Changelog for dolfin-openmpi-devel-2017.1.0-16.4.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Oct 11 14:00:00 2017
- add boost-version-fix.patch since FindBoost.cmake from cmake package
isn\'t new enough for our boost-devel package on tumbleweed

Fri Sep 8 14:00:00 2017
- update to upstream release 2017.1.0 (2017-05-09)

* Refactor PETScLUSolver to use functionality from
PETScKrylovSolver. Simplify interface for solving transposed
systems. Fixes #815.

* Switch default Python version to Python 3. Use
`-DDOLFIN_USE_PYTHON3=off` to build with Python 2.

* Remove redundant ``solve_transpose`` functions (use solve with bool
argument instead)

* Remove OpenMpAsssmebler

* Remove MPI communicator as argument in GenericVector::init functions
(communicator should be passed via constructor)

* Remove ``Function::operator[+-
*/]`` to prevent memory corruption problems
(does not affect Python interface)

* Fix XDMF3 output of time series. The default output method is now to assume
that all functions have different meshes, and that the meshes change from
time step to time step. Two parameters control the output, one limits each
function to only one mesh for the whole time series, turn off the default
on parameter ``rewrite_function_mesh`` to enable this. You can also make
all functions share the same mesh and time series, which currently is better
supported in Paraview than the alternative, turn on ``functions_share_mesh``
for this. These two parameters can also be combined in case all functions
share the same mesh at all time steps. This creates minimal size files.

* Add ``PETScSNESSolver`` and ``PETScTAOSolver`` constructor accepting
both communicator and type

* Expression(\"f[0]
*f[1]\", f=obj) notation now supported for non-scalar
GenericFunction obj

* Expression(\"f\", f=obj) notation now supports obj of MeshFunction types
(only cell based)

* Fix MPI deadlock in case of instant compilation failure

* Allow using ``Timer`` as context manager and add ``timed`` decorator
to measure timings of functions and methods

* Add ``NonlinearProblem::J_pc`` and support preconditioning matrix in
``NewtonSolver``, ``PETScSNESSolver`` and ``PETScTAOSolver``
- refreshed python3-fixes.patch for compilation fixes with python3
- removed cmake-check-boostversion-163.patch (not needed due to upstream changes)

Fri Apr 14 14:00:00 2017
- build using vtk-compat_gl-devel because not all systems have brand
new graphics supporting OpenGL version 3.2
- more fixes for running scripts with python3
- require cmake >= 3.5 as reported by the CMakeLists.txt

Wed Mar 8 13:00:00 2017
- Update to upstream release 2016.2.0 [2016-11-30]

* Updates to XDMFFile interface, now fully supporting MeshFunction and
MeshValueCollection with multiple named datasets in one file (useful for
volume/boundary markers). Time series now only when a time is explicitly
specified for each step. Full support for ASCII/XML XDMF.

* Improved X3DOM support

* Improved detection of UFC

* Add CMake option `-DDOLFIN_USE_PYTHON3` to create a Python 3 build

* Require CMake version 3.5 or higher

* Add pylit to generate demo doc from rst

* More careful checks of Dirichlet BC function spaces

* Change definition of FunctionSpace::component()

* Adaptive solving now works for tensor-valued unknowns

* Improve logging of PETSc errors; details logged at level TRACE
release 2016.1.0 [2016-06-23]

* Remove support for \'uint\'-valued MeshFunction (replaced by \'size_t\')

* Major performance improvements and simplifications of the XDMF IO.

* Remove Zoltan graph partitioning interface

* Add new algorithm for computing mesh entiites. Typical speed-up of
two with gcc and four with clang. Reduced memory usage for meshes
with irregularly numbered cells.

* Remove STLMatrix, STLVector, MUMPSLUSolver and PastixLUSolver

* Remove PETScPreconditioner::set_near_nullspace and add

* Build system updates for VTK 7.0

* Remove XDMF from File interface. XDMF is XML based, and has many
possibilities for file access, which are not accessible through the
limited File interface and \"<<\" \">>\" operators. Instead of File, use
XDMFFile, and use and XDMFFile.write() for
I/O. Demos and tests have been updated to show usage. XDMF now also
supports ASCII I/O in serial, useful for compatibility with users
who do not have the HDF5 library available.

* Require polynomial degree or finite element for Expressions in the
Python interface (fixes Issue #355,

* Switch to Google Test framwork for C++ unit tests

* Fix bug when reading domain data from mesh file for a ghosted mesh

* Add interface for manipulating mesh geometry using (higher-order) FE
functions: free functions set_coordinates, get_coordinates,

* Fix bug when reading domain data from mesh file for a ghosted mesh.

* Remove reference versions of constructors for many classes that
store a pointer/reference to the object passed to the
constructor. This is an intrusive interface change for C++ users,
but necessary to improve code maintainabilty and to improve memory
safety. The Python interface is (virtually) unaffected.

* Remove class SubSpace. Using FunctionSpace::sub(...) instead

* Remove reference versions constructors of NonlinearVariationalSolver

* Remove setting of bounds from NonlinearVariationalSolver (was
already available through NonlinearVariationalProblem)

* Update Trilinos support to include Amesos2, and better support from

* Rewrite interface of TensorLayout and SparsityPattern;
local-to-global maps now handled using new IndexMap class;
GenericSparsityPattern class removed

* Remove QT (was an optional dependency)

* PETScTAOSolver::solve() now returns a pair of number of iterations
(std::size_t) and whether iteration converged (bool)

* Better quality refinement in 2D in Plaza algorithm, by choosing
refinement pattern based on max/min edge ratio

* Removed refine_cell() method in CellTypes

* Enable marker refinement to work in parallel for 1D meshes too

* Add std::abort to Python exception hook to avoid parallel deadlocks

* Extend dof_to_vertex_map with unowned dofs, thus making
dof_to_vertex_map an inverse of vertex_to_dof_map

* Clean-up in PyDOLFIN function space design, issue #576

* Deprecate MixedFunctionSpace and EnrichedFunctionSpace in favour of
initialization by suitable UFL element

* Add experimental matplotlib-based plotting backend, see mplot demo

* Remove method argument of DirichletBC::get_boundary_values()

* Change return types of free functions adapt() to shared_ptr
- added python3-fixes.patch for compilation fixes with python3
- added cmake-check-boostversion-163.patch to fix finding boost-devel == 1.63

Tue Oct 6 14:00:00 2015
- removed unneeded patch
cmake-swig-output.patch (fixed upstream)
- fix build on Tumbleweed by disabling QT4
vtk on Tumbleweed uses QT5 so we can\'t build with QT4 too

Thu Oct 1 14:00:00 2015
- add build dependency on arpack-ng/parpack and trlan as SLEPc requires them
in SLEPcConfig.cmake

Fri Sep 25 14:00:00 2015
- remove deprecated Requires: python(abi) == %{py_ver}
- update version to 1.6.0 [2015-07-28]

* Remove redundant pressure boundary condition in Stokes demos

* Require Point in RectangleMesh and BoxMesh constructors

* Remove BinaryFile (TimeSeries now requires HDF5)

* Add (highly experimental) support for Tpetra matrices and
vectors from Trilinos, interfacing to Belos, Amesos2, IfPack2 and

* Enable (highly experimental) support for Quadrilateral and Hexahedral meshes,
including some I/O, but no assembly yet.

* Enable UMFPACK and CHOLMOD solvers with Eigen backend

* Add an MPI_Comm to logger, currently defaulted to MPI_COMM_WORLD
allowing better control over output in parallel

* Experimental output of quadratic geometry in XDMF files,
allows more exact visualisation of P2 Functions

* Remove GenericMatrix::compressed (see Issue #61)

* Deprecate and PETScKryloveSolver::set_nullspace() and add

* Remove uBLAS backend

* Remove UmfpackLUSolver and CholmodSolver

* Add EigenMatrix/Vector::data()

* Remove GenericMatrix/Vector::data() and GenericMatrix/Vector::data()
(to use backends that support data(), cast first to backend type, e.g.
A = A.as_backend_type()

* Remove cmake.local, replaced by

* Make interior facet integrals define - and + cells ordered by cell_domains

* Remove deprecated arguments
*_domains from assemble() and Form().

* Change measure definition notation from dx[mesh_function] to

* Set locale to \"C\" before reading from file

* Change GenericDofMap::cell_dofs return type from const std::vector<..>&
to ArrayView

* Add ArrayView class for views into arrays

* Change fall back linear algebra backend to Eigen

* Add Eigen linear algebra backend

* Remove deprecated GenericDofMap::geometric_dim function (fixes Issue #443)

* Add quadrature rules for multimesh/cut-cell integration up to order 6

* Implement MPI reductions and XML ouput of Table class

* list_timings() is now collective and returns MPI average across processes

* Add dump_timings_to_xml()

* Add enum TimingType { wall, user, system } for selecting wall-clock,
user and system time in timing routines

* Bump required SWIG version to 3.0.3

* Increase default maximum iterations in NewtonSolver to 50.

* Deprecate Python free function homogenize(bc) in favour of member
function DirichletBC::homogenize()
- refreshed dolfin-1.1.0-suitesparse.patch

Thu Sep 24 14:00:00 2015
- serial build isn\'t possible due to vtk-devel unconditionally requiring MPI

Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- Finally the correct patch after all

* added cmake-swig-output.patch for openSUSE > 13.2 (boo#874885)

* removed cmake-prevent-double-underscore.patch

Mon Feb 9 13:00:00 2015
- refresh cmake-prevent-double-underscore.patch with better logic

Sat Feb 7 13:00:00 2015
- add a patch to make sure the python modules don\'t have an extra _
in their names with cmake 3.1.1, which makes them fail to load

Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2015
- Change dependency from python-ScientificPython to python-sympy

Thu Jan 15 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 1.5.0

* DG demos working is parallel

* Simplify re-use of LU factorisations

* CMake 3 compatibility

* Make underlying SLEPc object accessible

* Full support for linear algebra backends with 64-bit integers

* Add smoothed aggregation AMG elasticity demo

* Add support for slepc4py

* Some self-assignment fixes in mesh data structures

* Deprecated GenericDofMap::geometric_dimension()

* Experimental support for ghosted meshes (overlapping region in parallel)

* Significant memory reduction in dofmap storage

* Re-write dofmap construction with significant performance and scaling
improvements in parallel

* Switch to local (process-wise) indexing for dof indices

* Support local (process-wise) indexing in linear algerbra backends

* Added support for PETSc 3.5, require version >= 3.3

* Exposed DofMap::tabulate_local_to_global_dofs,
MeshEntity::sharing_processes in Python

* Added GenericDofmap::local_dimension(\"all\"|\"owned\"|\"unowned\")

* Added access to SLEPc or slepc4py EPS object of SLEPcEigenSolver
(requires slepc4py version >= 3.5.1)

* LinearOperator can now be accessed using petsc4py

* Add interface (PETScTAOSolver) for the PETSc nonlinear (bound-constrained)
optimisation solver (TAO)

* Add GenericMatrix::nnz() function to return number of nonzero
entries in matrix (fixes #110)

* Add smoothed aggregation algerbraic multigrid demo for elasticity

* Add argument \'function\' to project, to store the result into a preallocated

* Remove CGAL dependency and mesh generation, now provided by mshr

* Python 2.7 required

* Add experimental Python 3 support. Need swig version 3.0.3 or later

* Move to py.test, speed up unit tests and make tests more robust in parallel

* Repeated initialization of PETScMatrix is now an error

* MPI interface change: num_processes -> size, process_number -> rank

* Add optional argument project(..., function=f), to avoid superfluous

* Remove excessive printing of points during extrapolation

* Clean up DG demos by dropping restrictions of Constants: c(\'+\') -> c

* Fix systemassembler warning when a and L both provide the same subdomain

* Require mesh instead of cell argument to FacetArea, FacetNormal,
CellSize, CellVolume, SpatialCoordinate, Circumradius,
MinFacetEdgeLength, MaxFacetEdgeLength

* Remove argument reset_sparsity to assemble()

* Simplify assemble() and Form() signature: remove arguments mesh,
coefficients, function_spaces, common_cell. These are now
all found by inspecting the UFL form

* Speed up assembly of forms with multiple integrals depending on
different functions, e.g. f
*dx(1) + g

* Handle accessing of GenericVectors using numpy arrays in python layer
instead of in hard-to-maintain C++ layer

* Add support for mpi groups in jit-compilation

* Make access to HDFAttributes more dict like

* Add 1st and 2nd order Rush Larsen schemes for the PointIntegralSolver

* Add vertex assembler for PointIntegrals

* Add support for assembly of custom_integral

* Add support for multimesh assembly, function spaces, dofmaps and functions

* Fix to Cell-Point collision detection to prevent Points inside the mesh
from falling between Cells due to rounding errors

* Enable reordering of cells and vertices in parallel via SCOTCH and the
Giibs-Poole-Stockmeyer algorithm

* Efficiency improvements in dof assignment in parallel, working on HPC up to
24000 cores

* Introduction of PlazaRefinement methods based on refinement of the Mesh
skeleton, giving better quality refinement in 3D in parallel

* Basic support for \'ghost cells\' allowing integration over interior facets in

Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2014
- update to version 1.4.0

* Feature: Add set_diagonal (with GenericVector) to GenericMatrix

* Fix many bugs associated with cell orientations on manifolds

* Force all global dofs to be ordered last and to be on the last process
in parallel

* Speed up dof reordering of mixed space including global dofs by removing
the latter from graph reordering

* Force all dofs on a shared facet to be owned by the same process

* Add FEniCS (\'fenics\') Python module, identical with DOLFIN Python module

* Add function Form::set_some_coefficients()

* Remove Boost.MPI dependency

* Change GenericMatrix::compresss to return a new matrix (7be3a29)

* Add function GenericTensor::empty()

* Deprecate resizing of linear algebra via the GenericFoo interfaces
(fixes #213)

* Deprecate MPI::process_number() in favour of MPI::rank(MPI_Comm)

* Use PETSc built-in reference counting to manage lifetime of wrapped PETSc

* Remove random access function from MeshEntityIterator (fixes #178)

* Add support for VTK 6 (fixes #149)

* Use MPI communicator in interfaces. Permits the creation of distributed and
local objects, e.g. Meshes.

* Reduce memory usage and increase speed of mesh topology computation
- Removed backport patch, vtk-6 support is now in released version

* dolfin-1.3-vtk-6-enable.patch

Sun Jan 26 13:00:00 2014
- backport vtk-6 support from upstream, otherwise no visualisation:

* dolfin-1.3-vtk-6-enable.patch
- corrected installation path due to failing compilation of demo files

Mon Jan 13 13:00:00 2014
- update to version 1.3.0
changelog available only in upstream git repository

Tue Jun 25 14:00:00 2013
- Activate features by using optional modules
CGAL for geometry manipulation
HDF5 format support in parallel
SLEPc support for eigenvalues
- Cleanup spec file

Mon Jun 24 14:00:00 2013
- update to version 1.2.0

* Fixes bug where child/parent hierarchy in Python were destroyed

* Add utility script dolfin-get-demos

* MeshFunctions in python now support iterable protocol

* Expose ufc::dofmap::tabulate_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface

* Expose ufc::dofmap::num_entity_dofs to GenericDofMap interface

* Allow setting of row dof coordinates in preconditioners (only works with PETSc backed for now)

* Expose more PETSc/ML parameters

* Improve speed to tabulating coordinates in some DofMap functions

* Feature: Add support for passing a Constant as default value to a CompiledExpression

* Fix bug in dimension check for 1-D ALE

* Remove some redundant graph code

* Improvements in speed of parallel dual grapj builder

* Fix bug in XMDF output for cell-based Functions

* Fixes for latest version of clang compiler

* LocalSolver class added to efficiently solve cell-wise problems

* New implementation of periodic boundary conditions. Now incorporated into the dofmap

* Optional arguments to assemblers removed

* SymmetricAssembler removed

* Domains for assemblers can now only be attached to forms

* SubMesh can now be constructed without a CellFunction argument, if the MeshDomain contains marked celldomains.

* MeshDomains are propagated to a SubMesh during construction

* Simplify generation of a MeshFunction from MeshDomains: No need to call mesh_function with mesh

* Rename dolfin-config.cmake to DOLFINConfig.cmake

* Use CMake to configure JIT compilation of extension modules

* Feature: Add vertex_to_dof_map to DofMap, which map vertex indices to dolfin dofs

* Feature: Add support for solving on m dimensional meshes embedded in n >= m dimensions

Fri Mar 1 13:00:00 2013
- add missing petsc-devel in build requirements
- remove unneeded patch dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-scotch.patch
- disable hdf5 support on serial version due to build failure
- add explicit configure flags to disable support for libs
we don\'t want or which are not available

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013
- add parallel openmpi packages
- add patches in order to fix thirdparty libs detection

* dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-hdf5.patch

* dolfin-1.1.0-cmake-find-scotch.patch

Mon Jan 28 13:00:00 2013
- update to version 1.1.0

* Changelog to long see ChangeLog file for a full list
- update patch dolfin-1.1.0-suitesparse.patch
- remove patch dolfin-1.0.0-petsc-3.3.patch not needed anymore

Sun Oct 14 14:00:00 2012
- recompile pyc files of python modules to avoid presence of
rpm build root
- remove remaining duplicates files

Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2012
- Buildrequires openmpi-devel
- use fdupes for doc duplicated files

Tue Sep 25 14:00:00 2012
- fix build with recent petsc thanks to patch0
- fix suitesparse detection and linking thanks to patch1
- build sphinx documentation

Sat Sep 22 14:00:00 2012
- first package