Changelog for plasmoid-workflow-0.4.1-2.41.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Mar 24 13:00:00 2013
- v0.4.1
+ dropped support for Plasma IconItem in order to maintain compatibility with Plasma Desktop 4.9

Thu Mar 21 13:00:00 2013
- v0.4.0
+ added support for the kwin script :)
+ added dbus interface(workarea manager) for synchronization between the plasmoid and the kwin script
+ added support for multiple backgrounds when the user chooses different widgets in every Virtual Desktop
+ changed behavior with Virtual Desktops. Virtual Desktops are not forced to follow Workareas settings. The workarea manager trys to handle every situation
+ changed the shortcuts become globally available through the workarea manager
+ changed the appearance of About Dialog in order to be more scalable
+ improved hover appearance in panel
+ various bug fixes

Thu Feb 21 13:00:00 2013
- v0.3.0
+ Change the plasmoid to clean qml plasmoid
+ added / created workareas data engine
+ added Order activities but dragging them in unlocked state
+ added global hotkeys to go to next/previous ordered activity
+ added Keyboard navigation, use your keyboard to navigate through Activities and Workareas
+ added Filtering for Windows, The user can use the following shotcuts (Ctrl+F , /)
+ added a 4th state for windows (sameWorkareas - a window exists in all same Workrareas(position) for all Activities)
+ added use Ctrl+Wheel to zoom-in / out
+ added feature, window preview can be dragged in Calibration Dialog
+ added feature, disable the default background and use plasma theme settings.
+ added a disable state for Everywhere Panel, the bottom panel is hidden and allActivities windows appear in all the Workareas
+ fixed not altering the default kde behavior for windows.
+ fixed the shortcut issue (it couldnt be saved from the configuration dialog)
+ fixed zoom responsiveness
+ fixed not showing windows in one desktop case
+ dropped built-in tooltips and use the plasma default one
+ dropped themes support (they werent themes just aliases)
+ dropped add widgets feature

Sun Jan 6 13:00:00 2013
- v0.2.2
+ window previews when the plasmoid is in the panel
+ use the current activity\'s icon in the panel (you can enable it from the configuration dialog)
+ Tooltip for the plasmoid when used in the panel
+ new zoom slider
+ delete activity button moved to the stopped activities
+ various bug fixes

Thu Aug 23 14:00:00 2012
- Drop some un-needed deps, simplify packaging

Mon Aug 20 14:00:00 2012
- this is possible the first beta release. Almost all the pieces are

Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2012
- initial Release

* this is a preparation for 0.2 version