Changelog for
libQt5OpenGL5-5.3.2-28.18.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jan 12 13:00:00 2015
- Added Fix-use-after-free-bug.patch from upstream
(qtbug#43623, boo#870151)
Tue Nov 11 13:00:00 2014
- Update QTBUG41590.patch for commit that was pushed upstream
Wed Nov 5 13:00:00 2014
- Added patches from upstream:
0001-Allow-panels-outside-of-availableGeometry.patch (kde#339846)
and 0002-Always-lock-the-DBus-dispatcher-before-dbus_connecti.patch,
for QTBUG#42189
Wed Oct 29 13:00:00 2014
- Don\'t install CMake files for plugins, they are useful only for
bundled Qt builds
- Downgrade sql-plugins from libQt5Sql-devel\'s requires to suggests
- Added QTBUG41590.patch, improve font rendering
Sun Oct 12 14:00:00 2014
- Added 0001-QFileDialog-emit-urlsSelected-urlSelected-in-accept.patch,
0003-QFileDialog-turn-workingDirectory-into-a-QUrl.patch and
from upstream to improve QFileDialog behaviour with both local
and remote URL\'s
- Added 0001-QKdeTheme-use-system-wide-kdeglobals-as-a-fallback.patch:
- Added 0001-Add-QFont-strategy-to-disable-subpixel-antialiasing.patch,
and 0004-GTK2-theme-should-use-GTK-configured-font-variant.patch
QTBUG-40396, QTBUG-32254, QTBUG-39643
Wed Sep 24 14:00:00 2014
- Add libqt5-do-not-use-shm-if-display-name-doesnt-look-local.patch
from Michal Srb, bnc#888858
* additional check the display name before use SHM, this patch is
equivalent to what has been did in Qt4:
Mon Sep 22 14:00:00 2014
- Build without sse2 instructions by default for %ix86 architecture,
and rebuild QtCore and QtuGui modules with sse2 (they are installed
to %_libdir/sse2 (bnc#897758)
Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.2 final
* No changes since previous snapshot
* Use official tars
Thu Sep 4 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.2~git20140904 (r05670f5):
* Tip of the bugfix 5.3.2 branch:
* Recreate child windows when changing screens
* QCoreTextFontDatabase: Remove number type asserts.
* QGLXContext survives screen removal
* CoreWLan: terminate scan thread in QCoreWlanEngine destructor
* Also print the class name in the QObject::killTimer error msg
* Initialize textureId in platform backing store
* Doc: corrected autolink errors corelib io
* Avoid crash if querying device that has gone away
* Doc: corrected autolink errors Qjsonvalue
* Network: Fix NTLM (SSPI) with HTTP and HTTPS proxies
* remove always ask option.
* Fix handling QT_IM_MODULE=none
* xcb: use keyboard event source window to determine
auto-repeat valuen
* Fix invalid memcpy(dst, src) calls where dst == src
* Fix several regressions in font selection
* Detect wrongly labelled wheel buttons
* Make QWindowContainer handle drag\'n\'drop
* Resize correctly on orientation change.
* Use correct size in fullscreen mode
* Properly null-terminate ifreq::irf_name
* fingerpaint example: be sensitive to pressure only
when supported
* Fix a memory leak in QFseventsFileSystemWatcherEngine
* Do not set QMAKE_{INC,LIB}DIR_{OPENGL,X11} in the
freebsd mkspecs.
* refactor disconnectFromFtp to remove cached entries
when necessary
* Remove reference to gdb_dwarf_index from the
freebsd-clang mkspec.
* Fix mistake in function extraTryFontsForFamily
* Fix rendering of fonts matched based on stretch
* Fix x86/32-bit build when using an old version of gcc
* Fix selection of fonts based on styleName
* QFusionStyle paints sliders outside of clip
* Set iMX device specific compiler flags to QMAKE_CFLAGS
* Fix QPainter::drawPolyline() painting errors with
cosmetic pen
* Let QImage::mirrored() retain dots-per-meter settings
* Make sure we don\'t cache old file sizes prior to new writes
* Correct the SYNC hint for the release barrier
* Fix build with QT_NO_MDIAREA
* Show the correct cursor for QLineEdit\'s side buttons.
* Fix disconnect()ing from signals declared in a base class
* Fix rendering alpha-blended text which needs to be
clipped at the top.
* Fix build due to missing include when using a minimal config.
* Fix build with QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP
* Font Database: Add support for private, system UI
font families
* Apply upstream patch r1498 to our PCRE copy
* Apply upstream patch r1495 to our PCRE copy
* Initialize member.
* Document missing QLatin1String methods
* network tests: add manual test for auth / proxy auth
* Uncomment some tests which accidently got commented
* Both HiQualAA and normal AA should mean
antialiasing in rasterengine.
* Check if Start/EndPage returns non-positive value
when error checking
* GTK file dialog: pre-fill the filename if given to a
Save dialog
* QFileDialog docs: remove misleading sentence about
static functions
* Doc: Placed Qt OpenGL class convention in code block.
* Undo: Fix state entry bug for parallel state groups
* Do not add QOffscreenSurface windows to the global list
* tst_QHash: check which of several equal keys is inserted
* OpenGL: destroy QGLContext allocated by
* tst_QSet: check which of several equal elements is inserted
* fix paths in installed qtmain.prl
* add /ENTRY:main only for target builds
* avoid that CROSS_COMPILE affects host builds
* Add missing power button keycode to keymap
* cocoa: Fix compiler warnings about unused functions.
* Propagate swapInterval to QGLFormat
* Fix double clicks in eglfs
* Work around ICC bug in local static symbols for
* QCoreTextFontDatabase: Fix font weight value when
populating a family
* Don\'t convert signed to unsigned when we need all 32bit
* Fix compilation if EC is disabled in OpenSSL
* Fix warning message when re-setting text on tooltip
* Improve dbus cross compilation
* Fix buffer overrun error with some proxy servers
* QNAM: Fix CPU load for limited upload QIODevice
* qmake: Document the \"aux\" template type.
* Use the stateless UTF-8 encoder in QStringRef::toUtf8
* Doc: corrected autolink errors in qnamespace.qdoc
* QPixmap::fromImage() should detach when changing
QImage format
* generate QGL header file from qgl.h
* Ensure transient parents are top level widgets.
* Added stream version into network cache file format
* make QtWidgets claim style plugins
* CMake: Don\'t check the existence of GL files in the
Qt5Gui package.
* QSplitter: Exclude top level widgets from child
event handling.
* Doc: Hide QTextInlineObject constructor from
the documentation
* Work around ICC bug in brace initializations
containing constexpr
* Doc: edited qtxml.qdocconf
* xcb: QTabletEvents and proximity events correctly
identify the tool
* Fixed wrong function name in a file snippet
* XCB: Enable loading of the Qt::DragLinkCursor
* Fix fallbacks for adapted common script
* Fix fallbacks for adapted common script
* QSslCertificate: blacklist NIC certificates from India
* Doc: moved saxbookmarks example files
* tst_qdir: Move QFINDTESTDATA() from init() to constructor.
* Doc: moved streambookmarks example files
* Don\'t assert when HB-old is unable to deal with surrogates
* REG: Fix nbsp in QTextLayout
* Support getting test data from qrc
* Document QApplication::cursorFlashTime() can return -1
* Fix for code snippet in commandlineparser documentation
* Doc: removed from namespace in manual
qdocconf file.
* Fix typo in QGraphicsView documentation.
* Fix QTimer with negative interval in
* Attempt to work with Visual Studio in -Za (strict ANSI) mode
* Improve QListWidget documentation.
* Fix debug output of QTouchEvent.
* Doc: fix a link in QAbstractOpenGLFunctions documentation
* Accessibility Linux: Fix crashes when accessing
invalid functions
* move loading of testability driver from QApplication
to QGuiApplication
* QPdf::addImage(): avoid a QImage detach when it\'s in an
acceptable Format
* Make QDom/QXmlSimpleReader reentrant.
* Move QXmlReaderPrivate to private header.
* Mac: Don\'t register for Pan Gestures.
* Add opt-out environment variable for AATT2x images
* Listen to touch events on the master device instead of slave.
* add support for device linux-arm-hisilicon-hix5hd2-g++
* Make tst_QLocale::macDefaultLocale() more robust
* Fix some tst_qwidget test cases
* xcb: make sure to update window title when it is changed
* Skip unstable autotests in QtBase.
* Empty icons and Cocoa menu items.
* Address Book example: Fix QTableView column sorting
* QOpenGLTexture: fix the feature test for Buffer Textures
* qDebug: fix data race in qt_message_print
* [bcm97425] Fix parameter issue in platformDestroy hook
* Doc: Various \
ote fixes in Qt namespace documentation.
* Fix QFileInfoGatherer threading issue
* Doc: Fix typo in QScopedValueRollback
* Fix pixel noise in X11 systray icons that are not 22x22
* Don\'t compare the target methods for SlotObject connections
* qtoolbar: add missing header on OSX.
* Remove bogus nullptr check for reference
* Support MIPS atomic on pre-MIPS32 architectures
* Enable sparc detection.
* Remove -Wcast-align from QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.
* Create the 64 bits version strings for MIPS, SPARC and S390
* Add a comment stating QMutex::isRecursive should be made
const in Qt6
* Fix QMutex documentation saying some function are static
while they are not
* Delete qml_plugin_import.cpp file only during distclean
* WinRT: no read-only paths in QStandardpaths::writableLocation
* Fix compilation on Windows without precompiled headers
* QColorDialog: Do not update custom/standard color cells
while picking.
* Fix -Werror compilation on big-endian
* CMake: Allow modules to specify the location of tests.
* Mark behavior of QFileInfo::absoluteFilePath as undefined in
corner cases
* Translate Super/Hyper keys to MetaModifier
* Fix logging file location docs
* CMake: Report an error if unit tests are not found for
a module.
* Fix QRingBuffer::readPointerAtPosition()
* Make the fetchAndAddRelaxed function a member template
* Doc: qInstallMessageHandler cannot return 0.
* GIF decoding: do not seek() if the image is loaded
over the network
* network internals: do not try to cache a deleted entry
* Fix memory leaks in QFseventsFileSystemWatcherEngine
* Simplify mirroring code and add tests for non-aliged
1 bit images
* Add that the corner settings are saved/restored
with the state
* Correct grammar of missing Q_OBJECT macro warning.
* Doc: Fix docs for QFontMetrics::height() to match code
* Fix installation of private headers generated
by wayland-scanner
* add buildsystem/qmake changelog
* CMake: Load plugin files unconditionally if present.
* QIcon: Prefer high-quality images of Windows .ico files.
* tst_qicon: Resolve all files using QFINDTESTDATA().
* Move most of the QLibraryPrivate initialization to
its constructor
* QComboBox: update focus policy when setting a new line edit
* QDBus: fix data race on isDebugging bool
* When filling the path it should use the painter\'s pen
not the state\'s
* Fix data race on QLoggingCategory when using qDebug
from multiple threads
* Remove the use of QT_STATIC_CONST in QtSql
* Fix compilation with /Zc:strictStrings
* Correct QImage::fill(uint) on RGBA8888 formats
* XCB: Fix leak with touch devices
* pass a pointer instead of a reference to initFrom()
* Properly check which OpenGL features are supported
* Do not overwrite existing event mask of root window
* Remove the widget from the stylesheet cache before polishing
* QDnsLookup: Fix build with uClibc
* Remove unused define XCB_USE_IBUS.
* Attempt to fix intel compiler build error.
* Use QModelIndex to get the data from underlying model
* QGuiApplication: Document -plugin command line argument.
* Fix compilation in under -no-c++11 mode
* Fix compilation with the Intel compiler on certain systems
- Drop patches merged upstream:
libqt5-fix-leak-with-touch-devices-in-xcb.patch and
- Added protect-geometry-QTBUG-40584.patch, to workaround QTBUG-40584,
so widget geometry is preserved
- Reorder patches
Fri Aug 29 14:00:00 2014
- Added upstream patches for bnc#890168
* libqt5-fix-leak-with-touch-devices-in-xcb.patch, QTBUG-39596
* fixed a leak what did not free m_touchDevices.
* libqt5-listen-to-touch-events-on-the-master-device.patch, QTBUG-38625
* listen to touch events on the master device instead of slave, was also
affects by fdo#78345
* libqt5-avoid-crash-during-querying-device.patch, QTBUG-40820
* avoid crashes if querying device that has gone away
Thu Jul 3 14:00:00 2014
- Added 00010-Replace-the-const-QString-global-static-with-a-QStri.patch,
fixes segfaulting in global destructor, for more details see:
- Added 00011-Use-correct-signal-name-when-disconnecting.patch,
fixes crash on QtDBus unload
Wed Jun 25 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.1
* Bugfix release, for more details please see:
- Drop libqt5-fix-the-modal-dialogs-can-go-behind.patch, merged upstream
- Added patches from upstream:
0001-Do-not-overwrite-existing-event-mask-of-root-window.patch -- QTBUG-39648
0002-Properly-check-which-OpenGL-features-are-supported.patch -- QTBUG-39730
0003-Fix-data-race-on-QLoggingCategory-when-using-qDebug-.patch -- Fix data race on QLoggingCategory
0004-QDBus-fix-data-race-on-isDebugging-bool.patch -- fix data race on isDebugging bool
0005-Translate-Super-Hyper-keys-to-MetaModifier.patch -- QTBUG-38428
Sun Jun 1 14:00:00 2014
- Improve baselibs
- Improve situation with rpmlints duplicates warnings
- Make private headers noarch
Tue May 27 14:00:00 2014
- Build with pkgconfig(libudev), not pkgconfig(udev)
Fri May 23 14:00:00 2014
- Fix the modal dialogs can go behind other process windows (QTBUG-35302)
* libqt5-fix-the-modal-dialogs-can-go-behind.patch
Thu May 22 14:00:00 2014
- Fix broken Gujarati rendering (bnc#878292):
Wed May 21 14:00:00 2014
- Only enable reducing relocations on x86 and x86_64 arches; fixes
build for arm, ppc, etc (QTBUG-36129)
Mon May 19 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.0 final
* Minor bugfixes over previous RC
Sat May 17 14:00:00 2014
- Disable logging to journald for now, as it creates significant
performance penalty
- Don\'t pass /usr/include to qmake, not needed
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.0 RC
* For more details, please see
- Drop libqt5-add-better-support-for-keymap-update-handling.patch,
libqt5-improve-keymap-error-handling.patch and
libqt5-update-bundled-libxkbcommon-version-to-041.patch; merged upstream
Tue Apr 8 14:00:00 2014
- Add support for byte swapping, bnc#866709
* Add libqt5-add-support-for-byte-swapping.patch
* Add libqt5-byte-order-byte-is-address0.patch
- Fix keyboard remapping not applied on Qt5, bnc#866051
* Add backported libqt5-add-better-support-for-keymap-update-handling.patch
* Add backported libqt5-improve-keymap-error-handling.patch
* Add backported libqt5-fix-build-failure-xcb.patch
* Add backported libqt5-update-bundled-libxkbcommon-version-to-041.patch
* Add backported libqt5-fix-regression-in-key-handling.patch
Fri Mar 28 13:00:00 2014
- The no-neon switch no longer exists with 5.3, so drop it: fixes
build on arm/aarch64
Tue Mar 25 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.3.0 beta
* New feature release, please see
- Drop qtbase-qatomic-ppc.patch, merged upstream
- Added f1ee10f81ac18789e9a7dc715b464415ba2bc2b8.patch: prefer QPA
implementation in qsystemtrayicon_x11 if available
- Added pkgconfig(libsystemd-journal) BuildRequires and activate
journald support
- Added pkgconfig(xkbcommon-x11) BuildRequires with 13.2+: it\'s now
needed for full xkb support, for lower version added xkeyboard-config
- Ommit QMAKE_STRIP flags in mkspecs/common/linux.conf, otherwise no
debuginfo is generated for packages which use qmake buildsystem
- Droped passing of -javascript-jit, as per upstream changes
- Rebase libqt5-libtool-nodate.diff for this release
Thu Mar 20 13:00:00 2014
- Added use-freetype-default.patch: allow using lcd-default filter
regardless of how freetype2 library has been built (w/ & w/o subpixel)
- Build examples (added examples subpackage)
- Make sure that Qt5Gui devel package requires libdrm-devel, as it
references it\'s includes in CMake config
Sat Mar 1 13:00:00 2014
- Fix wrong libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static requires:
pkgconfig(GL) -> pkgconfig(gl)
Thu Feb 27 13:00:00 2014
- Enable jit only on supported archs
Mon Feb 10 13:00:00 2014
- Update LICENSE files to %doc
Wed Feb 5 13:00:00 2014
- Update to 5.2.1:
* For more details please see:
- Split out (private) devel packages for each library. Also added
common-devel package, which contains mkspecs, and basic binaries
(e.g. moc, qmake, rcc, syncqt and uic)
- Only create qt5 symlinks for binaries which conflict with
Qt4 version
- Remove libtool archives from packages
- Apply conditionals for %arm also for aarch64
- Removed unneeded or upstreamed patches:
* 0001-Remove-the-GLES-2-dependency-for-eglfs-and-kms.patch
* 0002-Fix-configure-script-to-not-dictate-OpenGL-ES-2-when.patch
* 0003-EGL-convenience-deal-with-DefaultRenderableType-when.patch
* 0004-Do-not-disable-egl-on-desktop-gl-automatically.patch
* qt-never-strip.diff
* qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1-bigendian.patch
- modified patches:
* qmake-add-usr-include.diff
Fri Jan 3 13:00:00 2014
- Explicitly (Build)Require pkgconfig(harfbuzz) for 13.1+
- Explicitly activate system-harfbuzz, system-freetype and
fontconfig options
- Drop clucene-core-devel and giflib-devel Build(Requires): unused
- Drop pkgconfig(atspi-2) (Build)Requires: external libatspi2 is not
used during build time (see qtbase commit 4c1c820)
Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 2013
- Do not force -javascript-jit on ppc platforms that do not support it.
Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 5.2.0 final:
* For more details please see:
Wed Dec 4 13:00:00 2013
- Import patches from upstream which make possible to build EGL
support without requiring GLES2:
- Enable EGL support by adding (Build)Requiring pkgconfig(egl)
Fri Nov 29 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 5.2 rc1
* New feature release, please see
- Droped xcb_193.patch, included in this release
- Drop gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel BuildRequires, nothing in
qtbase uses gstreamer, and config tests where false positive before
- Temporary disable qt-never-strip.diff, we can use configure flags
for no-strip
Wed Nov 27 13:00:00 2013
- Added xcb_193.patch from upstream, for resolving SiC and BiC change
in xcb 1.9.2/3 (fdo#71502,fdo#71507,qtbug#34748)
Wed Nov 6 13:00:00 2013
- Fix translations macro
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel are not required for devel
subpackage, so remove the Requires
Wed Oct 23 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 5.2 beta1
* New feature release, please see
- Change obsoletes of new library and sql plugins packages
Fri Oct 18 14:00:00 2013
- Added qtbase-opensource-src-5.1.1-bigendian.patch, also needed
for building on PowerPC, otherwise fromWordToBytes is
left undeclared
Fri Oct 18 14:00:00 2013
- Added qtbase-qatomic-ppc.patch, fixes PowerPC build
Wed Oct 16 14:00:00 2013
- Further split libqt5-qtbase package to libQt5Concurrent5,
libQt5Core5, libQt5DBus5, libQt5Network5, libQt5Xml5,
libQt5PrintSupport5 and libQt5OpenGL5
- Rename sql plugin subpackages for more consistent naming with the
rest of libraries
- Apply the same solution as with Qt4 with regards to rebuilds:
don\'t use current build date, but rather last changes date
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- Add convenient macros for packages building against Qt5:
%_libqt5_qmake, %qmake5, %make_jobs and %qmake5_install
Thu Sep 12 14:00:00 2013
- Added missing pkgconfig(xkbcommon) BuildRequires
- Drop checks for older openSUSE versions
- Enable GL ES and kms only on arm for now
Thu Sep 5 14:00:00 2013
- enable support for opengl es2 and kms
Thu Aug 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 5.1.1:
* Bugfix release, please see
and for known issues
- Small spec cleanup
- Explicitly activate desktop openGL, and only BuildRequire
pkgconfig(gl) so whole Mesa stack isn\'t pulled
Sat Aug 3 14:00:00 2013
- Adjust packaging naming conform Factory standards
Sun Jul 7 14:00:00 2013
- Allow co-existance of Qt5 and Qt4:
* Install headers in %_includedir/qt5
* Install binaries in %_libdir/qt5/bin, create symlinks with -qt5
suffixes in %_libdir/qt5/bin and %_bindir
- Spec cleanup:
* Removed checks for obsolete opensuse versions
- Add new macros.qt5, which should be utilized for other Qt5 modules
- Added baselibs.conf
Sun Jul 7 14:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.1 release
Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.1 RC 1
Mon May 20 14:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.1 Beta 1
Tue Apr 9 14:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.1 Alpha 1
Fri Mar 29 13:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.0.2 RC1
Wed Jan 30 13:00:00 2013
- update to Qt 5.0.1
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- update to Qt 5.0 release
Thu Dec 13 13:00:00 2012
- update to Qt 5.0 Release Candidate 2
Thu Dec 6 13:00:00 2012
- update to Qt 5.0 Release Candidate 1
Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- update to Qt 5.0 Beta 2
Thu Aug 30 14:00:00 2012
- update to Qt 5.0 Beta 1 release
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- update to newer Alpha snapshot / Beta candidate
Fri Apr 13 14:00:00 2012
- rework package splitting for Qt 5 modularization
Thu Apr 5 14:00:00 2012
- Initial packaging (Qt 5.0 Alpha)