Corrected kfreebsd-gnu to kfreebsd-i386. - [Kevin] Fixed problem in proofserv man page.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed a problem in the rules file with a errornous backslash. - Make configure output config.log for debugging. - [Kevin] Build depend on libmysqlclient15-dev instead of older 12 or 14. - [Kevin] Fix typo\'s in description of libroot-minuit. - [Kevin] Use `-s\' instead of `-a\'. - [Kevin] Fix a logic error in ttf-root-installer. - [Kevin] Moved dependency of fonts from libroot to root-common. - [Kevin] Removed all mention of root-cint - [Kevin] Fixed problem with `set -e\' in root-rootd.postrm. - [Kevin] Set sticky bit on `/var/cache/rootd/{tmp,pub}\' so users can not overwrite each others files (root-rootd.preinst). - Make sure that libHbook is linked against and not libg2c.a which made `lintian\' complain about `shlib-with-non-pic-code\'.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 root-plugin-minuit moved to libroot-minut{,-dev}
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed some build-dependencies. In partiucular, libsqlod75-dev is only available on certain platforms, and libpacklib1-dev is not available on GNU/kFreeBSD.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Fixed some build dependencies. - Fixed some non-POSIX /bin/sh code - Fixed Python module location - Added libafterimage-dev build-dependencies - eventually we\'ll use the normal libafterimage-dev, but currently that\'s disabled up-stream. - Added the executable xproofd to the root-proofd package, along with it\'s man(1) page. - Removed build-depends on libxpm4-dev, as that pulls in libxaw7-dev, which is not really what we need. Instead the build-depends is now libxpm. - The TTF installer package now depends on msttcorefonts, and makes mostly symbolic links to files in that package. Hence, we only need to get and install `symbol.ttf\' and `windings.ttf\'. - Revived the package root-plugin-sapdb as root-plugin-maxdb. Thanks to Ricardo Yanez for pointing out libsqlod to me.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Added the package root-common to hold common files - Replaced root-plugin-clarens, root-plugin-ldap, root-plugin-mlp root-plugin-python, root-plugin-quadp, root-plugin-roofit, root-plugin-ruby with two packages, a run-time library package (libroot-<...>) and a development package (libroot-<...>-dev). This is because developers may want to link against these libraries. - Removed the package root-cint, and moved libraries to libroot, headers and the like to libroot-dev, and programs to root-bin. The alternatives still exists for cint and makecint. - Applied a patch that allows ROOT to use DFSG free TTF\'s rather than the MS Core Fonts. - Put a symlink to ruby extension library in ruby load directory. These are in the _development_ package. - Put a symlink to Python script and extension library in Python load directory. These are in the _development_ package. - Fixed some dependency issues, and similar - thanks to Kevin McCarty for all his help on this.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Some new stuff to handle the libraries and plugins installed by the packages. For the plugin packages, we do not install the link libraries in /usr/lib/root, but in /usr/lib/root/, as these libraries are really plugins and should not be linked against. However, we do need to install the `\' in /usr/lib/root, as some may incrementally link against these.
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream version - Make links in /usr/lib/root/ to shared libraries, so that we can have many versions of the libraries installed, and we do not need libroot-dev
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New upstream ROOT version - New package root-plugin-oracle - Package root-plugin-xml now contains an XML parser, not the XML I/O
* Thu Mar 17 2011 New packaging scripts
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bumped Debian GNU/Linux version with ROOT
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bumped Debian GNU/Linux version with ROOT
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bumped Debian GNU/Linux version with ROOT
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bumped Debian GNU/Linux version with ROOT
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bumped Debian GNU/Linux version with ROOT
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Bump version to 3.00/04
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Initial Release.