Changelog for
apache2-prefork-2.2.12-1.1.i586.rpm :
Tue Mar 26 13:00:00 2013
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc807152-mod_balancer_handler_xss.diff: fix for
cross site scripting vulnerability in mod_balancer. This is
CVE-2012-4558 [bnc#807152]
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc806458-util_ldap_cache_mgr-xss.diff
fixes for low profile cross site scripting vulnerabilities,
known as CVE-2012-3499 [bnc#806458]
Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- re-do httpd-2.2.x-bnc774045-apachectl_find_mpm.diff and avoid
changing an already patched file. [bnc#774045] [L3:37690]
Sat Feb 2 13:00:00 2013
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc774045-apachectl_find_mpm.diff: Make sure the
symlink to the configured mpm binary exists and is valid upon
update of the package. [bnc#774045] [L3:37690]
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc793004-chunk_fix_apacheID50481.diff via
mod_proxy\'ed connections may truncate transferred data when
Transfer-Encoding: chunked was used via ssl/tls.
[bnc#793004] [L3:38336]
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- ignore case when checking against SNI server names. [bnc#798733]
- better cleanup of busy count after recovering from failure
[bnc#789828] httpd-2.2.x-bnc789828-mod_balancer.diff
- new sysconfig variable APACHE_DISABLE_SSL_COMPRESSION; if set to
on, OPENSSL_NO_DEFAULT_ZLIB will be inherited to the apache
process; openssl will then transparently disable compression.
This change affects start script and sysconfig fillup template.
Default is on, SSL compression disabled. Please see mod_deflate for
compressed transfer at http layer. [bnc#782956]
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc788121-CVE-2012-4557-mod_proxy_ajp_timeout.diff:
backend timeouts should not affect the entire worker. [bnc#788121]
- httpd-2.2.x-envvars.diff obsoletes httpd-2.0.54-envvars.dif:
Fix for low profile bug CVE-2012-0883 about improper LD_LIBRARY_PATH
handling. [bnc#757710]
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc777260-CVE-2012-2687-mod_negotiation_filename_xss.diff
Escape filename for the case that uploads are allowed with untrusted
user\'s control over filenames and mod_negotiation enabled on the
same directory. CVE-2012-2687 [bnc#777260]
- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368_CVE-2011-4317-bnc722545.diff reworked to
reflect the upstream changes. This will prevent the \"Invalid URI in
request OPTIONS
*\" messages in the error log. [bnc#722545]
Wed Feb 1 13:00:00 2012
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc741243-CVE-2012-0031-scoreboard_handling.diff:
scoreboard corruption (shared mem segment) by child causes
crash of privileged parent (invalid free()) during shutdown.
This is rated low impact. Notice:
makes a change to the struct global_score, which causes binary
incompatibility. The change in above patch only goes as far as
the binary compatibility allows; the vulnerability is completely
fixed, though. CVE-2012-0031 [bnc#741243]
Mon Jan 30 13:00:00 2012
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc743743-CVE-2012-0053-server_protocol_c-cookie_exposure.diff
addresses CVE-2012-0053: error responses can expose cookies when
no custom 400 error code ErrorDocument is configured. [bnc#743743]
Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2012
- /etc/init.d/apache2: new argument \"check-reload\". Exits 1 if
httpd2 runs on deleted binaries such as after package update,
else 0. This is used by equally modified /etc/logrotate.d/apache2,
which uses \"/etc/init.d/apache2 check-reload\" in its prerotate
These changes prevent httpd2 from being (gracefully) reloaded
by logrotate, executed by cron, if new binaries have been
installed. Instead, a warning is printed on stdout and is being
logged to the syslogs. If this happens, apache\'s logs are NOT
rotated, and the running processes are left untouched. This
limits the maximum damage of log rotation to unrotated logs.
\"/etc/init.d/apache2 restart\" (or \"rcapache2 restart\") must be
executed manually in such a case. [bnc#728876]
Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2012
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc738855-CVE-2007-6750-mod_reqtimeout-0
backport mod_reqtimeout module from 2.2.21 to help against DoS vulnerability that consists of eating up
request slots by very slowly submitting the request. [bnc#738855]
Note that mod_reqtimeout limits requests based on a lower
boundary of speed, not an upper boundary!
mod_reqtimeout is enabled upon new installation of the package.
Existing configuration in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 is left untouched.
Mon Jan 2 13:00:00 2012
- httpd-2.2.x-overlapping_memcpy.diff changes memcpy() to memmove()
to avoid overlapping memory regions as arguments to memcpy(),
leading to incomplete readings of request headers. This error
shows up on newer CPUs where glibc optimizations are active.
[bnc#738067] [bnc#741874]
Tue Nov 29 13:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc729181-CVE-2011-3607-int_overflow.diff re-worked:
len needs to be unsigned. int -> apr_size_t. [bnc#729181]
- httpd-2.2.x-dont_generate_temp_keys.diff: do not generate dinosaur
rsa temp keys on ssl init. These keys are neither needed nor used.
- comments about FIPS mode of operation added to
Thu Nov 24 13:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368_CVE-2011-4317-bnc722545.diff is a fix
for CVE-2011-4317, which is to be seen a variant of CVE-2011-3368
which was addressed below in
httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368-server_protocl_c.diff. [bnc#722545]
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc727071-mod_authnz_ldap-utf8.diff: make non-ascii
eg UTF8 passwords work with mod_authnz_ldap. [bnc#727071]
Thu Nov 17 13:00:00 2011
- Correction to SSLProtocol directive in
/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.template: SSLv3 -> -SSLv3
Also: comment out SetEnvIf User-Agent \".
*\" and treat it
as an illustrative example. [bnc#688472]
Mon Nov 14 13:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc729181-CVE-2011-3607-int_overflow.diff fixes an
integer overflow in server/util.c also known as CVE-2011-3607.
Wed Nov 9 13:00:00 2011
- PreReq: removed from mpm subpackages again. Requires: is circular
and handles this case already. The failure is more related to:
- /etc/init.d/apache2 update: handle reload with deleted binaries
by message to stdout only, but refrain from sending signals.
This handles 2.2.10 -> 2.2.12 version upgrade side effects in
combination with rcapache reload from logrotate gracefully.
[bnc#728533], [bnc#728876]
Mon Nov 7 13:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc727993-CVE-2009-3555-ssl_reneg.diff turns off
SSL renegotiation [bnc#727993].
Mon Nov 7 13:00:00 2011
- added PreReq: %{name} to mpm subpackages [bnc#728533]
Fri Oct 7 14:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3348-mod_proxy_ajp.patch fixes DoS as
described in CVE-2011-3348: unrecognized http method. [bnc#719236]
- httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2011-3368-server_protocl_c.diff fixes mod_proxy
reverse exposure via RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch directives.
This is CVE-2011-3368 via [bnc#722545], and second iteration after
consulting with Ruediger Pluem. Also known as CVE-2011-3639.
Fri Sep 16 14:00:00 2011
- refinement of httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch: remove
hard-coded limit of 512 and set the default to 200 as in upstream.
Introduce new config option: Allow MaxRanges
Number of ranges requested, if exceeded, the complete content
is served.
default: 200
0|unlimited: unlimited
none: Range headers are ignored.
This option is a backport from 2.2.21.
Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011
- re-worked httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch for a
regression in previous fix that was addressed in 2.2.21.
The maximum number of byte ranges is now hardcoded to 512.
This should be sufficient for most cases, and still a good
limit to prevent a large memory footprint. Requests beyond
512 ranges are handled with the complete content.
Tue Aug 30 14:00:00 2011
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc713966-CVE-2011-3192.patch fixes byterange remote
DoS vulnerability known as CVE-2011-3192.
Tue Jul 5 14:00:00 2011
- version upgrade from 2.2.10 to 2.2.12 to enable Server Name
Indication (SNI): Several SSL-enabled domains on one IP address
(FATE#311973). See the SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck directive as
documented in /usr/share/apache2/manual/mod/mod_ssl.html.en .
The following patches have become obsolete due to upstream fixes
for the corresponding problems:
* httpd-2.2.3-CVE-2009-1891.patch
* httpd-2.2.3-CVE-2009-1195.patch
* httpd-2.2.3-CVE-2009-1195-2.patch
* httpd-2.2.3-CVE-2009-1890.patch
* httpd-2.2.10-bnc593762.patch
* httpd-2.2.x-mod_deflate-bnc696251.patch
- disable SSLv2, allow SSLv3 and strong ciphers only. Changes to
apache2-vhost-ssl.template only. [bnc#693479], [bnc#688472]
- recommend the default MPM (prefork) via Recommends: in .spec
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc690734.patch: take LimitRequestFieldsize config
option into account when parsing headers from backend. bnc#690734
Thu Aug 19 14:00:00 2010
- un-fuzz patches to fix build
Tue Aug 17 14:00:00 2010
- httpd-2.2.10-bnc627030-CVE-2010-1452.patch fixes CVE-2010-1452
from [bnc#627030]. This _only_ affects mod_dav. CVE-2010-1452
also refers to mod_cache, but SLES is not affected as the error
was introduced into a newer version of apache. For completeness:
CVE-2010-2068 (information disclosure by mod_proxy_http)
does not affect Linux.
Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- 2.2.10-bnc570127.patch [bnc#570127]: fix for mod_ssl buffer
flushing problems causing hangs between browser and server, as
both are waiting for each other.
- httpd-2.2.10-bnc586572-CVE-2010-0434.patch [bnc#586572]: fix for
CVE-2010-0434 subrequest header handling information disclosure
with multithreaded MPM; remote attackers may obtain information
that is related to an earlier request.
- httpd-2.2.10-bnc593762.patch [bnc#593762]: mod_proxy: Prevent
segmentation faults by correctly adjusting the lifetime of
the buckets read from the proxy backend. PR 45792 via
- httpd-2.2.x-bnc586572-CVE-2010-0408.patch fix for CVE-2010-0408
DoS caused by wrong status code in mod_proxy_ajp
Fri Oct 16 14:00:00 2009
- fixed CVE-2009-3094 (The ap_proxy_ftp_handler function in modules/proxy/proxy_ftp.c in the
mod_proxy_ftp module allows remote FTP servers to cause a denial
of service (NULL pointer dereference and child process crash) via a
malformed reply to an EPSV command.)
- fixed CVE-2009-3095 (access restriction bypass in mod_proxy_ftp module)
Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2009
- The CVE-2009-1191 patch should have been labeled CVE-2009-1195,
renamed. (bnc#513080)
- The CVE-2009-1195 patch was incomplete and lead to failures
with SSI scripts. (bnc#512583, bnc#539571)
- Fixed mod_proxy reverse denial of service (CVE-2009-1890, bnc#519194)
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2009
- VUL-0: apache mod_deflate DoS [bnc#521906]
- VUL-0: apache - another issue similar to CVE-2009-1195 [bnc#513080]
- VUL-0: apache2: does not properly handle Options=IncludesNOEXEC [bnc#512583]
Fri Nov 21 13:00:00 2008
- apache2-server-tuning.conf:
Enclose module-specific configuration in IfModule tags [bnc#440584]
Fri Nov 14 13:00:00 2008
- apply Dirks fix for [bnc#444878], making the packaging of per-mpm
modules more deterministic. They\'ll reliably put into the
subpackage or main package now, which varied in a ping-pong way
from build to build in the past.
Wed Oct 29 13:00:00 2008
- update year of copyright in rc.apache2
Wed Oct 29 13:00:00 2008
- update to 2.2.10:
SECURITY: CVE-2008-2939 (
mod_proxy_ftp: Prevent XSS attacks when using wildcards in the path of
the FTP URL. Discovered by Marc Bevand of Rapid7.
- Support chroot on Unix-family platforms. PR 43596
- Detect during startup when AuthDigestProvider is configured to
use an incompatible provider via AuthnProviderAlias. PR 45196
- Pass along empty command line arguments from an ISINDEX query
that has consecutive \'+\' characters in the QUERY_STRING,
matching the behavior of mod_cgi.
- Avoid dropping error responses by handling meta buckets
correctly. PR 45687
- Retrieve minimal system information about directory entries
when walking a DAV fs, resolving a performance degradation on
Windows. PR 45464.
- Prevent Header edit from processing only the first header of
possibly multiple headers with the same name and deleting the
remaining ones. PR 45333.
- Allow for smax to be 0 for balancer members so that all idle
connections are able to be dropped should they exceed ttl. PR 43371
- Add \'scolonpathdelim\' parameter to allow for \';\' to also be
used as a session path separator/delim PR 45158.
- Add connectiontimeout parameter for proxy workers in order to
be able to set the timeout for connecting to the backend separately.
PR 45445.
- Don\'t trigger a retry by the client if a failure to
read the response line was the result of a timeout.
- Introduce environment variable proxy-initial-not-pooled to
avoid reusing pooled connections if the client connection is an initial
connection. PR 37770.
- Do not forward requests with \'Expect: 100-continue\' to
known HTTP/1.0 servers. Return \'Expectation failed\' (417) instead.
- Move nonce field in the balancer manager page inside
the html form where it belongs. PR 45578.
- Add \'bybusyness\' load balance method.
- Allow Cookie option to set secure and HttpOnly flags. PR 44799
- Preserve the query string when [proxy,noescape]. PR 45247.
- implement dynamic mutex callbacks for the benefit of OpenSSL.
- Rewrite shmcb to avoid memory alignment issues. PR 42101.
- drop obsolete patch httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2008-2939.patch
Fri Oct 24 14:00:00 2008
- apache2.firewall, apache2.ssl-firewall
Use unique name tags \"HTTP Server\" and \"HTTPS Server\" in for
SuSEFirewall2 configuration [bnc#414962]
Fri Sep 19 14:00:00 2008
- add httpd-2.x.x-logresolve.patch again [bnc#210904]
- add httpd-2.2.x-CVE-2008-2939.patch [bnc#415061]:
mod_proxy_ftp: Prevent XSS attacks when using wildcards in
the path of the FTP URL. Discovered by Marc Bevand of Rapid7.
[Ruediger Pluem]
Tue Aug 26 14:00:00 2008
- drop rc.config handling (was removed in or after SuSE Linux 8.0)
- don\'t use fillup_insserv options which have been removed lately
Fri Aug 15 14:00:00 2008
- fix init script LSB headers
Wed Jun 25 14:00:00 2008
- add note to /etc/sysconfig/apache2 and /etc/init.d/apache2 about
how to set ulimits when starting the server
sysconfig template. They still work but I think it is good to
keep this stuff out of the beginner\'s config, first because both
features are sophisticated enough to not being tweaked in most
cases, second because it only confuses people I guess, and makes
the sysconfig file larger than necessary.
Sun Jun 15 14:00:00 2008
- update to 2.2.9:
SECURITY: CVE-2008-2364 (
mod_proxy_http: Better handling of excessive interim responses
from origin server to prevent potential denial of service and
high memory usage. Reported by Ryujiro Shibuya.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-6420 (
mod_proxy_balancer: Prevent CSRF attacks against the
balancer-manager interface.
- htpasswd: Fix salt generation weakness. PR 31440
worker/event MPM:
- Fix race condition in pool recycling that leads to
segmentation faults under load. PR 44402
- Fix address-in-use startup failure on some platforms caused by
creating an IPv4 listener which overlaps with an existing IPv6
- Add the filename of the configuration file to the warning
message about the useless use of AllowOverride. PR 39992.
- Do not allow Options ALL if not all options are allowed to be
overwritten. PR 44262
- reinstate location walk to fix config for subrequests PR 41960
- Fix garbled TRACE response on EBCDIC platforms.
- gen_test_char: add double-quote to the list of
- Don\'t return 100-continue on redirects. PR 43711
- Don\'t return 100-continue on client error PR 43711
- Don\'t spin if get an error when reading the next chunk. PR 44381
- Don\'t add bogus duplicate Content-Language entries
- When group is given as a numeric gid, validate it by looking up
the actual group name such that the name can be used in log entries.
PR 7862
- Disambiguate and tidy database authentication error messages. PR 43210.
- Handle If-Range correctly if the cached resource was stale. PR 44579
- Revalidate cache entities which have Cache-Control: no-cache
set in their response headers. PR 44511
- Explicitly set permissions of the socket (ScriptSock) shared
by mod_cgid and request processing threads, for OS\'es such as
HPUX and AIX that do not use umask for AF_UNIX socket permissions.
- Don\'t try to restart the daemon if it fails to initialize the socket.
- Add TranslateAllMimeTypes sub-option to CharsetOptions,
allowing the administrator to skip the mimetype checking that
precedes translation.
- Return \"method not allowed\" if the destination URI of a WebDAV
copy / move operation is no DAV resource. PR 44734
- Add \'merge\' option to avoid duplicate values within the same header.
- Correctly handle SSI directives split over multiple filter
- Add format options for %p so that the actual local or remote
port can be logged. PR 43415.
- Provide optional function to allow modules to adjust the
bytes_in count
- Make all proxy modules nocanon aware and do not add the
query string again in this case. PR 44803.
- scoreboard: Remove unused proxy load balancer elements from scoreboard
image (not scoreboard memory itself).
- Support environment variable interpolation in reverse
proxying directives.
- Do not try a direct connection if the connection via a
remote proxy failed before and the request has a request body.
- ProxyPassReverse is now balancer aware.
- Lower memory consumption for short lived connections.
PR 44026.
- Keep connections to the backend persistent in the HTTPS case.
- Do not retry request in the case that we either failed to
sent a part of the request body or if the request is not idempotent.
PR 44334
- Fix base for directory listings. PR 27834
- Fix processing of chunked responses if Connection:
Transfer-Encoding is set in the response of the proxied
system. PR 44311
- Return HTTP status codes instead of apr_status_t values for
errors encountered while forwarding the request body PR 44165
- Initialize hash needed by ap_register_rewrite_mapfunc early
enough. PR 44641
- Check all files used by DBM maps for freshness, mod_rewrite
didn\'t pick up on updated sdbm maps due to this. PR41190
- Don\'t canonicalise URLs with [P,NE] PR 43319
- remove regression from 1.3/2.0 behavior and drop dependency
between mod_speling and AcceptPathInfo.
- Fix a memory leak with connections that have zlib compression
turned on. PR 44975
- The default is now flattening the buckets after each
substitution. The newly added \'q\' flag allows for the quicker,
more efficient bucket-splitting if the user so
- Fix timestamp value in UNIQUE_ID. PR 37064
ab (apache benchmark):
- Include
earlier if available since we may need
INT_MAX (defined there on Windows) for the definition of MAX_REQUESTS.
- Improve client performance by clearing connection pool instead
- Don\'t stop sending a request if EAGAIN is returned, which
will only happen if both the write and subsequent wait are
returning EAGAIN, and count posted bytes correctly when the initial
write of a request is not complete. PR 10038, 38861, 39679
- Overhaul stats collection and reporting to avoid integer
truncation and time divisions within the test loop, retain
native time resolution until output, remove unused data,
consistently round milliseconds, and generally avoid losing
accuracy of calculation due to type casts. PR 44878, 44931.
- Add -r option to continue after socket receive errors.
- Do not try to read non existing response bodies of HEAD requests.
- Use a 64 bit unsigned int instead of a signed long to count the
- Log the current file size and error code/description when
failing to write to the log file.
- Added \'-f\' option to force rotatelogs to create the logfile as
soon as started, and not wait until it reads the first entry.
- Don\'t leak memory when reopening the logfile. PR 40183
- Improve atomicity when using -l and cleaup code. PR 44004
- drop obsolete patches httpd-2.1.3alpha-autoconf-2.59.dif
- don\'t run autoreconf on SLES9
- remove the addition of -g to the CFLAGS, since the build service
handles debuginfo packages now
Mon Jun 9 14:00:00 2008
- build service supports the debuginfo flag in metadata now; remove
debug_package macro from the specfile therefore.
Mon May 26 14:00:00 2008
- CVE-2008-1678: modules/ssl/mod_ssl.c (ssl_cleanup_pre_config):
Remove the call to CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data here, fixing a
per-connection memory leak which occurs if the client indicates
support for a compression algorithm in the initial handshake, and
mod_ssl is linked against OpenSSL >= 0.9.8f. [bnc#392096]
Thu May 15 14:00:00 2008
- fix build on Mandriva 2007, by escaping commented %build macro
- make filelist of man pages independant of the compression method
(gz, bz2, lzma)
Fri Apr 18 14:00:00 2008
- fix from Factory:
- remove dir /usr/share/omc/svcinfo.d as it is provided now
by filesystem
- remove obsolete httpd-2.2.x.doublefree.patch file, which isn\'t
used since quite some time since the issue is resolved.
Thu Apr 17 14:00:00 2008
- new implementation of sysconf_addword, using sed instead of ed.
Moving it from the -utils subpackage into the parent package,
where it\'s actually needed. If sysconf_addword is already present
in the system, it is preferred (by PATH). That\'s because the tool
has been integrated into aaa_base.rpm with openSUSE 11.0.
Removing the requires on the ed package. [bnc#377131]
Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 2008
- require ed package, since ed is needed by sysconf_addword, which
in turn is used by a2enmod/a2enflag
Fri Feb 29 13:00:00 2008
- better documentation how to enable SSL in /etc/sysconfig/apache2
- quickstart readme: the link to the openSUSE wiki is about to move
Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008
- add \"\" to the local access list in mod_status.conf,
because on some systems \"localhost\" seems to resolve only to IPv6
Sat Feb 2 13:00:00 2008
- upstream 2.2.8
SECURITY: CVE-2007-6421 (
mod_proxy_balancer: Correctly escape the worker route and the worker
redirect string in the HTML output of the balancer manager.
Reported by SecurityReason.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-6422 (
Prevent crash in balancer manager if invalid balancer name is passed
as parameter. Reported by SecurityReason.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-6388 (
mod_status: Ensure refresh parameter is numeric to prevent
a possible XSS attack caused by redirecting to other URLs.
Reported by SecurityReason.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-5000 (
mod_imagemap: Fix a cross-site scripting issue. Reported by JPCERT.
SECURITY: CVE-2008-0005 (
Introduce the ProxyFtpDirCharset directive, allowing the administrator
to identify a default, or specific servers or paths which list their
contents in other-than ISO-8859-1 charset (e.g. utf-8).
- Generate valid XHTML output by adding the xhtml namespace. PR 43649
- Don\'t crash when the request has no associated filename.
- Fix evaluation of If-Match
* and If-None-Match
* conditionals. PR 38034
- Adjust etag generation to produce identical results on 32-bit
and 64-bit platforms and avoid a regression with conditional PUT\'s on lock
and etag. PR 44152.
- initialise inflate-out filter correctly when the first brigade
contains no data buckets. PR 43512
- Delete temporary files if they cannot be renamed to their final
- Don\'t segfault on (unsupported) chained FilterProvider usage. PR 43956
- Add an \"if\" directive syntax to test whether an URL is
accessible, and if so, conditionally display content. This
allows a webmaster to hide a link to a private page when the
user has no access to that page.
- Try to establish a new backend LDAP connection when the
Microsoft LDAP client library returns LDAP_UNAVAILABLE, e.g.
after the LDAP server has closed the connection due to a
timeout. PR 39095
- Give callers a reference to data copied into the request pool
instead of references directly into the cache PR 43786
- Stop passing a reference to pconf around for (limited) use
during request processing, avoiding possible memory corruption
and crashes.
- Canonicalisation improvements. Add \"nocanon\" keyword to
ProxyPass, to suppress URI-canonicalisation in a reverse proxy. Also,
don\'t escape/unescape forward-proxied URLs. PR 41798, 42592
- Don\'t by default violate RFC2616 by setting Max-Forwards when
the client didn\'t send it to us. Leave that as a
configuration option. PR 16137
- Fix persistent backend connections. PR 43472
- escape error-notes correctly PR 40952
- check ProxyBlock for all blocked addresses PR 36987
- Don\'t lose bytes when a response line arrives in small chunks.
PR 40894
- Use 64K as maximum AJP packet size. This is the maximum length
we can squeeze inside the AJP message packet.
- Ignore any ajp13 flush packets received before we send the
response headers. See Tomcat PR 43478.
- Differentiate within AJP between GET and HEAD requests. PR 43060
- Do not reset lbstatus, lbfactor and lbset when starting a new
child. PR 39907
- Remove Warning headers with wrong date PR 16138
- Correctly parse all Connection headers in proxy. PR 43509
- add Via header correctly (if enabled) to response, even where
other Via headers exist. PR 19439
- Correctly forward unexpected interim (HTTP 1xx) responses from
the backend according to RFC2616. But make it configurable in
case something breaks on it. PR 16518
- strip hop-by-hop response headers PR 43455
- Propagate Proxy-Authorization header correctly. PR 25947
- Don\'t segfault on bad line in FTP listing PR 40733
- Add option to suppress URL unescaping PR 34602
- Add the novary flag to RewriteCond.
- Added a new output filter, which performs inline response
content pattern matching (including regex) and substitution.
- Fix handling of the buffered request body during a per-location
renegotiation, when an internal redirect occurs. PR 43738.
- Fix SSL client certificate extensions parsing bug. PR 44073.
- Prevent memory corruption of version string. PR 43865, 43334
- Add SeeRequestTail directive, which determines if
ExtendedStatus displays the 1st 63 characters of the request
or the last 63. Useful for those requests with large string
lengths and which only vary with the last several characters.
event MPM:
- Add support for running under mod_ssl, by reverting to the
Worker MPM behaviors, when run under an input filter that buffers
its own data.
- Fix regression in 2.2.7 in chunk filtering with massively
chunked requests.
- Lower memory consumption of ap_r
* functions by reusing the
brigade instead of recreating it during each filter pass.
- Lower memory consumption in case that flush buckets are passed
thru the chunk filter as last bucket of a brigade. PR 23567.
- Fix broken chunk filtering that causes all non blocking reads
to be converted into blocking reads. PR 19954, 41056.
- Change etag generation to produce identical results on 32-bit
and 64-bit platforms. PR 40064.
- Handle unrecognised transfer-encodings. PR 43882
- Avoid some unexpected connection closes by telling the client
that the connection is not persistent if the MPM process
handling the request is already exiting when the response
header is built.
- fix possible crash at startup in case of nonexistent
DocumentRoot. PR 39722
- http_core: OPTIONS
* no longer maps to local storage or URI
space. Note that unlike previous versions, OPTIONS
* no longer
returns an Allow: header. PR 43519
- scoreboard: improve error message on apr_shm_create failure PR
- Don\'t send spurious \"100 Continue\" response lines. PR 38014
- http_protocol:
- Escape request method in 413 error reporting. Determined to
be not generally exploitable, but a flaw in any case. PR
- Add \"DefaultType none\" option. PR 13986 and PR 16139
- Escape request method in 405 error reporting. This has no
security impact since the browser cannot be tricked into
sending arbitrary method strings.
- Various code cleanups. PR 38699, 39518, 42005, 42006, 42007, 42008, 42009
- Add explicit charset to the output of various modules to work
around possible cross-site scripting flaws affecting web
browsers that do not derive the response character set as
required by RFC2616. One of these reported by SecurityReason
- rotatelogs: Change command-line parsing to report more types
of errors. Allow local timestamps to be used when rotating based
on file size.
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2007
- fix graceful-restart. Wait until the pidfile is gone, but don\'t
wait for the parent to disappear. It stays there, after closing
the listen ports.
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2007
- use debug_package macro only on suse, because it breaks the build
on Mandriva
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2007
- don\'t configure in maintainer-mode. It not only enables compile
time warnings, but also adds AP_DEBUG into the mix which causes
enablement of debug code which is not wanted in production
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2007
- upstream 2.2.6
SECURITY: CVE-2007-3847 (
mod_proxy: Prevent reading past the end of a buffer when parsing
date-related headers. PR 41144.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-1863 (
mod_cache: Prevent a segmentation fault if attributes are listed in a
Cache-Control header without any value.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-3304 (
prefork, worker, event MPMs: Ensure that the parent process cannot
be forced to kill processes outside its process group.
SECURITY: CVE-2006-5752 (
mod_status: Fix a possible XSS attack against a site with a public
server-status page and ExtendedStatus enabled, for browsers which
perform charset \"detection\". Reported by Stefan Esser.
SECURITY: CVE-2007-1862 (
mod_mem_cache: Copy headers into longer lived storage; header names and
values could previously point to cleaned up storage. PR 41551.
- Accept path components (URL part) in Redirects. PR 35314.
- Don\'t return HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED during authorization when
LDAP authentication is configured but we haven\'t seen any
\'Require ldap-
*\' directives, allowing authorization to be passed to lower
level modules (e.g. Require valid-user) PR 43281
- Add in Type and Charset options to IndexOptions
directive. This allows the admin to explicitly set the
content-type and charset of the generated page and is therefore
a viable workaround for buggy browsers affected by CVE-2007-4465
- Remove expired content from cache that cannot be revalidated.
PR 30370.
- Do not set Date or Expires when they are missing from the
original response or are invalid.
- Correctly handle HEAD requests on expired cache content. PR
- Let Cache-Control max-age set the expiration of the cached
representation if Expires is not set.
- Allow caching of requests with query arguments when
Cache-Control max-age is explicitly specified.
- Use the same cache key throughout the whole request processing
to handle escaped URLs correctly. PR 41475.
- Add CacheIgnoreQueryString directive. PR 41484.
- While serving a cached entity ensure that filters that have
been applied to this cached entity before saving it to the
cache are not applied again. PR 40090.
- Correctly cache objects whose URL query string has been
modified by mod_rewrite. PR 40805.
mod_cgi, mod_cgid:
- Fix use of CGI scripts as ErrorDocuments. PR 39710.
- Introduce configuration groups to allow inheritance by virtual
hosts of database configurations from the main server.
Determine the minimal set of distinct configurations and share
connection pools whenever possible. Allow virtual hosts to
override inherited SQL statements. PR 41302.
- Create memory sub-pools for each DB connection and close DB
connections in a pool cleanup function. Ensure prepared
statements are destroyed before DB connection is closed. When
using reslists, prevent segfaults when child processes exit,
and stop memory leakage of ap_dbd_t structures. Avoid use of
global s->process->pool, which isn\'t destroyed by exiting
child processes in most multi-process MPMs. PR 39985.
- Handle error conditions in dbd_construct() properly. Simplify
ap_dbd_open() and use correct arguments to apr_dbd_error()
when non-threaded. Register correct cleanup data in
non-threaded ap_dbd_acquire() and ap_dbd_cacquire(). Clean up
configuration data and merge function. Use ap_log_error()
wherever possible.
- Stash DBD connections in request_config of initial request
only, or else sub-requests and internal redirections may cause
entire DBD pool to be stashed in a single HTTP request.
- don\'t try to process metadata buckets as data. what should
have been a 413 error was logged as a 500 and a blank screen
appeared at the browser.
- fix protocol handling in deflate input filter PR 23287
- Allow Vary\'d responses to be refreshed properly.
- Fix for correct dumping of traffic on EBCDIC hosts Data had
been incorrectly converted twice, resulting in garbled log
- don\'t crash on bad configuration data PR 43213
- fix integer comparisons in dispatch rules PR 41835
- fix merging of ! and = in FilterChain PR 42186
- Allow % at the end of a Header value. PR 36609.
- mod_info outputs invalid XHTML 1.0 transitional. PR 42847
- Avoid possible crashes, hangs, and busy loops due to improper
merging of the cache lock in vhost config PR 43164
- Remove the hardcoded size limit parameter for
ldap_search_ext_s and replace it with an APR_ defined value
that is set according to the LDAP SDK being used.
- Increase the minimum and default value for MCacheMinObjectSize
from 0 to 1, as a MCacheMinObjectSize of 0 does not make sense
and leads to a division by zero. PR 40576.
- preserve Query String in resolving a type map PR 33112
- mod_proxy_http: accept proxy-sendchunked/proxy-sendchunks as
synonymous. PR 43183
- Ensure that at least scheme://hostname[:port] matches between
worker and URL when searching for the best fitting worker for
a given URL. PR 40910
- Improve network performance by setting APR_TCP_NODELAY
(disable Nagle algorithm) on sockets if implemented. PR 42871
- Add a missing assignment in an error checking code path. PR 40865
- don\'t URLencode tilde in path component PR 38448
- enable Ignore Errors option on ProxyPass Status. PR 43167
- Allow to use different values for sessionid in url encoded id
and cookies. PR 41897.
- Fix the 503 returned when session route does not match any of
the balancer members.
- Added ProxyPassMatch directive, which is similar to ProxyPass
but takes a regex local path prefix.
- Print the correct error message for erroneous configured
ProxyPass directives. PR 40439.
- Fix some proxy setting inheritance problems (eg:
ProxyTimeout). PR 11540.
- proxy/ajp_header.c: Fixed header token string comparisons
Matching of header tokens failed to include the trailing NIL
byte and could misinterpret a longer header token for a
shorter. Additionally, a \"Content-Type\" comparison was made
case insensitive.
- proxy/ajp_header.c: Backport of an AJP protocol fix for EBCDIC
On EBCDIC machines, the status_line string was incorrectly
converted twice.
- avoid segfault on DNS lookup failure. PR 40756
- HTTP proxy ProxyErrorOverride: Leave 1xx and 3xx responses
alone. Only processing of error responses (4xx, 5xx) will be
altered. PR 39245.
- Don\'t try to read body of a HEAD request before responding. PR 41644
- Handle request bodies larger than 2 GB by converting the
Content-Length header of the request correctly. PR 40883.
- Fix spurious hostname mismatch warning for valid wildcard
certificates. PR 37911.
- Version reporting update; displays \'compiled against\' Apache
and build-time SSL Library versions at loglevel [info], while
reporting the run-time SSL Library version in the server info
tags. Helps to identify a mod_ssl built against one flavor of
OpenSSL but running against another (also adds SSL-C version
number reporting.)
- initialize thread locks before initializing the hardware
acceleration library, so the latter can make use of the
former. PR 20951.
- Do not replace a Date header set by a proxied backend server. PR 40232
- log core: ensure we use a special pool for stderr logging, so that
the stderr channel remains valid from the time plog is destroyed,
until the time the open_logs hook is called again.
- main core: Emit errors during the initial apr_app_initialize()
or apr_pool_create() (when apr-based error reporting is not ready).
- log core: fix the new piped logger case where we couldn\'t connect
the replacement stderr logger\'s stderr to the NULL stdout stream.
Continue in this case, since the previous alternative of no error
logging at all (/dev/null) is far worse.
- Correct a regression since 2.0.x in the handling of AllowOverride
Options. PR 41829.
- Unix MPMs: Catch SIGFPE so that exception hooks and CoreDumpDirectory
can work after that terminating signal.
- mod_so: Provide more helpful LoadModule feedback when an error occurs.
- mime.types: Many updates to sync with IANA registry and common
unregistered types that the owners refuse to register. Admins
are encouraged to update their installed mime.types file. PR:
35550, 37798, 39317, 31483
- mime.types: add Registered Javascript/ECMAScript MIME types
(RFC4329) PR 40299
- htdbm: Enable crypt support on platforms with crypt() but not
, such as z/OS.
- ab.c: Correct behavior of HTTP request headers sent by ab in
presence of -H command-line overrides. PR 31268, 26554.
- ab.c: The apr_port_t type is unsigned, but ab was using a
signed format code in its reports. PR 42070.
- drop obsolete patches apache2-mod_cache-CVE-2007-1863.patch
Mon Sep 3 14:00:00 2007
- get_module_list: replace loadmodule.conf atomically [bnc #214863]
Sat Sep 1 14:00:00 2007
- /etc/init.d/apache2: implement restart-graceful, stop-graceful
Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2007
- update mod_dbd to trunk version (r571441)
* apr_dbd_check_conn() just returns APR_SUCCESS or
APR_EGENERAL, so we don\'t actually have a driver-specific value
to pass to apr_dbd_error(), but that\'s OK because most/all
drivers just ignore this value anyway
Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2007
- replace httpd-2.2.3-AddDirectoryIndexCharset.patch with the upstream
solution, httpd-2.2.4-mod_autoindex-charset-r570962.patch [#153557]
(backport from 2.2.6)
* Merge r570532, r570535, r570558 from trunk:
IndexOptions ContentType=text/html Charset=UTF-8 magic.
This means that the AddDirectoryIndexCharset is no longer
available. Instead, IndexOptions Charset=xyz can be used.
Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2007
- remove libexpat-devel in the build service version of the package
- apply apache2-mod_cache-CVE-2007-1863.patch (patch 152) in the
buildservice package
- don\'t apply mod_dbd.c-issue18989-autoconnect.dif, since it
patches only modules/database/mod_dbd.c which is replaced with
trunk version anyway
Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2007
- Bug 289996 - VUL-0: mod_status XSS in public server status page
- Bug 289997 - VUL-0: apache2: mod_cache remote denial of service
Wed Jul 18 14:00:00 2007
- split off apache2-utils subpackage, containing all helper tools that
are useful for system administrators in general (b.n.c. #272292 and
FATE #302059)
Thu Mar 29 14:00:00 2007
- add zlib-devel to BuildRequires
Fri Mar 23 13:00:00 2007
- add mod_dbd.c from trunk (r512038), the version we run ourselves
- add mod_dbd.c-issue18989-autoconnect.dif, but disabled. It
applies to 2.2.4 mod_dbd.c but not to the trunk version
- build mod_version
- fix documentation link in apache2-httpd.conf
Tue Mar 20 13:00:00 2007
- add firewall file for ssl (#246929)
Mon Mar 19 13:00:00 2007
- Apache - Support for FATE #300687: Ports for SuSEfirewall added
via packages (#246929)
Fri Jan 26 13:00:00 2007
- the QUICKSTART Readmes have been moved to
Mon Jan 22 13:00:00 2007
- point out better in README.QUICKSTART.SSL that a vhost needs to
be created
- updated email addresses (now there is
Sat Jan 20 13:00:00 2007
- add httpd-2.2.x.doublefree.patch, backport of
Thu Jan 18 13:00:00 2007
- create debuginfo package in the buildservice
Fri Jan 12 13:00:00 2007
- change path to service cml document (fate #301708)
Tue Jan 9 13:00:00 2007
- upstream 2.2.4
- Add an AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute directive. If set,
REMOTE_USER will be set to this attribute, rather than the
username supplied by the user. Useful for example when you
want users to log in using an email address, but need to
supply a userid instead to the backend.
- From RFC3986 (section 6.2.3.) if a URI contains an authority
component and an empty path, the empty path is to be
equivalent to \"/\". It explicitly cites the following four URIs
as equivalents:
- Eliminate a bogus error in the log when a filter returns
- Don\'t cache requests with a expires date in the past;
otherwise mod_cache will always try to cache the URL. This bug
might lead to numerous rename() errors on win32 if the URL was
previously cached.
mod_cgi and mod_cgid:
- Don\'t use apr_status_t error return from input filters as HTTP
return value from the handler. PR 31579.
- share per-request database handles across subrequests and
internal redirects
- key connection pools to virtual hosts correctly even when
ServerName is unset/unavailable
- Rework inflate output and deflate output filter to fix several
issues: Incorrect handling of flush buckets, potential memory
leaks, excessive memory usage in inflate output filter for
large compressed content. PR 39854.
- Make sure that only positive integers are accepted for the
CacheMaxFileSize and CacheMinFileSize parameters in the config
file. PR39380.
- Allow mod_dumpio to log at other than DEBUG levels via the new
DumpIOLogLevel directive.
- Fix precedence problem in if statement. PR 40658.
- Handle filter names which include capital letters. PR 40323.
- Support regexp-based editing of HTTP headers.
- Fix precedence problem in if statement. PR 40656.
- Memory leak fix: Unconditionally free the buffer.
- Convert mod_mem_cache to use APR memory pool functions by
creating a root pool for object persistence across requests.
This also eliminates the need for custom serialization code.
- Don\'t try to use dead backend connection. PR 37770.
- Add explicit flushing feature. When Servlet container sends
AJP body message with size 0, this means that Servlet
container has asked for an explicit flush. Create flush bucket
in that case. This feature has been added to the recent Tomcat
versions without breaking the AJP protocol.
- Close connection to backend if reading of request body fails.
PR 40310.
- Added cping/cpong support for the AJP protocol. A new worker
directive ping=timeout will cause CPING packet to be send
expecting CPONG packet within defined timeout. In case the
backend is too busy this will fail instead sending the full
- Workers can now be defined as part of a balancer cluster \"set\"
in which members of a lower-numbered set are preferred over
higher numbered ones.
- Workers can now be defined as \"hot standby\" which will only be
used if all other workers are unusable (eg: in error or
disabled). Also, the balancer-manager displays the election
count and I/O counts of all workers.
- Retry worker chosen by route / redirect worker if it is in
error state before sending \"Service Temporarily Unavailable\".
PR 38962.
- Extract stickysession routing information contained as
parameter in the URL correctly. PR 40400.
- Set the new environment variable BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED if a
worker with a route different from the one supplied by the
client had been chosen or if the client supplied no routing
information for a balancer with sticky sessions.
- Add information about the route, the sticky session and the
worker used during a request as environment variables. PR
- Fix issue which could cause piped loggers to be orphaned and
never terminate after a graceful restart. PR 40651.
- Fix address-in-use startup failure caused by corruption of the
list of listen sockets in some configurations with multiple
generic Listen directives.
- Fix NONBLOCK status of listening sockets on restart/graceful
PR 37680.
- Deal with the widespread use of apr_status_t return values as
HTTP status codes, as documented in PR#31759 (a bug shared by
the default handler, mod_cgi, mod_cgid, mod_proxy, and
probably others). PR31759.
- The full server version information is now included in the
error log at startup as well as server status reports,
irrespective of the setting of the ServerTokens directive.
ap_get_server_version() is now deprecated, and is replaced by
ap_get_server_banner() and ap_get_server_description().
- Allow htcacheclean, httxt2dbm, and fcgistarter to link
apr/apr-util statically like the older support programs.
- Better detection and clean up of ldap connection that has been
terminated by the ldap server. PR 40878.
- rotatelogs: Improve error message for open failures. PR
Mon Jan 8 13:00:00 2007
- Apache XML Service Description Document (fate #301708)
Thu Dec 21 13:00:00 2006
- add patch to add charset=utf-8 to directory listings generated by
mod_autoindex, and add a directive to allow overriding the
charset (testing, needs to be discussed with upstream) [#153557]
Wed Dec 20 13:00:00 2006
- set a proper HOME (/var/lib/apache2), otherwise the server might
end up HOME=/root and some script might try to use that [#132769]
- add two notes to the QUICKSTART readmes
- don\'t install /etc/apache2/extra configuration since this is only
serving as an example and installed with the documentation anyway
Tue Sep 26 14:00:00 2006
- add rpm macro for suexec_safepath
- use _bindir/_sbindir in a few places [#202355]
- remove unused /sbin/conf.d directory from build root
Thu Aug 31 14:00:00 2006
- Enable fatal exception hook for use by diagnostic modules.
Tue Aug 29 14:00:00 2006
- move some binaries, where calling by users makes sense (dbmmanage
htdbm htdigest htpasswd), from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin [#140133]
Wed Aug 9 14:00:00 2006
- upstream 2.2.3
|SECURITY: CVE-2006-3747 (
| mod_rewrite: Fix an off-by-one security problem in the ldap scheme
| handling. For some RewriteRules this could lead to a pointer being
| written out of bounds. Reported by Mark Dowd of McAfee.
| mod_authn_alias: Add a check to make sure that the base provider and the
| alias names are different and also that the alias has not been registered
| before. PR 40051.
| mod_authnz_ldap: Fix a problem with invalid auth error detection for LDAP
| client SDKs that don\'t support the LDAP_SECURITY_ERROR macro. PR 39529.
| mod_autoindex: Fix filename escaping with FancyIndexing disabled.
| PR 38910.
| mod_cache:
| - Make caching of reverse SSL proxies possible again. PR 39593.
| - Do not overwrite the Content-Type in the cache, for
| successfully revalidated cached objects. PR 39647.
| mod_charset_lite: Bypass translation when the source and dest charsets
| are the same.
| mod_dbd: Fix dependence on virtualhost configuration in
| defining prepared statements (possible segfault at startup
| in user modules such as mod_authn_dbd).
| mod_mem_cache: Set content type correctly when delivering data from
| cache. PR 39266.
| mod_speling: Add directive to deal with case corrections only
| and ignore other misspellings
| miscellaneous:
| - Add optional \'scheme://\' prefix to ServerName directive,
| allowing correct determination of the canonical server URL
| for use behind a proxy or offload device handling SSL;
| fixing redirect generation in those cases. PR 33398.
| - Added server_scheme field to server_rec for above. Minor MMN bump.
| - Worker MPM: On graceless shutdown or restart, send signals
| to each worker thread to wake them up if they\'re polling on
| a Keep-Alive connection. PR 38737.
| - worker and event MPMs: fix excessive forking if fork() or
| child_init take a long time. PR 39275.
| - Respect GracefulShutdownTimeout in the worker and event MPMs.
| - configure: Add \"--with-included-apr\" flag to force use of
| the bundled version of APR at build time.
Tue Jul 4 14:00:00 2006
- a2enmod, a2enflag: add /usr/sbin to PATH so sysconf_addword is