Changelog for
xf86-input-joystick-devel-1.6.3-18.5.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Nov 19 13:00:00 2016
- Update to version 1.6.3:
This release supports the X server 1.19.
Fri Jul 31 14:00:00 2015
- Ignore absence of udevadm, it won\'t be present in the build env.
Fri Jan 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 1.6.2:
+ jast_axis: tune accelerated axis transformation to better work
with circular axis fields (fdo#42399).
+ backend_evdev: fix scaling overflow for high resolution axes
+ Replace deprecated Automake INCLUDES variable with AM_CPPFLAGS.
+ configure: enable debug output code by default.
+ config:
- Warning in default xorg.conf.d snippet: do not enable by
- Mention use cases for when to use the module and when not to.
+ man:
- More manpage tuning and polishing.
- Mention use cases for when to use the module and when not to.
- Some typos and grammar fixes.
- Point out that the joystick module is not a joystick driver.
+ Silence compiler warnings.
Thu Apr 19 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.6.1:
+ Copy pInfo->driver to option list to fix hotplugging of
keyboard device
+ unify capitalization of joystick properties
+ Return proper default for unknown values in
- Use %x11_abi_xinput_req instead of static ABI Requires.
Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012
- Split xf86-input-joystick from xorg-x11-driver-input.
Initial version: 1.6.0.